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“Citizen” vs “Natural Born Citizen”


* “Citizen” of
the U.S. if he was
physically born in
Hawaii, not born
elsewhere and
falsely registered

as born there
after the fact.

FATHER – A “British Subject” born in Kenya while under the jurisdiction of British Empire. The father never attempted
to become a naturalized citizen of the U.S. Instead he returned to Kenya and became a Kenyan citizen when
Kenya became an independent country.

MOTHER – “Natural born” U.S. citizen because both of her parents were citizens at the time of her birth in the U.S.
How her parents acquired their citizenship is irrelevant, as long as they were citizens when she was born. The
term “natural born citizen” was defined by Vattel in his legal treatise, “The Law of Nations”, and adopted by our


Founders when they wrote the Constitution, specifically and only in the Article II eligibility clause for the President
and for Constitutional successors to the office.

CHILD – Born a dual “Citizen”. Born a British Subject through his father and which fact was governed by the British
Nationality Act of 1948. *He is also a citizen of the U.S. if he was physically born in Hawaii, not born elsewhere and
falsely registered as born there after the fact. His being a British Subject does not expire. Once a Brit, always a Brit
per British nationality law. The child does not meet the definition of a constitutional Article II “natural born citizen”
because only one parent was a U.S. citizen when he was born. Our founders intended to exclude dual-citizens
from eligibility for the Presidency and Commander-in-Chief of our military as a “strong check” against foreign
influences on the person in this office.

CONCLUSION: While Obama may be a U.S. “citizen”, Obama is NOT a constitutional standards Article II “natural
born citizen” and is NOT eligible to serve as President and Commander-in-Chief of our military.

If you would like to help with this lawsuit, please contact Mario Apuzzo, Esq., 185 Gatzmer Avenue, Jamesburg NJ 08831
Email: • TEL: 732-521-1900 • FAX: 732-521-3906 • BLOG: •

Paid for by: American people donating funds at in support of the Kerchner et al v Obama & Congress et al lawsuit.
Graphic concept credit to: ‘Erica’ at . Used with permission.

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