Fruits and Vegetables Lesson Planmay 14

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Fruits and Vegetables Lesson Plan May 14, 2014

Audience: Preschool, 3 -4 year olds

Goal: An interactive lesson exposing children to the basic differences between fruits and
vegetables. Learning Objective: At the end of the lesson, participants will be able accurately
sort pictures of fruits and vegetable
Supplies: Photos of fruits and vegetables, glue sticks, blank paper

1. Ask students to name some of their favorite vegetables and fruits.

2. Explain that fruits develop from flowers and are the part of the plant which contains
a. Show pictures of flowers which develop into fruits (cherry blossoms,)
b. Show pictures of seeds in fruits (apples, strawberries, peach)
c. Grow on vines, trees, bushes

3. Explain that vegetables include stems, leaves, and roots of plants
a. Show picture of each type of vegetable
i. Stems: Celery
ii. Leaves: Lettuce
iii. Roots: Carrots
b. Gown in gardens or farms
i. Does anybody plant a garden at home?

4. Explore colors of some of the favorite fruits/vegetables
a. Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, fiber.
b. 5 fruits and vegetables day to stay health.

5. Food Tasting Snap Peas
a. Taste: crunchy
b. Sight: Look inside individual peas
c. Smell

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