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Abortion Stops a Beating Heart

National Right to Life
Fast Facts
Things every pro-lifer needs to know to help save lives.

S ince 1973, the heartbeats of more than 47 million unborn babies

have been silenced by “safe, legal” abortion.

United States has been involved.

That’s more than
all of the combined casualties of every major war in which the

Step by step, we are winning the battle and stemming the

tide. As long as there are men and women armed with the facts and
dedicated to the cause of life, we will be successful in return-
ing legal protection to unborn children.

Developmental Milestones Abortion Statistics:

Not Just Numbers
Day 1 -Fertilization! All human
chromosomes are present and a Since 1973 there have been more
unique human life begins. than 47 million abortions.
Day 22 -The baby’s heart begins to The annual number of abortions has
beat with the child’s own blood — nearly doubled since Roe v. Wade,
often a different blood type than from 744,6000 to 1,313,300 for 2000.
the mother.
For every 1000 live births, there
Week 6 -At this stage, brain waves are 306 abortions.
can be detected. The child’s mouth
There are more than 140,000 second
and lips are present and fingers
and third trimester abortions each
are forming.
Week 8 -At this stage, every organ
is in place. Bones and unique
fingerprints begin to form.

Week 17 -The baby can now have

dream (REM) sleep.
Abortion Stops a Beating Heart

After reaching a high of over 1.6 million in 1990, the number of

abortions annually performed in the United States has begun to
drop back to levels not seen since the late 1970s. Thanks to the
efforts of grassroots pro-life activists, more and more Americans
have learned that abortion is not about a “blob of tissue,” and
that these children are more than just statistics. Pro-life
education has taught America that Abortion Stops a Beating Heart.

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Beating Heart bumper sticker!
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