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@*AB+C62 8and news & updaLes
8%6+2 Monday, !une 9, 2014 3:11:47 M LasLern uayllghL 1lme
D7">2 lranco Leal Carlos
="2 Carlos lranco Leal
EE2 vlgue Mlchael, van uora kaLhleen
FEE2 2014-13 8CPS 8and & Color Cuard
924 58
Street South
Gulfport, FL 33707

uear parenLs and sLudenLs,
1hank you very much for Laklng Lhe Llme Lo come Lo our lce breaker rehearsal lasL SaLurday. lf you were unable Lo
aLLend, we wlll noL be meeLlng agaln unLll !uly. lease read Lhls emall carefully and read Lhrough Lhe aLLachmenLs.
Woodwlnds & 8rass rehearsals: !uly 22, 24, 29, and 31sL from 3-9pm ln Lhe band room - mooJototy ooly lf
yoo'te lo towo.
ercusslon camp: !uly 28-31 from 9am-4pm ln Lhe band room - mooJototy fot petcossloo stoJeots.
8and Camp: AugusL 4-8 from 9am-6pm ln Lhe band room - mooJototy fot oll membets of tbe booJ.
Summer 8enLals:
1hls week ls Lhe lasL week Lo geL lnsLrumenL renLals for Lhe summer.
l wlll be avallable from 3:43-3pm ln Lhe band room.
lee ls $33.00 - lf yoo ote oooble to poy tbe sommet teotol fee, pleose emoll me loJlcotloq fot os to
wolve/teJoce tbe fee.
Secondary lnsLrumenLs are walved.
We wlll hold a Lag day on SaLurday !uly 12Lh from 10am-4pm aL Sam's Club on 22nd ave n. and 34Lh SL.
We wlll have 3 shlfLs of 2 hours each: 10am-12pm, 12pm-2pm, 2pm-4pm.
Cnly 4 sLudenLs per shlfL.
lease emall me when/lf you plan on parLlclpaLlng.
Cnce all shlfLs are full, l wlll send an updaLe Lo everyone.
1. 8and Pandbook:
lease prlnL Lhls documenL, read lL, and keep lL accesslble. lL ls our booJ blble. lrom phllosophy Lo
gradlng pollcy, everyLhlng LhaL we do ls clearly ouLllned ln Lhls documenL.
l wlll have hard coples avallable Lo sLudenLs aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe year, buL l encourage you Lo have a
copy aL home.
Slgn Lhe lasL page and Lurn lL ln - due by AugusL 22
2. 2014-13 LenLaLlve calendar of evenLs:
lease prlnL and revlew Lhls documenL.
rlnL lL ln color lf posslble
8lue & Cold days are dlsplayed on Lhe calendar
lmporLanL rehearsal & concerL daLes are also dlsplayed
3. 2014-13 urum Llne poslLlons - CCnC8A1uLA1lCnS Lo Lhe 2014-13 urum Llne!
3%;+ - "? -
1. ALhleLlc arLlclpaLlon ackeL:
vL8? lmporLanL documenL.
lease prlnL, flll ouL, slgn, noLarlze, and reLurn by band camp.
Cnce Lhe school year sLarLs, l cannoL allow sLudenLs Lo aLLend compeLlLlons/Lrlps wlLhouL Lhls
ALhleLlc arLlclpaLlon ackeL ls due AugusL 18 - 2014
2. School accldenL lnsurance:
lease cllck on Lhe llnk above
Cllck on "enroll"
lollow lnsLrucLlons
1urn ln recelpL along wlLh ALhleLlc arLlclpaLlon ackeL
rlnL and Lurn ln or emall Lhe recelpL Lo me
Cnce school sLarLs, l cannoL allow sLudenLs Lo aLLend games, compeLlLlons or Lrlps wlLhouL Lhls
obllgaLlon cleared
lnsurance ls due by AugusL 18 - 2014
3. Co Lo our webslLe:
SLay updaLed wlLh Lhe onllne calendar and our news secLlon!
1hank you for all LhaL you do and have a greaL summer! ?ou won'L hear from me agaln unLll !uly 1. lf you have any
quesLlons, please do noL heslLaLe Lo conLacL me! L-mall works besL, l wlll respond wlLhln Lhe hour. Ln[oy Lhe Llme
off - see you ln !uly!
Carlos lranco
ulrecLor of 8ands
1he 8oca Clega Plgh School
!ogeLher "veryone #chleves $ore.

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