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What is a lookup transformation?

Used to look up data in a relational table, views, or synonym. The informatica server queries the lookup table based
on the lookup ports in the transformation. It compares lookup transformation port values to lookup table column
values based on the lookup condition. The result is passed to other transformations and the target.
6. Used to :
Get related value
erform a calculation
Update slowly changing dimension tables.
Diff between connected and unconnected lookups. Which is better?
!onnected "
#eceived input values directly from the pipeline
!an use $ynamic or static cache.
!ache includes all lookup columns used in the mapping
!an return multiple columns from the same row
If there is no match , can return default values
$efault values can be specified.
Un connected "
#eceive input values from the result of a %& e'pression in another transformation.
(nly static cache can be used.
!ache includes all lookup)output ports in the lookup condition and lookup or return port.
!an return only one column from each row.
If there is no match it returns null.
$efault values cannot be specified.
Explain various caches:
!aches the lookup table before e'ecuting the transformation. #ows are not added dynamically.
!aches the rows as and when it is passed.
+ithin the mapping if the lookup table is used in more than one transformation then the cache built for the first
lookup can be used for the others. It cannot be used across mappings.
If the lookup table is used in more than one transformation)mapping then the cache built for the first lookup can
be used for the others. It can be used across mappings.
If the cache generated for a %ookup needs to be preserved for subsequent use then persistent cache is used. It
will not delete the inde' and data files. It is useful only if the lookup table remains constant.
What are the uses of index and data caches?
The conditions are stored in inde' cache and records from the lookup are stored in data cache

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