Bali Youth Event Cover Note Updated

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Dear youth partners,

We have the pleasure to inform you that the 6th Forum of the United Nations
Alliance of Civilizations will take place in Bali, Indonesia, on 29 and 30 Auust
20!". The theme of the Forum will be Unit# in $iversit#% Cele&ratin $iversit# for
Common and 'hared (alues.
This Forum will bring together participants including youth, political and corporate
leaders, civil society activists, representatives of faith communities, ournalists, etc. to
work together and agree on oint actions to improve relations across cultures and
religions and build a lasting peace.
A total of !00 #outh from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds and with
outstanding track records in intercultural dialogue and youth work will be selected as
participants of the !outh "vent which will take place on 2) Auust 20!". # total of "0
*laces +ill &e allocated to international *artici*ants and 60 *laces +ill &e
allocated to Indonesian *artici*ants.
The topic of the !outh "vent will focus on ,he -ole of .outh in /romotin 0Unit# in
$iversit#1 throuh 2ducation, 3edia, and 3iration14 $articipants selected for the
!outh "vent will oin other participants to the %
&'#() Forum on *+ and ,- #ugust
The !outh "vent will be out*ut5oriented and will focus on collective reflection rather
than on presentations of individual proects implemented by youth organi0ations at the
event. 1n addition, it will help youth establish contacts, actively e2change and e2plore
how they can collaborate together, before and after the Forum. !outh will be invited to
multiply the results of the !outh "vent and the Forum after they return home. The
tentative *roram of the .outh 2vent and the 6
UNA6C Forum will be available on3
line in 4uly *-./.
,he Indonesian overnment is offering some su**ort for the !00 #outh
re*resentatives wishing to attend the &'#() Forum in 5ali. 6ore details below.
For international *artici*ants%
)overed by host7 1nternational airfare 8round trip ticket, departure from the capital only,
economy class, most direct route, no changes on route or dates possible9,
accommodation 8shared accommodation with other participants of the same gender9,
local meals on *:, *+ and ,- #ugust *-./, as well as local transportation 8shuttle bus9.
)overed by participants7 Transportation to and from the capital airport in the country of
residence is to be covered by the participants. $articipants are also responsible for
obtaining necessary visas for 1ndonesia as well as transit visas. $articipants will need to
cover all visa related costs 8fees, pictures, mailing, local transportation needed to obtain
any of these visas9. $articipants must obtain their own travel and medical insurance for
their stay in 5ali. $articipants also need to possess ade;uate money for incidental
e2penses such as phone calls, meals outside of the Forum venue, souvenirs, ta2is, etc.
For Indonesian *artici*ants%
)overed by host7 #irfare 8round trip ticket, departure from the closest domestic airport,
economy class, most direct route, no changes on route or dates possible9,
accommodation 8shared accommodation with other participants of the same gender9,
local meals on *:, *+ and ,- #ugust *-./, as well as local transportation 8shuttle bus9.
)overed by participants7 $articipants need to possess ade;uate money for incidental
e2penses such as phone calls, meals outside of the Forum venue, souvenirs, ta2is, etc.
For these !00 *laces at the !outh "vent, eligibility criteria are as follows7
Ae% applicants are between the ages of .: years old and ,- years old at the time of
the !outh "vent.
6ranization% applicants are members of non3government and non3for3profit youth3
led organi0ations 8organi0ations led by youth for the benefit of youth9, or have
e2perience in youth activities. 6andate of the youth organi0ation or youth activities is
related to the &'#()<s obectives.
2nlish% applicants have a good command of "nglish is re;uired to take part in the
%th &'#() !outh "vent and Forum.
1f you meet the elii&ilit# criteria, please complete the attached A**lication Form4
The application deadline is !!%79 /3 8Ne+ .or9 time: on 30 ;une 20!". #ny
application received after this time will not be considered. =end your application to
The selection of participants will be done according to the following criteria7
Interest% #pplicant is highly motivated to attend and will substantively contribute to
the !outh "vent, as well as to the %th &'#() Forum 8,? points9@
2<*osure% The applicant has shown past e2perience related to the &'#()
issuesAfocusing on cross3cultural dialogue 8,- points9@
Im*act% The applicant and hisAher organi0ation have the capacity to disseminate the
results of the %th &'#() Forum back to the youth community 8e.g. access to a
large network of youth or youth organi0ations at a local level9 8,? points9@
/lease note that there are onl# !00 *laces for the .outh 2vent and that
*artici*ation is solel# &ased on this a**lication *rocess4
=hould you have ;uestions about the content of this message, please do not hesitate to
contact us at bali>
The Youth Event organization team

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