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501 C St NE, Washington DC, 20002 202 546 8990 Vcrdc.



To: Interest Parties
From: Jan R van Lohuizen
Date: June 12, 2014
Re: NY 22
CD primary

Voter / Consumer Research recently conducted two surveys of likely Republican primary voters
in New Yorks 22
Congressional District. The first survey was conducted May 1-5 with a
sample size of 400 and a margin of error of +/-4.91%. The second survey was conducted May
28-29 with a sample size of 300 and a margin of error of +/-5.67%.

The results indicate that Congressman Richard Hanna (R-Barneveld) was leading the Republican
primary by a healthy margin and had expanded his lead from earlier in May. Specifically, 61%
of GOP primary voters most recently expressed that they plan to vote for Congressman Hanna,
while 20% say they plan to vote for Assemblywoman Claudia Tenney (R-New Hartford).

Q: In the Republican primary for Congress, as of right now who would you vote for
between (ROTATE) Richard Hanna and Claudia Tenney?

May 5 May 29 Change
Hanna 52% 61% +9%
Tenney 31% 20% -11%

The changes in the head-to-head question are also reflected in changes in name ID numbers.
Congressman Hannas favorability increased from 64% to 68% while his unfavorability dropped
from 23% to 14%. At the same time, Assemblywoman Tenneys favorability declined from 41%
to 26% while the number of voters with an unfavorable impression rose from 13% to 24%.

Q: Here are the names of some people in the news. Please tell me for each of these
whether you have a favorable or unfavorable impression. If you are not aware of the
name just let me know.

2 | Voter / Consumer Research

Richard Hanna
May 5 May 29 Change
Favorable 64% 68% +4%
Unfavorable 23% 14% -9%

Claudia Tenney
May 5 May 29 Change
Favorable 41% 26% -15%
Unfavorable 13% 24% +11%

It is important to note that while Tenney is not as well known as Hanna, she is not a dark horse
candidate either 68% of voters either expressed an opinion of her or said they were aware of
her but had no opinion.

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