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from the desk of

Box 3 Site 1 RR2
Cayley, AB T0L 0P0
tel 1-403-!2-410
email me"a#skory$hotmail%&a
I am a 5th year student at the University of Lethbridge, pursuing my BSc/BEd I am a very active
individual as I played volleyball at !ed "eer #ollege from $%%&'$%(( I also played school
volleyball and bas)etball in high school, as *ell as club volleyball out of #algary I am from +igh
!iver, ,lberta *here I *as raised on my family-s dairy farm I am the oldest of . children and
because of farm life, I have developed a strong *or) ethic
,s a future teacher, I *ill strive to continue learning and to instill a passion for learning in my
students Literacy is an area of utmost importance to me and *ill be a part of everything that I
teach to my students Science and math are my areas of e/pertise and I intend to transfer my
love and curiosity for the sub0ects to my students
E/tra'curricular activities are also an area that I feel are so important to a student-s e/perience in
school I *ould love to be able to coach volleyball because I feel that I have this *ealth of
)no*ledge that I can pass onto future athletes
EDUC 2500- Park Meadows School, Lethbridge, ,lberta 1ct'"ec $%((
2y teacher associate-s name *as 3ennifer Latham and she *elcomed me into her )indergarten
class I learned ho* to incorporate fun into learning and ho* to *or) incorporate good
classroom management techni4ues 5creating groups, clapping, 6+ands on 7op89
PS1- A.B. Daley Commn!"y School :anton ,B :ov'"ec $%($
2y teacher associate-s name *as ;uy La#oste and he *elcomed me into his ;rade 5
classroom 7he biggest ta)e a*ay from this practicum *as that I learned ho* to incorporate I#7
outcomes into every sub0ect I *as able to e/periment *ith a number of lesson plans and
methods 5*hiteboards for math, computer programs for spelling, math and reading as *ell as an
amplification system9
PS2- #oo"h!lls Com$os!"e %!gh School 1)oto)s, ,B 2arch',pril $%(. 2y
teacher associate-s name *as 3ayni #ald*ell and she *elcomed me into her high school
science classroom I had the opportunity to teacher three Science (% classes 2y greatest
learning e/perience from this practicum *as ho* to incorporate more collaborative and
discovery' type learning in science I *as also able to develop positive relationships *ith the
students and this relationship allo*ed me to e/periment *ith different pedagogical practices
Smmer Baske"&all Cam$ Coach 1)oto)s ,B, Summer $%%& < $%(%
I *as responsible for coaching teams of ='& players from the ages of ;r >'& I *as also
responsible for teaching instruction seminars of basic s)ills 5dribbling, defense, ball handling
etc9 I learned ho* to lead instructional sessions and my success in this area *as one of the
main reasons that I chose to enter education
%!gh School '"or!ng +igh*ood +igh School, $%%&'$%(%
I have tutored 2ath &, #hem $%, #hem ?% and Physics ?% to high school students 7his allo*ed
me to develop one'on'one teaching s)ills and strategies for presenting information in alternate
+igh*ood +igh School ;raduated $%%&
from the desk of
!ed "eer #ollege $%%&'$%((5#ompleted $ years of BSc @BiologyA9 #ompleted . Biology
classes, $ math classes, $ English classes, $ chemistry classes as *ell as electives in
Psychology, Sociology and Physics
University of Lethbridge BSc/BEd $%(('Present 5Pursuing BSc *ith a ma0or in Biology
#ompleted (% biology classes, $ math classes, ( chemistry class as *ell as classes in film
studies, psychology and tourism
I have completed education classes in Evaluation, #urriculum and Instruction, Educational
Psychology, Language and Literacy and 7echnology Electives that I have completed include
#omparative Education, 7echnology and Education and the Sociology of Education
'1rganiBation s)ills
'Interpersonal s)ills' I can establish positive relationships *ith students 4uic)ly
'#oaching volleyball' I have a high degree of )no*ledge about the sport of volleyball and I am
currently pursuing my :##P Level ( of coaching under the ,C,
'#ooperative s)ills' I *or) *ell in team settings and am able to communicate in an effective
'Leadership s)ills' I often ta)e charge in group situations and am able to facilitate my classroom
in an effective manner
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