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Regents Prep #4

Name: Date:
1. Base your answer to the following question on
the table below and on your knowledge of social
Union Troops Confederate Troops
Total Troops 1,566,678 1,082,119
Wounded 275,175 194,000
Died of Wounds 110,070 94,000
Died of Disease 249,458 164,000
Which statement is best supported by the data in
the table?
A. The Confederate troops lost the Civil War as
a result of their higher numbers of injuries
and fatalities.
B. The Union army had better generals during
the Civil War.
C. The Civil War had more casualties than any
other war.
D. More soldiers died from disease than from
2. Base your answer to the following question on
the map below and on your knowledge of social
The election results shown on this map most
clearly reect the inuence of
A. nationalist motives
B. sectional dierences
C. political stability
D. ethnic conicts
3. During the period 18201860, the major concerns
in the United States dealt with issues related to
A. determining the future of slavery
B. imposing immigration quotas
C. developing big business
D. acquiring an overseas empire
page 1
4. Sectional rivalries during the period from 1820 to
1860 centered mainly around the issues of
A. foreign policy, the abolition of slavery, and
the currency system
B. States rights, the extension of slavery, and
C. taris, the currency system, and trust
D. conservation, foreign policy, and women's
5. Before the Civil War, the principle of popular
sovereignty was proposed as a means of
A. allowing states to secede from the Union
B. permitting voters to nullify federal laws
C. deciding the legalization of slavery in a new
D. overturning unpopular decisions of the
Supreme Court
6. Both the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and the
Compromise of 1850 settled conicts between the
North and the South over
A. admission of states to the Union
B. Supreme Court decisions
C. presidential election results
D. voting rights
7. Which was a major result of the Civil War?
A. The power of the Federal Government was
B. States rights were reinforced by constitutional
C. Southern investment capital was used to bring
about early industrialization of the region.
D. Most freed blacks become landowning
8. Which statement about the results of the Civil War
is most accurate?
A. Federal supremacy was strengthened.
B. Constitutional government was proven
C. Universal surage was generally accepted.
D. Sectional disputes ceased to exist.
9. In the South after the Civil War, which system of
land usage was developed to replace the major
system destroyed by the war?
A. plantation
B. small self-sucient farming
C. sharecropping
D. corporate farming
page 2 Regents Prep #4
10. What was the most important advantage the North
had during the Civil War?
A. unied popular support for the war eort
B. superior military leadership
C. economic aid from Great Britain and France
D. more human resources and war material
11. During the Reconstruction period, an important
objective of congressional action was to
A. destroy the economy of the South
B. restore pre-Civil War conditions to the South
C. maintain Republican domination of the
National Government
D. develop two equal political parties in the
12. Which provided the legal basis for racial
segregation in late 19th century United States?
A. Supreme Court decisions that excluded blacks
from voting
B. adoption of laws by the United States
C. passage of Jim Crow laws by the state
D. laws in northern states that prevented blacks
from working in factories
13. Which problem did the Missouri Compromise, the
Compromise of 1850, and the Kansas-Nebraska
Act attempt to solve?
A. extension of slavery into the western territories
B. equitable distribution of frontier lands to the
owners of small farms
C. placement of protective taris on foreign
D. need for international improvements in
14. In his rst inaugural address, President Abraham
Lincoln stated his main goal for the nation was to
A. use the vote to resolve the conict over
B. free all slaves in the United States
C. uphold the Dred Scott decision
D. preserve the Union
15. Following Reconstruction, the term New South
was most often used to describe
A. changes in the Southern economy
B. new attitudes in race relations
C. the growth of the Republican Party in the
D. the decline of the sharecropping system
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16. The Jim Crow laws, upheld by the Supreme Court
in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), provided for
A. free land for former slaves
B. separate public facilities based on race
C. racial integration of public schools
D. voting rights for African-American males
17. At the beginning of the Civil War, President
Abraham Lincoln maintained that the war was
being fought to
A. uphold national honor
B. prevent foreign involvement
C. free all slaves
D. preserve the Union
18. Poll taxes and grandfather clauses were devices
used to
A. deny African Americans the right to vote
B. extend surage to women and 18-year-old
C. raise money for political campaigns
D. prevent immigrants from becoming citizens
19. After the Civil War, the adoption of the 13th,
14th, and 15th amendments led to
A. greater Federal supremacy over the states
B. the loss of equal rights for minorities
C. an expansion of the power of the states to tax
interstate businesses
D. a narrowing of the role of the Federal
20. During the period from 1800 to 1865, the issues
of States rights, the tari, and slavery led most
directly to the growth of
A. imperialism B. sectionalism
C. national unity D. industrialization
21. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln aected
events of the Reconstruction Period in that
A. President Andrew Johnson was able to
bring about a more lenient treatment of the
B. the attempts of the Radical Republicans to
control Reconstruction policy were successful
C. the Confederate states became eager to return
to the Union
D. the Ku Klux Klan lost its inuence over
Southern state governments
22. The most long-lasting victory for civil rights
achieved during Reconstruction was the
A. ratication of the 13th, 14th, and 15th
amendments to the United States Constitution
B. establishment of a strong two-party political
system in the South
C. increased prominence given to the Oce of
the President
D. passage of Black Codes throughout the South
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23. In their plans for Reconstruction, both President
Abraham Lincoln and President Andrew Johnson
sought to
A. punish the South for starting the Civil War
B. force the Southern States to pay reparations
to the Federal Government
C. allow the Southern States to reenter the nation
as quickly as possible
D. establish the Republican Party as the only
political party in the South
24. President Abraham Lincoln's post-Civil War plan
for reconstruction of the South was based on the
theory that the former Confederate States
A. should be treated as conquered territories
B. could be readmitted to the Union only by
C. had never actually left the Union
D. must grant full equality to all people
25. The provision of the Radical Republicans' plan for
Reconstruction that Southern States found most
objectionable was that a former Confederate State
could not be readmitted to the Union unless that
A. gave land and money to former slaves
B. granted full citizenship to former Confederate
C. ratied the 14th amendment
D. agreed to modernize its economy
26. Southern states attempted to limit the impact
of constitutional amendments passed during the
Reconstruction Era by
A. passing Jim Crow laws
B. ending racial discrimination
C. seceding from the Union
D. ghting the Civil War
27. A major result of the Civil War was that the
A. economic system of the South came to
dominate the United States economy
B. Federal Government's power over the States
was strengthened
C. members of Congress from Southern States
gained control of the legislative branch
D. nation's industrial development came to a
28. Following the Civil War, many Southern states
enacted Black Codes to
A. provide free farmland for African Americans
B. guarantee equal civil rights for African
C. restrict the rights of formerly enslaved persons
D. support the creation of the Freedmen's Bureau
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29. President Abraham Lincoln's plan for
Reconstruction after the Civil War included
A. restoring the social conditions that existed
before the war began
B. conducting trials for former Confederate
C. destroying the economic and social power of
the Southern planters
D. reuniting the nation as quickly as possible
30. After the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th
amendments, African Americans continued to
experience political and economic oppression
mainly because
A. the amendments were not intended to solve
their problems
B. many African Americans distrusted the
Federal Government
C. Southern legislatures enacted Jim Crow laws
D. poor communications kept people from
learning about their legal rights
page 6 Regents Prep #4
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Regents Prep #4 06/12/2014
Answer: D
Answer: B
Answer: A
Answer: B
Answer: C
Answer: A
Answer: A
Answer: A
Answer: C
Answer: D
Answer: C
Answer: C
Answer: A
Answer: D
Answer: A
Answer: B
Answer: D
Answer: A
Answer: A
Answer: B
Answer: B
Answer: A
Answer: C
Answer: C
Answer: C
Answer: A
Answer: B
Answer: C
Answer: D
Answer: C

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