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II B.Tech.

I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College

1.1 Obecti!es an" #ele!ance
1.2 Sco$e
1.3 %rere&uisites
1.4 S'llabus
i. ()T*
ii. +ATE
iii. IES
1., Suggeste" Boo-s
1.. /ebsites
1.0 E1$erts2 3etails
1.4 (ournals
1.5 Session %lan
1.10 Assignment 6uestions 7*nit-8ise9
1.11 6uestion Ban- 7*nit-8ise9
i. ()T*
ii. +ATE
iii. IES

II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
:lui" mechanics enables us to un"erstan" the interesting $henomenon in nature an" em$o8ers us to
"esign an" create !ariet' o; ;lui" ;lo8 e&ui$ment ;or the bene;it o; man-in" . :lui" mechanics is a
branch o; science 8hich "eals 8ith beha!iour o; ;lui" at rest an" as 8ell as in motion. The $roblems
man encountere" in the ;iel"s o; 8ater su$$l'< irrigation< na!igation an" 8ater $o8er results in
"e!elo$ment o; ;lui" mechanics.
1. The sco$e o; ;lui" mechanics is !er' 8i"e 8hich inclu"es stu"' o; all li&ui"s an" gases.
2. :un"amental $rinci$les o; ;lui" mechanics a$$licable to $roblems in!ol!ing motion o; a
$articular class o; ;lui"s calle" )e8tonian ;lui"s .
3. Boun"ar' la'er theor' has $ro!e" to be an im$ortant tool in mo"ern ;lo8 anal'sis a$$licable in the
;iel" o; aero"'namics<aircra;ts<roc-ets an" in na!al h'"ro"'namics o; shi$s an" submarines.
4. The ;light o; bir"s in air an" motion o; ;ish in 8ater are go!erne" b' la8s o; ;lui" mechanics.
,. The circulation o; bloo" in !eins an" arteries ;ollo8 the la8 o; ;lui" resistance.
1. A$$lie" =echanics
2. A$$lie" =aths
3imensions an" units > %h'sical $ro$erties o; ;lui"s s$eci;ic gra!it'< !iscosit'< sur;ace tension< !a$or
$ressure an" their in;luences on ;lui" motion $ressure at a $oint< %ascal2s la8< ?'"rostatic la8 -
atmos$heric< gauge an" !acuum $ressure- measurement o; $ressure. %ressure gauges< =anometers@
"i;;erential an" =icro =anometers.
?'"rostatic ;orces on submerge" $lane< ?oriAontal< Bertical< incline" an" cur!e" sur;aces > Center o;
$ressure. 3eri!ations an" $roblems.
3escri$tion o; ;lui" ;lo8< Stream line< $ath line an" strea- lines an" stream tube. Classi;ication o;
;lo8s @ Stea"'< unstea"'< uni;orm< nonuni;orm< laminar< turbulent< rotational an" irrotational ;lo8s >
E&uation o; continuit' ;or one< t8o < three "imensional ;lo8s > stream an" !elocit' $otential ;unctions<
;lo8net anal'sis.
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
Sur;ace an" bo"' ;orces > Euler2s an" Bernoulli2s e&uations ;or ;lo8 along a stream line ;or 3-3 ;lo8<
7)a!ier > sto-es e&uations 7E1$lanationar'9 =omentum e&uation an" its a$$lication > ;orces on $i$e
A$$ro1imate Solutions o; )a!ier Sto-e2s E&uations > Boun"ar' la'er > conce$ts< %ran"tl contribution<
Characteristics o; boun"ar' la'er along a thin ;lat $late< Bon-armen momentum integral e&uation<
laminar an" turbulent Boun"ar' la'ers no "e!iations BC in transition< se$aration o; BC< control o; BC<
;lo8 aroun" submerge" obects-3rag an" Ci;t- =agnus e;;ect.
#e'nol"2s e1$eriment > Characteristics o; Caminar D Turbulent ;lo8s. :lo8 bet8een $arallel $lates<
:lo8 through long tubes< ;lo8 through incline" tubes.
Ca8s o; :lui" ;riction > 3arc'2s e&uation< =inor losses > $i$es in series > $i$es in $arallel > Total
energ' line an" h'"raulic gra"ient line. %i$e net8or- $roblems< !ariation o; ;riction ;actor 8ith
#e'nol"s2s number > =oo"'2s Chart.
%itot tube< Benturimeter an" ori;ice meter > classi;ication o; ori;ices< ;lo8 o!er rectangular< triangular
an" tra$eAoi"al an" Ste$$e" notches - >Broa" creste" 8eirs.
%ro$erties o; ;lui"< a$$lications o; momentum an" Bernoulli2s e&uation< laminar an" turbulent ;lo8<
;lo8 in $i$es< $i$e net8or-s< conce$ts o; boun"ar' la'er an" its gro8th.
:lui" $ro$erties< $ressure< ;lo8 measurement !iscosit'< boun"ar' la'er an" control< "rag< li;t< losses in
$i$e ;lo8s.
Text books:
T1 @ E?'"raulics an" :lui" =echanics inclu"ing ?'"raulic =achinesF< 3r.=o"i %.).<3r.Seth
S.=.< 1,
E"< Stan"ar" Boo- ?ouse <2004.
T2 @ EIntro"uction to :lui" =echanicsF< Som< S.G<an" Bis8as.+ 2
E"< Tata =c.+ra8 ?ill
%ublishing Co. Ct". )e8 3elhi< 2004.
T3 @ EA Te1tboo- o; :lui"mechanics an" ?'"raulicmachinesF<3om-un"8ar an" 3om-un"8ar<
3han$at rai an" Co.7%9.
T4 @ E:lui" =echanics an" ?'"raulic =achinesF< A.G.(ain< 5
E"< Ghanna %ublishers< 2004.
#1 @ EA te1t o; :lui" mechanics an" ?'"raulic =achinesF< 3r. #.G. Bansal< Ca1mi %ublications
7%9 Ct".< )e8 3elhi.
#2 @ E:lui" mechanics ?'"raulic an" ?'"raulic =achinesF< Arora< G.#.< Stan"ar" Boo- ?ouse<
#3 @ EEngineering :lui" =echanicsF.<Eurasia %ublishing %ublishing ?ouse.G.C.Gumar
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
%1 @ Interme"iate =athematics Bolume-I< S. Chan" %ublications< 1555
%2 @ Interme"iate =athematics Bolume-II< S. Chan" %ublications< 1550
%3 @ EEngineering =echanics Bol-IF (.C. =eriam an" C.+. Graige< Statics ,
E"< +o$aliee
Enter$rises )e8 3elhi< 2000
1.$ !EBSITES'sicsH=echanicsH:lui"=echanicsHStaticsH=easurementH=ea
ce$ro;!il.tamu.e"uH-changHc!en311Hcha$04.$$tK2..<11<Control Bolume Conser!ation e&uation
1. 3r. :eng Ciu
3e$artment o; :lui"s Engineering.
*ni!ersit' o; Cali;ornia
Irine< Cali;ornia< *SA
/ebsite@ 888.uci.e"u
2. 3r. (.#. Cha$lin
School o; Ci!il Engineering an" En!ironment
*ni!ersit' o; Southham$ton
Southham$on< ,010 IB(< *.G.
1. 3r. S. #a'< %h.3.
3e$artment o; =echanical Engineering
(a"a!$ur *ni!ersit'
Gol-ata > 000 032. In"ia
2. 3r. Anu$am 3e8an< %h.3.
Associate %ro;essor< 3e$artment o; =echanical Engineering<
IIT< +u8ahati< email@ e"
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
1. #. #amesh #e""'< %ro;essor<
3e$t. o; Ci!il Engineering<
O.*. > ?'"eraba".
2. %ro;. T. 3. +unnes8ara #ao<
)IT< /arangal.
3. 3r. G. #ama =ohan #ao<
()T*< ?'"eraba".
4. 3r. =. B. Seshagiri #ao<
()T*< ?'"eraba".
,. 3r. B. Ben-ates8ar #aoR %h.3.
Associate %ro;essor D ?ea"
Center ;or /ater resource
()T*R Gu-at$all'< ?'"eraba"
/ebsite@ htt$$srHcentre-8ater-resources.htm
.. %ro;. #.%. #angana"ha #ao
#et". %ro;essor o; Ci!il Engineering.
An"hra *ni!ersit'< College o; Engineering
Bisa-ha$atnam-,30 003.
1. :un"amentals o; com$ressible ;lo8 @ S. =. Oaha
International (ournal o; ?eat an" :lui" :lo8< Bolume 4< Issue 3< Se$tember 1543< %ages 141-142
2. 3. +. +regor'-Smith
(ournal o; )on-)e8tonian :lui" =echanics
Bolume 51< Issues 2-3< 1 (ul' 2000< %age 250
3. International (ournal o; Engineering :lui" =echanics
Int ( Eng :lui" =ech ISS) 7$rinte"9@ 0453-35.0.
4. (ournal o; A$$lie" :lui" =echanics 7(A:=9
,. (ournal o; =athematical :lui" =echanics 7(=:=9
S. No T)*i+, -, *./ 01. JNTU ,233-45, S54T)*i+,
1. O!er!ie8 Subect o!er!ie8 unit 8ise C1
2. A$$lications an" e1tension
Aero"'namics< aircra;ts< roc-ets <na!al
h'"ro"'namics< h'"raulics an" h'"raulic
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
S. No T)*i+, -, *./ 01. JNTU ,233-45, S54T)*i+,
3. )ecessar' bac-groun"
Interme"iate =athematics Bolume-I an"
Bolume-II@ Trigonometr'< 3i;;erentiations
an" integration
A$$lie" =echanics@ #esolutions o; ;orces<
:ree bo"' "iagrams< center o; gra!it' an"
moment o; inertia
4. 3imensions an" units
%h'sical $ro$erties o; ;lui"s
S.I <=.G.S<C.+.S
:.%.S *nits
S$eci;ic 8eight < "ensit'< 8eight "ensit'
#elati!e "ensit'< s$eci;ic gra!it'
,. Biscosit'
T'$es o; !iscosities an" its e;;ect on
change in tem$erature
.. Sur;ace tension
E;;ect o; sur;ace tension on li&ui" "ro$let<
hallo8 bubble< li&ui" et
0. Ba$or $ressure
Its in;luence on ;lui" motion $ressure at a
$oint an" ca!itations
4. %ascal2s la8
?'"rostatic la8
:in"ing the intensit' o; $ressure at a $oint
in a static ;lui"
:in"ing the $ressure at an' $oint in a ;lui"
at rest.
Atmos$heric< gauge an" !acuum
=easurement o; $ressure
%ressure gauges
:in"ing the $ressure 8ith re;erence to
!arious "atum hea"s
T'$es o; "e!ices use" ;or measuring
10. =anometers Sim$le manometers< *-tube manometers C10
11. 3i;;erential an" micro manometers
In!erte" *-tube "i;;erential manometers<
*-tube "i;;erential manometers
12. Tutorial
%roblems on $ressure an" manometers. T1
%roblems on !iscosit' an" sur;ace tension T2
?'"rostatic :orces on Submerge" %lane
an" horiAontal
Its e;;ect on immerse" bo"ies < an"
"eri!ation o; total $ressure on
?oriAontal sur;aces
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
S. No T)*i+, -, *./ 01. JNTU ,233-45, S54T)*i+,
14. Bertical sur;aces
Total $ressure an" Center o; %ressure
3eri!ation on Bertical sur;aces
1,. Incline" sur;aces
Total $ressure an" Center o; %ressure
3eri!ation on Incline" sur;aces
1.. Cur!e" sur;aces
Total $ressure an" Center o; %ressure
3eri!ation on Cur!e" sur;aces
10. Tutorial
%roblems on horiAontal an" !ertical
%roblems on incline" an" cur!e" sur;aces. T4
14. 3escri$tion o; :lui" :lo8
3escribing the motion o; ;lui" in ;lo8 b'
Cagrangian metho"< Eulerian metho"
Streamline< $ath line< strea- lines<
stream tube
:in"ing the !elocit' $ro;iles at each $oint
in a ;lui" ;lo8 b' "ra8ing the Streamline<
$ath line< strea- lines< stream tube
20. Classi;ication o; :lo8s
Stea"' an" unstea"' ;lo8s< uni;orm an"
non-uni;orm ;lo8s
Caminar an" turbulent rotational an"
irrotational ;lo8s
21. E&uation o; continuit'
3eri!ation o; continuit' e&uation ;or One
"imensional < t8o< three "imensional ;lo8s
22. Stream an" !elocit' $otential ;unctions
:in"ing the !elocit' com$onents 8ith
res$ect to s$ace an" time
23. :lo8net anal'sis
Anal'sis o; ;lo8 $roblems in t8o
"imensional irrotational $roblems
24. Tutorial
%roblems on !elocit' $otential an" stream
%roblems on ;lo8net anal'sis T.
2,. Sur;ace an" bo"' ;orces :in"ing e&uations o; motion
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
S. No T)*i+, -, *./ 01. JNTU ,233-45, S54T)*i+,
2.. Euler2s e&uation
Euler2s e&uation ;or ;lo8 along streamline
;or 33 ;lo8
20. Bernoulli2s e&uation
Bernoulli2s e&uation ;or ;lo8 along
streamline ;or 33 ;lo8
=omentum e&uation an" its
a$$lications< )a!ier Sto-es e&uation
:in"ing the )et ;orces acting on ;lui" mass
8ith change in momentum
25. :orces on $i$e ben" :in"ing the e;;ect o; ;lui" ;lo8 at $i$e bent C2.
30. Tutorial
%roblems on a$$lications o; Bernoulli2s
%roblems on ;orces on $i$e ben" T4
A$$ro1imate solutions o; )a!ier
Sto-e2s e&uation
:in"ing the e1act solutions o; )a!ier
Sto-e2s e&uation
Boun"ar' la'er conce$ts< %ran"tl
Intro"uction to boun"ar' la'er ;lo8 in a
real ;lui" an" $ran"t2s mi1ing theor'
Characteristics o; Boun"ar' Ca'er
Along a thin $late
E;;ect o; ;lui" ;lo8 at boun"aries in thin
$late o; negligible thic-ness
Bon-armen momentum integral
3eri!ation o; Bon-armen momentum
integral e&uation
3,. Caminar an" turbulent boun"ar' la'ers
3e;inition an" ;in"ing the energ' thic-ness
<momentum thic-ness< "is$lacement
)o "e!iations BC in transition<
se$aration o; BC
Caminar< Turbulant< Caminar sub la'er
Anal'sis o; re!erse ;lo8 at se$aration o;
boun"ar' la'er
30. Control o; boun"ar' la'er
Barious metho"s to control e;;ect o;
boun"ar' la'er ;lo8
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
S. No T)*i+, -, *./ 01. JNTU ,233-45, S54T)*i+,
34. :lo8 aroun" submerge" obects
:in"ing the e;;ect o; ;lui" on stationar'
immerse" obects an" ;in"ing the
3rag an" li;t =agnus e;;ect
35. Tutorial
%roblems on "is$lacement< energ'<
momentum thic-ness.
%roblems on ;lo8 aroun" submerge"
#e'nol"2s e1$eriment
Characteristics o; Caminar an"
Turbulent ;lo8s
To "etermine the t'$e o; ;lui" ;lo8 it is
Base" on the #e'nol"s number the
characteristics o; ;lui" ;lo8 is "eci"e"
41. :lo8 bet8een $arallel $lates
Belocit' an" shear "istribution among
$arallel $lates is ;oun"
42. :lo8 through long tubes
:in"ing !elocit' "istribution an" shear
"istribution among the 8alls o; the long
43. :lo8 through incline" tubes
:in"ing !elocit' "istribution an" shear
"istribution among the 8alls o; the incline"
44. Tutorial
%roblems on ;lo8 bet8een $arallel $lates T11
%roblems on ;lo8 through incline" tubes T12
4,. Ca8s o; ;lui" ;riction
3arc'2s e&uation
Energ' loss "ue to ;riction < $ressure
3eri!ation o; e&uation ;or ;in"ing the t'$e
o; ;lo8 an" to ;in" the energ' losses in
$i$e ;lo8s
4.. =inor losses Cosses "ue to su""en enlargement<
contraction< obstruction< an" !arious $i$e
40. %i$es in series Calculating the net hea" loss in $i$es C41
Total energ' line an" h'"raulic gra"ient
Total $ressure energ' an" $otential
energies "istribution an" their losses is
45. %i$e net8or- $roblems :or calculating the net "ischarge along the
!arious $i$es interconnecte" in the ;orm o;
Bariation o; ;riction ;actor 8ith
#e'nol"2s number
?ar"' cross metho" is use" ;or ;in"ing the
net "ischarge
,1. =oo"'2s chart
#esistance characteristics o; commercial
$i$es are gra$hicall' re$resente"
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
S. No T)*i+, -, *./ 01. JNTU ,233-45, S54T)*i+,
,2. Tutorial
%roblems on TEC< ?+C< $i$es in series an"
$arallel< =oo"'2s chart
%roblems on $i$e net8or- $roblems T14
,3. %itot tube :or measuring the rate o; ;lo8 C4,
,4. !enturimeter
3eri!ation o; C" ;or !enturimeter an"
calculating the actual "ischarge
,,. Ori;ice meter an" classi;ication o;
3eri!ation o; C" ;or ori;ice meter an"
;in"ing the actual "ischarge
,.. :lo8 o!er rectangular notch Calculating the "ischarge an" ;in"ing C" C44
,0. :lo8 o!er triangular notch Calculating the "ischarge an" ;in"ing C" C45
,4. :lo8 o!er tra$eAoi"al notch Calculating the "ischarge an" ;in"ing C" C,0
,5. :lo8 o!er ste$$e" notch Calculating the "ischarge an" ;in"ing C" C,1
.0. :lo8 o!er broa" creste" 8eirs Calculating the "ischarge an" ;in"ing C" C,2
.1. Tutorial
%roblems on rectangular< tra$eAoi"al
notches< triangular notches
%roblems on broa" creste" 8eirs.
A1. A thrust bearing ha!ing a 12cm "iameter $a" rotating on another $a" se$arate" b' an oil ;ilm o; 1.,
mm o; "'namic !iscosit' 4, centi$oises. Com$ute the $o8er "issi$ate" in the bearing i; it rotates at
1,0 r$m.
A2. 3etermine the minimum siAe o; a glass tube< 8hich can be use" to measure $ressure in 8ater ;lo8ing
s'stem. The ca$illar' rise in the tube must not e1cee" 10 mm an" sur;ace tension o; 8ater- air - glass
inter;ace is 0.001 )Hm.
A3. An em$t' c'lin"rical buc-et 8ith negligible thic-ness an" 8eight is ;orce" 8ith its o$en en" ;irst into
8ater until its lo8er e"ge is 4m belo8 the 8ater le!el. I; the "iameter an" length o; the buc-et are 0.3m
an" 0.4m res$ecti!el' an" the tra$$e" 8ater remains at constant tem$erature. /hat 8oul" be the ;orce
re&uire" to hol" the buc-et in that $osition atmos$heric $ressure being 1.03 )Hcm
A4. At the to$ o; a mountain mercur'-barometer rea"ing is ,. cm an" thermometer rea"ing is -,
C. 8hile
at the ;oot-hill the rea"ing is 0,.2 cm. assuming "r' a"iabatic con"ition "etermine the height o; the
mountain. #M240 ouleHS-g7m9 "eg C absT
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
B1. A $late 72m 1 2m 9< 0.2, mm "istant a$art ;rom a ;i1e" $late< mo!es at 40 cmHs an" re&uires a ;orce o;
1 ). 3etermine the "'namic !iscosit' o; the ;lui" in bet8een the $lates
B2. Com$are the ca$illar' rise o; 8ater an" mercur' in a glass tube o; 2 mm "iameter at 20
C .+i!en that
the sur;ace tension o; 8ater an" mercur' at 20
C are 0.003. )Hm an" 0.0,1)Hm res$ecti!el'. Contact
angles o; 8ater an" mercur' are 0
an" 130
B3. Con!ert a $ressure hea" o; 10 m o; 8ater column to -erosene o; s$eci;ic gra!it' 0.4 an" carbon-tetra-
chlori"e o; s$eci;ic gra!it' o; 1..2.
B4. T8o $i$es on the same ele!ation con!e' 8ater an" oil o; s$eci;ic gra!it' 0.44 res$ecti!el'. The' are
connecte" b' a *-tube manometer 8ith the manometric li&ui" ha!ing a s$eci;ic gra!it' o; 1.2,. I; the
manometric li&ui" in the limb connecting the 8ater $i$e is 2 m higher than the other ;in" the $ressure
"i;;erence in t8o $i$es.
C1. E1$lain 8hat is meant b' ca$illarit' an" comment on role o; ca$illar' action in i9oil $um$ ii9a ;ountain
C2. /h' "oes !iscosit' o; gas increases 8ith increase in tem$erature 8hile that o; li&ui"s "ecreases 8ith
increase in tem$erature.
C3. /hat is sur;ace tension. 3eri!e an e1$ression ;or ca$illar' rise in a glass tube.
C4. 3e;ine com$ressibilit' .?o8 is it relate" to bul- mo"ulus o; elasticit'.
A1. A !ertical rectangular gate o; 4m 1 2m is hinge" at a $oint 0.2, m belo8 the centre o; gra!it' o; the
gate. I; the total "e$th o; 8ater is 0 m 8hat horiAontal ;orce must be a$$lie" at the bottom to -ee$ the
gate close"L
A2. An o$ening in a "am is co!ere" 8ith a $late o; 1 m s&uare an" is hinge" on the to$ an" incline" at .0

to the horiAontal. I; the to$ e"ge o; the gate is 2 m belo8 the 8ater le!el 8hat is the ;orce re&uire" to
o$en the gate b' $ulling a chain set at 4,
angle 8ith the $late an" set to the lo8er en" o; the $late. The
$late 8eighs 2200 )
A3. A !ertical gate o; height ? an" 8i"th B hel" 8ater to its one si"e u$ to the to$ le!el. I; the $late is
"i!i"e" b' ) such lines that the total ;orce on each $late is e&ual then sho8 that a9 the height o; the
each $ortion is gi!en b' hM?!7rH)9 an" b9 the "e$th o; centre o; $ressure o; each $ortion is gi!en b' h
$ M 72H39 ?Sr
T 7 !)
A4. A gate closing an o$ening is triangular in cross section an" 1 m long. It is hinge" on the to$ an" ;reel'
su$$orte" at one o; the bottom en"s as sho8n in the ;igure. I; the gate 8eighs 2, -)Hm
;in" the height
o; the 8ater that 8ill automaticall' o$en the gate.
B1. 3etermine the total h'"rostatic ;orce on the cur!e" sur;ace. The 8i"th o; the cur!e" $ortion is 2 m
$er$en"icular to the $a$er
B2. A rectangular $lane sur;ace is 2 8i"e an" 3m "ee$. It lies in !ertical $lane in 8ater .3etermine the total
$ressure an" center o; $ressure on $lane sur;ace 8hen its u$$er e"ge is horiAontal an" coinci"es 8ith
B3 . A right angle" triangular $late o; base b an" height h is immerse" in 8ater !erticall' 8ith base
horiAontal D coinci"e 8ith 8ater sur;ace. :in" out total $ressure ;orce D coor"inates o; center o;
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
B4. ?o8 8oul" 'ou "etermine the horiAontal D !ertical com$onents o; resultant $ressure on a submerge"
cur!e" sur;aceL
C1. 3e;ine the ;ollo8ing
i9 Total %ressure ii9 Center o; %ressure
C2. 3eri!e an E1$ression ;or total $ressure D Center %ressure ;or a Berticall' Immerse" Sur;ace.
C3. 3eri!e on e1$ression ;or "e$th o; Center o; $ressure ;rom ;ree sur;ace o; li&ui" o; an incline" $lane
sur;ace submerge" in li&ui".
C4. /hat is the "i;;erence bet8een sluice gates an" loc- gatesL
A1. The !elocit' ;iel" o; an incom$ressible ;lo8 is gi!en b' B M 3' 2 i - 41 8. Beri;' 8hether the ;lui" is in
motion. I; so< "etermine the e1$ression ;or stream ;unction an" the "irection o; the stream line through
71< 29.
A2. 3eri!e the e&uation o; stream ;unction an" !elocit' $otential ;or a uni;orm ;lo8 o; stream o; !elocit' ,
mHs at a angle o; 30
to the 1-a1is in a t8o "imensional ;iel".
A3. The 1- com$onent o; the !elocit' ;iel" ;or a t8o "imensional ;lui" ;lo8 o!er a $late is gi!en b' u M 3'
- '
./here ' is measure" ;rom the sur;ace in a $er$en"icular "irection. Beri;' i; the ;lo8 is rotational.
I; so ;in" the rotational !elocit' at 73< 29.
A4. The !elocit' ;iel" o; a ;lo8 is "e;ine" as
2 3 V txi t yj xyk =
. Is the ;lo8 stea"' or unstea"'L
Can 'ou a$$ro1imate the ;lo8 as a 2-"imensional ;lo8L 3etermine the acceleration ;iel"L
B1. :or a t8o-"imensional $otential ;lo8< !elocit' $otential Is gi!en as VM N 72O-19 3etermine !elocit' at
%oint %74<,9an" /hat is the !alue o; stream ;unction W at the $oint %.
B2. A $i$e line carries oil o; s$eci;ic gra!it' 0.4 at a !elocit' o; 2mHs through a 20 cm $i$e. At another
section "iameter is 1,cm. :in" the !elocit' at this section an" mass rate o; ;lo8L
B3. /ater ;lo8s through a $i$e AB 1.2 m "iameter at 3mHsec an" then $asses through a $i$e BC 1.,m
"iameter. At C the $i$e branches< Branch C3 is 0.4m in "iameter an" carries 1H3 o; ;lo8 in AB. The
;lo8 o; !elocit' in branch CE is 2., mHsec. ;in" the Bolume o; rate o; ;lo8 AB< the !elocit' in BC< the
!elocit' in C3 an" "iameter o; CE.
B4. The Stream ;unction in a t8o "imensional ;lo8 is WM .1- 4' X 01'. Beri;' 8hether ;lo8 is irrotaitional
"etermine the "irection o; stream line at $oint 71<-19. Also "etermine an" e1$ression ;or !elocit'
C1. 3e;ine the ;ollo8ing
i9 Stea"' :lo8 ii9 )on uni;orm :lo8 iii9 Caminar :lo8 i!9 T8o 3imensional :lo8
C2. Cite t8o e1am$les o; unstea"'< non uni;orm ;lo8. ?o8 can unstea"' ;lo8 be trans;orme" into stea"'
C3. 3i;;erentiate bet8een
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
Stream :unction D Belocit' %otential :unction< Stream Cine D Stea- Cine< #otational D Irrotational
C4. The !elocit' com$onents in N an" O "irection are gi!en as uM 21'
H3 > 1
' an" !M 1'
> 2'1
in"icate 8hether gi!en !elocit' "istribution is a $ossible ;iel" o; ;lo8.
A1. /ater ;lo8s "o8n8ar"s through a !ertical ta$ere" $i$e at a rate 2litsHmin. The "iameter o; the $i$e at
the u$$er en" is ,,m< 8hich gra"uall' re"uces to 24mm at the lo8er en" through a length o; 2m. The
$ressure "i;;erence bet8een the en"s is 34-%a. Assuming that the hea" loss !aries as the s&uare o; the
!elocit'< "etermine the &uantit' o; 8ater $assing through the $i$e 8hen there is no $ressure "i;;erence
A2. A ,cm "iameter noAAle is attache" to $i$e o; 12cm "iameter at its "ischarge en". The rate o; "ischarge
o; 8ater through the noAAle is 1,litsHs an" $ressure at the base o; the noAAle is In the "ischarge
en"< the $ressure is atmos$heric. Calculate the coe;;icient o; "ischarge ;or the noAAle. Assume that the
base o; the noAAle an" the outlet o; the noAAle are at same ele!ation
A3. Air enters in a com$ressor 8ith negligible !elocit' 8ith a ;lo8 rate o; 10-gHs an" is "ischarge" through
a $i$e o; cross-sectional area o; 0.1m
8ith same ;lo8 rate. The $ressure an" tem$erature at the inlet to
com$ressor is atmos$heric 8here as the corres$on"ing !alues in the "ischarge section is 3., bar an"
C. I; the com$ressor ta-es .00h$ $o8er in$ut< "etermine the rate o; heat reection
A4. Air ;lo8s stea"il' through a turbine that $ro"uces a $o8er out$ut o; 0,0h$. The "iameter o; inlet an"
e1it $ort is 1,cm. The static $ressure an" tem$erature at the inlet section are 1=%a an" 1,0
res$ecti!el'. The corres$on"ing !alues in the e1it section are 0.3=%a an" 2
C an" res$ecti!el'. I; the
inlet !elocit' is 30cmHs< "etermine< 7i9 e1it !elocit'R 7ii9 rate o; heat trans;er.
B1. A $i$e through 8hich 8ater is ;lo8ing ha!ing "iameters 40cm an" 20cm at sections 1 an" 2
res$ecti!el' .The !elocit' o; 8ater at section 1 is gi!en as ,mHs.;in" !elocit' hea" at section 1 an" 2
an" also rate o; "ischarge.
B2. The "ischarge o; 8ater through a $i$e o; "iameter 40cm is 400ltsHsec.I; the $i$e is ben" b' 13,
the magnitu"e an" "irection o; resultant ;orce on ben". The $ressure o; ;lo8ing 8ater is 25.43)Hcm
B3. Enumerate !arious ;orms o; energies 8hich the Bernoulli2s e&uation ta-es into account an" e1$lain the
limitations o; Bernoulli2s e&uation.
B4. /ater is ;lo8ing through a $i$e ha!ing "iameter 300mm an" 200mm at bottom an" u$$er en"
res$ecti!el'. The intensit' o; $ressure at the bottom en" is 24.,2,)Hcm
.an" the $ressure at the u$$er
en" is 5.41)HCm
.3etermine the "i;;erence in the "atum hea" i; rate o; ;lo8 through the $i$e is
C1. State an" "eri!e Bernoulli2s theorem< mentioning clearl' assum$tions un"erl'ing it.
C2. )ame "i;;erent ;orces $resent in ;lui" ;lo8.
C3. 3eri!e Bernoulli e&uation ;rom Euler2s e&uation o; motion.
C4. /ater is ;lo8ing through a $i$e o; 100mm "iameter un"er a $ressure o; 15..2 )Hcm
.an" 8ith mean
!elocit' o; 3mHs.:in" the total hea" o; 8ater at the cross section 8hich is 4m abo!e the "atum line.
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
A1. /ater at 20 c is ;lo8ing bet8een a t8o "imensional channel in 8hich the to$ an" bottom 8alls are 10,
mm a$art. I; the a!erage !elocit' is 2mHs ;in" outL The ma1imum !elocit'< The %ressure 3ro$ The
shearing stress< the ;riction coe;;icient
A2. Air mo!es o!er a ;lat $late 8ith a uni;orm ;ree stream !elocit' o; 10mHs. At a $osition 1, cm a8a'
;rom the ;ront e"ge o; the $late. /hat is the boun"ar' la'er thic-nessL *se a $arabolic $ro;ile in
boun"ar' la'er. :or air< BM1.,N10
m2Hs an" eM1.23 -gHm3.
A3. /ater at 1,
C ;lo8s o!er a ;lat $late at a s$ee" o; 1.2 mHs. The $late s$ee" o; 0.3m long D 2m 8i"e.
The boun"ar' la'er on each sur;ace o; $lane is laminar. Assume the !elocit' $ro;ile is a$$ro1imate" b'
a linear e1$ression ;or 8hich YHNM3.4.Hs&uareroot 7#e19.3etermine the "rag ;orce an" $late< ;or
8ater Z M1.1N10
Hs< [M1000-gHm
A4. It is re&uire" to "etermine ;rictional "rag o; a submarine .The length o; the ?ull is 0, m an" its sur;ace
area is 3000m
.The submarine is tra!eling at constant s$ee" o; , mHsec.Critical #e'nol"s number at
8hich the ;lo8 in the boun"ar' la'er changes ;rom laminar to turbulent is ,N10
.Assume the boun"ar'
la'er at lea"ing e"ge is laminar< obtain ;rictional "rag an" $o8er re&uire" to $ro$el the submarine at ,
mtHsec.Ta-e [M1000-gHm
< Z M1.1N10
B1. A uni;orm ;ree stream o; air at 10mHs ;lo8s o!er a ;lat $late .calculate the "rag coe;;icient an" "rag ;or
the $late 0.,m long an" 2m 8i"e. Ta-e [M1.2 -gHm
< \M14N10
B2. :in" the "is$lacement thic-ness< momentum thic-ness an" energ' thic-ness ;or the !elocit'
"istribution in boun"ar' la'er gi!en b' uH*M27'HY9-7'HY9
B3. 3etermine the thic-ness o; boun"ar' la'er at the trailing e"ge o; smooth $late o; length 4m an" o;
8i"th 1.,m 8hen the $late is mo!ing 8ith a !elocit' o; 4mHs in stationar' air. Ta-e -inematic !iscosit'
o; air as 1.,N10
B4. The !elocit' "istribution in boun"ar' la'er is gi!en b' uH*M3H27'HY9-1H27'HY9
. Com$ute Y
HY< ^HY.
C1. .Cite some e1am$les o; boun"ar' la'er ;ormation.
C2. /hat are the causes that results in se$aration o; boun"ar' la'er.
C3. 3e;ine laminar boun"ar' la'er< turbulent boun"ar' la'er< laminar sub la'er an" boun"ar' la'er
C4. Obtain Bon-arman momentum integral e&uation.
A1. T8o $arallel $lates -e$t at 0.1m a$art ha!e laminar ;lo8 o; oil bet8een them 8ith ma1imum !elocit'
o; 1., m Hsec.Calculate the "ischarge ;or meter 8i"th< the shear stress at the $late < The "i;;erence in
$ressure bet8een t8o $oints 20 m a$art in %ascal2s< the !elocit' gra"ient at the $lates an" the !elocit'
at 0.02 m ;rom the $late The !iscosit' o; oil to be 2.4,3 )sHm
A2. 3uring ;lo8 o!er a ;lat $late the laminar boun"ar' la'er un"ergoes a transition to turbulent boun"ar'
la'er as the ;lo8 $rocee"s s in the "o8n stream. It is obser!e" that a $arabolic laminar $ro;ile is ;inall'
change" into a 1H0 $o8er la8< !elocit' $ro;ile in the turbulent regime. :in" out the ratio o; turbulent
an" laminar boun"ar' la'ers. I; the momentum ;lu1 8ith in the boun"ar' la'er remains constant.
A3. The s$ace bet8een t8o $arallel $lates "istance h a$art is ;ille" 8ith incom$ressible ;lui" o; !iscosit'
\ .The bottom $lates mo!es at a !elocit' >!1 an" to$ $late mo!es at a !elocit' !2 an" obtain an
e1$ression ;or !elocit' "istribution ;or this case.
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
A4. T8o %arallel $lates are $lace" at a horiAontall' 10 mm a$art. The bottom $late is ;i1e" an" the to$
$late is mo!e" at a uni;orm s$ee" o; 0.2, mHs. The ;lui" bet8een them has a "'namic !iscosit' \ e&ual
to 1.402)sHm
. 3etermine the $ressure gra"ient 8hich corres$on"s to con"ition o; Aero "ischarge
bet8een the $lates an" the shearing stress at each $late.
B1. 3eri!e an e1$ression ;or mean !elocit' ;or laminar ;lo8 through a $i$e.
B2. A horiAontal $i$e ,0mm "iameter carr'ing gl'cerin has shear stress at $i$e boun"ar' as 15..2
.3etermine the $ressure gra"ient <mean !elocit' an" #e'nol"s number .Ta-e ;or gl'cerin
[M120,.3 -gHm
<\M40.442N 10
B3. S-etch the #e'nol"s a$$aratus an" e1$lain ho8 laminar ;lo8 can be "emonstrate" 8ith this a$$aratus.
B4. Com$ute -inetic energ' an" momentum correction ;actor ;or laminar ;lo8 bet8een ;i1e" $arallel
C1. A li&ui" o; -inematic !iscosit' o; 14mm
Hs. is ;lo8ing "o8n a tube incline" at 40
8ith the horiAontal
8hen the #e'nol"s number ;or the ;lo8 in the tube is 1,00<the intensit' o; $ressure remains constant at
all cross sections o; tube .3etermine the "iameter o; tube an" "ischarge through it.
C2. An oil o; !iscosit' 0.1)sHm
an" relati!e "ensit' 0.5 is ;lo8ing through a circular $i$e o; "iameter
,0mm an" o; length 300m.The rate o; ;lo8 o; ;lui" through the $i$e is 3.,ltsHsec.;in" the $ressure "ro$
in a length o; 300m an" also the shear stress at the $i$e 8all.
C3. /ater is ;lo8ing through a rough $i$e o; "iameter ,00 mm an" length 400 m at the rate o; 0., m
:in" the $o8er re&uire" to maintain this ;lo8. Ta-e the a!erage height o; roughness as - M 0.40 mm.
C4. A smooth $i$e o; "iameter 400 mm an" length 400 m carries 8ater at the rate o; 0.04 m3Hs. 3etermine
the hea" lost "ue to ;riction 8all shear stress< centre-line !elocit' an" thic-ness o; laminar sub-la'er.
Ta-e the -inematic !iscosit' o; 8ater as 0.014 sto-es.
A1. A $o$ulation o; a cit' is 4 la-hs an" it is to be su$$lie" b' 8ater ;rom a reser!oir ..4 -m a8a'. /ater
is to be su$$lie" at the rate o; 140 liters ;or ahea" $er "a' an" hal; the su$$l' is to be "eli!ere" in 4 hrs.
The ;ull' su$$l' 11 o; reser!oir is #C 140 liters an" its lo8est 8ater le!el is #C 10,. The "eli!er en"
o; main is at #C 22., an" hea" re&uire" there is 12 liters. :in" the "iameter o; $i$e. Ta-e :M0.04.
A2. A 8ater "istribution net8or- is an e&ui!alent triangle ABC in sha$e. I; the ;lo8 at unction A is .0
units an" the out;lo8 at the unctions B an" C are 40 an" 20 units res$ecti!el'. :in" the "ischarge in
each $i$es. Ta-e initial !alue o; "ischarge ;rom A to B as 1, units. Ta-e !alues o; G in e1$ression h; M
-] 6
as ABM4< BCM1 an" CA M2.
A3. T8o shar$ en"e" $i$es o; "iameter ,0 mm an" 100 mm res$ecti!el' each o; length 100 mm are
connecte" in $arallel bet8een t8o reser!oirs. /hich ha!e a "i;;erence o; le!el o; 10 mt. I; coe;;icient
o; ;riction ;or each $i$e is 4;M0.32. Calculate the rate o; ;lo8 ;or each $i$e an" also an" the "iameter o;
single $i$e 100 m long ./hich 8oul" gi!e same "ischarge< i; it 8ere substitute" ;or original t8o $i$es.
A4. T8o $i$es o; "iameter 40 cm an" 20 cm or each 300 m long 8hen the $i$es are connecte" in series an"
the "ischarge through the $i$e line is 0.10 m
Hs ;in" the loss o; hea" incurre". /hat 8oul" be the loss
o; hea" in the s'stem to $ass the same total "ischarge 8hen the $i$es are connecte" in $arallelL
B1 . /hat "o 'ou un"erstan" b' total energ' line <h'"raulic gra"ient line <$i$es in series< $i$es in $arallel
an" e&ui!alent $i$e.
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
B2. :in" an e1$ression ;or $o8er transmission through $i$es .8hat is the con"ition ;or ma1imum $o8er
B3. Three $i$es o; lengths 400m<.00m<300m an" "iameters 400mm<300mm<200mm res$ecti!el' are
connecte" in series .the en"s o; com$oun" $i$e is connecte" to t8o tan-s <8hose 8ater sur;ace le!els
are maintaine" at a "i;;erence o; 1,m.3etermine the rate o; ;lo8 o; 8ater through the $i$es i;
;M0.00,./hat 8ill be the "iameter o; single $i$es o; length 1000m an" ;M0.00, 8hich re$laces 3 $i$es.
B4. 3etermine the rate o; ;lo8 o; 8ater through a $i$e o; "iameter 200mm an" length ,0m 8hen one en"
o; $i$e is connecte" to a tan- an" the other en" o; $i$e is o$en to atmos$here .the $i$e is horiAontal
an" height o; 8ater in the tan- is 4m abo!e the center o; $i$e. Consi"er all minor losses an" ta-e
;M0.005 an" "ra8 ?+C an" TEC.
C1. An oil o; -inematic !iscosit' 0., sto-e is ;lo8ing through a $i$e o; "iameter 300mm at he rate o; 320
ltsHsec.:in" the hea" loss "ue to ;riction ;or a length o; .0m o; $i$e.
C2. :in" "iameter o; $i$e o; length 2,00m 8hen rate o; ;lo8 o; 8ater through the $i$e is 0.2,m3Hs an"
hea" lost "ue to ;riction is ,m.ta-e CM,0 in cheA'2s ;ormula.
C3. Calculate the rate o; ;lo8 o; 8ater through a $i$e o; "iameter 300mm 8hen the "i;;erence o; $ressure
hea" bet8een the t8o en"s o; a $i$e 400m a$art is ,m o; 8ater ta-e ;M0.005.
C4. I; t8o $i$es o; "iameter 3 an" " an" e&ual length are arrange" in $arallel the loss o; hea" ;or a ;lo8 o;
6 is h.I; same $i$es are arrange" in series the loss o; hea" ;or same ;lo8 6 is ? .i; "M0.,3. :in"
$ercentage o; total ;lo8 through each $i$e 8hen $lace" in $arallel an" the ratio o; ?Hh .)eglect minor
losses an" assume ; to be constant.
A1. A submarine mo!es horiAontall' in a sea an" has it a1is belo8 the 8ater sur;ace. A $itot tube in ;ront
o; submarine an" along its a1is is connecte" to t8o limbs o; * tube containing the mercur'. The
"i;;erence in mercur' le!el is ;oun" to be 100 mm.;in" the s$ee" o; submarine -no8ing that s$eci;ic
gra!it' o; sea 8ater is 1.02,
A2. I; there is an error o; ,I in obser!ing a hea" o!er a rectangular 8eir an" triangular 8eir ."etermine the
error in "ischarge ;rom it. Assuming i"entical con"itions ;or both cases.
A3. A !enturimeter measures the ;lo8 o; 8ater in a 0,mm o; "iameter $i$e the "i;;erence o; hea" bet8een
the entrance an" the throat is measure" b' *-tube containing mercur' t he s$ace abo!e mercur' on
each si"e being ;ille" 8ith 8ater. /hat shoul" be "iameter o; throat o; meter in or"er that the
"i;;erence o; le!els o; mercur' shall be 0.2,m 8hen the &ualit' o; 8ater ;lo8ing in the $i$e is .30lts
an" assume "ischargeL
A4. A rectangular channel .m 8i"e carries 1400ltsHsec an" at a "e$th o; 0.5m 8hat height o; a boar"
creste" /eir must be installe" to "ouble the "e$thL Assume 8eir coe;;icient o; 0.4..
B1. :in" the "ischarge through a triangular notch un"er a constant hea" o; 0.2,m i; angle o; notch is
.ta-e c"M0..2
B2. %ro!e that the error in "ischarge "ue to error in measurement o; hea" o!er a rectangular notch is gi!en
b' "6H6M3H2"?H?. 6M"ischarge through rectangular notch ?Mhea" o!er notch.
B3. 3e;ine ori;cemeter an" "eri!e an e1$ression ;or "ischarge through it.
B4. /hat is Ci$olleti 8eirL 3eri!e an e1$ression ;or "ischarge through it.
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
C1. A broa" creste" 8eir o; ,0m length has ,0cm height o; 8ater abo!e its crest ;in" the ma1imum
"ischarge ta-e C"M0..0 neglect !elocit' o; a$$roach .;in" the ma1imum "ischarge 8hen the channel
has cross sectional area o; ,0 m
on u$stream si"e.
C2. :in" the time re&uire" to lo8er the 8ater le!el ;rom 3m to 2m in a reser!oir o; "imension 40N40 b' a
rectangular notch o; length 1.,m ta-e c"M0..5.
C3. :in" the !elocit' o; ;lo8 o; an oil through a $i$e< 8hen the "i;;erence o; mercur' le!el in a "i;;erential
*-tube manometer connecte" to t8o ta$$ings o; $itot-tube is 100mm.ta-e coe;;icient o; $itot tube as
0.54 an" S$.gr o; oilM0.4.
C4. A $itot static tube is use" to measure !elocit' o; 8ater in a $i$e the stagnation $ressure hea" is .m an"
static $ressure hea" is ,m.calculate the !elocit' o; ;lo8 assuming the coe;;icient o; tube e&ual to 0.54.
1. Three c'lin"rical tubes o; internal ra"ii 200 mm< 210 mm an" 220 mm< 8all thic-ness , mm an" length
0., m are $lace" coa1iall'. The s$ace bet8een the inner an" mi""le c'lin"ers is ;ille" 8ith an oil o;
!iscosit' 4.34 $oise an" the s$ace bet8een the mi""le an" outer c'lin"ers is ;ille" 8ith an oil o;
!iscosit' 5.45 $oise. /hat is the tor&ue re&uire" to rotate the mi""le c'lin"er at 3.0 r$m.
7)o! 00< )o! 0,< =a' 049
2. T8o horiAontal $arallel $lates are se$arate" b' a "istance o; 4 mm. The s$ace bet8een the $lates is
;ille" b' t8o immiscible li&ui"s o; !iscosities 4., $oise an" 1.2 $oise 8ith the inter;ace at a "istance o;
, mm ;rom the bottom $late. The li&ui" 8ith higher !iscosit' is at the to$. A lamina o; negligible
thic-ness an" o; area 4.0 m
is $lace" at the inter;ace. /ith 8hat !elocit' it can mo!e i; a ;orce o; 200
) is a$$lie" to it. 7:eb00< )o! 200,< )o! 049
3. a9 3i;;erentiate bet8een S$eci;ic !olume< S$eci;ic 8eight an" S$eci;ic gra!it' o; a li&ui". E1$ress the
interrelationshi$ bet8een them.
b9 I; , m
o; Carbon tetra chlori"e has a 8eight o; 04 -)< "etermine its s$eci;ic 8eight< "ensit' an"
relati!e "ensit'. I; the ;lui" can e1ist on $lanet (u$iter< 8hat 8oul" be its s$eci;ic 8eight< "ensit' an"
relati!e "ensit' thereL The ra"ius o; (u$iter is 11.2 times that o; Earth an" mass o; (u$iter is 314 times
that o; the Earth. 7)o! 00< =a'049
4. a9 E1$lain !iscosit' o; a ;lui" an" !a$our $ressure an" mention the units o; their measurement.
b9 /hat is the e;;ect o; tem$erature on the !iscosit' o; ;lui"s an" 8h'L
c9 Calculate the ca$illar' e;;ect in mm. in a glass tube o; 4mm "iameter 8hen immerse" in mercur' at a
tem$erature o; 20
C. The !alue o; sur;ace tension o; mercur' at 20
C in contact 8ith air is 0.,2 )Hm.
The contact angle ;or mercur' is 130
24_. 7:eb 00< (une 039
,. T8o "iscs o; 20 cm "iameter are $lace" 1 mm a$art an" the ga$ is ;ille" 8ith an oil o; !iscosit' 0.4
$oise. 3etermine the $o8er re&uire" to rotate u$$er "isc at .00 #.%.=.< 8hile hol"ing the lo8er "isc
stationar'. 7)o! 0,< )o! 049
.. A thin $late is $lace" bet8een t8o ;lat sur;aces -e$t h cm a$art< such that the !iscosities on to$ an"
bottom o; the $lates are \1 an" \2 res$ecti!el'. 3etermine the $osition o; the thin $late such that the
!iscous resistance to uni;orm motion o; the thin $late is minimum. Assume h to be !er' small.
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
7)o! 0,< )o!049
0. a9 3istinguish bet8een 7i9 stan"ar" an" local atmos$heric $ressures< 7ii9 barometric $ressure an" absolute
$ressure an" 7iii9absolute $ressure an" gauge $ressure.
b9 A "i!er is 8or-ing at a "e$th o; 20 m belo8 the sur;ace o; sea 8ater
7s$eci;ic 8eight M 10 G)Hm
9. Calculate the $ressure intensit' at this "e$th. /hat 8oul" be the
absolute $ressure i; barometer rea"s 0.0 mm o; mercur' column at the sea le!elL
7:eb 00< )o! 049
4.. A $ainter is $ainting a 8all 3mN4m 8ith a brush 0.1m 8i"e an" 0.012,m thic- the thic-ness o; one
coat o; $aint is 0N10`3 m an" the !iscosit' o; the $aint is 2%a-s. Calculate the total 8or- re&uire" ;or
$ainting one si"e o; the 8all. Assume the !ariation o; !elocit' as liner. 7:eb 00< )o! 0,9
5. a9 3e;ine an" e1$lain )e8ton2s Ca8 o; !iscosit'. /h' "oes the !iscosit' o; gas increase 8ith the
increase in tem$erature 8hile that o; a li&ui" "ecrease 8ith increase in tem$eratureL
b9 Calculate the ca$illar' e;;ect in millimeter in glass tube o; 4mm "iameter 8hen immerse" in 7i9 8ater
an" 7ii9 in mercur'. The tem$erature o; the li&ui"s is 20
C an" the !alue o; sur;ace tension o; 8ater
an" mercur' at 20
C in contact 8ith air res$ecti!el' 0.003,0 )Hm an" 0.450 )Hm. The contact angle
;or 8ater is 0
an" ;or mercur' 130
24_. 7(une< 20039
10. a9 3i;;erentiate bet8een
7i9 Absolute an" +auge $ressure
7ii9 Sim$le manometer an" 3i;;erential manometer
7iii9 =anometer $ieAometer an" $ressure gauges.
b9 A * tube "i;;erential manometer connects t8o $ressure $i$es A an" B. %i$e A contains carbon
tetrachlori"e ha!ing a s$eci;ic gra!it' 1.,54 un"er a $ressure o; 11.002 )Hcm
an" $i$e B contains oil
o; s$eci;ic gra!it' 0.4 un"er a $ressure o; 11.002 )Hcm
. The $i$e A lies 2.,cm abo!e $i$e B. :in"
the "i;;erence o; $ressure measure" b' mercur' as ;lui" ;illing * tube 7(une 039
11. a9 E1$lain sur;ace tension. 3eri!e an e1$ression ;or the $ressure insi"e a soa$ bubble o; "iameter "..
+i!e t8o $ractical situations 8here sur;ace tension $la's a signi;icant role.
b9 A c'lin"er o; 20cm long an" 10cm "iameter rotates about a !ertical a1is insi"e a ;i1e" c'lin"er o;
10.,cm "iameter an" 20cm long. The s$ace bet8een the t8o c'lin"ers is ;ille" 8ith a li&ui" o;
!iscosit' 1.,$oise. 3etermine the s$ee" o; rotation o; the inner c'lin"er i; an e1ternal tor&ue o; 1)m
is a$$lie" to it. 7(une 039
12. a9 3i;;erentiate 7i9 absolute !iscosit' an" -inematic !iscosit' 7ii9 s$eci;ic gra!it' an" s$eci;ic 8eight an"
mention the units o; their measurement.
b9 A c'lin"er 1,0mm "iameter an" ,00mm long rotates coa1iall' insi"e a ;i1e" c'lin"er o; same length
an" 1.0mm "iameter. A li&ui" o; 1, $oise ;ills the s$ace bet8een the c'lin"ers. A tor&ue o; 0.4).m.
is a$$lie" to the inner c'lin"er. A;ter a constant !elocit' is attaine"< calculate the s$ee" o; rotation an"
the $o8er "issi$ate" b' the ;lui" resistance-neglect en" e;;ects. 7(une 039
13. A rectangular $lane sur;ace 2m 8i"e an" 1.,m high is immerse" in 8ater !erticall'. 3etermine the
resultant $ressure on one si"e an" the centre o; $ressure< i; the to$ e"ge o; the sur;ace is 4m belo8 the
8ater sur;ace. 7(une 039
14. 2., m
o; a li&ui" 8eighs 3350 ) on =oon< 8here the acceleration "ue to gra!it' is 1..14 mHs
. /hat
are its "ensit'< S$eci;ic 8eight an" S$eci;ic gra!it' in S.I. units on =oon an" on EarthL
Starting ;rom their "e;initions< obtain the "imensions o; the ;ollo8ing "eri!e" &uantities in =CT
s'stem@ i9 Energ' ii9 %o8er iii9 %ressure an" i!9 Sur;ace tension
7)o! 039
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
1,. a9 3e;ine Ba$our $ressure o; a li&ui". 3escribe its engineering signi;icance !is-a-!is Se$aration an"
b9 /h' mercur' is use" in Barometer to measure atmos$heric $ressureL 7)o! 039
1.. a9 /hat are the "ensit'< S$eci;ic 8eight< S$eci;ic !olume an" Ginematic !iscosit' o; a li&ui" in S.I. units<
i; its relati!e "ensit' is 0.404 an" "'namic !iscosit' is 5.4 $oise. E1$ress 'our ans8er in C.+.S. units
b9 A li&ui" occu$'ing a !olume o; 0.22, m
has a 8eight o; 1.45 -). /hat are its "ensit'< relati!e "ensit'<
S$eci;ic 8eight an" S$eci;ic !olumeL 7)o! 039
10. a9 Calculate the height o; column o; 8ater barometer ;or an atmos$heric $ressure o; 101.33 -%a 8hen the
8ater is at 10
C an" .0
C. The !a$our $ressure o; 8ater at 10
an" .0
C are 1.23 -%a an" 15.5 -%a
b9 A *-Tube contains mercur' to a height o; 4,cm in both the limbs. )o8 i; ,0 cm
o; 8ater is a""e" to
the right limb 8hat are the ne8 heights o; mercur' in the t8o limbs. The internal "iameter o; the *-
tube is 10 mm 7=a' 049
14. The sha;t o; a thrust bearing o; "iameter D rotates at N #.%.=. The clearance bet8een its base an" the
$a" on 8hich it rests is dy an" is ;ille" 8ith an oil o; !iscosit' . 3eri!e an e1$ression ;or the $o8er
re&uire" to o!ercome the ;riction o; the bearing. 7=a' 049
15. a9 A s$herical air bubble rises in 8ater. At a "e$th o; 10.2 m< its "iameter is 4 mm. /hat 8oul" be its
"iameter ust as it rises to the ;ree sur;ace 8here the $ressure in 10

b9. A Bour"on $ressure gauge attache" to a close" tan- o; air rea"s 141.1 -%a 8ith the barometer sho8ing
00, mm o; mercur'. I; the barometer rea"ing "ro$s to 040 mm o; mercur'< 8hat 8ill be the gauge
rea"ingL 7=a' 049
20. The 8or- "one in ;orming a soa$ bubble is 0.000)-m. 3etermine the siAe o; the bubble ;orme" i;
sur;ace tension o; soa$ solution to air is 0.04 )H=. Also< Calculate the ;orce re&uire" to se$arate the
bubble into t8o i"entical hal!es an" the $ressure insi"e the bubble. 7=a' 049
21. A metal $late o; siAe 0.. m 1 0.. m an" 1mm thic- an" 8eighing 2, ) is to be li;te" u$ e"ge8ise 8ith
a uni;orm !elocit' o; 200 mmHSec in the ga$ bet8een the t8o ;lat sur;aces. The $late is in the mi""le
o; 8i"th 2 mm an" the ga$ contains oil o; relati!e "ensit' 0.4, an" !iscosit' o; 1.. $oise. Calculate the
!ertical ;orce re&uire" to li;t the $late. 7)o! 049
22. A *-tube manomer is use" to measure the $ressure o; an oil o; s$eci;ic gra!it' 0.4, ;lo8ing in a
$i$eline. Its le;t en" is connecte" to the $i$e an" right limb is o$ene" to the atmos$here . I; the center
o; the $i$e is 100mm belo8 the le!el o; mercur' in the right limb. I; the "i;;erence o; mercur' le!el in
the t8o limbs is 1.0mm< "etermine the absolute $ressure o; the oil in the $i$e 7)o! 049
23 7a9 A tan- contains 0.. m o; mercur'< 2., m o; li&ui" 8ith un-no8n "ensit'< 2 m o; 8ater an" 0.0, m o;
oil o; relati!e "ensit' 0.5 8ith one la'er o!er the other as the' are immiscible. /hat is the s$eci;ic
8eight o; the un-no8n ;lui" i; the absolute $ressure measure" at the bottom o; the tan- is 2..., -%a
an" the atmos$heric $ressure is 101330 )Hm2.
7b9 /ater stan"s to a height o; .0 cm in each limb o; the * tube 8ith an internal "iameter o; 10 mm. /hat
are the ne8 heights o; the 8ater colums in the le;t an" right limbs a;ter 40cm3 o; oil o; "ensit' 0.4 gHcc
is $oure" into the right limb. 7)o! 0,9
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
24. 7a9 The s$ace bet8een t8o $arallel $lates is ;ille" 8ith oil< each si"e o; the $late being 020mm. The
thic-ness o; the oil ;ilm is 1.,mm. The u$$er $late< 8hich mo!es at 3mHs re&uires a ;orce o; 120) to
maintain the s$ee". 3etermine "'namic an" Ginematic !iscosit' o; oil i; s$eci;ic gra!it' o; oil is 0.5,.
7b9 A !ertical c'lin"er o; "iameter 140 mm rotates concentricall' insi"e another c'lin"er o; "iameter
141.2 mm. Both the c'lin"ers are 300 mm high. The s$ace bet8een the c'lin"ers is ;ille" 8ith a li&ui"
8hose "'namic !iscosit' is un-no8n. 3etermine "'namic !iscosit' i; a tor&ue o; 20 )-m is re&uire" to
rotate the inner c'lin"er at 120 r$m. 7:eb 009
2,. :igure 1 sho8s a *-tube "i;;erential manometer connecting t8o $ressure $i$es A an" B. %i$e A
contains a li&ui" o; s$eci;ic gra!it' 1.. un"er a $ressure o; 110 -$a an" $i$e B contains oil o; s$eci;ic
gra!it' 0.4 un"er a $ressure o; 200-$a. :in" the i;;erence o; $ressure measure" b' mercur' as
manometric li&ui". 7:ebruar'< 20009
2.. 7a9 A li&ui" 8ith a !olume o; 0.2m
at 300 -%a is subecte" to a $ressure o; 3000-%a an" its !olume is
;oun" to "ecrease b' 0.2I. Calculate the bul- mo"ulus o; elasticit' o; the li&ui".
7b9 I; the sur;ace tension o; 8ater in contact 8ith air is 0.00, )Hm< 8hat correction nee" be a$$lie" to8ar"
ca$illar' rise in the monometer rea"ing in tube o; 3mm "iameter. 7:eb 009
20 7a9 3e;ine !a$our $ressure< ca$illarit'< com$ressibilit' an" sur;ace Tension. Also e1$lain the $ractical
signi;icance o; them.
7b9 3eri!e an e1$ression ;or the ca$illar' rise o; a li&ui" ha!ing sur;ace tension b an" contact angle ^
bet8een t8o !ertical $arallel $lates a "istance L"L a$art. I; the $lates are o; glass< 8hat 8ill be the
ca$illar' rise o; 8ater ha!ing bM0.003 )Hm M00. Ta-e "M1mm
7c9 A $ressure gauge is ;itte" at the bottom o; a close" !essel to 8hich a sim$le manometer is also ;itte" as
sho8n in ;igure 3etermine the rea"ing in"icate" b' the $ressurge gauge i; manometric li&ui" is
mercur'. 7;igure1b9 7)o! 00< )o!109
24. 7a9 E1$lain the 8or-ing o; a Bour"on $ressure +auge 8ith the hel$ o; a neat s-etch.
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
7b9 An *- tube "i;;erential manometer 8as use" to connect t8o $ressure $i$es % an" 6 as sho8n in ;igure
the % contains a li&ui" ha!ing s$eci;ic grait' o; 1.4 un"er a $ressure o; 5,-)Hm2 . The $i$e 6 contains
another li&ui" ha!ing s$eci;ic gratuit' o; 0.5 un"er a $ressure o; 140 G)Hm2. :in" the "i;;erence o;
$ressure i; mercur' is use" as a *- tube li&ui". 7;igure 1b9 7)o! 009
25. 7a9 3istinguish bet8een
i. I"eal an" #ea" :lui"s
ii. )e8tonian an" )on- )e8tonian :lui"s
iii. +ases an" Ba$ours.
i!. A"hesion an" cohesion
7b9 The !elocit' "istribution in a ;lui" is gi!e b' u M 40000 ' 71-2'9 8here u is the !elocit' in mHsec at a
"istance o; ' meters normal to the boun"ar'. I; the "'namic !iscosit' o; ;lui" is 1.4 c 10`4 $oise<
"etermine the shear stress at ' M 0.2m. 7)o! 009
30. 7a9 3e;ine Bul- mo"ulus o; li&ui"s. E1$lain a ;lui" ;lo8 $roblem 8here it assumes signi;icance.
7b9 One cubic meter o; a li&ui" o; relati!e "ensit' 0.044 an" bul- mo"ulus 1.32 =%a is subecte" to an
increase o; $ressure o; 4., )Hcm2. :in" the change in !olume an" also the ;inal "ensit' o; the li&ui".
7)o! 009
31. a9 A *-tube mercur' "i;;erential manometer has been use" to measure the $ressure "i;;erential across the
inlet an" throat o; a !enturimeter that con!e's 8ater. Calculate the $ressure "i;;erence 8hen 7i9
!enturimeter is lai" horiAontall' an" the manometer rea"s 2, cm 7ii9 !enturimeter is lai" !erticall'< the
inlet lies 20 cm abo!e the throat an" the manometer rea"s 10cm .
b9 A u-tube "i;;erential manometer has been arrange" to measure the $ressure "i;;erence bet8een t8o
$oints A an" B in a slo$ing $i$eline con!e'ing 8ater. The $oint B lies 20 cm higher than $oint A. I;
the "i;;erence in the le!el o; mercur' in limbs o; *-tube is .0 cm< calculate the $ressure
"i;;erence7$AJ$B9. 7)o! 049
32. T8o $i$es at same ele!ation carr' li&ui"s o; relati!e "ensities 2., an" 1., res$ecti!el'. An in!erte" *-
tube manometer 8ith a li&ui" o; relati!e "ensit' 0.4 as manometric li&ui" connecte" to these $i$es
recor"s a "e;lection o; 1, cm< 8ith the $ressure in the $i$e carr'ing hea!ier li&ui" being high.
Calculate the $ressure "i;;erence< i; the !ertical height bet8een the $i$es an" the manometric li&ui"
sur;ace in the limb connecte" to hea!ier ;lui" is 0.40 m. I; the same $ressure "i;;erence is measure"
using an u$right *-tube mercur' =anometer< /hat 8oul" be the corres$on"ing "e;lection in the
manometerL Assume that the !ertical "istance bet8een the $i$es an" the manometric li&ui" sur;ace in
the limb connecte" to hea!ier ;lui" is 0.,0 m. 7)o! 039
33. 7a9 A $iston "iameter an" 2,0mm long 8or-s in a c'lin"er o; 500mm "iameter. I; the annular
s$ace is Jlle" 8ith a lubricating oil o; !iscosit' . $oise< calculate the s$ee" o; "escent o; $iston in
!ertical $osition. The 8eight o; $iston an" a1ial loa" are 11.4).
7b9 E1$lain the $henomenon o; !a$our $ressure. 7=a' 119
34. 7a9 The $ressure insi"e a "ro$let o; 8ater is 0.04)Hcm2 greater than the atmos$heric $ressure.
Calculate the "iameter o; the "ro$let. Ta-e sur;ace tension 78ater 8ith air9 M 41)Hm.
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
7b9 A !elocit' $roJle o; a o8ing ui" o!er a at $late is $arabolic an" gi!en b' u M a'2Xb'Xc 8here a< b
an" c are constants. The !elocit' o; ui" is 1.4mHs at 1,cm ;rom the $late. The $late is the !erte1 $oint
o; the !elocit' "istribution. :in" out the !elocit' gra"ients an" shear stresses at ' M 0< 4
an" 14 cm res$ecti!el'. 7=a' 119
3,. A h'"raulic li;t consists o; a 2,cm "iameter ram 8hich sli"es in a 2,.01,cm "iameter c'lin"er< the
annular s$ace being Jlle" 8ith oil ha!ing a -inetic !iscosit' o; 0.02, cm2Hsec an" s$eciJc gra!it' o;
0.4,. I; the rate o; tra!el o; the ram is 5.1,mHmin< Jn" the ;ractional resistance 8hen 0.3m o; the ram is
engage". 7=a' 119
3.. An *-tube "iJerntial manometer8as use" to connnect t8o $ressure $i$es % an" 6 as sho8n in Jgure 3.
The $i$e d%_ contains a li&ui" ha!ing s$eciJc gra!it' o; 1.4 un"er a $ressure o; 5, G)Hm2. The $i$e d6_
contains another li&ui" ha!ing s$eciJc gra!it' 0.5 un"er a $ressure o; 140 -)Hm2. :in" the "iJerence
o; $ressure i; mercur' is use" as a *-tube li&ui". 7=a' 119
30. A c'lin"rical sha;t o; 50 mm "iameter rotates about a !ertical a1is insi"e a J1e" c'lin"rical tube o; 5,
mm "iameter an" ,0 cm length. I; the s$ace bet8een the tube an" the sha;t is Jlle" b' a lubricant o;
"'namic !iscosit' 0.2 $oise. 3etermine the $o8er re&uire" to o!ercome !iscous resistance 8hen the
sha;t is rotate" at a s$ee" o; 240 #.%.=. 7=a'
1. A 1.4 m "iameter c'lin"rical tan- is lai" 8ith its a1is horiAontal on a le!el groun". Each o; its en"s are
close" b' a hemis$herical "ome. The tan- contains oil o; relati!e "ensit' 0.5 un"er $ressure. I; a
$ressure guage on the to$ o; the tan- rea"s 22 -%a< calculate the resultant ;orce on the s$herical en".
7)o! 00< )o! 0,< )o! 039
2. 7a9 :in" the total $ressure ;orce an" the "e$th o; center o; $ressure on an incline" $lane sur;ace submerge"
in a li&ui".
7b9 At a certain location in the ;lo8 ;iel"< $ressure e&uals ,0 m o; 8ater column.
Obtain the e&ui!alent $ressure hea" in terms o;
i. Gerosene o; s$eci;ic gra!it' 0.4
ii. carbon tetrachlori"e o; s$eci;ic gra!it' 1.,. 7)o! 0,< )o! 049
3. 7a9 %ro!e that the total $ressure e1erte" b' a static li&ui" on an incline" $lane submerge" sur;ace is same
as the ;orce e1erte" on a !ertical $lane sur;ace as long as the "e$th o; centre o; gra!it' o; the sur;ace is
7b9 3etermine the horiAontal an" !ertical com$onents o; total $ressure "ue to 8ater on a tainter gate
sho8n in ;igure 2. /i"th o; gate is 4m. 7)o! 009
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
4. a9 E1$lain ho8 'ou 8oul" ;in" the resultant $ressure on a cur!e" sur;ace immerse" in li&ui".
b9 A circular $late 3.0m "iameter is immerse" in 8ater in such a 8a' that the $lane ma-es an angle 0; .0
8ith the ;ree sur;ace o; 8ater. 3etermine the total $ressure an" $osition o; centre o; $ressure 8hen the
u$$er e"ge o; the $late is 2m belo8 the ;ree sur;ace o; 8ater. 7(une 039
,. a9 3e;ine centre o; $ressure an" obtain the e1$ression ;or the "e$th o; centre o; $ressure belo8 the
centroi" o; a $lane incline" sur;ace subecte" to static ;lui" $ressure.
b9 A c'lin"rical gate is 2m long an" has 8ater on its both si"es. /ater stan"s u$ to the to$ o; the gate on
one si"e an" u$ to the centre o; the c'lin"er on the other si"e. 3etermine the magnitu"e< location an"
"irection o; the resultant h'"rostatic $ressure e1erte" on the gate. 7(une 039
.. A Tra$eAoi"al $late o; $arallel si"es a an" 2a an" height h is immerse" !erticall' in 8ater 8ith one o;
the si"e lengths as horiAontal an" to$most. The to$ e"ge is at a "e$th h belo8 the 8ater sur;ace.
3etermine the total ;orce on one si"e o; the $late an" the location o; the center o; $ressure. 7)o! 039
0. A circular $lane lamina o; "iameter 3 m has a s&uare hole o; si"e 2 m at its center. It is immerse"
!erticall' in a li&ui" o; relati!e "ensit' o; 0.42. such that its centroi" is at a "e$th o; 3 m an" one o; the
"iagonals o; the s&uare hole is $arallel to the ;ree sur;ace. 3etermine the magnitu"e an" location o; the
;orce o; the li&ui" on the lamina. 7)o! 039
4. A s&uare $late 4m 1 4m hangs in 8ater ;rom one o; its corners an" its centroi" lies at a "e$th o; 4 m
;rom the ;ree 8ater sur;ace. /or-out the total $ressure on the $late an" locate the $osition o; the center
; $ressure 8ith res$ect to the $late centroi". 7=a' 049
5. A c'lin"er 30 cm in "iameter an" 100 cm in height is ;i1e" centrall' on the to$ o; a large c'lin"er o;
100 cm "iameter an" .0 cm length. Both the c'lin"ers are ;ille" 8ith 8ater. Calculate 7i9 total $ressure
at the bottom o; the c'lin"er 7ii9 8eight o; total !olume o; 8ater. /hat is the h'"rostatic $ara"o1
bet8een the t8o resultsL 7=a' 049
10. A rectangular $late 2 m length an" 1 m height lies immerse" !erticall' in a li&ui" o; relati!e "ensit'
0.0, such that 2 m si"e is $arallel to an" at a "e$th o; 0.0 m ;rom the ;ree li&ui" sur;ace. I; the $late has
a circular hole o; 0., m "iameter "rille" at its center< com$ute the total $ressure e1erte" b' the li&ui"
on the $late an" the "e$th o; the center o; $ressure. 7)o! 0,9
11. A c'lin"rical barrier o; "iameter 2 m an" length 3 m retains 8ater on both si"es 8ith 8ater sur;ace
ele!ations o; 1., m an" 0., m abo!e the lo8est $oint o; the barrier res$ecti!el'. Calculate the resultant
h'"rostatic ;orce on the barrier. 7)o! 00< =a' 119
12. A triangular $late o; base 8i"th 1., m an" height 2 m lies immerse" in 8ater 8ith the a$e1 "o8n8ar"s.
The base o; the $late is 1 m bello8 an" $arallel to the ;ree 8ater sur;ace. Calculate the total $ressure on
the $late an" the "e$th o; center o; $ressure. 7:eb 009
13. 7a9 /hat "o 'ou mean b' ?'"rostatic $ressure.
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
7b9 3e;ine Total $ressure an" centre o; $ressure
7c9 A circular $late 2.,m in "iameter is submerge" in 8ater as sho8n in ;igure 2c. Its greatest an" least
"e$ths belo8 ;ree sur;ace o; 8ater are 3m an" 2m res$ecti!el'. :in"
i. Total $ressure on ;ront ;ace o; the $late an"
ii. the $osition o; centre o; $ressure 7)o! 00< )o! 109
14. 7a9 3eJne the term centre o; $ressure o; the $lane area immerse" in a ui". /hat relation has it got 8ith
the centre o; gra!it' o; the areaL 3o the centre o; $ressure an" centre o; gra!it' e!er coinci"e an" i; so
un"er 8hat con"itionsL
7b9 E1$lain the term total $ressure acting on a $lane sur;ace immerse" in a ui" at an' angle. Obtain an
e1$ression ;or this< an" also ;or the corres$on"ing "e$th o; the centre o; $ressure. 7=a' 119
1,. A rectangular lamina 3mJ1m is hel" in 8ater at a "e$th o; 1.,m belo8 the ;ree 8ater sur;ace@
7a9 I; the 3m height is !ertical< "etermine the total $ressure ;orce on the lamina an" "e$th o; centre o;
7b9 I; 1m si"e lies in the !ertical $lane at the same "e$th< then Jn" out the change in total $ressure ;orce
acting an" "e$th o; centre o; $ressure.
7c9 Another circular lamina ha!ing same area o; rectangle is also -e$t at 1.,m belo8 the ;ree 8ater
sur;ace. :in" the total $ressure ;orce acting on the circular lamina an" centre o; $ressure. 7=a' 119
1.. :in" the total $ressure an" "e$th o; centre o; $ressure on a triangular $late o; base 3m an" height 3m
8hich is immerse" in8ater such that $lane o; the $late ma-es an angle o; .00 8ith the ;ree sur;ace.
The base o; the $late is $arallel to 8ater sur;ace an" at a "e$th o; 2m ;rom 8ater sur;ace.
7=a' 119
10. A tra$eAoi"al $late o; $arallel si"es dl_ an" d2l_ an" height dh_ is immerse" !erticall' in 8ater 8ith its
si"e o; length dl_ horiAontal an" to$most. The to$ e"ge is at a "e$th dh_ belo8 the 8ater sur;ace.
7a9 Total ;orce on one si"e o; the $late
7b9 Cocation o; the centre o; $ressure. 7=a' 119
1. a9 A certain ;lo8 $attern has a !elocit' $otential M07'
9X41X12'. 3etermine the !elocit'
b9 /hat is a ;lo8netL E1$lain its use. /hat are its limitationsL 7:eb 00< )o! 04< (une 039
2. a9 /hat is a $otential ;lo8L
b9 /rite "o8n the continuit' e&uation ;or a uni"imensional unstea"' state incom$ressible ;lo8.
c9 The stream ;unction ;or ;lui" ;lo8 is gi!en b' M m tan
7'H19. S-etch the streamlines an"
e&ui$otential lines. 7)o! 00< =a' 04< )o! 039
3. a9 E1$lain the terms stream line< strea- line an" $ath line. Also "e;ine Caminar ;lo8< turbulent ;lo8<
stea"' an" unstea"' ;lo8s an" gi!e one e1am$le ;or each.
b9 A close" c'lin"rical !essel o; "iameter 20cm an" height 100cm contains 8ater u$to a height o; 00cm.
The air abo!e the 8ater sur;ace is at a $ressure o; 0.4 -g;Hcm
. The !essel is rotate" at a s$ee" o;
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
300r$m< about its !ertical a1is. :in" the $ressure hea" at the bottom o; the !essel at the centre an" at
the e"ge.
c9 Sho8 that
2 2
x y = re$resents a t8o "imensional irrotational ;lo8. :in" the $otential ;unction.
7)o! 0,< (une 03< ma' 119
4. a9 :in" the e&uation o; stream line $assing through 71<19 i; B M 31i > 3'.
b9 The !elocit' along the centerline o; a noAAle o; length C is gi!en b'
1 2

t V < 8here B M
!elocit' in mHS< t M time in secon"s ;rom commencement o; ;lo8< 1 M "istance ;rom inlet to a noAAle.
:in" con!ecti!e acceleration< local acceleration an" total acceleration 8hen t M 3 sec< 1 M 0., m an" C
M 0.4 m. 7=a' 04< )o! 039
,. 7a9 E1$lain one< t8o an" three "imensional ;lo8s.
7b9 I; eM 31'< ;in" 1 an" ' com$onents o; !elocit' at 71<39 an" 73<39. 3etermine the "ischarge $assing
bet8een streamlines $assing through these $oints. 7)o! 00< )o! 0,< =a' 119
.. 7a9 The !elocit' o; a 3-3 ;lo8 ;iel" is gi!en b' B M 7'2XA29i X 712XA29 X 712X'29- 3etermine the
acceleration com$onents at a $oint 71<2<39
7b9 3eri!e the continuit' e&uation ;or a 3-3 ;lui" ;lo8. 7:eb00< )o! 0,9
0. a9 3i;;erentiate 7i9 stea"' ;lo8 an" unstea"' ;lo8 7ii9 rotational ;lo8 an" irrotational ;lo8 gi!ing an
e1am$le o; each t'$e.
b9 I; the 1< ' com$onents o; !elocit' in a three "imensional ;lo8 are uM1
an" !M '
:in" the f
com$onent o; !elocit' that satis;ies the continuit' e&uation.
c9 S-etch the stream lines re$resente" b' the !elocit' $otential gM

7(une 039
4. a9 3e;ine !elocit' $otential an" mention its characteristics.
b9 A certain ;lo8 $attern has a !elocit' $otential M y xy x
2 2
3etermine the stream ;unction.
7(une< 20039
5 a9 3eri!e the continuit' e&uation ;or t8o "imensional ;lo8 an" state the assum$tions.
b9 Obtain the stream ;unction ;or a ;lo8 gi!en b' the !elocit' com$onents *M - 4a1 71
BM 4a'731
- '29 7(une 039
10. In a circular $i$e the !elocit' !aries as

1 ! !
8here ! is the !elocit' at a ra"ial "istance r ;rom
the a1is o; the $i$e an" m is the ma1imum ;lo8 at the a1is. :in" the ratio o; a!erage !elocit' in the
$i$e to ma1imum !elocit'. 7)o! 039
11. a9 E1$lain one< t8o an" three "imensional ;lo8s.
b9 I; M 31'< ;in" 1 an" ' com$onents o; !elocit' at 71<39 an" 73<39. 3etermine the "ischarge $assing
bet8een streamlines $assing through these $oints. 7)o! 039
12. a9 3istinguish bet8een@
7i9 normal an" tangential accelerations 7ii9 local an" con!ecti!e acceleration.
b9 The buc-et o; a s$ill8a' has a ra"ius o; .m 8hen the s$ill8a' is "ischarging , m
Hs<m length o; crest<
the a!erage thic-ness o; sheet o; 8ater o!er the buc-et is .40m.
:in" the ratio o; resulting normal acceleration to the acceleration "ue to gra!it'. 7=a' 049
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
13. a9 3e;ine stream ;unction an" !elocit' $otential ;unction an" list out their characteristics.
b9 The "iameter o; a $i$e !aries linear ;or 40 cm to 20 cm o!er a length o; 100 cm. :in" the acceleration
in a stea"' ;lo8 at the mi" $oint o; the transition< 8hen the $i$e carries a "ischarge o; 0.0, m
7=a' 049
14. a9 *n"er /hat con"itions a stream line coinci"es 8ith a strea- line.
b9 :lo8 o; 8ater in a ri!er "uring ;loo"s !aries 8ith time. ?o8 is the ;lo8 "escribe"L
c9 A stream ;unction is gi!en b' the e1$ression M 21
X '
. :in" the com$onents o; !elocit'< as 8ell as
the resultant !elocit' at a $oint 73<19. 7)o! 049
1,. a9 The !elocit' at a $oint is gi!en b' B M 74t X 31
X 2'9i X 7t
X 21' X 3'
9. 3etermine the local
acceleration an" total acceleration at a $oint 72<39 ;or t M 1., secon"s.
b9 3e;ine a stream line an" obtain an e&uation ;or it. Enumerate the $ro$erties o; streamlines. 7)o! 049
1.. a9 3istinguish bet8een rotational an" irrotational ;lo8.
b9 Sho8 that the !elocit' com$onents gi!en b' u M 21Ht< ! M -'Ht an" 8 M AHt re$resent a $ossible ;lui"
;lo8. =ention 8hether the ;lo8 is rotational or not. 7)o! 049
10. 7a9 3e;ine Stream ;unction an" !elocit' $otential.
7b9 A ;lui" ;lo8 ;iel" is gi!en b' B M 12'i X '2A ` 721'A X 'A29-. %ro!e that it is a case o; $ossible
stea"' incom$ressible ;lui" ;lo8. Calculate the !elocit' at the $oint 72<1<39. 7)o! 0,9
14. 7a9 The !elocit' at a $oint is gi!en b' B M 74t X 31
X 2'9i X 7t
X 21' X 3'
9 3etermine the local
cceleration an" total acceleration at a $oint 72<39 ;or t M 1., secon"s.
7b9 3e;ine a stream line an" obtain an e&uation ;or it. Enumerate the $ro$erties o; streamlines. 7)o! 009
15. 7a9 3i;;erentiate bet8een uni;orm ;lo8 an" stea"' ;lo8.
7b9 :or the ;lo8 o; an incom$ressible ;lui"< the !elocit' com$onent in the 1-"irection is u M a1
X b' an"
the !elocit' com$onent in A "irection is Aero. :in" the !elocit' com$onent in ' "irection. To e!aluate
arbitrar' ;unction 8hich might a$$ear in the integration assume that ! M 0 at ' M 0. 7:eb 009
20. 7a9 Is the ;lo8 net anal'sis a$$licable to rotational ;lo8L I; not< /h'L
7b9 A t8o-"imensional ;lo8 can be "escribe" b'
2 2
y x
b b
= = Beri;' that this is the ;lo8 o; an
incom$ressible ;lui" an" that the elli$se
2 2
2 2
x y
a b
+ =
is a streamline. 7:eb 009
21. 7a9 3e;ine stream line< $ath line an" strea- line.
7b9 A 20 cm "iameter $i$e "i!i"es into a 1, cm branch an" a 10 cm branch. I; the total ;lo8 is 0., m3Hs a
n" i; the same a!erage !elocit' occurs in each branch< 8hat is the "ischarge in each branchL 7:eb 009
22. 7a9 /hat is a ;lo8 net. 3ra8 a t'$ical ;lo8 net an" e1$lain its a$$lications. /hat are the limitations o;
;lo8 nets.
7b9 A $i$e ,0 cm in "iameter branches into t8o $i$es o; "iameters 2, cm an" 20 cm res$ecti!el' as sho8n
in ;igure 3. It the a!erage !elocit' in ,0 cm "iameter $i$e is 4mHsec ;in"
i. 3ischarge through ,0 cm "iameter $i$e an"
ii. !elocit' in 20 cm "iameter $i$e i; the a!erage !elocit' in 2, cm $i$e is 3 mHsec 7)o! 009
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
23. 7a9 3escribe brie;l' "i;;erent metho"s o; "ra8ing ;lo8 nets.
7b9 The !elocit' !ector in an incom$ressible ;lo8 is gi!en b' B M 7.1t X 'A
9i X 73t X 1'
9 X 71' ` 21'A `
i. Beri;' 8hether the continuit' e&uation is satis;ie"
ii. 3etermine the acceleration !ector at $oint A 71<1<19 at t M 1.0 7)o! 009
24. 7a9 State an" e1$lain e&uation o; continuit' ;or incom$ressible ;lui" an" com$ressible ;lui".
7b9 +i!e e1am$les o; stream line ;lo8< turbulent ;lo8< stea"' ;lo8< unstea"' ;lo8< uni;orm ;lo8 an" non-
uni;orm ;lo8.
7c9 Oil ;lo8s through a $i$eline 8hich contracts ;rom 4, cm "iameter at A to 30 cm "iameter at B an" then
branches into t8o $i$es C an" 3. The "iameter o; the $i$e C is 1, cm an" "iameter o; the $i$e 3 is 20
cm. I; the !elocit' at A be 1.4 mHsec an" that at 3 be 3.. mHsec 3etermine 7;igure3c9
i. Belocit' at section B
ii. 3ischarge at 3
ii. 3ischarge at C
i!. Belocit' at C 7)o! 00< )o! 109
:igure 3c
2,. 7a9 3e;ine the e&uation o; continuit'. Obtain an e1$ression ;or continuit' e&uation ;or a three "imensional
7b9 In a t8o "imensional incom$ressible ;lo8< the ;lui" !elocit' com$onents are gi!en b' * M 1-4' an" B
M -'-41. Sho8 that !elocit' $otential e1ists an" "etermine its ;orm as 8ell as stream ;unction.
7)o! 00< =a' 119
2.. 7a9 Calculate the !elocit' at the $oint 7,<,9 ;or the ;ollo8ing stream ;unctions@
i. M -1 ln 1' X 1
ii. M 1H27 3'2-4129X1'X.
7b9 /rite short notes on@
i. %ath line< strea- line an" stream tube
ii. Stream ;unction< !elocit' $otential ;unction an" o8 nets. 7=a'
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
20. 7a9 E1$lain the terms@
i. $ath line
ii. strea- line
iii. stream line an"
i!. stream tube.
7b9 A ui" o8 Jel" is gi!en b' B M 12'3iX'2A-721'AX'A29-. %ro!e that it is a case o; $ossible stea"'
incom$ressible ui" o8. Calculate the !elocit' at the $oint 72<3<09. 7=a' 119
24. 7a9 The stream ;unction in a t8o "imensional o8 is M 31-2'X,1'. Beri;' 8hether the o8 is irrotational.
3etermine the "irection o; stream line at a $oint 71<-29. 3etermine also the e1$ression ;or the !elocit'
7b9 /hat "o 'ou mean b' o8 netL Cite an' t8o e1am$les 8here the o8 net is utiliAe" as a tool in
anal'Aing o8 $roblems. Also sho8 that the stream lines an" e&ui$otential lines ;orm a net o; mutuall'
$er$en"icular lines. 7=a' 119
1. A $i$eline is 1, cm in "iameter an" is at an ele!ation o; 100 m at section A. At section B< it is at an
le!ation o; 100.0 m an" has a "iameter o; 30 cm. /hen a "ischarge o; ,0 litHsec o; 8ater is $asse"
through this $i$e< the $ressure at section A is obser!e" to be 30 G%a. The energ' loss in the $i$e is 2
m. Calculate the $ressure at B 8hen the ;lo8 is 7i9 ;rom A to B< 7ii9 ;rom B to A.
7)o! 03< )o! 04<)o! 0,9
2. A 30 cm "iameter $i$e is bi;urcate" into t8o noAAles at a '-unction. The noAAles "ischarge to
atmos$here an" ha!e a !elocit' o; 10 mHs each. 3iameters o; ;irst an" secon" noAAles are 0., cm an"
10 cm res$ecti!el'. The unction is in a horiAontal $lane an" the angle o; interce$tion o; t8o noAAles at
the unction is .0
. )eglecting the ;riction< "etermine the magnitu"e an" "irection o; the resultant ;orce
on the '-unction. 7)o! 0,< =a' 049
3. 7a9 A 400 m long $i$e has a slo$e o; 1 in 100 an" ta$ers ;rom 1.2 m "ia at high en" to 0.. m "ia at the lo8
en". The "ischarge is 100 litHsec. I; the $ressure at high en" is 100 -)Hm2< ;in" the $ressure at the lo8
en". )eglect ;riction.
7b9 A 20 cm "iameter $i$e has a 500 ben" 7to the right9 in the horiAontal $lane. /hen a "ischarge o; 1,0
litHsec o; oil 7S M 0.49 is sent in this $i$e< the $ressure at the beginning o; the ben" is ;oun" to be 0., m
o; oil. Estimate the resultant ;orce e1erte" b' the oil on the ben". 7:eb 00< )o! 0,9
4. 7a9 A tan- has a noAAle o; e1it "iameter 31 at a "e$th ?1 belo8 the ;ree sur;ace.At the si"e o$$osite to
that o; noAAle 1< another noAAle is $ro$ose" at a "e$th ?1H2. /hat shoul" be the "iameter o; the secon"
noAAle 32< interms o; 31 so that the net horiAontal ;orce on the tan- is AeroL
7b9 In a $um$ the suction an" "eli!er' $i$es are o; the same siAe an" are at the same le!el. At a gi!en
"ischarge loss o; hea" bet8een a $oint A on the suction si"e an" a $oint B on the "eli!er' si"e is 3.0
m. I; the $ressure at $oint B is 120 G%a an" the hea" "e!elo$e" b' the $um$ is 10 m< ;in" the $ressure
at $oint A. 7:eb 00< )o! 009
,. 7a9 3eri!e the Euler2s e&uation o; motion ;or ;lo8 o; stea"' incom$ressible ;lui". State the assum$tions.
7b9 A 2., cm noAAle is connecte" to a 0., cm "iameter $i$e. I; the $ressure at the u$stream en" o; the
noAAle is ,,0 -)Hm2 gauge< 8hat 8ill be the ;orce e1erte" b' the noAAle on the 8ater< i; the 8ater is
"ischarge" into the atmos$here. 7)o!ember< 2000<:ebruar' 20009
.. 7a9 A turbine is set 40 m belo8 the 8ater le!el o; a reser!oir an" is ;e" b' .0 cm "iameter $i$e. I; short
$i$e o; 4, cm "iameter "ischarges 8ater ;rom the turbine to atmos$here< neglecting ;riction< estimate
the $o8er e1tracte" b' the turbine 8hen the "ischarge is 0.4 m3Hs.
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
7b9 3escribe that each term in the BernouliLs e&uation re$resents the energ' $er unit 8eight.
7:e 00< )o! 009
0. a9 State an" e1$lain momentum e&uation.
b9 A "rainage $um$ has a ta$ere" suction $i$e. The $i$e is running ;ull o; 8ater. The "iameters o; the
$i$e at the base an" at the u$$er en" are res$ecti!el' 1.,m an" 1m. The 8ater sur;ace is 2.2m abo!e
the centre o; the base an" the u$$er en" is 2.4m abo!e the 8ater sur;ace. The $ressure at the to$ o;
$i$e is 20cm o; mercur' !accum. The loss o; hea" b' ;riction bet8een the base an" u$$er en" o; the
$i$e is
th o; the !elocit' at the u$$er en". Com$ute the "ischarge in litresHsec. 7(une< 20039
4. a9 State an" $ro!e Euler2s e&uation ;or one "imensional ;lo8.
b9 A $i$e line carr'ing oil o; s$eci;ic gra!it' 0.42 changes in "iameter ;rom 300mm at A to ,00mm at B
8hich is ,m abo!e A. I; the $ressure at A an" B are res$ecti!el' 10)Hcm
an" .)Hcm
an" the rate o;
;lo8 is 2,0 litersHsec< "etermine the loss o; hea" an" the "irection o; ;lo8. 7(une 039
5 a9 State an" $ro!e Bernoulli2s e&uation .
b9 A 4,
re"ucing ben" in a horiAontal $lane ta$ers ;rom .0cm "iameter at the inlet to 30cm "iameter at
the outlet. The $ressure at the inlet is 1,0-%a an" the rate o; ;lo8 o; 8ater through it is 0., m
)eglecting ;riction< calculate the net horiAontal ;orce e1erte" b' the 8ater on the ben". 7(une 039
10. /ater ;lo8s at the rate o; 0.01 m
Hs through the horiAontal $i$e transition ;rom 50 cm "ia to .0 cm "ia.
I; the $ressure intensit' at the center line o; 50 cm section is 5410 )Hm
< 8hat 8ill be the center line
$ressure in the .0 cm sectionL /hat ;orce 8ill be re&uire" to $ro"uce the change in momentum o;
8ater as it $asses through the transitionL 7)o! 039
11. a9 ,0
Hsec o; 8ater ;lo8s in a horiAontal $i$e 8hich is 200 m long an" the center o; 8hich is 3 m abo!e
the "atum line. The $i$e ta$ers ;rom 30 cm "iameter to 20 cm. I; the $ressure at 20 cm "ia section o;
the $i$e is 5.41 )Hcm
< calculate the $ressure at the other en". )eglect losses.
b9 3e;ine momentum an" energ' correction ;actors. 7)o! 039
12. a9 *sing momentum< energ' an" continuit' e&uation ;or one "imensional ;lo8 "eri!e an e1$ression ;or
hea" loss "ue to su""en enlargement in a $i$e.
b9 The !elocit' "istribution in a $i$e is gi!en b' u M Bm71-rH#9
8here # is ra"ius o; $i$e< Bm is ma1imum
!elocit' at the a1is o; $i$e< r is an' ra"ius at 8hich the !elocit' is u. 3etermine energ' correction
;actor. 7)o! 039
13. a9 In a si$hon the summit is 4 m abo!e the 8ater le!el in the reser!oir ;rom 8hich the ;lo8 is being
"ischarge" out. I; the hea" loss ;rom the inlet o; the si$hon to the summit is 2 m an" the !elocit' at the
summit is 2 mHs< ;in" the $ressure at the summit.
b9 A $um$ "ra8s ;rom a sum$ 8hose 8ater sur;ace is 1., m belo8 the center o; the $um$ an" "ischarges
it ;reel' to atmos$here at 1.2 m abo!e the $um$ center line. The suction an" "eli!er' $i$es are 20 cm
an" 2, cm in "iameter res$ecti!el'. I; the $ressure at the suction en" o; the $um$ is > 2.0 cm o;
mercur' 7gauge9< "etermine the "ischarge an" $o8er im$arte" b' the $um$. )eglect all losses.
7=a' 049
14. a9 A 30
re"ucer ben" ta$ers ;rom .00 mm "iameter at inlet to 300 mm "iameter at outlet. The $ressure
at inlet is 1., bar an" the ;lo8 rate o; oil 7S M 0.59 through the ben" is ,00 litHs. Assuming ;riction
losses to be 20I o; the Ginetic energ' hea" at the inlet< Com$ute the magnitu"e an" "irection o; the
resultant ;orce e1erte" b' the ;lui" on the ben".
b9 Cist out the a$$lications o; im$ulse-momentum $rinci$le. 7=a' 049
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
1,. a9 A tan- has a noAAle o; e1it "iameter 31 at a "e$th ?1 belo8 the ;ree sur;ace. At the si"e o$$osite to
that o; noAAle 1< another noAAle is $ro$ose" at a "e$th ?1H2. /hat shoul" be the "iameter o; the secon"
noAAle 32< in terms o; 31 so that the net horiAontal ;orce on the tan- is AeroL
b9 In a $um$ the suction an" "eli!er' $i$es are o; the same siAe an" are at the same le!el. At a gi!en
"ischarge the loss o; hea" bet8een a $oint A on the suction si"e an" a $oint B on the "eli!er' si"e is
3.0 m. I; the $ressure at $oint B is 120 G%a an" the hea" "e!elo$e" b' the $um$ is 10 m< ;in" the
$ressure at $oint A. 7=a' 049
1.. +asoline 8hich has a !a$our $ressure o; ,., 1 10
%a 7abs9 an" "ensit' M .40 -gHm
;lo8s through a
constriction in a $i$e 8here "iameter is re"uce" ;rom 20 cm to 10 cm. The $ressure in the 20 cm $i$e
ust u$stream o; the constriction is ,0 G%a. I; the atmos$heric $ressure is 0, cm o; mercur'< calculate
the ma1imum "ischarge that can be $asse" through this constriction 8ithout ca!itation occurring.
7)o! 049
10. /ater ;lo8s at the rate o; 0.01 m
Hs through the horiAontal $i$e transition ;rom 50 cm "ia to .0 cm
"ia. I; the $ressure intensit' at the center line o; 50 cm section is 5410 )Hm
< 8hat 8ill be the center
line $ressure in the .0 cm sectionL /hat ;orce 8ill be re&uire" to $ro"uce the change in momentum o;
8ater as it $asses through the transitionL 7)o! 049
14. a9 A $i$e line< .00 mm "iameter carr'ing oil o; s$.gr. 0.4, at the ;lo8 rate o; 1400 litHs has a 50
ben" in
the horiAontal $lane. The $ressure at the entrance to the ben" is 1.401 bar an" loss o; hea" in the ben"
is 2 m o; oil. :in" the magnitu"e an" "irection o; the ;orce e1erte" b' the oil on the ben" an" sho8 the
"irection o; the ;orce on a s-etch o; the ben".
b9 At a $oint in the $i$e line 8here "iameter is 20 cm< the !elocit' o; 8ater is 4 mHs an" the $ressure is
343 -)Hm
. At a $oint 1, cm "o8nstream< the "iameter re"uces to 10cm. Calculate the $ressure at this
$oint< i; the $i$e is !ertical 8ith ;lo8 "o8n8ar". )eglect the losses. 7)o! 049
15. 7a9 A et o; 8ater ;rom a 20 mm "iameter noAAle is "irecte" !erticall' u$8ar"s.Calculate the "iameter o;
et at a $oint . m abo!e the noAAle< i; the !elocit' 8ith 8hich the et lea!es the noAAle is 1, mHs.
Assume that the the et remains circular.
7b9 A 300 mm "iameter $i$e carries 8ater un"er a hea" o; 20 m 8ith a !elocit' o; 3., mHs. I; the a1is o;
the $i$e turns through 4,0< ;in" the magnitu"e an" "irection o; the resultant ;orce at the ben". 7)o! 0,9
20. 7a9 T8o $i$es 0., m an" 0.2, m in "iameter are connecte" b' a smooth transition ben" ma-ing an angle o;
0,0 bet8een the t8o $i$es. /hen a "ischarge o; 0.4 m3Hs o; 8ater is ;lo8ing through this ben"< the
$ressure on the u$stream larger "iameter $i$e is 200 G%a. Calculate the ;orce on the ben". Assume
the ben" to be horiAontal.
7b9 In a smooth $i$e o; uni;orm "iameter 2, cm< a $ressure o; ,0 G%a 8as obser!e" at section 1 8hich 8as
at ele!ation 10.0 m. At another section 2 at an ele!ation o; 12.0 m< the $ressure 8as 20 G%a an" the
!elocit' 8as 1.2, mHs. 3etermine the "irection o; ;lo8 an" the hea" loss bet8een these t8o sections<
the ;lui" in the $i$e is 8ater. 7)o! 0,9
21. 7a9 3eri!e an e1$ression ;or the "i;;erence o; $ressure hea" ;or a gi!en length o; the t8o $arallel $lates
8hich are ;i1e" an" through 8hich !iscous ;lui" is ;lo8ing.
7b9 Calculate the $ressure gra"ient along the ;lo8< the a!erage !elocit' an" the "ischarge ;or an oil o;
!iscosit' 0.02 )SHm2 ;lo8ing bet8een t8o stationar' $lates 1m 8i"e maintaine" 1cm a$art. The
!elocit' mi"8a' bet8een the $lates is 2., mHsec. 7:eb 009
22. 7a9 State an" "eri!e Bernoullis theorem< mentioning clearl' the assum$tions un-"erl'ing it.
7b9 A 4,0re"ucing ben" is connecte" in a $i$e line< the "iameters at the inlet an" outlet o; the ben" being
40 cm an" 20 cm res$ecti!el'. :in" the ;orce e1erte" b' 8ater on the ben" i; the intensit' o; $ressure
at inlet o; ben" is 21.,4)Hcm2 . The rate o; ;lo8 o; 8ater is ,00 litH sec. 7)o! 009
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
23. 7a9 3e;ine $otential hea"< !elocit' hea" an" "atum hea".
7b9 Cist out the assum$tions an" limitations o; BernoulliLs e&uation.
7c9 3.0 liters $er secon" o; 8ater is ;lo8ing in a $i$e. The $i$e is bent b' 1200 The "iameters at the inlet
an" outlet o; the ben" being 3.0 mm 240 mm res$ecti!el' an" !olume o; the ben" is 0.14m3 . The
$ressure at the entrance is 02G)Hm2 an" the e1it is 2.4m abo!e the entrance section. 7)o! 009
24. 430 ltHsec o; 8ater is o8ing in a $i$e. The $i$e is bent b' 1200. The $i$e ben" measures 3.0mm J
240mm an" !olume o; the ben" is 0.14m3. The $ressure at the entrance is 02G)Hm2 an" the e1it is
2.4m abo!e the entrance section. :in" the ;orce e1erte" on the ben" 7=a' 119
2,. 7a9 A Jreman hol"s a 8ater hose en"ing into a noAAle that issues a 2,mm "iameter et o; 8ater. I; the
$ressure o; 8ater in the .0mm "iameter hose is 0,0-%a< Jn" the ;orce e1$erience" b' the Jreman.
7b9 3eri!e Eulerds e&uation o; motion along a stream line. 7=a' 119
2.. 7a9 State the assum$tions in!ol!e" in Bernoulli_s energ' theorem. /rite an' ;our limitations o; the
7b9 The "iameter o; a $i$e changes ;rom 220mm at a section .m abo!e "atum to 5,mm at a section
2.,m abo!e "atum. The $ressure o; 8ater at Jrst section is 400 -%a. I; the !elocit' o; o8 at the Jrst
section is 2mHs< "etermine the intensit' o; $ressure at the secon" section. 7=a' 119
20. State Bernoulli_s theorem ;or stea"' o8 o; an incom$ressible ui". 3eri!e an e1$ression ;or Bernoullids
e&uation ;rom Jrst $rinci$les an" state the assum$tions ma"e ;or such a "eri!ation. 7=a' 119
24. In a 4,0 ben" a rectangular air "uct o; 1m2 cross sectional area is gra"uall' re"uce" to 0., m2 area.
:in" the magnitu"e an" "irection o; ;orce re&uire" to hol" the "uct in $osition< i; the !elocit' o; o8 at
1 m2 section is 10mHsec an" $ressure is 30 -)Hm2. Assume s$eciJc 8eight o; air as 0.0114 -)Hm3.
7=a' 119
25. 7a9 State Im$ulse-momentum e&uation. +i!e $ractical e1am$les 8here this e&uation can be a$$lie".
7b9 A $i$e o; 30 cm "iameter con!e'ing 0.20 cumecs o; 8ater has a 500 ben" in horiAontal $lane. The
$ressures at inlet an" outlet o; the ben" are 30 )Mcm2 an" 0.24)Mcm2 res$ecti!el'. :in" the ;orce on
the ben". 7=a' 119
1. a9 3i;;erentiate bet8een
7i9 Stream line bo"' an" blu;; bo"'
7ii9 :riction "rag an" $ressure "rag.
b9 A -ite .0cm 1 .0cm 8eighing 2.543 ) assumes an angle o; 10
to the horiAontal. I; the $ull on the
string is 25.43) 8hen the 8in" is ;lo8ing at a s$ee" o; 40 -mHhr. :in" the corres$on"ing coe;;icient
o; "rag an" li;t. 3ensit' o; air is gi!en as 1.2, -gHm
. 7:eb 00< )o! 00< )o! 0,< =a' 049
2. a9 /hat is =agnus e;;ect. /h' it is -no8n as =agnus e;;ect.
b9 /h' is the streamlining o; automobiles is o; less $ractical im$ortance than that o; subsonic air$lanes.
c9 :in" the "rag ;orce "i;;erence on a ;lat $late o; siAe 1.,m 1 1.,m 8hen the $late is mo!ing at a s$ee" o;
,mHsec normal to its $late ;irst in 8ater an" secon" in air o; "ensit' 1.24 -gHm
. Coe;;icient o; "rag is
gi!en as 1.10. 7)o! 0,< )o! 049
3 7a9 ?o8 "oes the "rag coe;;icient change 8ith
i. sur;ace roughness
ii. turbulence le!el
7b9 E1$lain un"er 8hat con"itions 8ill roughening o; the sur;ace o; a bo"'
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
i. increase
ii. "ecrease its "rag coe;;icient.
7c9 A $late o; siAe 1m 1 1.2m mo!es at 12 mHsec in still air at an angle o; 120 8ith the horiAontal. *sing a
coe;;icient o; "rag o; 0.10 an" coe;;icient o; li;t o; 0.02< "etermine
i. the resultant ;orce e1erte" b' air on the $late
ii. the ;rictional ;orce an"
iii. the $o8er re&uire" to -ee$ the $late mo!ing. The s$eci;ic 8eight o; the air is 12.1, )Hm
7:eb 00< )o! 049
4. a9 3e;ine Caminar boun"ar' la'er< turbulent boun"ar' la'er< laminar sub-la'er an" boun"ar' la'er
b9 A thin $late is mo!ing in still atmos$heric air at a !elocit' o; 4mHsec. The length o; the $late is 0.,m
an" 8i"th 0.4m. Calculate the thic-ness o; boun"ar' la'er at the en" o; the $late an" "rag ;orce on one
si"e o; the $late. Ta-e "ensit' o; air as 1.2, -gHm
an" Ginematic !iscosit' is 0.1, sto-es.
7)o! 00< )o! 039
,. a9 3e;ine "is$lacement thic-ness. 3eri!e an e1$ression ;or the "is$lacement thic-ness.
b9 Oil 8ith a ;ree stream !elocit' o; 1.,mHsec ;lo8 o!er a thin $late 1.4m 8i"e an" 2.2m long. Calculate
the boun"ar' la'er thic-ness an" the shear stress at the trailing en" $oint an" "etermine the total
sur;ace resistance o; the $late. Ta-e s$eci;ic gra!it' o; oil is 0.40 an" -inematic !iscosit' as 0.1 sto-e
7)o! 00< )o! 039
.. a9 E1$lain ho8 8ill 'ou ;in" the "rag on a ;lat $late "ue to laminar an" turbulent boun"ar' la'ers.
b9 /ater is ;lo8ing o!er a thin smooth $late o; length 4.,m an" 8i"th 2.,m at a !elocit' o; 0.5 mHsec. I;
the boun"ar' la'er ;lo8 changes ;rom laminar to turbulent at a #e'nol"s number , 1 10
;in" 7i9 the
"istance ;rom lea"ing e"ge u$ to 8hich boun"ar' la'er is laminar 7ii9 thic-ness o; the boun"ar' la'er
at the transition $oint an" 7iii9 the "rag ;orce on one si"e o; the $late. Ta-e !iscosit' o; 8ater as 0.01
$oise. 7)o! 00< )o! 039
0. a9 ?o8 8ill 'ou ;in" the "rag on a ;lat $late "ue to laminar an" turbulent boun"ar' la'ersL
b9 Oil 8ith a ;ree stream !elocit' o; 1.,mHsec ;lo8s o!er a thin $late 1.4m 8i"e an" 2.2m long.
Calculate the boun"ar' la'er thic-ness an" the shear stress at the trailing en" $oint an" "etermine the
total sur;ace resistance o; the $late. Ta-e s$eci;ic gra!it' o; oil as 0.4 an" -inematic !iscosit' as 0.1
sto-e. 7(une 039
4. a9 3i;;erentiate laminar ;lo8 an" turbulent ;lo8.
b9 A $i$e line ABC< 1,0m long is lai" on an u$8ar" slo$e o; 1 in ,0. The length AB is 0,m an" its
"iameter is 1,cm. At B< the $i$e section su""enl' changes to 30cm in "iameter an" remains so ;or the
length BC an" is "ischarge" at the u$$er en" at a rate o; ,0 litreHs. +i!en the $ressure at the su$$l'
en"< A< to be 1,0G$a< ;in" the h'"raulic gra"ient line. Assume ;riction ;actor h4;2 to be 0.02.
7(une 039
5. a9 E1$lain boun"ar' la'er se$aration 8ith neat s-etch.
b9 A -ite 8eighing 1,) has an e;;ecti!e area o; 0.4 m
. The tension in the -ite string is 3,) 8hen the
string ma-es an angle o; 4,
8ith the horiAontal. :or a 8in" !elocit' o; 5 mHs< 8hat are the coe;;icients
o; li;t an" "rag i; the -ite assumes an angle o; 10
8ith the horiAontal S$eci;ic 8eight o; air is 12 )Hm
7(une 039
10. a9 /hat is boun"ar' la'erL E1$lain 8ith a neat s-etch the "e!elo$ment o; boun"ar' la'er along a ;lat
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
b9 A thin $late 1mN1m is hel" $arallel to a stream o; 8ater mo!ing at a !elocit' o; 2.,mHs. Assuming
laminar con"itions in the boun"ar' la'er at the lea"ing e"ge o; the $late< locate 8here the boun"ar'
la'er changes ;rom laminar to turbulent an" "etermine the thic-ness o; the boun"ar' la'er an" the
boun"ar' shear stress at this $oint. 7(une 039
11. a9 3e;ine 7i9 Boun"ar' la'er thic-ness 7ii9 3is$lacement thic-ness an" 7iii9 momentum thic-ness an"
gi!e e1$ressions ;or the same.
b9 E1$lain boun"ar' la'er se$aration an" in"icate the metho"s o; controlling se$aration.
7(une 039
12. a9 /hat "o 'ou mean b' boun"ar' la'er. 3escribe the "e!elo$ment o; boun"ar'
la'er along a ;lat $late.
b9 :in" the ;rictional "rag on one si"e o; the $late 20cm 8i"e an" ,0cm long $lace" longitu"inall' in a
stream o; cru"e oil 7s$eci;ic gra!it' M 0.52,< -inematic !iscosit' M 0.5 sto-e9 ;lo8ing 8ith un"isturbe"
!elocit' o; ,mHsec. Also ;in" the thic-ness o; boun"ar' la'er an" the shear stress at the trailing e"ge o;
the $late. 7)o! 039
13. a9 E1$lain ho8 8ill 'ou "etermine 8hether a boun"ar' la'er ;lo8 is attache" ;lo8< "etache" ;lo8 or on
the a!erage o; se$aration.
b9 :in" the ratio o; s-in ;riction "rag on the ;ront hal; an" rear hal; $ortions o; a ;lat $late -e$t in a
uni;orm stream o; Aero inci"ence. Assume the boun"ar' la'er to be turbulent o!er the entire $late.
7=a' 049
14. a9 E1$lain total "rag on a bo"'< resultant ;orce on a bo"'< coe;;icient o; "rag an" coe;;icient o; li;t.
b9 A ;lat $late 2m 1 2m mo!es at 40 -m$h in stationar' air o; "ensit' 1.2, -gHm
. I; the coe;;icient o;
"rag an" li;t are 0.2 an" 0.4 res$ecti!el' ;in" 7i9 the li;t ;orce
7ii9 "rag ;orce 7iii9 #esultant ;orce an" 7i!9 the $o8er re&uire" to -ee$ the $late in motion. 7=a' 049
1, a9 3e;ine the terms "rag an" li;t. 3eri!e mathematical e1$ressions ;or "rag an" li;t.
b9 The air is ;lo8ing o!er a c'lin"er o; "iameter 10cm an" o; in;inite length 8ith a !elocit' o; 1, cmHsec.
:in" the total "rag< shear "rag an" $ressure "rag on 1m length o; the c'lin"er i; the total "rag
coe;;icient is 1., an" shear "rag coe;;icient is 0.2,. The "ensit' o; air is gi!en as 1.2, -gHm
7=a' 049
1. a9 3ra8 an" e1$lain the a$$ro1imate ;lo8 $attern an" the $ressure "istribution aroun" a ;lat $late $lace"
$er$en"icularl' in a stream ;lo8.
b9 Calculate the total "rag< shear "rag an" the $ressure "rag e1erte" on 1m length o; an in;inite circular
c'lin"er 8hich has a "iameter e&ual to 3cm< air o; "ensit' 1.2. -gHm
;lo8ing $ast the c'lin"er 8ith
!elocit' 3..mHmin. Ta-e total "rag coe;;icient e&ual to 1.4 an" shear "rag coe;;icient e&ual to 0.14,.
7)o! 049
10. a9 /hat are the boun"ar' con"itions that must be satis;ie" b' a gi!en !elocit' $ro;ile in laminar boun"ar'
la'er ;lo8s. Also e1$lain 8h' boun"ar' la'er increase 8ith "istance ;rom the u$stream e"ge.
b9 A smooth ;lat $late o; length ,m an" 8i"th 2m is mo!ing 8ith a !elocit' o; 4mHsec in stationar' air o;
"ensit' as 1.2, -gHm
an" -inematic !iscosit' 1., 1 10
Hsec. 3etermine thic-ness o; the boun"ar'
la'er at the trailing e"ge o; the smooth $late. :in" the total "rag on one si"e o; the $late assuming that
the boun"ar' la'er is turbulent ;rom the !er' beginning. 7)o! 04< =a' 119
14 7a9 E1$lain the $henomenon o; boun"ar' la'er se$aration an" its in;luence on the "rag o; an immerse"
7b9 In a ;lat $late o; 2m length an" 1m 8i"e< e1$eriments 8ere con"ucte" in a 8in" tunnel 8ith a 8in"
s$ee" o; ,0 GmHhr. The $late is -e$t at such an angle that the coe;;icients o; "rag an" li;t are 0.14 an"
0.5 res$ecti!el'. 3etermine "rag ;orce< li;t ;orce< resultant ;orce an" $o8er e1erte" b' the air stream on
the $late. Ta-e "ensit' o; air as 1.1,GgHm3. 7)o! 00< )o! 109
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
15 7a9 E1$lain ho8 laminar an" turbulent boun"ar' la'ers are ;orme" an" "istinguish bet8een their
7b9 A thin ;lat $late measuring 0, cm c 2, cm is e1$ose" $arallel to a stream o; 8ater o; uni;orm !elocit'
1.2 mHsec. The ;lo8 ta-es $lace $arallel to 2, cm si"e o; the $late. I; the -inematic !iscosit' o; 8ater is
1.1 centisto-es< "etermine the ma1imum boun"ar' la'er thic-ness< shearing stress at the trailing e"ge
an" the "rag an both si"es o; the $late. 7)o! 009
20. :or the !elocit' $roJle in laminar boun"ar' la'er gi!en as uH* M 3H2 7'HJ9-1H27'HJ93< Jn" the thic-ness
o; the boun"ar' la'er an" shear stress 1.4 m ;rom the lea"ing e"ge o; a $late. The $late is 2., m long
an" 1., m 8i"e an" is $lace" in 8ater 8hich is mo!ing 8ith a !elocit' o; 1, cm $er secon". :in" the
"rag on one si"e o; the $late< i; the !iscosit' o; 8ater M 0.01 $oise. 7=a' 119
21. :in" the "is$lacement thic-ness< momentum thic-ness an" energ' thic-ness ;or the Belocit'
"istribution in the boun"ar' la'er gi!en b' uH* M 'HJ 8here u is the !elocit' at a "istance ' ;rom the
$late an" uM* at 'MJ< 8here JM boun"ar' la'er thic-ness. 7=a' 119
22. Obtain an e1$ression ;or the boun"ar' shear stress in terms o; momentum thic-ness. 7=a' 119
23. :in" the thic-ness o; the boun"ar' la'er at the trailing e"ge o; smooth $late o; length 4m an" o; 8i"th
1.,m< 8hen the $late is mo!ing 8ith a !elocit' o; 4mHs in stationar' air. Ta-e -inematic !iscosit' o; air
as 1.,J10J, m2Hs. 7=a' 119
24. 7a9 E1$lain the "iJerent metho"s o; $re!enting the se$aration o; boun"ar' la'er.
7b9 A smooth at $late 2.4m long an" 50cm 8i"e mo!es length8ise at .mHsec through still atmos$heric
air o; "ensit' 1.2, -gHm3 an" -inematic !iscosit' 1.45 1 10J,m2Hsec. Assuming the boun"ar' la'er to
be entirel' laminar< calculate boun"ar' la'er thic-ness at the trailing e"ge o; the $late< the shear stress
hal; 8a' along an" the $o8er re&uire" to mo!e the $late. 7=a' 119
1. a9 3escribe #e'nol"2s e1$eriment 8ith a neat s-etch. /hat are the outcomes o; #e'nol"s e1$erimentL
b9 A cru"e oil o; !iscosit' 0.50 $oise an" relati!e "ensit' 0.5 is ;lo8ing through a horiAontal circular $i$e
o; "iameter 10cm an" o; length 10m. Calculate the "i;;erence o; $ressure at the t8o en"s o; the $i$e< i;
100 -g o; the oil is collecte" in a tan- in 30 secon"s. 7)o! 00< :eb 00< )o! 0,< )o! 039
2. a9 /hat is ?agen $oiseuille2s e&uation. 3eri!e the same ;or Caminar ;lo8 through $i$es.
b9 /hat $o8er is re&uire" $er -ilometer o; a line to o!ercome the !iscous resistance to the ;lo8 o;
gl'cerine through a horiAontal $i$e o; "iameter 10cm at the rate o; 10 litHsec. Ta-e !iscosit' as 4 $oise
an" -inematic !iscosit' as . sto-es. 7)o! 00< )o! 0,< =a' 04< )o! 04< =a' 119
3. a9 %ro!e that the !elocit' "istribution ;or !iscous ;lo8 bet8een t8o $arallel $lates 8hen both $lates are
;i1e" across a section is $arabolic in nature. Also $ro!e that ma1imum !elocit' is e&ual to hal; the
a!erage !elocit'.
b9 /ater is ;lo8ing bet8een t8o large $arallel $lates 8hich are 2mm a$art. 3etermine ma1imum
!elocit'< the $ressure "ro$ $er unit length an" shear stress at 8alls o; the $late i; the a!erage !elocit' is
0.4 mHsec. Ta-e !iscosit' o; 8ater as 0.01 $oise. 7)o! 00< =a' 04< )o! 04< )o! 039
4. 7a9 Com$ute the -inetic energ' an" momentum correction ;actors ;or laminar ;lo8 bet8een ;i1e" $arallel
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
7b9 Oil ;lo8s through a $i$e o; 1,cm "iameter an" .,0m length 8ith a !elocit' o; 0., mHsec. I; the
-inematic !iscosit' o; oil at the tem$erature is 14.0 sto-es< ;in" the loss o; heat in ;riction. Assume the
s$eci;ic gra!it' o; oil as 0.5. 7:eb00< )o! 00< )o! 0,9
,. a9 3etermine7i9the $ressure gra"ient7ii9 the shear stress at the t8o horiAontal $arallel $lates an" 7iii9 the
"ischarge $er metre 8i"th ;or the laminar ;lo8 o; oil 8ith a ma1imum !elocit' o; 1.,mHsec bet8een
t8o horiAontal $arallel ;i1e" $lates 8hich are 4cm a$art. Ta-e !iscosit' o; oil as 1.5.2 )SHm
b9 :or laminar ;lo8 o; an oil ha!ing "'namic !iscosit' o; 1.4%a-s in a 30cm "iameter $i$e< the !elocit'
"istribution is $arabolic 8ith a ma1imum $oint !elocit' o; 3mHsec at the centre o; the $i$e. Calculate
the shearing stresses at the $i$e 8all an" 8ithin the ;lui" ,cm ;rom the $i$e 8all. 7)o! 04< =a' 049
.. a9 Sho8 that "ischarge $er unit 8i"th bet8een t8o $arallel $lates "istance b a$art< 8hen one $late is
mo!ing at !elocit' * 8hile the other one is hel" stationar'< ;or the con"ition o; Aero shear stress at the
;i1e" $late is & M buH3.
b9 A horiAontal $i$e line 20cm in "iameter< 00m long con!e's oil o; s$eci;ic gra!it' 0.5, an" !iscosit'
0.23 )SHm
. I; the !elocit' o; the oil is 1.34 mHsec< ;in" the "i;;erence in $ressure bet8een the t8o en"s
o; the $i$e. 7)o! 04< =a' 049
0. a9 E1$lain the !arious minor losses associate" 8ith ;lo8 through $i$es an" gi!e e1$ressions ;or the same.
b9 A $i$e line ,0cm in "iameter an" 2-m long connects t8o reser!oirs< the 8ater sur;ace o; one being
2,m belo8 the other. The $i$e crosses a ri"ge 8hose summit is 10m abo!e the u$$er reser!oir. /hat
must be the minimum "e$th o; $i$e belo8 the summit o; the ri"ge in or"er that the $ressure at the
a$e1 o; the s'$hon "oes not ;all 0.,m belo8 the atmos$here. The length o; the $i$e ;rom the u$$er
reser!oir to the summit o; the ri"ge is 200m. an" ;riction ;actor< 4;M0.03. /hat is the rate o; ;lo8L
7(une 039
4. a9 State an" $ro!e 3arc'-8eichbach e&uation.
b9 /ater is $um$e" ;rom a reser!oir 8ith a sur;ace ele!ation o; 1,0m across a !alle' to another reser!oir
8ith a sur;ace ele!ation o; 1.,m< through a $i$e 1000m long an" 20 cm "iameter. I; "uring $um$ing
the $ressure is 0,)Hcm
at a $oint mi"8a' along the $i$e 8hich is at an ele!ation o; 120 m< com$ute
the rate o; ;lo8 an" the $o8er "eli!ere" b' the $um$< gi!en the ;riction ;actor ;or the $i$e to be h4;2 M
0.02. 7(une 039
5. a9 3eri!e an e1$ression ;or the "i;;erence o; $ressure hea" ;or a gi!en length o; the t8o $arallel $lates
8hich are ;i1e" an" through 8hich !iscous ;lui" is ;lo8ing.
b9 Calculate the $ressure gra"ient along the ;lo8< the a!erage !elocit' an" the "ischarge ;or an oil o;
!iscosit' 0.02 )SHm
;lo8ing bet8een t8o stationar' $lates 1m 8i"e maintaine" 1cm a$art. The
!elocit' mi"8a' bet8een the $lates is 2., mHsec. 7)o! 039
10. a9 3eri!e an e1$ression ;or the "i;;erence o; $ressure hea" ;or a gi!en length o; the t8o $arallel $lates
8hich are ;i1e" an" through 8hich !iscous ;lui" is ;lo8ing.
b9 Calculate the $ressure gra"ient along the ;lo8< the a!erage !elocit' an" the "ischarge ;or an oil o;
!iscosit' 0.02 )SHm
;lo8ing bet8een t8o stationar' $lates 1m 8i"e maintaine" 1cm a$art. The
!elocit' mi"8a' bet8een the $lates is 2., mHsec. 7)o! 049
11 7a9 3ra8 a neat s-etch o; #e'nol"s a$$aratus an" e1$lain ho8 the laminar ;lo8 can be "emonstrate" 8ith
the hel$ o; the a$$aratus.
7b9 T8o $arallel $lates -e$t 100 mm a$art ha!e laminar ;lo8 o; oil bet8een them 8ith a ma1imum
!elocit' o; 1., mHsec. Calculate "ischarge $er metre 8i"th< shear stress at the $lates an" the "i;;erence
in $ressure bet8een t8o $oints 20m a$art. Assume !iscosit' o; oil to be 24., $oise. 7)o! 009
12 7a9 3eri!e the e1$ressions ;or "ischarge $er unit 8i"th an" shear stress ;or ;lo8 o; !iscous ;lui" bet8een
t8o $arallel $lates 8hen one $late is mo!ing an" other at rest.
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
7b9 T8o $arallel $lates -e$t 0, mm a$art ha!e laminar ;lo8 o; gl'cerin bet8een them 8ith a ma1imum
!elocit' o; 1 mHsec. Calculate the "i;;erence in $ressure bet8een t8o $oints 2, m a$art an" the !elocit'
gra"ients at the $lates an"!elocit' at 1, mm ;rom the $late. Ta-e !iscosit' o; gl'cerine as 4.3, $oise.
7)o! 00< =a' 119
13. T8o $arallel $lates are $lace" horiAontall' 10 mm a$art. The bottom $late is J1e" an" the to$ $late is
mo!er" at a uni;orm s$ee" o; 0.2, mHs. The ui" bet8een them has a "'namic !iscosist' J e&ual to
1.402 ).sHm2. :in" the $ressure gra"ient 8hich corres$on"s to the con"ition o; Aero "ischarge bet8een
the $lates an" the shearing stress at each $late 7=a' 119
14. Cubricating oil o; s$eciJc gra!it' 0.42 an" "'namic !iscosit' 12.0.. J 102 ).sHm2 is $um$e" at a rate
o; 0.02 m3Hs through a 0.1, m "iameter 300m long $i$e. Calculate the $ressure "ro$< a!erage shear
stress at the 8all o; the $i$e an" the $o8er re&uire" to maintain o8< i; the $i$e is incline" at 1, "egree
8ith the horiAontal an" the ;lo8 is in "o8n8ar" "irection. 7=a' 119
1,. 3eri!e the e&uation to Jn" !elocit' at a $articular $oint ;rom the centre o; an incline" $i$e through
8hich a laminar o8 is there. 7=a' 119
1. I; t8o $i$es o; "iameter 3 an" " an" e&ual length C are arrange" in $arallel the loss o; hea" ;or a ;lo8
o; 6 is h. I; the same $i$es are arrange" in series the loss o; hea" ;or the same ;lo8 6 is ?. I; "M 0.,3
;in" the $ercentage o; total ;lo8 through each $i$e 8hen $lace" in $arallel an" the ratio 7?Hh9. )eglect
minor losses an" assume2 ; 2 to be constant. 7:eb 00< )o! 0,< =a' 04< )o! 039
2. The $o$ulation o; a cit' is 4N10
an" it is to be su$$lie" 8ith 8ater ;rom a reser!oir ..4 -m a8a'.
/ater is to be su$$lie" at the rate o; 0.14m
$er hea" $er "a' an" hal; the su$$l' is to be "eli!ere" in 4
hours. The ;ull su$$l' le!el o; the reser!oir is #.C 140.00. an" its lo8est 8ater le!el is #.C.10,.00.
The "eli!er' en" o; the main is at #.C 22.,0 an" the hea" re&uire" there is 12m. :in" the "iameter o;
the $i$e. Ta-e ;M 0.04. 7:eb 00< )o! 00< =a' 04< )o! 0,9
3 a9 =oo"'2s "iagram
b9 =inoran"maorlosserin$i$e;lo8. 7(une 039
4 a9 E1$lain total energ' line an" h'"raulic gra"ient line 8ith t8o e1am$les.
b9 An oil o; s$eci;ic gra!it' 0.5, an" !iscosit' 0.2 $oise ;lo8s through a !ertical $i$e 20m "iameter. I;
the $ressure at the lo8er en" is 400 G$a 7gauge9 an" that at the u$$er en" 2.,cm en" is 1,0 G$a
7gauge9< ;in" 7i9 the "irection o; ;lo8 an" 7ii9 the rate o; ;lo8. Assume laminar ;lo8 an" !eri;' the
same. 7(une 039
,. a9 /ith a neat s-etch< "eri!e the e1$ression ;or the "ischarge through an ori;ice meter in terms o; Cc an"
b9 :in" the "ischarge o!er a tra$eAoi"al notch 2m 8i"e at base an" ha!ing si"e slo$es o; 1@1< i; the hea"
o!er the base is 1m. Ta-e C"

to be 0..2. 7(une 039
. A $i$e o; "iameter 0.1 m carries 8ater at 1,
c. I; san" grains 0.0, mm in "iameter are connecte" on the
inner sur;ace o; the $i$e ;or test $ur$oses< at 8hat !elocit' o; 8ater 8ill the $i$e 8all beha!es as rough
boun"ar'. Ginematic !iscosit' o; 8ater at 1,
c is 1.14 1 10
sto-es. 7)o! 039
0. T8o reser!oirs 8hose 8ater sur;aces are at an ele!ation "i;;erence o; ? meters are connecte" b' a $i$e
line< o; "iameter 3 meters an" length C meters< 8hich is uni;orml' ta$$ere" all along its length such
that the "ischarge entering it is hal!e" be;ore it reaches the other en". 3eri!e an e1$ression ;or the
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
"ischarge 6 in cumecs entering the $i$e line. *se 3arc'2s ;ormula h; M 7 C6
H.00 3
9. )eglecting
minor losses an" start ;rom ;irst $rinci$les. 7)o! 039
4. /ater ;lo8s through a horiAontal $i$e o; 2m long< 8hich ta$ers ;rom a "iameter o; 0.2 m to 0.1, m in
the length 2m. A constant "ischarge o; 40 liters $er secon" ;lo8s through the $i$e. Starting ;rom the
;irst $rinci$les ;in" the loss o; hea" "ue to ;riction ta-ing ;M 0.04. 7)o! 039
5. :or the "istribution main o; a cit' 8ater su$$l' a 0.3 m main is re&uire". As $i$es abo!e 0.2,m "ia are
not a!ailable it is "eci"e" to la' t8o $arallel mains o; same "iameter. :in" the "iameter o; the $arallel
main. 7=a' 049
10. :in" the "iameter o; a cast iron $i$e 8hich is re&uire" to carr' 8ater at 10
c< at the rate o; 2,0 liters
$er secon"< i; the loss o; hea" is not to e1cee" 2m $er 100m length o; $i$e The a!erage height o; the
8all $roection is an" the -inematic !iscosit' o; 8ater at 10
c is 0.013 sto-es. 7=a' 049
11. T8o shar$ en"e" $i$es o; "iameters ,0 mm an" 100mm res$ecti!el'< each o; length 100m are
connecte" in $arallel bet8een t8o reser!oirs 8hich ha!e a "i;;erence o; le!el o; 10 m. I; the coe;;icient
o; ;riction ;or each $i$e is 4;M0.32< ;in" the rate o; ;lo8 ;or each $i$e an" also the "iameter o; a single
$i$e 100 m long 8hich 8oul" gi!e the same "ischarge< i; it 8ere substitute" ;or the original t8o $i$es.
7)o! 049
12. Three $i$es o; the same length C< "iameter 3< an" ;riction ;actor ; are connecte" in $arallel. :in" the
"iameter o; the $i$e o; length C an" ;riction ;actor ; 8hich 8ill carr' the same "ischarge ;or the same
hea" loss. *se the ;ormula h; M ;CB
H2g3. 7)o! 04< =a' 119
13. A $i$e line o; 0.. m "iameter is 1., -m long. To increase the "ischarge< another line o; the same
"iameter is intro"uce" $arallel to the ;irst in the secon" hal; o; the length. )eglecting minor losses<
;in" the increase in "ischarge i; ;M 0.04. The hea" at inlet is 30 m. 7)o! 049
14. A li&ui" o; s$eci;ic gra!it' 0.44 an" absolute !iscosit' ..,33 N 10
;lo8s through a $i$e o;
"iameter 0.1, m at the rate o; .0 liters $er secon". I; the loss o; hea" in 100m< length o; $i$e is 4.,.<
;in" 8hether the $i$e is rough or smooth. 7)o! 049
1,. A $i$e 0.1, m "iameter ta-ing o;; ;rom a reser!oir su""enl' e1$an"s to 0.3 m at the en" o; 1. m an"
continues ;or another 1, m. I; the hea" abo!e the inlet o; the $i$e is 4.44 m "etermine the actual
!elocit' at the e1it< ta-ing into consi"eration all the losses. Ta-e ;M 0.04 ;or the com$lete $i$e line.
7)o! 0,< =a' 119
1. /hat is #e'nol"Ls numberL E1$lain the !ariation o; ;riction ;actor 8ith #e'nol"2s number ;or
turbulent ;lo8 in smooth an" rough $i$es along 8ith corres$on"ing ;ormulae. 7)o! 009
10. T8o $i$es each 300 m long are a!ailable ;or connecting to a reser!oir ;rom 8hich a ;lo8 o; 0.04, m3Hs
is re&uire". I; the "iameters o; the t8o $i$es are 0.3 m< 0.1, m res$ecti!el'< ;in" the ratio o; the hea"
lost 8hen the $i$es are connecte" is series to the hea" lost 8hen the' are connecte" in $arallel. )eglect
minor losses. 7)o! 009
14. :or the "istribution main o; a cit' 8ater su$$l' a 0.3 m main is re&uire". As $i$es abo!e 0.2,m "ia are
not a!ailable it is "eci"e" to la' t8o $arallel mains o; same "iameter. :in" the "iameter o; the $arallel
main. 7)o! 009
15. T8o reser!oirs are connecte" b' three $i$es lai" in $arallel< their "iameters are "< 2" an" 3"
res$ecti!el'< an" the' are o; the same length. Assuming ; to be the same ;or all $i$es< ;in" the
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
"ischarge through each o; the larger $i$es an" also the total "ischarge in 3 $i$es i; the smallest $i$e is
"ischarging 1 cumec. 7:eb 009
20. 3eri!e the e&uation ;or hea" loss in $i$es "ue to ;riction. E1$lain the !ariation o; ;riction ;actor 8ith
#e'nol"s number. 7:eb 009
21. 7a9 A 1, cm $i$e is re"uce" to 0., cm "iameter through a gra"ual contraction. At this contraction the
"i;;erence bet8een the $ieAometric hee"s at the main an" the contracte" section is 4 cm o; mercur'. B'
neglecting losses< calculate the "ischarge o; 8ater.
7b9 E1$lain 8hat "o 'ou un"erstan" b' ?+C an" TEC. 7:eb 009
22. 7a9 3eri!e the 3arc' - /eisbach e&uation ;or ;riction hea" loss in a $i$e .
7b9 /ater is ;lo8ing through a horiAantal $i$e line 1,00m long an" 200 mm in "iameter. %ressures at the
t8o en"s o; the $i$e line are res$ecti!el' 12 -$a an" 2 -$a. I; ; M 0.01,< "etermine the "ischarge
through the $i$e in litres $er minute. Consi"er onl' ;rictional loss. 7)o! 009
23. 7a9 3eri!e an" e1$ression ;or hea" lost "ue to su""en contraction o; a $i$e.
7b9 A $i$e increases in "iameter su""enl' ;rom 10 cm to 20 cm. I; the "ischarge o; 8ater through the $i$e
is 100 litHsec.< "etermine the loss o; hea" "ue to su""en enlargement o; cross sectional area. Also
"etermine the "i;;erence o; $ressure bet8een t8o sections o; the $i$e line. 7)o! 00< )o! 109
24. 7a9 3ri!e an e1$ression ;or hea" loss "ue to su""en enlargement o; a $i$e.
7b9 An oil o; s$eci;ic gra!it' 0.4, an" !iscosit' ,C% ;lo8s through a $i$e o; "iameter 400 mm at the rate
o; ,0 litHsec. :in" the hea" lost in ;riction in this $i$e o; length 1000 -m. Assume that ; M 0.005H#)
8here #) is #e'nol"s )umber. 7)o! 009
2,. 7a9 :in" the loss o; hea" 8hen a $i$e o; "iameter 200 mm is su""enl' enlarge" to a "iameter o; 400 mm.
The rate o; o8 o; 8ater through the $i$e is 2,0 litresHs.
7b9 /ater is o8ing through a horiAontal $i$e o; "iameter 200 mm at a !elocit' o; 3 mHs. A circular soli"
$late o; "iameter 1,0 mm is $lace" in the $i$e to obstruct the o8. :in" the loss o; hea" "ue to
obstruction in the $i$e i; Cc M 0..2. 7=a' 119
2.. A horiAontal $i$e line 40 m long is connecte" to a 8ater tan- at one en" an" "ischarges ;reel' into the
atmos$here at the other en". :or the Jrst 2, m o; its length ;rom the tan-< the $i$e is 1,0 mm "iameter
an" its "iameter is su""enl' enlarge" to 300 mm. The height o; 8ater le!el in the tan- is 4 m abo!e the
centre o; the $i$e. Consi"ering all losses o; hea"< "etermine the rate o; o8. Ta-e ; M 0.1 ;or both
sections o; the $i$e. 7=a' 119
20. The ;riction ;actor ;or turbulent o8 through rough $i$es can be "etermine" b' Garman- %ran"tl
e&uation< 1H$; M 2 log10 7#0H-9 X 1.04 8here ;M ;riction ;actor< #0 M $i$e ra"ius< - M a!erage
roughness. T8o reser!oirs 8ith a sur;ace le!el "iJerence o; 20 metres are to be connecte" b' 1 metre
"iameter $i$e . -m long. /hat 8ill be the "ischarge 8hen a cast iron $i$e o; roughness - M 0.3 mm is
use" L 8hat 8ill be the $ercentage increase in the "ischarge i; the cast iron $i$e is re$lace" b' a steel
$i$e o; roughness - M 0.1 mmL )eglect all local losses. 7=a' 119
24. 7a9 A $i$e line AB o; "iameter 300 mm an" o; length 400 m carries 8ater at the rate o; ,0 litresHs. The
o8 ta-es $lace ;rom A to B 8here $oint B is 30 metres abo!e A. :in" the $ressure at A i; the $ressure
at B is 15..2 )Hcm2 Ta-e ; M 0.004.
7b9 /ater is o8ing through a horiAontal $i$e o; "iameter 2,0 mm at a !elocit' o; 4 mHs. A circular
soli" $late o; "iameter 100 mm is $lace" in the $i$e to obstruct the o8. :in" the loss o; hea" "ue to
obstruction in the $i$e i; Cc M 0..3 7=a' 119
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
1. The "ischarge in a channel !aries ;rom 0.1. m
Hs to 0.04m
Hs. A Contracte" rectangular 8eir is to be
constructe" across the channel to measure the "ischarge. :in" the length o; the 8eir such that the
measure" hea" 8ill ne!er be less than 0.1. m or greater than one thir" o; the length o; the 8eir.
7:eb 00< )o! 00< )o! 039
2. A !enturimeter ha!ing inlet "iameter 100 mm an" throat "iameter 2, mm is ;itte" in a !ertical $i$e<
throat is 0.3 m belo8 the inlet< ;or measuring the ;lo8 o; $etrol o; s$eci;ic gra!it' 0.04. %ressure
gauges are ;itte" at inlet an" throat. Ta-ing loss o; heat bet8een inlet an" throat as 30 times the
!elocit' hea" at inlet< ;in" c" o; the meter an" the "ischarge 8hen the inlet gauge rea"s 204..4 G)Hm
7:eb 00< )o! 0,< )o! 03 9
2. a9 /hat 8ill be the ratio o; the area o; the su$$l' $i$e to the area o; the noAAle ;or ma1imum
transmission o; $o8er through noAAle.

b9 A noAAle is ;itte" at the en" o; a $i$e o; length 300 m an" o; "iameter 10 cm . :or the ma1imum
transmission o; $o8er through the noAAle< ;in" the "iameter o; noAAle. Ta-e ;M 0.005.
7:eb 00< )o! 0,< )o! 049
3. a9 /hat is an ori;iceL
b9 /hat is coe;;icient o; !elocit'< coe;;icient o; contraction an" coe;;icient o; "ischargeL
c9 /hat are the ;ormulae ;or calculating the actual "ischarge i; a rectangular ori;ice is use" an" i; a
circular ori;ice is use"L 7)o! 0,< =a' 049
4. a9 E1$lain ho8 the notches an" 8eirs are classi;ie"L 3eri!e an e1$ression ;or "ischarge through a
triangular notch.
b9 A broa" creste" 8eir o; length 40m has a height o; 40cm o; 8ater abo!e the crest. :in" the ma1imum
"ischarge. Ta-e c"M0... )eglect !elocit' o; a$$roach. I; the !elocit' o; a$$roach is to be ta-en into
account< ;in" the ma1imum "ischarge 8hen the channel has a cross sectional area o; 40m
on the
u$stream si"e. 7(une 039
,. a9 /hat is a $itot tubeL ?o8 8ill 'ou "etermine the !elocit' at an' $oint 8ith the hel$ o; $itot tubeL
b9 /hat is a !enturimeterL 3eri!e an e1$ression ;or the "ischarge through a !enturimeter.
7(une 039
.. a9 3eri!e the e1$ression ;or the "ischarge through a !enturi meter.
b9 3etermine the "ischarge o!er a rectangular notch o; ,0cm length 8hen the hea" o; 8ater o!er the crest
is 1,cm. The height o; crest abo!e the channel ;loor is 20cm an" the 8i"th o; channel behin" the 8eir
is 1m. Assume C"M0..1 an" consi"er en" contractions an" !elocit' o; a$$roach. 7(une 039
0 /rite short notes on the ;ollo8ing.
i9 Centre o; $ressure ii9 =omintum e&uation. ii9 ?agen %oisenlli2s e&uation
!9 %itot tube. 7(une 039
4. a9 E1$lain ca!itation in !enturimeter.
b9 A 1,0 mm 1 0,mm !enturimeter 8ith c" M0.54 is to be re$lace" b' an ori;ice meter ha!ing c"M0... I;
both the meters are to gi!e the same "i;;erential mercur' manometer rea"ing ;or a "ischarge o; 0.1
Hsecon" an" the inlet "iameter is to remain 1,0mm< 8hat shoul" be the "iameter o; the ori;ice
7)o! 039
5. A ;lo8 ;rom a channel is controlle" b' a tra$eAoi"al notch so that the ;ull su$$l' "ischarge o; 2m
;lo8s o!er the notch at a hea" o; 1.2m measure" o!er the crest. At hal; o; this hea"< a "ischarge o;
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
Hs $asses o!er the notch. Assuming C"M0..2< calculate the base 8i"th an" si"e slo$es o; the
notch. 7)o! 039
10. /ater ;lo8s in a 300 mm "iameter $i$e. T8o $itot tubes are installe" in the $i$e< one on the centerline
an" the other 0, mm ;rom the centerline. I; the !elocities at the t8o $oints are 3mHs an" 2 mHs
res$ecti!el'< ;in" the rea"ing on the "i;;erential mercur' manometer connecte" to the t8o tubes.
7=a' 04< =a' 119
11. E1$lain ori;ice meter an" also "eri!e the ;ormula ;or calculating the actual "ischarge through $i$es
8ith ori;ice meter. Com$are ori;ice meter 8ith !enturimeter. 7=a' 049
12. E1$lain !enturimeter an" also "eri!e the ;ormula ;or calculating the actual "ischarge through $i$es
8ith !enturimeter. 7=a' 049
13. a9 /ater ;lo8s at the rate o; 0.140m
Hs through a 1,0mm "iameter ori;ice inserte" in a 300mm "iameter
$i$e . I; the $ressure gages ;itte" u$stream an" "o8nstream o; the ori;ice $late ha!e sho8n rea"ings o;
an" 44.25 G)Hm
res$ecti!el'< ;in" c" o; the ori;ice meter.
b9 A !enturimeter is to be ;itte" in a $i$e 0.2, m "iameter 8here the $ressure hea" is 0.. m o; ;lo8ing
li&ui" an" the ma1imum ;lo8 is 4.1 m
$er minute. :in" the least "iameter o; the throat to ensure that
the $ressure hea" "oes not become negati!e. Ta-e c" M 0.5.. 7)o! 049
14. 21, liters o; gasoline 7s$eci;ic gra!it' M 0.429 ;lo8s $er secon" u$8ar"s in an incline" !enturimeter
;itte" to a 300mm "iameter $i$e. The !enturimeter is incline" at .0
to the !ertical an" its 1,0 mm
"iameter throat is 1.2 m ;rom the entrance along its length. %ressure gages inserte" at entrance an"
throat sho8 $ressures o; 0.141 )Hmm
an" 0.000 )Hmm
res$ecti!el'. Calculate c" o; !ernturimeter. I;
instea" o; $ressure gages the entrance an" the throat o; the !enturimeter are connecte" to the t8o limbs
o; a *-tube mercur' manometer< ;in" its rea"ing in mm o; "i;;erential mercur' column. 7)o! 049
1,. a9 A !entrimeter ha!ing a "iameter o; 0, mm at the throat an" 1,0 mm "iameter at the enlarge" en" is
installe" in a horiAontal $i$eline 1,0 mm in "iameter carr'ing an oil o; s$eci;ic gra!it' 0.5. The
"i;;erence o; $ressure hea" bet8een the enlarge" en" an" the throat recor"e" b' a *-tube is 10, mm o;
mercur'. :in" the "ischarge through the $i$e assume c" M 0.50
b9 A !entrimeter has its a1is !ertical< the inlet an" throat "iameters being 1,0 mm an" 0, mm
res$ecti!el'. The throat is 22, mm abo!e inlet an" c" > 0.5.. %etrol o; s$eci;ic gra!it' 0.04 ;lo8s u$
through the meter at a rate o; 0.025 m3Hs. :in" the $ressure "i;;erence bet8een the inlet an" the throat.
7)o! 049
1.. A !ertical !enturimeter o; 7"H39 ratio e&ual to 0.. is ;itte" in a 0.1 m "iameter $i$e. The throat is 0.2 m
abo!e the inlet. The meter has a c" o; 0.52. :in" the $ressure "i;;erence as recor"e" b' t8o gages ;itte"
at the inlet an" throat an" ;in" the "i;;erence on a !ertical "i;;erential mercur' manometer 7s$. +ra!it'
o; mercur' M 13..9< 8hen a li&ui" o; s$eci;ic gra!it' 0.4 ;lo8s through the meter at the rate o; 0.0, m3
$er secon". 7)o! 0,9
10. 7a9 Sho8 that a ci$olletti 8eir can be treate" as e&ui!alent to su$$resse" rectangular 8eir.
7b9 /ater ;lo8s through a rectangular channel 1m 8i"e an" 0., m "ee$ an" then o!er a shar$ creste"
Ci$olletti 8eir o; crest length 0.. m. I; the 8ater le!el in the channel is 0.22, m abo!e the 8eir crest
;in" the "ischarge o!er the 8eir< i; !elocit' o; a$$roach is neglecte" an" ;in" the "ischarge i; it is
consi"ere". Ta-e c" M 0... 7)o! 009
14. A rectangular channel . m 8i"e carries 2.4 m3 $er secon" at a "e$th o; 0.5 m./hat height o; a broa"
creste" rectangular 8eir must be installe" to "ouble the "e$thL Ta-e coe;;icient o; 8eir M 0.4.
7)o! 009
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
15. 7a9 A $itot static tube $lace" in the centre o; a 200mm $i$e line< has one o$ening $ointing u$stream an"
the other $er$en"icular to it. I; the $ressure "i;;erence bet8een the t8o o$enings is 40 mm o; 8ater
8hen the "ischarge through the $i$e is 1.3., m3 $er minute< ;in" the coe;;icient o; the $itot tube. Ta-e
mean !elocit' in the $i$e to be 0.43 o; the central !elocit'
b9 A $itot tube 8as use" to measure the &uantit' o; 8ater ;lo8ing in a $i$e o; 0.3m "iameter. The 8ater
8as raise" to a height o; 0.2, m abo!e the centre line o; $i$e in a !ertical limb o; the tube. I; the mean
!elocit' is 0.04 times the !elocit' at the centre an" coe;;icient o; $itot tube is 0.54< ;in" the &uantit' o;
8ater. Static $ressure hea" at the centre o; the $i$e is 0.2 m. 7:eb 009
20. 7a9 E1$lain the $rinci$le an" 8or-ing o; $itot tube 8ith the hel$ o; a neat s-etch.
7b9 %etroleum oil o; 7S$eci;ic +ra!it' M 0.53 an" !iscosit' M 13C%9 ;lo8s isothermall' through a
horiAontal ,cm $i$e. A $itot tube is inserte" at the center o; a $i$e an" its lea"s are ;ille" 8ith the same
oil an" attache" to a !-tube containing 8ater. The rea"ing on the manometer is 10 cm. Calculate the
!olumetric ;lo8 o; oil in m3Hsec. The coe;;icient o; $itot tube is 0.54. 7)o! 009
21. 7a9 3e;ine coe;;icient o; "ischarge< coe;;icient o; contraction an" coe;;icient o; !elocit'. /hat is the
relation among them.
7b9 3eri!e the ;ormula ;or !elocit' o; ;lo8 through an ori;ice.
7c9 A 4cm "iameter ori;ice in the !ertical si"e o; a tan- "ischarges 8ater. The 8ater sur;ace in the tan- is
at a constant le!el o; 2m abo!e the center o; the ori;ice. I; the hea" loss in the ori;ice is 0.2 m an" the
coe;;icient o; contraction can be assume" to be 0..3 estimate
i. the !alues o; the coe;;icient o; !elocit' an" coe;;icient o; "ischarge
ii. the "ischarge through ori;ice an"
iii. location o; $oint o; im$act o; the et on a horiAontal $lane locate" 0., m belo8 the center o; ori;ice.
7)o! 009
22. a9 3eri!e the e1$ression ;or the "ischarge o!er a triangular notch.
b9 A !enturimeter is installe" in an incline" $i$e o; area 140cm
. The area o; the throat is 40cm
. The
throat is at a a le!el o; 0.4m abo!e the inlet section. /hen an oil o; s$eci;ic gra!it' 0.40 ;lo8s at a rate
o; 120 lHs< the $ressure at the inlet is ,., )Hcm
7g9. /hat is the absolute $ressure at the throatL )eglect
loss o; hea" an" assume atmos$heric $ressure to be 1013 -)Hm
. 7(une 039
23. 7a9 3eri!e an e&uation ;or "ischarg o; an oriJce meter.
7b9 An oriJce meter 8ith oriJce "iameter 1,cm is inserte" in a $i$e o; 30cm "iameter. The $ressure
gauges Jtte" u$stream an" "o8nstream o; the oriJce meter gi!e rea"ings o; 14.01, )Hcm2 an" 5.41
)Hcm2 res$ecti!el'. :in" the rate o; o8 o; 8ater through the $i$e in litHsec. Ta-e C" M 0... 7)o! 109
24. %etrol o; s$eciJc gra!it' 0.4 is o8ing through a $i$e incline" at 300 to the horiAontal in u$8ar"
"irection. A !enturimeter is Jtte" in this 2, cm "iameter $i$eR the ratio o; areas o; main an" throat is 4
an" the throat is at a "istance o; 1.2 m ;rom inlet along its length. The *-tube "iJerential manometer
connecte" to the inlet an" throat section registers as stea"' rea"ing o; , cm o; mercur' R the tubes
abo!e the mercur' being ;ull o; 8ater. :in" the "ischarge an" $ressure "iJerence in -%a bet8een the
throat an" entrance section. The meter has a "ischarge coeJcient o; 0.5, an" relati!e "ensit' o;
mercur' is 13... 7=a' 119
2,. 7a9 A su$$resse" rectangular 8eir is constructe" across a channel o; 0.00 m 8i"th 8ith a hea" o; 0.35
m an" the crest 0.. m abo!e the be" o; the channel. Estimate the "ischarge o!er it. Consi"er !elocit'
o; a$$roach an" assume C" M 0..23.
7b9 A shar$ creste" rectangular 8eir o; 1 m height e1ten"s across a rectangular channel o; 3 m 8i"th. I;
the hea" o; 8ater o!er the 8eir is 0.4, m< calculate the "ischarge< Consi"er !elocit' o; a$$roach an"
assume C" M 0..23. 7=a' 119
2.. A "ischarge o; 2000 m3Hs is to $ass o!er a rectangular 8eir. The 8eir is "i!i"e" into a number o;
o$enings each o; s$an 10 m. I; the !elocit' o; a$$roach is 4 mHs< Jn" the number o; o$enings nee"e" in
or"er that the hea" o; 8ater o!er the crest is not to e1cee" 2 m. 7=a' 119
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
20. 7a9 :in" the throat "iameter o; a !enturimeter< 8hen Jtte" to a horiAontal main 10 cm "iameter ha!ing a
"ischarges o; 20 liters $er secon". %ressure gauges inserte" at the entrance an" throat in"icate $ressures
1,4 -%a an" 42 -%a res$ecti!el'. Ta-e C" M 0.5,.
7b9 I; instea" o; $ressure gauges< the entrance an" throat o; the meter are connecte" to the t8o limbs o;
a *-tube mercur' manometer< "etermine its rea"ing in cm o; "iJerential mercur' column.
7c9 In case the !enturimeter is locate" in a !ertical $i$e< 8ith 8ater o8ing u$-8ar"s< Jn" the "iJerence
in the rea"ings o; the mercur' manometer. Throat section is 20 cm abo!e the entrance section o; the
!enturimeter. :urther< "imensions o; $i$e an" !enturimeter remain unaltere"< as 8ell as the "ischarge
through the $i$e. 7=a' 119
24. 7a9 Com$are the a"!antages o; using !enturimetrs an" oriJce meters in ui" o8 measurements.
7b9 A !enturimeter o; throat "iameter . cm has a "ischarge coeJcient o; 0.50< an" 8ith a o8 o; 0.02,
m3Hs< the $ressure "iJerential is 10 )Hm2. =a-e calculations ;or the o8 rate< 8hen an oriJce o; . cm is
installe" in the same $i$e. The "ischarge coeJcient ;or the oriJce is 0..2 an" the $ressure "iJerential is
the same. 7=a' 119
ii) "ATE
1. T8o $i$eline one carr'ing oil 7mass "ensit' 500 -gHm
9 an" the other 8ater< are connecte" to a
manometer as sho8n in the ;igure. B' 8hat amount the $ressure in the 8ater $i$e shoul" be increase"
so that the mercur' le!els in both the limbs o; the manometer become e&ualL 7=ass "ensit' o; mercur'
M 13< ,,0 -gHm
an" g M 5.41 mHs
9 7+ATE-20039
:ig. %a.)o. 0< 6.)o. 7,49
7a9 24.0 -%a 7b9 2.., -%a
7c9 2..0 -%a 7"9 24.5 -%a
2. :lo8 rate o; a ;lui" 7"ebsutt M 100 -gHm
9 in a small "iameter tube is 400 mm
Hs. The length an" the
"iameter o; the tube are 2 m an" 0., mm< res$ecti!el'. The $ressure "ro$ in 2 m length is e&ual to 2.0
=%a. The !iscosit' o; the ;lui" is 7+ATE-20009
7a9 0.02, ).sHm
7b9 0.012 ).sHm
7c9 0.00152 ).sHm
7"9 0.00102 ).sHm
1. T8o ;lo8 $atterns are re$resente" b' their stream ;unction
as gi!en belo8@ 7+ATE-15509
2 2
1 2
< 2 x y xy = + =
I; these to8 $atterns are su$er$ose" on one another< the resulting streamline $attern can be re$resente"
b' one o; the ;ollo8ing@
7a9 A ;amil' o; $arallel straight lines 7b9 A ;amil' o; circles
7c9 A ;amil' o; $arabolas 7"9 A ;amil' o; h'$erbolas
2. In a stea"' ra"ial ;lo8 into an inta-e< the !elocit' is ;oun" to !ar' as 71Hr
9< 8here r is the ra"ial
"istance. The acceleration o; the ;lo8 is $ro$ortional to 7+ATE-15509
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
3. :or a t8o-"imensional irrotational ;lo8< the !elocit' $otential is "e;ine" as M ln 71
9. /hich o;
the ;ollo8ing is a $ossible stream ;unction<

< ;or this ;lo8L 7+ATE-20039

tan 7 H 9 y x

tan 7 H 9 x y

2tan 7 H 9 y x

2tan 7 H 9 x y

4. A !elocit' ;iel" is gi!en as

2 3 V yi xj = +
8here 1 an" ' are in metres. The acceleration o; the a ;lui"
$article at 71< '9 M 71< 19 in the 1 "irection is 7+ATE-20049
7a9 0 mHs
7b9 ,.00 mHs
7c9 ..00 mHs
7"9 4.44 mHs
,. The !elocit' in mHs at a $oint in a t8o-"imension ;lo8 is gi!en as
2 3 V i j = +
. The e&uation o; the
stream line $assing through the $oint is 7+ATE-20049
7a9 3dx > 2dy M 0 7b9 2xX3y M 0
7c9 3dxX2dy M 0 7"0 xy M .
.. A !elocit' !ector is gi!en as
2 2
, 2 3 V xyi y j yz k = + +
r r r
The "i!ergence o; this !elocit' !ector at
71<1<19 is 7+ATE-20009
7a9 5 7b9 10
7c9 14 7"9 1,
0. %otential ;unction is gi!en as M x
> y
. /hat 8ill be the stream ;unction 7

9 8ith the con"ition

M 0 at 1 M ' M 0L 7+ATE-20049
7a9 2xy 7b9 x
7c9 x
7"9 2x
1. /hile "eri!ing an e1$ression ;or loss o; hea" "ue to a su""en e1$ansion in a $i$e< in a""ition to the
continuit' an" im$ulse > momentum e&uations< one o; the ;ollo8ing assum$tions is ma"e@
7a9 ?ea" loss "ue to ;riction is e&ual to the hea" loss in e""'ing motion
7b9 The mean $ressure in e""'ing ;lui" is e&ual to the "o8nstream $ressure
7c9 The mean $ressure in e""'ing ;lui"s is e&ual to the u$stream $ressure
7"9 ?ea" lost in e""ies is neglecte".
2. Three reser!oirs A< B an" C are interconnecte" b' $i$es as sho8n in the :igure. /ater sur;ace
ele!ation in the reser!oirs an" the %irAometric hea" at the unction ( are in"icate" in the :igure.
:ig. 6.)o. 1.15< %g.)o. 3< +ate-15549
3ischarge 61< 62 an" 63 are relate" as
7a9 61X62M 63 7b9 61 M 62X63
7c9 62 M 61X63 7"9 61X62X63 M 0
3. In a Bernoulli e&uation< use" in $i$e ;lo8< each term re$resents 7+ATE-20019
7a9 Energ' $er unit 8eight 7b9 Energ' $er unit mass
7c9 Energ' $er unit !olume 7"9 Energ' $er unit ;lo8 length
4. /ater is ;lo8ing through the $ermeabilit' a$$aratus as sho8n in the ;igure. The coe;;icient o;
$ermeabilit' the soil is - mH s an" the $orosit' o; the soil sam$le is 0.,0. 7+ATE-20009
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
:ig. %g.)o. 0< 6.)o. 00
7A9 The total hea"< ele!ation hea" an" $ressure hea" in metres o; 8ater at the $oint # sho8n in the ;igure
7a9 0.4< 0.4< 0.4 7b9 1.2< 0.4< 0.4
7c9 0.4< 0.4 7"9 1..< 0.4< 1.2
7B9 /hat are the "ischarge !elocit' an" see$age !elocit' through the soil sam$leL 7+ATE-20009
7a9 -< 2- 7b9
2 4
3 3
k k
7c9 2 < k k 7"9
4 2
3 3
k k
1. The -inetic energ' correction ;actor ;or a ;ull' "e!elo$e" laminar ;lo8 through a circular $i$e is
7a9 1.00 7b9 1.33
7c9 2.00 7"9 1.,0
2. Belocit' "istribution in a boun"ar' la'er ;lo8 o!er a $late is gi!en b' 7uHum9 M 1.,


M 'H
R ' is the "istance measure" normal to the $lateR is the boun"ar' la'er thic-nessR an" um is the
ma1imum !elocit' at ' M . I; the shear stress

< acting on the $late is gi!en b'

7 9 H
K u =

is the "'namic !iscosit' o; the ;lui"< G ta-es the !alue o;

7a9 0 7b9 1
7c9 1., 7"9 none o; the abo!e
3. A ;lat $late is -e$t in an in;inite ;lui" me"ium. The ;lui" has a uni;orm ;ree-stream !elocit' $arallel to
the $late. :or the laminar boun"ar' la'er ;orme" on the $late< $ic- the correct o$tion matching Column
I an" II. 7+ATE-20039
Column I
% Boun"ar' la'er thic-ness
6 Shear stress at the $late
# %ressure gra"ient along the $lat
Column II
1. "ecreases in the ;lo8 "irection
2. Increases in the ;lo8 "irection
3. remains unchange"
% 6 #
7a91 2 3
7b92 2 2
7c91 1 1
7"92 1 3
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
4. A thin ;lat $late 0., m 0.0 m in siAe settles in a large tan- o; 8ater 8ith a terminar !elocit' o; 0.12
mHs. The co-e;;icient o; "rag C3 M
;or a laminar boun"ar' la'er an" C3 M
1H ,
7 9
;or a
turbulent boun"ar' la'er< 8here #C is the $late #e'nol"s number.
3 2 3
10 H 1000 H . m and kg m

= =
The submerge" 8eight o; the $late is 7+ATE-20049
7a9 0.011, ) 7b9 0.0114 )
7c9 0.0231 ) 7"9 0.030. )
1. Accor"ing to 3arc'2s la8 ;or ;lo8 through $orous me"ia< the !elocit' is $ro$ortional to 7+ATE-15509
7a9 e;;ecti!e stress 7b9 h'"raulic gra"ient
7c9 cohesion 7"9 stabilit' number
2. I; a single $i$e o; length C an" "iameter 3 is to be re$lace" b' three $i$es o; same material< same
length an" e&ual "iameter " 7"i39< to con!e' the same total "ischarge un"er the same hea" loss< then "
an" 3 are relate" b' 7+ATE-15509
2H ,
D= 7b9
,H 3
d =
2H 3
d = 7"9
3H 2
d =
3. T8o $i$es A an" B are connecte" in $arallel bet8een t8o $oints = an" ) as sho8n in the ;igure 4.%i$e
A is o; 40 mm "iameter< 500 m long an" its ;riction ;actor is 0.01,. %i$e B is o; 100 mm "iameter< 000
m long an" its ;riction is 0.014. A total "ischarge o; 0.030 m
H s is entering the $arallel $i$es thought
the "i!ision at =. Calculate the "ischarge in the t8o $i$es A an" B. 7+ATE-15559
1. The rea"ing o; "i;;erential manometer o; a Benturimeter< $lace" at 4,0 to the horiAontal is 11 cm. I;
the Bentruimeter is turne" to horiAontal $osition< the manometer rea"ing 8ill be 7+ATE-200,9
7a9 Aero 7b9
7c9 11 cm 7"9 11
iii) IES
1. /ater ha!ing -inematic !iscosit' o; 0.01 sto-e ;lo8s at a !elocit' o; 2 mHsec in $i$e o; 1, cm "iametr.
:or "'namic similarit'< the !elocit' o; oil o; -inematic !iscosit' 0.03 sto-e in a $i$e o; same "iameter
8ill be 7IES-15549
0.0 m
0., m
BM 0.12 mHs
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
7a9 0.33 mHsec 7b9 0... mHsec
7c9 2 mHsec 7" 9 .mHsec
2. An oil ;or !iscosit' 5 $oise is ;lo8ing through a horiAontal $i$e o; .0 mm "iameter. I; the ;lo8 is
laminar< the $ressure "ro$ in 100 m length o; the $i$e is 1400 - nHm
7a9 2.2, m
Hs 7b9 111.11 m
7c9 4.11 m
Hs 7"9 1.30 m
39 /hich one o; the ;ollo8ing statements is correctL 7IES-20039
a9 3'namic !iscosit' o; 8ater is nearl' ,o times that o; air
b9 Ginematic !iscosit' o; 8ater is 30 times that o; air
c9 /ater in sil is able to rise a consi"erable "istance abo!e the groun" 8ater table "ue to
"9 Ba$our $ressure o; a li&ui" is in!ersel' $ro$ortional to the tem$erature
49 /hich o; the ;ollo8ing ;lui"s can be classi;ie" as non-)e8tonianL 7IES-20039
7a9 Gerosene oil 7b9 3iesel oil
7c9 ?uman bloo" 7"9 Tooth$aste e98ater
,. =ulti *-tube manometers 8ith "i;;erent ;lui"s are use" to measure 7IES-200.9
a9 Co8 $ressures b9 =e"ium $ressures
c9 ?igh $ressures "9 Ber' lo8 $ressures
.. A $ressure gauge rea"s ,0.4 -%a an" 40 -%a res$ecti!el' at heights o; 4m an" ,m ;itte" on the si"e o; a
tan- ;ille" 8ith li&ui". /hat is the a$$ro1imate "esit' o; the li&uie" in -gHm
L 7IES-20049
a9 353 b9 0.4
c9 1105 "9 0,30
1. An e&uilateral triangular $late is immerse" in 8ater. The centre o; $ressure belo8 the 8ater sur;ace is
at a "e$th o; 7ies 15559
7a9 3hH4 7b9 hH3
7c9 2hH3 7"9 hH2
2. An isosceles triangular $late o; base 3 m an" altitu"e 3 m is immerse" !erticall' in an oil o; s$eci;c
gra!it' 0.4 The base o; the $late coinci"es 8ith the ;ree sur;ace o; $il.The centre o; $ressure 8ill lie at
a "istance o; 7;rom ;ree sur;ace9 7IES-20029
7a9 2., m 7b9 2m
7c9 1., m 7"9 1m
3. As the "e$th o; immersion o; a !ertical $lane sur;ace increases the location o; centre o; $ressure
7a9 :alls Closer to the cetre o; gra!it' o; the area
7b9 =o!es a8a' ;rom the centre o; gra!it' o; the area
7c9 *ltimatel' coinci"es 8ith the centre o; gra!it' o; the are
7"9 :alls much belo8 the cetre o; gra!it' o; the area
1. In stea"' ;lo8 o; a com$ressible ;lui" through a $i$e<the "ensit'< area an" !elocit' at a $articular
section are 1., -gHm
<an" 3 mHs res$ecti!erl'. At another section the "ensit' an" area are o.0,-gHm
1.o m
res$ecti!el'. /hat is the !elocit' at this sectionL 7IES-15549
7a9 1., mHs 7b9 3.0mHs
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
7c9 4., mHs 7"9 ..0 mHs
2. /hich one o; the ;ollo8ing can be a set o; !elocit' com$onents o; a t8o- "imensional ;lo8L
7a9 u M 1X' an" ! M 1
X '
7b9 uM1X' an" !M1-'
7c9 u 1' an" ! M 1H' 7"9 u M 1
an" ! M 1
3. :or stram ;unction WM31
magnitu"e o; !elocit' at the $oint 72<19 is 7IES-15559
7a9 12.30 7b9 12
7c9 13 7"9 13.,
4. A t8o-"imensional ;lo8 is "escri!e" b' !elocit' com$onents u M 21 an" !M -2'. The "ischarge
bet88n $oints71<19 an" 72<29 is e&ual to 7IES-20009
7a9 5 untis 7b9 4 units
7c9 0 units 7"9 .units
,. The stream ;unction ;or a t8o "imensional ;lo8 is gi!en b' WM21'. The resultant !elocit' at a$$oint
%72<39is 7IES-20039
a9 4.4, untsHs b9 0.21 unitsHs
c9 ..44 untisHs "9 ,.14unitsHs
.. In a three "imensional ;lo8< the com$onent o; !elocit' are * M1'< ! M 4'A
an" 8 M - 7'AX A
Test 8hether the continuit' e&uation ;or incom$ressible ;luri" ;lo8 is satis;ie". 3etrmine the
acceleration !ector aat $oint 71<1<19. 7IES-20009
0. Consi"er the ;ollo8ing statements
a9 :lui"s o; lo8 !iscosit' are all irrotational
b9 #otation o; the ;lui" is al8a's associate" 8ith shear stress.
/hich o; the statements gi!en abo!e isH are correctL7ies 20049
7a9 1 onl' 7b9 2 onl'
7c9 Both 1 an" 2 7"9 )either 1 or 2
1. Euler number or $ressure coe;;icient ma' be re$resente" as7notations habe their usual menings9
7a9 j$Hk? 7b9 j$H7[B
7c9 j$HlBHC 7"9 j$H[Cg
1. The reati!e thic-ness o; turbulent boun"ar' la'er on a;lat $late 7IES-155.9
7a9 3ecreases 8ith "istance 7b9 increases 8ith "istance
7c9 remains constant 7"9 "e$en"s on relati!e roughness
2. The o!erall "rag coe;;icient o; an aircra;t o; 8eight / an" 8in" area S is gi!en b'
C3 M aXbC
C 8here a an" b are constants. The maimum "rag in horiAontal ;ight 8ill be 7IES-155.9
7a9 / mab 7b9 2/ mab
7c9 4/ mab 7"9. / mab
3. The "islac"ment thic-ness o; a boun"ar' la'er is 7IES-15509
7a9 the "istance to the $oint 8here7!HB9M0.55
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
7b9 the "istance 8here the !elocit' h!2is e&ual to the shear !elocit' B] that is< 8here !MB]
7c9 the "istance b' 8hich the main ;lo8 is to be shi;te" ;rom the boun"ar' to maintain the
continuit' e&uation
7"9 one-hal; the actual thic-ness o; the boun"ar' la'er.
4. A ;lui" 8ith -inematic !iscosit' ! ;lo8s in laminar stage along a ;lat $late 8ith ;ree-steam !elocit' B.
At a "istance 1 ;rom the lea"ing e"ge< the #e'nol"s number o; the ;lo8 is gi!en b' # M B1H!.The
thic-ness o; the boun"ar' la'er at 1 8ill be $ro$ortional to 7IES-20019
a9 1#
7b9 1#

7c9 #
7"9 #
,. Consi"er the basic e&uation 8herein 7i9 ;or an entirel' laminas boun"ar' la'er on a ;lat $late< the
a!erage "rag coe;;icient is G1#eC-1H2

ii9 ;or an entirel' turbulent boun"ar' la'er on the ;lat $late <the
a!erage "rag coe;;icenet is -2#eC
.Base" on these 8ith a"o$ting the -no8n !alues o; G1an" G2<"eri!e
an e1$ression ;or the a!erage "rag coe;;icient on the $late 8hen a $art o; the $late is co!ere" b'
laminar boun"ar' la'er an" the rest b' turbulent boun"ar' la'er< 8ith the transition occurring 8here
the local re'onol"s number is ,] 10
.. :or a turbulent boun"ar' la'er<the !elocit' $ro;ile is "escribe" b' one-;i;th$o8er la8.8hat is the ratio
o; "is$lacement thic-ness to boun"ar' la'er thic-nessL 7IES-20049
a9 1H0 b9 1H.
c9 1H, "9 1H4.
0. 8hat is the momentum thic-ness o; the boun"ar' la'er 8ith !elocit' "istri!ution uH*M 'HYL 7IES-20049
7a9 YH. 7b9 YH2
7c9 3 YH2 7" 9 2Y
1. In a laminar tlo8 bet8een t8o static $arallel $lates< the !elocit' at mi"-$oint is ;oun" to be 2.0 mHs.I;
the s$ace bet8een the $lates is 10 cm< then the "ischarge $er unit 8irth 7in m
HsHm9 8ill be
7IES- 20019
7a9 0.01 7b9 0.02
7c9 0.10 7"9 0.20
1. :or laminar ;lo8 in a $i$e carr'ing a gi!en "ischarge< the height o; sur;ace roghness is "ouble". In
such a cas< "arc'-/eisbach ;riction ;actor 8ill 7IES-15509
a9 remain unchange" b9 be hal!e"
c9 be "ouble" "9 increase ;our;ol"
2. The !elocit' $otential at an' $oint ;or a t8o-"imesinal stea"'< irrotational ;lo8 in $olar co-or"inates< I
sgi!en b'7 8ith usual notations9 V M m cos^Hr This e&uation re$resnts a 7IES-15549
7a9 !orte1 7b9 sin-
7c9 source 7"9 "ouble
3. T8o rese!iors 8ith 1, m "i;;erence in their 8ater le!els are connecte" b' a 300 mm "iameter $i$e line
o; 3000 m length.Calculate the "ischarge. I; a $arallel $i$e line o; 300 mm "iameter is attache" to the
last 1,00m length o; e1isting $i$e< "etermine the mo"i;ie" "ischarge. Ta-e 8all ;riction into account.
Assume ;M0.04 in "arc' > /eisbach ;ormula. 7IES-15509
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
4. A com$oun" $i$e 7 ne8 cast iron9 s'stem consists o; $ies o; lenth 1400 meter an" "iameter ,0cm<
length 1200m an" "iameter 40 cm an" lenth .00 m an" "iameter 30 cm connect" in seris.The
e&ui!alent length o; 40 cm "iameter $i$e 8ill be nearl' 7IES-15559
7a9 4300 m 7b9 4400 m
7c9 4,00 m 7"9 3.00 m
,. T8o tan-s are connecte" in $arallel b' t8o $i$es A an" B o; i"entical ;riction ;actors an" lengths.I; the
siAe o; $i$e A is "ouble that o; $i$e B<then their "ischarges 8ill be in the ration o; 7IES-20019
7a9 2 7b9 4
7c9 ,... 7"9 32
.. Three reser!oirs A<B an" C su$$l' 8ater to a common unction ( through $i$es A(< B( an" C(
res$ecti!el'< an" the characteristics o; the ;lo8 through these $i$es are gi!en res$ecti!el' b' A(-
RB- 6
an" C(- 6
.The 8ater sur;ace ele!ations in the three reser!oirs are A-1,0m< B-
120m.3etermine the ;lo8s through each o; the $i$es A( < B( an" C(. 7IES-20039
0. Oil7lM0.44 %a.s<[M444-gHm
9 is ;ille" in the s$ace bet8een t8o $arallel $lates 8hich are 14mm
a$art.the u$$er $late is mo!ing at a !elocit' o; 4 mHs. 8hat is the shear stress on the $lateL 7IES-20049
a9 50.4 %a b9 44.5 %a
c9 05.4%a "9 40.5%a
4. /hile using 3arc'-/eisbach e&uation ;or estimation hea" loss in a $i$e ;lo8< the ;riction ;actor 8as
misu"ge" b' X20I. :or this case< the error in estimation "ischare is 7IES-20049
7a9 10I 7b9 X40 I
7c9 -40 I 7"9 -10I
5. 3eri!e 3arc'-/eisbach e&uation ;or the hea" loss "ue to ;riction in circular $i$e assume ;lo8 is stu"'
income-$ressible 7IES-20049
1. The coe;;icient o; !elocit' ;or an ori;ice is gi!en b'7using usual notations9 7IES-15549
7a9 1H2 mO? 7b9 21H mO?
7c9 1H mO? 7"9 m1
2. A ci$olletti 8eir "ischarges 8ater 8ith the hea" o; 8ater o!er the crest being 2,0 mm. I; the hea" "ue
to !elocit' o; a$$roach is 0.01 m. 8hat 8ill be the e1cess $ercentage o; ;lo8< 8hen correcte" ;or
!elocit' o; a$$roach as com$are" to 8hen not so correcte"L 7IES-20039
7a9 3.2I 7b9 4.2I
7c9 ,.3I 7"9..3I
3. A tra$eAoi"al channel 8ith bottom 8i"th 3.,m an" si"e slo$es 1 ?@1 B on the right<8ith n M 0.01. an"
a be" slo$e o; 2.. in 10<000 carries a "ischarge o; 4m

3etermine the normal "e$th an" the
a!erage shear stress on the be". 7IES-20039
4. A !enturimeter ha!ing a throat "iameter o; 100mm is ;itte" into a $i$e line 8hich has a "iameter o; 200
mm an" through 8hich oil o; s$eci;ic gra!it' 0.5 is ;lo8ing .The "i;;erence in $ressure bet8een the
entr' an" throat ta$$ings is measure" b' a *-tube manometer<containing mercur' o; s$eci;ic gra!it'
13.. an" the connections are ;ille" 8it h the oil ;lo8ing in the $i$eline.i; the "i;;erence o; le!el
in"icate" b' the mercur' in the *-tube is 0..m<calculate the theoretical !olume rate through the meter.
II B.Tech. I Semester CE 2013-14 Aurora Engineering College
,. A $itot static tube< 8ith a coe;;icient o; 0.54 is use" to measure the !elocit' o; 8ater in a$i$e .The
stagnation $ressure recor"e" is 3m an" the static $ressure is 0.,m.8hat is the !elocit' o; ;lo8L
7a9 0.2mHs 7b9 ..4mHs
7c9 ,.5mHs 7"9 ,.2mHs.
.. In an air ;lo8 the !elocit' is measure" b' a %itot tube7coe;;icient M1.09. The mass "ensit' o; air can be
ta-en at 1.2 -gHm
.I; the hea" "i;;erence in a !ericasl *-tube hol"ing 8ater is 12mm. then 8hat is the
!elocit' o; anir in mHsL 7IES 20009
7a9 10 7b9 14
7c9 10 7"9 20
0. A $um$ is installe" in a $i$eline o; "iameter 0.2 m . Close to the $um$ gauges are installe" on both
si"es. The gauge installe" on the suction si"e in"icates a $ressure o; 0.2, m !acuum o; mercur' an" the
gauge installe" on the "eli!er' si"e in"icates a $ressure o; 40 m o; 8ater. A !enturimeter 0.2 m ] 0.1 m
is also installe" to measure the "ischarge o; 8ater ;lo8ing through the $i$eline. The "i;;erential
manometer installe" bet8een the main an" the throat sho8s a "e;lection o; 0.3 m o; mercur' 713..9.
ta-ing coe;;icient o; "ischarge ;or !enturimeter as 1.0. Ta-ing coe;;icient o; "ischarge ;or !enturimeter
as 1.0 com$ute the $o8er in -/. 7IES-2000)

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