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The College of New Jersey

Teacher Candidate Lesson Observation Summary Sheet

Teacher Candidate: Michael Krahel Observation #:__3___
Lesson Date: 3/13/14 Lesson Topic: Informal Assessment of Student Generated Projects [in
preparation for showcase]
Observed by: Wanda Austin, Education Supervisor

Planning E P NI
1.Lesson Objectives

x Addressed NJCCS
2.Subject Matter Knowledge

3.Developmentally Appropriate Content

Implementation of Lesson Delivery
4. Lesson Beginning

x TC passed out envelopes and instructed
students to write their addresses so that
invitations to the presentation show case
could be mailed to their parents
5. Lesson Activities

x Pre-presentation practice in preparation
for presentation show case highlighting
themes from the novel The Bell Jar.
6. Subject matter Knowledge

x Very knowledgeable about public
7. Differentiated Instruction

x Individual critiques
8. Effectiveness of Communication

9. Materials

10. Questions

x Very strong as they related to the style
and content of the presentation
11. Responsiveness

x Very positive, supportive, and specific

Ex. Can you find more recent statistics?
Ex.You spoke at a pace that
everyone could follow.

Ex. use inspired by, instead of off of
Ex. Is the question about how masculinity
is portrayed in society
Ex. You had a good intro and hook.
12. Managing Transitions

13. Pacing x TC used a stop watch to time the
Lesson Element Rubric Score Comments
presentations; giving students
opportunities to tweak
14. Awareness of Student Behavior

x Verbal redirection
15. Managing Instructional time and

x Students were asked for input on each
others speeches.

x Students were asked What did you learn
about speeches? Students were able to
respond based on individual feedback
and feedback from their peers.
17 Assessment

Students were guided by the same rubric
which was designed to assess their
completed projects.
Program Specific Elements


Strong content knowledge in the elements of speech; enunciation, projection, attitude,
vocal pauses, etc.
Development of questions/feedback that could enhance presentations
The projects were performance based and creative, thoughtful exhibiting an
understanding of the major themes from the novel , while addressing essential

Michael was very effective in his communications with his students. His remarks were honest
and helpful.
The show case is scheduled for a full audience of faculty, staff and parents.

Wanda Austin
Education Supervisor TCNJ Spring 2014
E- Exceptional
P- Proficient
NI Needs Improvement

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