Ack - Receipt of Thithi Due Date Reminder

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Ack - Receipt of thithi due date reminder


Kartha ID: KA00202
Pk Id : !20"2

The Secretary

Sri Ananda Vinayakar Charitable Foundation - (Madhya Kaila!
"# Sardar Patel $oad# Tharamani Pot# Chennai - %&&""'(
(P! &)) - **'+&,+- . **'&&-'% . **)/%")"( 0-mail Id: mk1kyack2madhyakaila(com

Dear Sir#
I hereby ackno3led4e - under my i4nature a the Kartha - the recei1t o5 your 5irt thithi
due date reminder 5or the 6 0ndo3ment bai 1ithru kattalai 6# intituted by me under the
re4itration number mentioned abo7e(
I note that the thithi i due 5or 1er5ormance in memory o5 my 8uband Sri(9A$A:A9A9#
on *,.&+.*&") (May! - ;edneday - that corre1ond to Vai4Ai . Krihna . AmA7Aai o5
<=aya (*&")-*&"+! - Vai4Ai - ")< a 1er <Aal *, 9o Sudhdha Vakkiya (Paambu!
Panchaan4am(< bein4 re5erred to by your 5oundation(

Thankin4 you#

?Si4nature o5 Kartha@

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