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Matthias Gerardly Despeignes

Ms. Begen
Strength and Weaknesses

Before the year started, my writing skill was terrible. It would take me 30 minutes
to write 5 paragraphs. When I came to the class and I heard the teacher talking about
how to write a 5 paragraph essay. The teacher told us to make an Introduction, which is
the first paragraph, the next 3 paragraph is the reason and evidence from reading, or
book. The last paragraph is the conclusion, which is to summarize everything and put it
as the conclusion, and put what you think. After that I can do a 5 paragraph essay in 15
minutes. I was surprise when I did it in 15 minutes because I used to do it in 30 minutes.
This year my writing skills improved more than last year. Its just taking your time and
do what you have to do. Thats all.

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