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Cell Phone Plans

By: Justice G. & Keiry C.

Linear equations
x and y-intercepts
Slope (y2-y1/x2-x1)
Piecewise equations (two lines that connect)
Domain (?<x<?) (distance between each point)
Slope-intercept (y-y1=m(x-x1)
Boolean logic statement
Programing excel to perform
mathematical functions.
small maketing
business skills
Essential Questions! k
1. How do we use Linear Equations to model
particular cell phone plans?
Rules j
Max minutes of 2,000 per customer
Each cell phone is $200
Each cell phone tower is $20
max towers 100
Start up fee of $500
International Towers $500
Take a Minute j
Before we start we would like to take a minute
and explain this paper in front of you!!
Everyone we competed with
6/20 voted us
presented to our peers , took notes,
picked what they liked better
how related to math
What we supply k
For every plan we provide an iPhone 8
Towers everywhere !
International Towers !!
Good Service :)
QUICKS co. j
QUICKS co. is right for you j
You get an amount of free minutes on your first
month on EVERY PLAN!
Who wouldnt want to buy a cell phone plan from
a regional champ!
Its cheap and right for you!
All the single people plan...k
Can only be one person!
Monthly fee is $30
You get 25 minutes for free!!!
Every 2 minutes is 5 cents
Max minutes: 2,000
Double plan k
2 people!
Monthly Fee: $20
You get 16 minutes free!!!
Every 2 minutes is 8 cents
Max Minutes: 2,000
Friends Plan...k
Max is 4 people
Monthly fee is 25
You get 20 free minutes!
Every 2 minutes is 10 cents
Max minutes: 2,000
People who bought plans... k
Diamond and Jayla : 2,000 total ( Double Plan)
Caroline: 500 total ( single plan)
Emily: 400 total ( single plan)
Edwin: 300 total ( single plan)
Nicolasa: 200 total ( single plan)
Money we made...j
3,400 = the minutes we raised

After calculating all of our minutes and
subtracting how much money we spent our
profit came out to
Linear Equations...k
A mathematical
expression with variables
which you need to solve
and graph.
more info k
Linear Equation: y=mx+b
m= slope
b= The y intercept (where the line crosses the
Linear equation have one or more variables
Our Linear Equationsj
L1: y=0x+30 when 0<x<25
y=1/40x+235/8 when 25<x<2,000
L2: y=0x+20 when 0<x<16
y=4/50x+468/25 when 16<x<2,
L3: y= 0x+25 when 0<x<20
y= 1/20x+24 when 20<x<2,000
L1: Single People
L2: Double Plan
L3: Friends Plan
Need to know for charts! j
Boolean logic statement:
Boolean Logic is an If/then statement that
shows an outcome of twoor more possible
Answer to essential question k
1.The higher the slope is the more expensive it
is for the ratio of minutes to money.
Exit Ticket k
On the back of the paper you have, we would like
you to write down if you would buy our cell phone
If so, how many minutes would you use? What
you liked about it.
But if you said no, please explain why not and
what we can change to make it better!

Any Questions?

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