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Student Objective & General Education Component

Name Muhammad Rahim Date 10/15/2009

Complete the General Student Objective
Education Objective &
Courses Student Objective Questions

1. Answer the Student 1. Reflect: What are your short/long term goals (academic, career, & personal)?
Objective Questions You may include your “ideal” career in engineering or your preferred working
below (minimum of environment.
three paragraphs 2. As you choose your General Education Courses (to satisfy your degree
requirements), please describe how the courses will help you to develop as a professional engineer. You may
highlight skills and knowledge as listed in the University Catalog course descriptions.

1. My short term goal is to get a 4.0 for this semester and also stay in shape at the same time. My long term goal
includes getting a job in some decent sized company and then accumulating enough money until I would eventually
be able to start a company of my own. I am now certain that my future will be in power systems and power market

2. In complete honesty, I really don't care and I have no idea if the courses I chose actually helped me. I DO know that
I like the idea of being an all-round indivual. I believe something like that really looks good on the resume. Not to
mention the fact that I was able to pick up a second major that I actually enjoyed.

I chose economics as the majority of my gen ed component because I am double majoring in econ. I find the subject
fascinating and the math is easy which is a definite plus. I chose Hist 201 and Soc 331 because they are fairly easy

General Education Component

Requirements are: 1) 3 cr. of US Diversity, You may NOT have:

2) 3 cr. of Int’l Perspective, Any Engineering, Computer Science, Math, or
3) 6 cr. of 300/400, and physical sciences courses or courses with
4) At least 15 cr. total. substantial applied science – Check the “Not Eligible
. GEC Course Listing” on WebCT for a complete list of
non-allowable General Education courses

Note: Alternative courses are recommended.

Note: If the General Education courses you select change, you will need to complete a revised General Education
Component form. The General Education Component information can be revised at any time by submitting a new copy of
the appropriate form, which must be approved by both your Academic Advisor and a faculty member.

If you have General Education transfer courses ……..

Transfer courses can be used to meet your General Education requirement of fifteen credits. Please list on the appropriate
lines below both ISU and transfer courses that can be applied toward meeting your General Education requirement.

General Education Courses Information

Dept & Course Transfer

Number Course Title Credits Credit?
Soc 331 Social Class and Inequality 3 Cr. No
U.S. Diversity:
International Perspective: Hist 201 Introduction to Western Civilization I 3 Cr. No
300/400 level: Econ 301 Intermediate Microeconomics 3 Cr. No
300/400 level: Econ 302 Intermediate Macroeconomics 3 Cr. No
Other: Econ 101 Principles of Microeconomics 3 Cr. Yes
Other: Econ 102 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 Cr. Yes
Other: Cr. No

Must total (15) credits Total 18 Credits

Alternative Course:
Cr. No
Alternative Course:
Cr. No
Alternative Course: No

Please Note: An ECPE Academic Advisor must sign this form first before getting
an EE/CprE Faculty Member signature.

(Student) (Date) Approved _____ Denied _____

_________________________________ _________________________________
(ECPE Academic Advisor) (Date) (EE/CprE Faculty Member) (Date)

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