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James Kwan

Photo Analysis Essay

During Art class,we went outside to take photos.In this picture of me.My friend
took this picture horizontally.I was wearing a jacket that day,the weather wasnt very
cold but it was cool.My friend Akmal took the picture for me,there were some photo tips
that we used while we were taking photos.One of them was the rule of thirds.As you can
see this photograph is very bright.The reason why because we used the reflector to
reflect the sunlight to the persons face so when its sunny you will be able to the
persons whole face.I learned this tip in our art class,it taught me to take better
I really like this picture,because its the image of Hashem.Even he doesnt look
really handsome but I still like this picture.My friend took this picture vertically.I like this
image because it shows a lot of tips that we can use during taking pictures.In this
picture,Hashem was sitting on the field track in the afternoon at school.The
photographer used the school fence for the background.Hashem he was playing with
the eye contact and obsure.Rule of thirds.Hashem was wearing a hat that day.He used
the sunglasses to obsure.Obsure means to keep from being seen conceal or hide.As
you can see,there were reflections on Hashems sunglasses,you can see the sky and
the sun.The photographer also used the ruled of thirds,experiment of lighting and
experiment of background.
I really like this picture of me.My friend took this picture during art class.I was
sitting on the chair looking above,he was standing on the table.He took this picture
vertically.Theres few tips in this picture,my friend used the Rule of thirds when he
was taking this picture.I used the tip playing with eye contact.As you can see I was
smiling to my friend.
I learned a lot during art in this school year,especially the third trimester,this
trimester we learned about photography,which was my favorite.We can take pictures in
this trimester.It was fun that we have this lession about photography,when we were
outside taking pictures of each other,we showed our best to the camera.When we
started this trimester,I didnt really like art,didt really like to take photos.Now I like Art
because its fun.

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