Irsc Choral Ensemble Attendance Policy and Syllabus2011spring

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Attendance at all choral ensemble rehearsals is a high priority. Three absences are the
maximum allowed. For each additional absence, your semester grade will be dropped by one
letter. Absence from a performance will result in failure of the course.
The following are the only exemptions for absence:
Death in the family
Extended illness (doctors excuse--incomplete an option)
Jury duty or court appearance

Tardiness cannot be tolerated, and two tardies will be equivalent to one absence. Tardiness
for a performance will be equivalent to an absence. Plan ahead, leave early enough, and in the
event of a legitimate complication let the instructor know in advance.

Grading will be based upon attendance, attitude, and preparation. Students will be quizzed
consistently to determine their knowledge of the music. Note: Lack of classroom discipline
(especially talking) will be immediate grounds for lowered semester grades and/or removal from
the course/scholarship list.

Recruitment: If you have ideas for possible candidates, tell them about our program and refer
them to me. Who should I be talking to, where should I be going--let me know.

First and foremost, remember the purpose of ENSEMBLE (group effort). We are always
undertaking challenging preparations and it is of great importance that each individual utilize
their own sense of responsibility and discipline and know their music--we owe that minimum
requirement to ourselves and to each other.

Concepts: The I RSC Sound

The IRSC Chorale will attempt to achieve a full-bodied sound, not by forcing tone, but by
properly supporting the tone. Good posture and a deep, relaxed breath is essential to establish
correct vocal position, and the sound should exit the body supported on a cushion of air. The
lower abdominal and diaphragmatic musculature will assist good pitch and brightness of tone
production, as well as controlled exhalation. Intensity (projection) of sound should be maintained
at all dynamic levels. An interior smile (behind the cheeks and eyes) will assist good pitch and
brightness of tone. The singer should envision a highly energized, continually spinning tone that
exudes warmth in its character.

Remember: your vocal health is your responsibilityKNOW YOUR VOICE, and be aware of
tension. Sing daily for endurance and range expansiona light warm-up should precede more
robust singing

Fine Arts/Music General Education Learning Outcomes
Apply critical thinking through problem solving
Stimulate thinking concerning the structure of melody and harmony and the analytical
techniques utilized for successful performance
Gain knowledge of theoretical/analytical concepts for music reading and execution in

Develop awareness of diverse ethical perspectives
Develop pedagogical knowledge of musical concepts, and an awareness of diverse
historical and stylistic perspectives in the performance of music from varied
historical eras

Course Specific Learning Outcomes
Enhance music reading skills through sightreading and performing
Improve performance skills through the transference of musical concepts
Develop skills is basic vocal production as applied to specific literature
Participate in class activities
Complete all assignments
Complete all required rehearsals and performance activities

Dr. Dale Rieth, 462-7699

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