Your English 46 Action Words For Cvs-Chart

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Copyright QualityTime-ESL

QualityTime-ESL presents

Your English 46Action Words for CVS (Resumes) Chart

Regular verbs (ending with voiced consonants, except /d/ or with vowels): the simple past
tense is pronounced /d/.
Administered (ed=/d/)
Analyzed (ed=/d/)
Applied (ed=/d/)
Assembled (ed=/d/)
Attained (ed=/d/)
Compiled (ed=/d/)
Composed (ed=/d/)
Conceived (ed=/d/)
Debugged (ed=/d/)
Delivered (ed=/d/)
Designed (ed=/d/)
Detailed (ed=/d/)
Devised (ed=/d/)
Earned (ed=/d/)
Explored (ed=/d/)
Filed (ed=/d/)
Improved (ed=/d/)
Installed (ed=/d/)
Leveled (ed=/d/)
Maintained (ed=/d/)
Measured (ed=/d/)
Observed (ed=/d/)
Ordered (ed=/d/)
Organized (ed=/d/)
Performed (ed=/d/)
Planned (ed=/d/)
Prepared (ed=/d/)
Programmed (ed=/d/)
Remodeled (ed=/d/)
Repaired (ed=/d/)
Restored (ed=/d/)
Revised (ed=/d/)
Saved (ed=/d/)
Solved (ed=/d/)
Sponsored (ed=/d/)
Supervised (ed=/d/)
Trained (ed=/d/)
Transferred (ed=/d/)
Verified (ed=/d/)

Regular verbs (ending in unvoiced consonants-except /t/) are pronounced /t/ in the simple
Asked (ed=/t/)
Developed (ed=/t/)
Finished (ed=/t/)
Increased (ed=/t/)
Networked (ed=/t/)
Produced (ed=/t/)
Purchased (ed=/t/)
Reduced (ed=/t/)
Researched (ed=/t/)
Reached (ed=/t/)
Stopped (ed=/t/)
Switched (ed=/t/)
Traced (ed=/t/)
Washed (ed=/t/)
Watched (ed=/t/)
Worked (ed=/t/)

Regular verbs ending with /d/ or /t/ are pronounced (ded=/dId/) or (ted=/tId/) in the simple

Added (ded=/dId/)
Assisted (ted=/tId/)
Calculated (ted=/tId/)
Conducted (ted=/tId/)
Coordinated (ted=/tId/)
Drafted (ted=/tId/)
Edited (ted=/tId/)
Evaluated (ted=/tId/)
Constructed (ted=/tId/)
Created (ted=/tId/)
Directed (ted=/tId/)
Documented (ted=/tId/)
Operated (ted=/tId/)
Provided (ded=/dId/)
Reported (ted=/tId/
Implemented (ted=/tId/)
Initiated (ted=/tId/)
Invented (ted=/tId/)
Investigated (ted=/tId/)
Studied (died=/dId/)
Tested (ted=/tId/)
Transmitted (ted=/tId/)
Transported (ted=/tId/)
Wanted (ted=/tId/)

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