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0RL: http:www.musictheoiy.netexeiciseseai-choiu
Categoiy: uiillpiactice
Intenueu use: eai tiaining in the jazz classioom, assessment of pioficiency foi the
0nique featuies:
Exeicise customization:

Assessment tools:

781),"+- 604)+)+*
0RL: http:www.vicfiith.comeuucationiuuiments.php
Categoiy: tutoiial, uiillpiactice
Intenueu use: iuuimental intiouuction anu tiaining foi peicussion stuuents.
0nique featuies:
Full piesentation anu sequence of all 4u iuuiments:

Inuiviuual viueo tutoiial, anu application of each iuuiment:

Play-along tiacks foi uiffeient levels of skill:

0RL: http:www.jamstuuio.comStuuioinuex.htm
Categoiy: uiscoveiysimulation
Intenueu use: this woulu be a gieat tool to use with my guitai stuuents foi them to
wiite theii own songs! 0nfoitunately it's not fiee.
0nique featuies:
Select key signatuie, anu choius within that key signatuie:

Inseit choius in any oiuei:

Playback contiols & sampling selection to auu coloi & textuie to youi

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Categoiy: uiscoveiysimulation
Intenueu use: composition pioject. Stuuents leain to use music notation anu
compose musical phiases anu movements. In my jazz ensemble class we uo one
tiansciiption pioject pei semestei. This allows them to neatly anu easily notate
theii piojects.
0nique featuies:
Nembeis aie alloweu 1u fiee scoies with as many staves in the scoie as
0sei-fiienuly inteiface (in compaiison to finale oi Sibelius)
Auvanceu expoiting capabilities

Stuuents aie able to shaie theii scoies with you anu vice veisa.
Shaieu scoies can ieceive feeuback fiom othei membeis of the class oi the
The website automatically backs up the scoies eveiy time that you euit them.
Naking it easypossible to ieveit to uiffeient veisions of the scoie

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0RL: https:www.sightieauingfactoiy.comapp
Categoiy: uiillpiactice
Intenueu use: geneiating sight-ieauing exceipts foi stuuents in the banu classes.
0nique featuies:
Select uesiieu instiument, level, time signatuie, anu key signatuie, anu
numbei of measuies uesiieu.

0p to 2u exeicises aie geneiateu in the fiee uemo

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