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Harrisonia 2.

By Lucy V, Saeddien M, and Justice G
Mission Statement
In our new classroom of Harrisonia 2.0 we have vowed
to create a fun learning environment where our students
can express themselves. There will be no racial, ethnic, or
religious oppression, students may follow their own creed
or belief while complying with the class rules. We want
students to be empowered and have the ability to speak out
for themselves. Our goal is also to create a just society,
where rules apply to all citizens. One person will have the
strength of many.
Political System
Our people will vote for one person who has absolute power each
semester. This is a mix of autocracy and a republic because our citizens
vote for a leader (republic) but that person has absolute power (autocracy).
If the ruler does not create a fun learning environment, resignation is
required. This is a republican rule because the people must enforce this
Students must vote in class elections in order for all peoples voices be
Economic System
Everyone votes on what they want but the
leader decides what's best.
(they give their opinion)
leader must make sure everything is split
grades are what you earn/deserve. They are
not split equally!
Person in charge enforces:
No voting = Detention
No homework = Effects grade greatly , lunch dt
Swearing = 1 warning then detention
Racism = Dt then suspension
Phones = First you take phone, Second time take phone
and dt, After that we take the phone you get dt and then
every morning you must give you phone to the office.
Students enforce:
If the leader does not educate then he is
Not equal share = 1 warning then resign
Grades = warning then resign
Thank You (English)
Obrigado (Portuguese)
Gracias (Spanish)
merci (French)
Dank (German)

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