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25000 Middlebelt Road

Farmington Hills, MI 48336-1345
Telepone 248-48!-3601
Fa" 248-48!-3606
#ennet $anders, %rin&ipal
'a(id )ea*le+, ,ssistant %rin&ipal -inda Fo", ,ssistant %rin&ipal
To: Whom It May Concern
What a pleasure it is to write this letter of recommenation for !ynn Walter" I ha#e ha the opportunity to $now
!ynn since 2010 an ha#e en%oye wor$in& with her in se#eral ifferent capacities" !ynn has many
accomplishments as an eucator' (ut none as important as her presence as a positi#e role moel for the many
stuents that she has ha the opportunity to teach"
!ynn has wor$e in eucation since 1)*+ an has an impecca(le recor" ,he shows up early' stays late an hanles
e#erythin& in a positi#e an professional manner" " !ynn can (e counte on to o what is (est for our stuents' e#en
if that means she will ha#e to sacrifice some of her personal time to o so" Most recently' !ynn has wor$e as an
interim assistant principal in our (uilin& an has one an e-cellent %o(" It.s not always easy (ein& an assistant
principal an ealin& with the many challen&es we face on a aily (asis" !ynn hit the &roun runnin& an was a(le
to ma$e an impact on our stuents from the first ay in her new role" /s an assistant principal myself for the last 12
years' I unerstan what an impact we can ma$e on the culture of a school" !ynn was firm' fair an compassionate
with our #ery i#erse stuent population"
!ynn has an ama0in& wor$ ethic an can (e counte on to accomplish any tas$" In 25 of her 2* years of teachin&'
she has ser#e as a epartment chair' professional learnin& team leaer an union representati#e" ,he has
e-perience with (oth hi&h school an mile school a&e stuents" ,he is in#ol#e on multiple leaership
initiati#es" 1er small nurturin&' eucational' teamin& strate&y 234T,5 &roups was a hu&e success" !ynn wante to
ma$e more of a ifference in the li#es of some of our challen&e stuents' so she create the 34T, pro&ram" The
staff professional e#elopment on 34T, was le (y !ynn an was percei#e as a meanin&ful pro&ram (y all staff"
If there is a more efficient way to o somethin&' !ynn will fi&ure it out" ,he is respectful' $in an cares a(out the
stuents she wor$s with in e#ery capacity"
!ynn will no ou(t succee" ,he will attac$ the challen&es that are ahea of her hea on an win" !ynn is an
e-ceptional employee with hi&h e-pectations of herself an those aroun her" To allow her the opportunity to &ain
employment with your school woul not (e a mista$e on your part" 6lease feel free to contact me if you woul li$e
further information a(out !ynn"
7a#i 8" 9ea0ley
/ssistant 6rincipal
4ast Mile ,chool
:armin&ton 1ills' MI"

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