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1. This is your third warning from me this week about being late for work.

This is the third time this week Ibe late for work.
2. I think Anita must have gone on a diet recently because she's quite slim now.
It looks as.dieting because she's quite slim now.
3. I always hated "asta when I was a child but now I cook it regularly.
I"asta when I was a child but now % cook it regularly.
4. I went to have my own look at the a"artment and % couldn't understand why my
friend wanted us to live in such a de"ressing "lace&
aving..myself' I couldn't understand why my friend
wanted us to live in such a de"ressing "lace&
5. (e wanted to continue our mountain trek but the weather was too bad.
(eon with our mountain trek but the weather was too
6. I want to inform you that I was not satisfied with the standard of service in your
I wouldwith the standard of service in your hotel.
7. I wanted to stay in last night but my flatmate insisted we go out.
!OON$- last night but my flatmate insisted we go out.
8. .idn't you want me to tell the staff about your resignation/
(ouldthe staff know about your resignation/
9. I didn't sto" worrying about the wild animals until we were safe inside cam".
It of cam" that I sto""ed worrying about
the wild animals.
10.!teve's one to"ic of conversation is the time he s"ent as a "ilot.
The time he s"ent as a "ilot ..about.
11.After arriving at the air"ort' we reali2ed that our "ass"orts were still at home.
Itat the air"ort that we reali2ed our "ass"orts
were still at home.
12.(hen 3ichael's boat began to sink' he sent a signal for hel".
(hen 3ichael's boat began to sink' what ..a signal
for hel".
13.Immediately after $mi quit her 4ob' she booked a "ackage tour around $uro"e.
A. her notice $mi booked a "ackage tour
around $uro"e.
14.I don't get on very well with many "eo"le but I hit it off with 5ason straightaway.
I don't get on very well with many "eo"le but 5ason .
other straightaway.
15.I was im"atient to get home because the holiday was such a disaster.
The holiday was soto get home.
16.I was ho"ing not to have to share a tent with anyone else on the cam"ing tri".
I was ho"ing I would..myself on the cam"ing tri"
but I had to share.
17.As I didn't want to disa""oint my "arents' I agreed to go to medical school.
)$T "arents' I agreed to go to medical school.
18.After deciding he would leave home' $nrique immediately began searching for
an a"artment.
avingleave home' $nrique immediately began
for an a"artment.
19.3ake sure you look after your bag in this cafe7 as there are many thieves
I suggest..your bag in this cafe7 as there are many
thieves around.
20.0our chances of being affected by eye8strain and back in4ury increase with the
amount of time you s"end in front of a screen.
The more time you s"end in front of a screen' the.from
eye8strain and back in4ury.
21.(ith that bad cold you won't be able to hel" us so take the day off work.
(ith that bad cold you'll.anyone so take the day off
22.(hen 5ames heard his father had left all his money to his brother he did not find
it sur"rising.
TO hear that his father had left all his money to his
23. I feel certain that there will be a new government after the election.
In my o"inion' there..of government after the
24.3ost em"loyees used to be "roud of working for the same com"any all their
lives but not anymore.
3ost em"loyees take no..working for the same com"any
all their
lives nowadays.
25.At 5eremy's leaving "arty' his boss made a s"eech and said he ho"ed 5eremy
have a good future.
At 5eremy's leaving "arty' his boss made a s"eech and
the future.
26.Our attem"ts to "ersuade Alice to continue his studies weren't successful and
he left
university early.
Our attem"ts to "ersuade Alice not to
success and he left university early.
27.The interviewer told 9elinda that he would write to her to inform her whether
a""lication had been successful.
The interviewer told 9elinda that he would
whether her a""lication had been successful or not.
28.It's "ossible that the sho"s will sell all their bottled water so we should buy all
we need now.
(e should buy all the bottled water we need now out
of it.
29.If we don't sto" the sale of tiger "roducts now' it's "ossible there will be no more
tigers left
within the ne:t ten years.
(e need to sto" the sale of tiger "roducts now ..out
within the
ne:t ten years.
30.$ven though .iego didn't know any ;rench at all' he managed to communicate
with the
,arisian ta:i driver.
.es"ite ;rench' .iego managed to
with the ,arisian ta:i driver.
31.Tom's tutor told him that more effort was required in order to "ass the course.
Tom's tutor told him he would fail the course
32.I wish I hadn't let 3a: borrow my money because none of his investments has
shown a "rofit.
I ought my money to 3a: because none of
his investments has shown a "rofit.
33.(e would like you to "ay for the delivery of this s"ecial order before you receive
(e would a""reciate .advance for the delivery of
this s"ecial order.
34.!cientists think that there is nothing on that "lanet to suggest there is any life
According to scientists' there a""ears .life on
that "lanet.
35.(hen I caught my boyfriend reading my emails' I told him I felt he had
invadedmy "rivacy.
(hen I caught my boyfriend reading my emails' I told him I regarded it

my "rivacy.
36.It is now => hours since 3r (illiam's boat sank and "eo"le think there is little
likelihood he will survive.
It is now => hours since 3r (illiams's boat sank and his be
37.I regret not having the feeling of achieving anything after reaching the summit
but I
was too e:hausted.
I wish I.after reaching the summit but I
was too e:hausted.
38.5ane really wants to have everyone looking at her every time we go out in a
5ane can't hel" attention every time we go out
in a grou".
39.I ho"ed to "ersuade the boss of the benefit to me of going away on a cam"ing
tri" for ten days.
I ho"ed to "ersuade the boss that a .me good.
40.Although the 4ob meant that he earned money regularly' Tony did not en4oy it.
Although the 4ob "rovided him..of income'
Tony did not en4oy it.
41.$lectricity is getting very e:"ensive these days.
The ............... higher and higher these days.
42.#nem"loyment has risen considerably over the last eighteen months and the
government is under "ressure to find a solution.
The government is under "ressure due to ............... over the last
eighteen months.
43.The minister's resignation from the government was caused by the discovery of
his role in the financial scandal.
The discovery of the minister's role in the financial scandal ...............
the government.
44.Oh' there you are& I didn't even know you had gone out&
I ........................... fact that you had gone out.
45..on't get involved in this 5ohn' it has nothing to do with you.
This has nothing to do with you so ...............
46.I really can't understand why he can't finish the "ro4ect on time.
I am really ............... to finish the "ro4ect on time.
47.3r. $dwards was sacked "artly because of his arriving late to work.
3r. $dwards' constant lateness ............... from the com"any.
48.0ou can't 4ust suddenly decide to go on a safari. 0ou need to "lan things very
<oing on safari isn't a decision you can make ............... moment. 0ou
need to "lan things very carefully.
49.!he wants nothing less than to get that 4ob. It would be a dream come true.
!he has ............... getting that 4ob.
50.If they ever discover your role in the incident' you will go to "rison.
If your role in the incident ............... you'll go to "rison.
51.arry "lays tennis much better than I do.
I am not ............... tennis "layer as arry is.
52.9oth candidates for the 4ob are strong. They are both equally good.
There is ............... the two 4ob candidates.
53.That child is twice as tall as he was two years ago.
That child's ............... in the last two years.
54.As soon as I arrived at the "ub' a fight started.
No ............... a fight broke out in the "ub.
55.There were very few "eo"le who understood what the "rofessor said in the
There ............... who understood what the "rofessor said in the meeting.
56.The bank robbers had disa""eared com"letely by the time the "olice arrived.
There ............... robbers when the "olice arrived.
57.<ive me a call only if you have to buy gas for the car.
#nless ............... gas' don't call me.
58.(atch the new secretary carefully this week to make sure she doesn't make any
big mistakes.
*ee" ............... secretary this week to make sure she doesn't make any
big mistakes.
59.0ou shouldn't be sur"rised at *evin winning that tournament.
It ............... that *evin won that tournament.
60.There is no doubt at all that the government will win the election.
It is ............... that the government will win the election.
61.This is certainly not the last time you will be needed here on a !unday.
It is ............... you won't be needed again on a !unday.
62.(hatever ha""ens' don't let anyone into the building without "ro"er identity.
............... should you let anyone into the building without "ro"er
63.If it wasn't for your arrogance' you would have gotten your "romotion a long
time ago.
............... arrogance' you would have gotten your "romotion a long time
64.I "resume you are coming to the "arty 3iriam.
6an I ............... you are coming to the "arty 3iriam/
65.0ou are not a bad lawyer 3artin' but I don't think it is a very suitable 4ob for you.
I 4ust don't think you ............... a lawyer.
66.I don't have the foggiest idea whether he will be coming or not.
I have ............... he will be coming or not.
67.e failed the e:am as he didn't work as fast as the rest of the class.
is failure was blamed on his inability ............... rest of the class.
68.$veryone is criticising the government for its "oor unem"loyment record
The government ............... over its unem"loyment record.
69.e was always going to leave that house after the divorce was finalised.
e ............... the house after the divorce.
70.I don't find it at all sur"rising that nobody came to the "arty.
It's ............... nobody came to the "arty.
71..on't tell anyone else what I told you about $li2abeth.
............... yourself what I told you about $li2abeth.
72.Our boss is absolutely determined not to give us that "ay rise.
Our boss ............... the "ay rise.
73.I could only afford that house because of the loan you gave me.
ad ............... money' I wouldn't have been able to afford the house.
74.0ou don't have to come and see the new house if you don't wish.
0ou are ............... and see the new house if you don't wish.
75.0ou should have seen the boss as soon as you arrived. 0ou knew he wanted to
see you.
0ou ............... boss when you arrived.
76.!he is already married and you knew& I wish you had told me.
0ou ............... she was married&
77.I went in to work for an hour even though I knew it was a holiday.
I need ............... into work but I did anyway.
78.The headmaster will give a "ri2e to the to" student of the year.
The ............... a "ri2e by the headmaster.
79.,olice arrested 5ohnson because they think he was involved in the robbery.
5ohnson was detained ............... in the robbery.
80.0ou don't need to concern yourself with the new ta: laws till October.
The new ta: laws ..............
81.This is your third warning from me this week about being late for work.
This is the third time this week Ibe late for work.
82.I think Anita must have gone on a diet recently because she's quite slim now.
It looks as.dieting because she's quite slim now.
83.I always hated "asta when % was a child but now I cook it regularly.
I"asta when I was a child but now % cook it regularly.
84.I went to have my own look at the a"artment and % couldn't understand why my
friend wanted us to live in such a de"ressing "lace&
aving..myself' I couldn't understand why my friend
wanted us to live in such a de"ressing "lace&
85.(e wanted to tell you what had ha""ened' but we were afraid you'd be u"set.
(e....but we were afraid you'd be u"set.
86.I want to inform you that I am not satisfied with the service we received at your
I wouldwith the service we received at your
87.Ian wanted to leave early' but his wife insisted they stayed till the end.
Ian .. but his wife insisted they stayed till the end. you want me to inform the boss about the dro" in sales/
(ouldthe boss about the dro" in sales/
89.I'm sure she isn't feeling sick now.
!he ....................................................................... now.
90.,erha"s arry will be sunbathing this time tomorrow.
arry ...................................................... tomorrow.
91.,erha"s he'll be waiting when we get there.
e ............................................................ when we get there.
92.!oldiers are forbidden to leave the cam" unless they get s"ecial "ermission.
!oldiers .... unless they get s"ecial
93.#nauthori2ed "ersonnel are not allowed to go beyond this "oint.
#nauthori2ed "ersonnel ........................................ this "oint.
94.It isn't necessary for 5im to get u" early tomorrow' as it is a holiday.
5im ...........................u" early tomorrow' as it is a holiday.
95.-eaders are not allowed to take books out of the library without first filling in a
-eaders .................. out of the library without first filling in a form.
96.There's no need for you to water the "lants this morning.
0ou ......................................... the "lants this morning.
97.It wasn't necessary for Arthur to get the train because his brother offered to
give him a lift.
Arthur.................................... the train because his brother offered to give him a
98..on?t blame me if there?s no food in the house.
It there?s no food in the house.
99.Our house is an hour?s walk from the village.
It our house from the village.
100. I should wash the curtains.
The curtains washed.
101. (e weren?t advised to book in advance.
They in advance.
102. e arrived too late to catch the @.AB train.
e .to catch the @.AB train.
103. ,re"aring the meal took her A hours.
!he ..the meal.
104. These trousers are too small for me.
These trousers ................................................... for me.
105. ,oliticians found the results of the local election sur"rising.
,oliticians ..................................... of the local election.
106. 6ould you "ass me the cheese' "lease/
(ould ..................................................... the cheese/
107. They made her "ay C='BBB ta:.
!he .................................................... C='BBB ta:.
108. !he was allowed to stay at her friend's house.
They .................................. at her friend's house.
109. e wasn't tall enough to become a "oliceman.
e .............................................................. a "oliceman.
110. e had difficulty seeing in the dark room.
e ..................................................... in the dark room.
111. I "refer going out to staying at home.
I "refer to .................................................... at home.
112. The runner could hardly kee" u" with the others.
The runner ...................................... u" with the others.
113. They took ages to reach a decision.
It ....................................................... a decision.
114. The "olice let the sus"ect make one "hone call.
The sus"ect................................................... one "hone call.
115. The tourists found the carnival fascinating.
The tourists ...................................... the carnival.
116. It was difficult for the 4ury to reach a verdict.
The 4ury .................................................... a verdict.
117. The %D8year8olds weren't old enough to get into the club.
The %D8year8olds ....................................... into the club.
118. !he "refers s"eaking ;rench to writing it.
!he "refers ........................................ write it.
119. They made him work overtime.
e .............................................. overtime.
120. 6rying over s"ilt milk is useless.
It s"ilt milk.
121. It?s too cold to go cam"ing.
It to go cam"ing.
122. 0ou?ll have no difficulty getting out of the country.
0ou?ll find ..out of the country.
123. The film was amusing.
(e .the film.
124. I?m afraid there?s no milk left.
I?m afraid we .milk.
125. e hasn?t finished cooking the meal yet.
e the meal.
126. ,eo"le say this is the best film ever made.
This ..the best film ever made.
127. !ally went to ballet classes three times a week.
!ally ballet classes three times a week.
128. It was my intention to "hone you last night' but I forgot.
I you last night but I forgot.
129. )ying on the beach all day is an unusual e:"erience for me.
I ..on the beach all day.
130. (hen I was young' I used to visit my grandmother every day after school.
(hen I was young' every day after school.
131. It?s a week since I last saw him.
I .a week.
132. (hen did she move to ;rance/
ow long ;rance/
133. e has never seen this film before.
It?s the first time ..this film.
134. The last time he visited her was a week ago.
e .a week.
135. They started eating as soon as the last guests arrived.
They waited until .they started eating.
136. It?s the fastest car I?ve ever driven.
I .fast car.
137. !ue tried on some shoes but none of them fitted.
!ue tried on some shoes' ................................. fitted.
138. 6lare !"ender is the authorE her book became a bestseller overnight.
6lare !"ender is ................................... a bestseller overnight.
139. The team were so good that we couldn't beat them.
They were ..... we couldn't beat them.
140. !he had a very bad night's slee"' so she was e:hausted.
!he had a very bad night's slee" .............................. she was e:hausted.
141. ,erha"s he will be on time.
e .......................................................... time.
142. I have difficulty in understanding his accent.
I ................................................ his accent.
143. (e met several "eo"le from ,ortsmouth' but none of them knew .r Irons.
(e met several "eo"le from ,ortsmouth' .................................... .r Irons.
144. !he has a class of twenty studentsE half of them are of 6anadian origin.
!he has a class of twenty students' ........................ are of 6anadian origin.
145. It wasn't necessary for him to write to his mum because she rang him.
e .... to his mum because she rang him.
146. The car was so e:"ensive that we couldn?t buy it.
The car to buy.
147. (ould you mind kee"ing quiet while she's talking/
6ould ............................................... she's talking/
148. It isn't necessary for 5ulie to work todayE she can have the day off.
5ulie ......................................... todayE she can have the day off.
149. ,erha"s she'll come with us.
!he ........................................................... us.
150. The coffee was so strong that I couldn't drink it.
It..................................................... that I couldn't drink it.

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