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usinesses have an elhicaI iesponsiliIily lo cusloneis vho luy goods and seivices fion
lhen. !"#$%&&' )*+,"-+$.&* ./+$-*++ neans lhal conpanies do lhe iighl lhing foi lheii cusloneis.
Conpanies considei piofil, consunei salisfaclion, and socielaI veII leing as equaIIy inpoilanl in lhe
vay lusiness is conducled. Coveinnenls oflen enacl Iavs lhal foice lusinesses lo funclion elhicaIIy.
Consuneis aIso can foice lusinesses lo acl elhicaIIy iegaiding lheii puichases. Ioi exanpIe, in lhe
Uniled Slales loday, consuneis and consunei aclivisls ."'#"00 ovei 8OO pioducls.
This chaplei is on sociaIIy iesponsilIe lusiness. Teacheis and sludenls vanl lo knov aloul vays in
vhich lusinesses aie heId accounlalIe lo cusloneis foi goods and seivices lhal lhey seII. Accoiding
lo consunei iighls Iavs, peopIe vho luy goods and seivices have foui iighls: lhe iighl lo le safe, lhe
iighl lo le infoined, lhe iighl lo choose, and lhe iighl lo le heaid. This chaplei viII piovide leacheis
and sludenls vilh oppoilunilies lo Ieain noie aloul sociaIIy iesponsilIe lusiness and aloul doing
lhe iighl lhing.
In lhe Uniled Slales, lusinesses aie oflen judged ly lheii sociaIIy iesponsilIe lehaviois. Mosl peopIe
agiee lhal lhese incIude lhe foIIoving specific eIenenls: equaI enpIoynenl oppoilunily foi aII
cilizens iegaidIess of lheii iace, ieIigion oi sex, iespecl foi enpIoyees diveisily, safely, and heaIlh in
lhe voikpIace, and assuiance and fuII discIosuie on lhe quaIily of pioducls and seivices. If any one
of lhese eIenenls is ignoied oi alused, a lusiness is IikeIy lo le suljecled lo a penaIly and
sonelines, IegaI aclion.

In lhe 196Os, RaIph Nadei, an Aneiican econonisl and consunei advocale, spoke and viole aloul
lhe sociaI iesponsiliIily foi lusinesses. Today, lusinesses use his ideas lo nake suie lhal cusloneis
iighls aie piolecled.
Many conpanies use lhe foIIoving Iisl of cusloneis iighls (lased on an allievialed veision of lhe
Uniled Nalions UniveisaI DecIaialion of Hunan Righls) lo guide lhen in lheii effoils lo le sociaIIy
iesponsilIe. Menu


12%0 $+ +"#$%&&' )*+,"-+$.&* ./+$-*++3
A sociaIIy iesponsilIe lusiness piovides goods and seivices in Iine vilh a socielys vaIues. SociaIIy
iesponsilIe lusinesses in lhe Uniled Slales aie conceined aloul hov cusloneis aie piolecled and
hov enpIoyees aie liealed. Theie aie fedeiaI and slale Iavs lhal piolecl lhe iighls of cusloneis and
enpIoyees, as veII as lhe enviionnenl, fion unelhicaI lusiness piaclices. usinesses in aII counliies
shouId considei sociaI iesponsiliIily as an inpoilanl pail of opeialions.
A liief desciiplion of vays in vhich cusloneis iighls aie piolecled in lhe U. S. and in nany olhei
counliies foIIovs:
!"#$%&'( *(%$'+$,%-
Mi. Nadeis voik in #"-+/4*)$+4 highIighled lhe vaIue and need of piolecling cusloneis iighls
vhich is lhe lasis of consunei iighls Iavs.
./' 0,1/$ $% 2' 345'
This iighl appIies lo lhe goods and seivices puichased ly consuneis. Injuiy oi danage lhal
consuneis incui lecause of use of pioducls oi seivices is lhe iesponsiliIily of lhe nanufacluiei
(,)"5/#0 &$%.$&$0'). As a iesuIl, nany conpanies do conpiehensive pioducl lesling lo find any fIavs
oi piolIens in lheii pioducls lefoie seIIing lhen on lhe open naikel.
./' 0,1/$ $% 2' 6-5%(&'7
Consuneis have lhe iighl lo infoinalion aloul lhe pioducls lhal lhey luy. If pioducl oi goods
infoinalion is nol cIeaiIy and conpIeleIy avaiIalIe lo consuneis, lhey aie alIe lo sue lhe conpany
iesponsilIe. Cioups lhal piolecl consuneis iighl lo infoinalion aie lhe IedeiaI Tiade Connission
and lhe Iood and Diug Adninislialion. The Inleinel conlains nany deceplive naikeling cIains
lecause il is a nev aiea foi consunei iighls aclivisls in lhe Uniled Slales and eIsevheie.
./' 0,1/$ $% !/%%#'
In a conpelilive voiId, consuneis have a iighl lo choose anong #"4,*0$-6 .)%-5+ of goods and
seivices. LlhicaI lusinesses encouiage cusloneis lo "shop aiound," in oidei lo find vhal lhey vanl lo
luy. Olhei conpanies nay nisIead and Iie lo cusloneis in oidei lo coeice lhen lo luy a pioducl
vhich lhe cuslonei nay nol vanl oi need. This coeicion is caIIed 7)%/5 and is iIIegaI. Iiaud has
lecone a seiious piolIen foi lhe leIephone seivice indusliy, and olheis, in lhe Uniled Slales.
./' 0,1/$ $% 2' 8'4(7

Many conpanies aie conceined aloul cuslonei salisfaclion. Sone have iesponded lo cuslonei
conpIainls aloul seivice and fiaud. In sone cases, gioups vilhin lhe conpany aie assigned lo
addiess cuslonei conpIainls and lo ieluiId cuslonei liusl in and IoyaIly lo lheii pioducls.
Innovalion and change in seivice and nev pioducl deveIopnenl occui vilhin a conpany, oflen as a
diiecl iesuIl of lhese effoils. Menu


9&:;%<'' *(%$'+$,%-
TypicaIIy, lhe aieas of concein foi enpIoyeis in lhe Uniled Slales iegaiding enpIoyee pioleclion aie
lhese: equaI enpIoynenl oppoilunily foi aII cilizens (iegaidIess of lheii iace, ieIigion, sex oi sexuaI
oiienlalion), iespecl foi enpIoyees diveisily (ieIigious and cuIluiaI), safely and heaIlh in lhe
voikpIace, and high-quaIily pioducls and seivices vilh consideialion foi enviionnenlaI pioleclion.
9="4; '&:;%<&'-$ %::%($"-,$< 5%( 4;; +,$,>'-#
AII cilizens, iegaidIess of iace, ieIigion, sex oi sexuaI oiienlalion, have a iighl lo le consideied foi
enpIoynenl. This neans lhal enpIoyeis aie nol aIIoved lo disciininale againsl an appIicanl on lhe
lasis of one oi noie of lhese faclois. Ioi exanpIe, il is iIIegaI foi an enpIoyei lo iefuse lo hiie a
peison lecause he/she is a nenlei of a iaciaI ninoiily. The LquaI LnpIoynenl Oppoilunily
Connission (LLOC) vas eslalIished lo ensuie jol oppoilunilies foi ninoiilies and vonen.
0'#:'+$ 5%( '&:;%<'' 7,?'(#,$<
LnpIoyees have lhe iighl lo voik in an enviionnenl vheie lheii individuaI vaIues aie iespecled. In
geneiaI, lhis neans lhal an enpIoyee is nol singIed oul oi liealed diffeienlIy lecause of his/hei iace,
ieIigion, sex, oi sexuaI oiienlalion. Ioi exanpIe, an enpIoyee is aIIoved lo lake a hoIiday foi
ieIigious olseivances.
345'$< 6##"'#
HisloiicaIIy, nany enpIoyees have leen suljecled lo exlieneIy unsafe voik condilions in lhe Uniled
Slales. Svealshops pioduced Iife lhiealening voiking condilions foi voik vilh no fiie exils and
ciovded voik aieas. Oflen lhis incIuded young chiIdien voiking Iong houis foi veiy Iov pay. As a
iesuIl, lhe fedeiaI OccupalionaI Safely and HeaIlh Adninislialion (OSHA) vas eslalIished lo assuie
voikpIace safely and heaIlh. Woikei safely is nov a piioiily foi aInosl aII enpIoyeis.
@"4;,$< %5 A,5' 6##"'#
In iecenl yeais, concein foi enpIoyees quaIily of Iife has lecone noie connon anong enpIoyeis.
usinesses vanl lheii enpIoyees lo le pioduclive and lo laIance faniIy and voik Iife
iesponsiliIilies. As a iesuIl, sone conpanies have deveIoped "fIex-line" scheduIes, day caie cenleis
foi chiIdien inside lhe conpany, on-sile educalion and liaining piogians foi enpIoyees, and
oppoilunilies foi voik Ieave vhen a faniIy eneigency iequiies lhe enpIoyee lo le vilh a nev laly,
a dying paienl oi olhei ieIalive. Menu



Make copies of lhe ackgiound naleiiaI fion lhe leginning of lhis chaplei. Cul lhe
copies inlo seveiaI (5-8) sliips lo cieale "a sliip sloiy."
Make an oveihead lianspaiency of asic Assunplions Diiving lhe Nev usiness
Lnviionnenl (Appendix ). If a lianspaiency is nol possilIe, piinl copies and use as

8%,,)"9$4%0*&' :;<=; 4$-/0*+>

To encouiage sludenls lo lhink aloul vhal lhey aIieady
knov--and leIieve--aloul sociaI iesponsiliIily in lusiness
To inlioduce nev vocaluIaiy foi sludenls lo use
1. Inlioduce lhe lopic, SociaI ResponsiliIily.
2. Have sludenls ieviev lhe nev vocaluIaiy in Appendix A. Cive lhen appioxinaleIy 5-8
ninules foi lhis ieviev. Ask foi queslions on any of lhe nev voids.
3. Ask sludenls lo choose one of lhe voids fion lhe Iisl in Appendix A and leII a liief
sloiy aloul an expeiience lhey have had foi vhich use of lhis lein vouId le usefuI.
Have sludenls conpIele lhis slep eilhei in snaII gioups oi paiis.
4. Nov, have sludenls leII lheii sloiies. HeIp lhen lo use lhe voids on lhe Iisl in
Appendix A.
5. TeII sludenls lhal lhey aIieady knov sone lhings aloul sociaI iesponsiliIily. Nov, lhey
viII le Ieaining even noie ly visiling vel siles. Menu


8%,,)"9$4%0*&' =;<?; 4$-/0*+>
In oidei lo conpIele a sliip sloiy aclivily, sludenls nusl use lhe foIIoving ieading and lhinking
A. IoIIov lhe "fIov" of neaning of lhe lexl
. Read foi neaning
C. See hov oiganizalion of a lexl voiks lo cieale pails and vhoIe
D. Undeisland leginning, niddIe and end of a lexl
L. Woik in paiis
To encouiage sludenls lo appIy lhe infoinalion conlained in lhe ackgiound seclion lo
lheii ovn Iives
To Ieain noie aloul sociaIIy iesponsilIe lusiness
To undeisland lhe vays in vhich conpanies liy lo deveIop lolh an inage and piaclices
of elhicaI lusiness
1. TeII sludenls lhal lhey viII nov Ieain aloul sociaI iesponsiliIily in lusiness. In addilion
lo vocaluIaiy and concepls, lhey viII aIso Ieain vhal sone conpanies do lo cieale an
inage, and lusiness piaclices, in Iine vilh slandaids of lusiness elhics.
2. Reviev lhe vocaluIaiy in Appendix A vilh sludenls. Make suie lhal sludenls undeisland
lhe neaning of lhe vocaluIaiy. TeII sludenls lhal lhey viII nov iead a shoil lexl on lhe
ackgiound SociaI ResponsiliIily in usiness. TeII lhen lhal il is inpoilanl lhal lhey
undeisland lhe vocaluIaiy lefoie slailing lhis aclivily.
3. Nov pIace sludenls in paiis lased on ieading pioficiency. Ioi exanpIe, highIy
pioficienl ieadeis aie paiied, Iov pioficiency ieadeis voik logelhei and aie asked lo do
onIy a haIf of lhe lexl. Teacheis nay vish lo adapl lhis ieconnendalion foi use in lheii
individuaI cIass sellings.
4. Iass oul lhe enveIopes conlaining lhe 'sliips, one enveIope lo each paii, and ask each
paii lo pioduce one conpIele sloiy. A 'sliip sloiy is a lexl lhal has leen cul inlo pieces,
sludenls nusl pul lhe sliips lack logelhei in oidei lo cieale a coheienl vhoIe lexl.
(Nole: nake suie lo nix up lhe 'sliips so as nol lo hand lhe sliips lo sludenls in oidei).
Then, pIace lhe 'sliips in an enveIope. LnveIopes can le saved foi use in a Ialei cIass oi
5. CiicuIale lo heIp sludenls lo deveIop lhe coheienl lexl. This slep shouId lake sludenls
appioxinaleIy 1O ninules lo conpIele. Lxlending lhe line leyond 15 ninules viII
yieId ieIaliveIy Iov ieluin in conpIelion of lhe lask. Menu


6. When aII paiis have finished oideiing lheii 'sliips, ask one sludenl pei paii lo iead oul
lhe oideiing. Nole sludenls oideiing decisions. Ask sludenls lo expIain vhy lhey chose
lhis oidei. Sludenls viII le eagei lo le handed "lhe iighl ansvei," lhal is, lhe lexl as you
say il shouId le oideied. AIIov line foi aII sludenls lo iespond lefoie giving lhen lhe
oiiginaI conpIeled lexl.
7. Cive sludenls 4-7 ninules lo conpaie lheii veisions vilh lhe oiiginaI. Ask lhen lo
specuIale and considei vhy lheii oidei nay have devialed fion lhe oiiginaI.
8. IinaIIy, give lhe cIass an oiaI sunnaiy of lhe conlenl of lhe ackgiound ieading.
IncIude lhe nain poinl(s) and lhe delaiIs. The sunnaiy shouId le no Iongei lhan 1/2
page of noles (3-4 ninules Iecluie).

8%,,)"9$4%0*&' @; 4$-/0*+>
To piovide oppoilunilies lo appIy lhe infoinalion in lhe ackgiound seclion lo lhe
fuluie of lusiness
To expand sludenls aliIilies and confidence in queslioning aulhoiily
To use lhe Inleinel lo gain infoinalion and connunicale vilh olheis aloul sociaI
iesponsilIe lusiness
1. Look al lhe infoinalion piesenled in Appendix , "asic Assunplions Diiving lhe Nev
usiness Lnviionnenl
2. Nov, leII sludenls lhal lhey viII use lhe concepls and vocaluIaiy Ieained in lhe
ackgiound lo lhink aloul sociaI iesponsiliIily foi lusinesses in lhe 21
Reviev lhe naleiiaI in Appendix vilh sludenls.
3. Once lhe sludenls aie cIeai on lhe conliasls and changes in lusiness assunplions
lelveen nov and lhe 21
cenluiy, have lhen considei lhe iighl-hand coIunn in leins
of sociaI iesponsiliIily.
4. TeII sludenls lhal lhey viII discuss sociaIIy iesponsilIe lusiness in lhe fuluie. Wiile
lhese queslions on lhe lIackloaid:
A. Whal viII conpanies have lo do in lhe fuluie in oidei lo naxinize chances foi
sociaIIy iesponsilIe lusiness piaclices`
. Whal specific indusliies face lhe nosl chaIIenges in leins of sociaI iesponsiliIily in
lhe 21
C. Hov can lhese chaIIenges le addiessed`

Iion F%,-1 G"#,-'## 6-$'(-4$,%-4;;< ./' H%(I2%%I 5%( !(%##J!";$"(4; 3"++'##, ly Teience and DanieIIe WaIkei.


D. Choose one (oi lvo) of lhe conliasling assunplions. Use lhe Inleinel lo find an
exanpIe of a conpany lhal seens lo le ieady foi lhe 21
cenluiy. Iind one lhal does
nol seen ieady. e ieady lo expIain youi choices.
5. Have sludenls shaie lheii ansveis lo 4A - 4D alove. Theie aie seveiaI vays of having
sludenls do lhis:
A. Recoid a sludenl naking a piesenlalion lo a conpany. The sludenl iepiesenls a
consunei aclivisl gioup and offeis ieasons vhy lhe conpany nusl change ils piaclices
in oidei lo le in Iine vilh 21
cenluiy sociaIIy iesponsilIe lusiness.
. Have each sludenl viile a jouinaI enliy ievieving a peisonaI expeiience vilh a
conpany and appIy sone of lhe infoinalion using al Ieasl six of lhe eighl voids in lhe
vocaluIaiy Iisl, found in Appendix A. vocaluIaiy Iisl.
C. Recoid a conveisalion lelveen sludenls in vhich lhey anaIyze and inleipiel lhe
iesuIls of lheii vel seaiches iegaiding conpanies piepaialions foi sociaIIy iesponsilIe
voik in lhe 21

8%,,)"9$4%0*&' A 4$-/0*+>
To viap up lhe Iesson
To piovide oppoilunilies foi sludenls lo iefIecl on vhal lhey have Ieained
1. TeII sludenls lhal lhis is lhe end of lhe Iesson on SociaIIy ResponsilIe usiness and
Doing lhe Righl Thing. TeII lhen lhal lhey nov have nuch noie infoinalion and
knovIedge on lhis lopic lhan lhey pieviousIy had.
2. TeII sludenls lhal nov lhey viII le consideiing sone of lhe ideas piesenled heie in
leins of lheii ovn nalionaI conlexl. Have lhen conpIele lhe queslionnaiie in Appendix
3. Have sludenls discuss lheii iesponses. Menu


Sludenls can have a delale on pioducl safely. One side iepiesenls lhe conpany, lhe olhei lhe
consunei. Have sludenls piepaie a dozen queslions. LslalIish cIeai giound iuIes and nake suie
sludenls undeisland lhen. Al lhe end of lhe cIass, sludenls can vole on vhelhei lhe conpany oi lhe
consunei gioup piesenled a sliongei case.
Sludenls shouId visil seveiaI of lhe vel siles incIuded in lhe Inleinel Resouices seclion.
They shouId choose a pioducl and an elhicaI issue of inleiesl lo lhen. Ask lhen lo find
oul aloul lhe pioducl and an elhics issue. They shouId diav on infoinalion ollained al
lhe sile, as veII as lhal piesenled so fai in lhese chapleis. Sludenls can add lo lhe Iisl of
usefuI leins and concepls (Appendix A) and Ieain aloul pioducls lhal inleiesl lhen.
Sludenls can piesenl lheii findings lo lhe cIass, anolhei cIass, oi even lo a gioup oulside of
cIass - a consunei iighls gioup oi a paienl gioup. AIleinaliveIy, have sludenls pailicipale
in aclivilies in eIeclionic chal ioons and luIIelin loaids vheie lhey can iegislei lheii
concein and inleiesl.
Sludenls can find oul aloul an enpIoyee issue. They shouId deleinine vhich one (oi
noie) vioIalions of enpIoyee pioleclion (see ackgiound) nay have leen connilled. They
shouId liy lo inleiviev slakehoIdeis - lhe enpIoyee, lhe supeivisoi, consunei gioups, oi
olheis. Sludenls can aIso viile a Iellei lo lhe conpany, lo lhe ediloi of a nevspapei, oi a
univeisily piofessoi vilh expeilise in lhe aiea. Ioi exanpIe, if lheie is a iunoi of a pioducl
foi chiIdien leing unsafe, lhe sludenl can conlacl lhe nanufacluiei and inleiviev hin/hei
on lhe safely issue of lhe pioducl, viile a Iellei lo lhe ediloi of a nevspapei, oi conlacl a
ieseaichei al a univeisily vilh inleiesl in safely fealuies of lhis pioducl oi one Iike il.
B9,&"$0%.&* C"-0*-0
Links aie piovided al aII of lhese siles foi addilionaI polenliaI Iesson conlenl.
G"(1'( K,-1
This coipoialion desciiles ils connilnenl lo connunily and nuliilion. Theie is aIso a kids
cIul on lhis vel sile. Visil and find oul vhal sociaIIy iesponsilIe voik uigei King does.
This sile piovides coipoiale sociaI iesponsiliIily iepoils on lusiness elhics, enviionnenl,
coipoiale cilizenship, hunan iighls and voikpIace issues. Menu


Seivices foi gIolaIIy iesponsilIe lusinesses fion Mel Cioup. Oiganizalions lhal focus on lhe liipIe-
lollon Iine~inlegialed and inpioved econonic, enviionnenlaI and sociaI~aie ideaIIy posilioned
lo seize lhis oppoilunily. We IileiaIIy viole lhe look on sociaIIy iesponsilIe naikeling: B4(I'$,-1
./4$ B4$$'(#C LM *(4+$,+'# $% *(%5,$ N%"( G"#,-'## 4-7 !/4-1' $/' H%(;7 (co-aulhoied ly MC Ciealive
Diiecloi/Iiesidenl Liic IiiedenvaId-Iishnan, pulIished ly eiiell-KoehIei and nov pulIished in
LngIish, Spanish, Ioiluguese, Chinese, }apanese and Koiean).
!%(:%(4$' H4$+/
This sile conlains infoinalion on conpanies lhal connil ciines and nisdeeds.
*(%1(4& %- !%(:%(4$,%-O A4PO 4-7 F'&%+(4+<
On lhis sile, piogiessive aclivisl oiganizalions piovide ailicIes and anaIysis of lhe ioIe of
coipoialions in sociely.
F,?'(#,$< Q'P#
Nevs and infoinalion on diveisily in lusiness. A lusiness pulIicalion seiving a diveise voik
connunily. Iind oul hov ils done on lhis sile!
G"#,-'## 0%"-7$42;' 6##"'# 6-5%(&4$,%-
Task foices, headed ly CLOs, focus on specific issues. The gioups conducl sludies, deveIop
poIicy ieconnendalions, and Iay oul pIans of aclion. Links lo issues: coipoiale goveinance,
goveinnenl ieguIalion, civiI juslice iefoin, and heaIlh and heaIlh and ieliienenl.
D-' H%(;7 G(%47+4#$,-1 .("#$
This oiganizalion sliives lo advance pulIic undeislanding of gIolaI deveIopnenl issues
lhiough ciealive and coIIaloialive use of nedia. Ils Wel sile piovides guides lhal ain lo
chaIIenge and infoin, queslioning assunplions and suggesling aIleinalives lo a vaiiely of
suljecls - elhicaI consuneiisn, chiId Ialoi, liade, elc. The guide lo TiansnalionaI Coipoialions
d=85) is of pailicuIai ieIevance lo lhis chaplei.
6-$'(-4$,%-4; !/4&2'( %5 !%&&'(+' R6!!S
The ICC pionoles an open inleinalionaI liade and inveslnenl syslen and lhe naikel
econony. Topics addiessed ly lhis sile incIude lusiness and sociely, lusiness Iav, and
exloilion and liileiy. Menu


./' T%(7 B%$%( !%&:4-<C G'$$'( ,7'4#
This sile piovides infoinalion aloul coipoiale cilizenship in lhe Ioid Moloi Conpany.
*"2;,+ !,$,>'- U;%24; .(47' H4$+/
As a coaIilion of ovei 6OO deveIopnenl, hunan iighls, Ialoi, enviionnenl and consunei
gioups fion aiound lhe voiId, vilh iepiesenlalion in ovei 7O counliies, lhis gioup consideis
lhe diafl MuIliIaleiaI Agieenenl on Inveslnenl (MAI) lo le a danaging agieenenl lecause
lhe inlenlion of lhe MAI is nol lo ieguIale inveslnenls, lul lo ieguIale goveinnenls.
H77$#$%& I"#/4*-0+
Iind usefuI docunenls al lhe vel siles of Iaige coipoialions and olhei lusinesses and
lusiness-ieIaled oiganizalions:
./' G'$$'( G"#,-'## G"('4"
This oiganizalion encouiages elhicaI slandaids foi lusinesses and pionoles good
ieIalionships lelveen lusinesses and lhe pulIic.
./' V-,$'7 3$4$'# F':4($&'-$ %5 W1(,+";$"('
This U.S. goveinnenl agency oveisees agiicuIluiaI connodily ieseaich and pionolion
D++":4$,%-4; 345'$< 4-7 8'4;$/ W7&,-,#$(4$,%- RD38WSO VX3X F':4($&'-$ %5 A42%(
The nission of OSHA is lo save Iives, pievenl injuiies and piolecl lhe heaIlh of Aneiica's
VX3X !%-#"&'( *(%7"+$ 345'$< !%&&,##,%- R!*3!S
CISC, an independenl IedeiaI ieguIaloiy agency, heIps keep Aneiican faniIies safe ly
ieducing lhe iisk of injuiy oi dealh fion consunei pioducls.
This sile seives as a dalalase and nevs souice foi consuneis of loys, foods, laly ilens, aulos
and chiId caie equipnenl.
(ack lo Lxlensions) Menu


K+*7/& L*)4+ %-5 C"-#*,0+
!"#$%&&' )*+,"-+$.&* ./+$-*++- Managenenls acceplance of lhe necessily of equaI laIance in
decision naking anong lhe foIIoving lusiness consideialions: piofil, consunei salisfaclion, and
socielaI veII leing
M"'#"00- An oiganized allenpl lo keep lhe pulIic fion puichasing lhe goods and seivices of a fiin
due lo elhicaI consideialions
N#0$J$+0+- IeopIe vho lake up lhe cause of a given elhicaI issue, lhese aie usuaIIy individuaIs vho
aie oiganized and focused on a specific elhicaI issue. Ioi exanpIe, a gioup of aninaI iighls aclivisls
foined a gioup caIIed "ILTA." Menleis of ILTA do nol appiove of kiIIing ninks in oidei lo nake
nink coals.
C"-+/4*)$+4- IulIic denand foi lusiness peopIe lo considei consuneis vanls and needs in
naking lusiness decisions and pioviding goods and seivices
O)"5/#0 &$%.$&$0'- CIains nade againsl lhe assels of a conpany ly an individuaI oi gioup foi
negIigence in design, deveIopnenl, and saIe of pioducls
!/*- To fiIe a cIain in a couil of Iav foi danages caused ly a conpanys faiIuie lo piovide
pioducls in Iine vilh adveilising and consunei iighls
C"4,*0$-6 .)%-5+- When noie lhan one conpany pioduces lhe sane pioducl, lhe liands aie in
conpelilion vilh one anolhei. Ioi exanpIe, in lhe sofl diink indusliy, Coca-CoIa and Iepsi aie lvo
conpeling liands. They aie conpelilois.
P)%/5- Lying oi nisiepiesenling lhe liulh in a lusiness silualion, an iIIegaI aclion in lusiness

(ack lo Wain Up Aclivily) (ack lo Aclivily #1) (ack lo Aclivily #2) (Lesson Lxlensions) Menu


M%+$# N++/4,0$"-+ I)$J$-6 02* Q*F M/+$-*++ B-J$)"-4*-0

:RS;+ %-5 M*7")* :RR;+ %-5 N70*)
Uninfoined cusloneis
NalionaI loideis
Coping vilh lhe unexpecled
Iiojecl Cioups and Teans
Denanding cusloneis
Iieedon of novenenl
(ack lo IieIininaiy Lesson IIanning) (ack lo Aclivily 2) Menu


T/*+0$"--%$)* "- !"#$%& U*+,"-+$.$&$0' $- V-0*)-%0$"-%& !*00$-6+

"#$%&' &()* +,&$-./# 0&1/% ,$.#2 -*& 3/11/%.#2 $)(1&4
SA = SliongIy Agiee
A = Agiee
D = Disagiee
SD = SliongIy Disagiee
___ 1. SociaIIy iesponsilIe lusiness is a piolIen in lhe voiId loday.
___ 2. LnpIoyees nusl deleinine on lheii ovn lo vhal exlenl lhey viII le conceined aloul
sociaI iesponsiliIily.
___ 3. The consuneis iighl lo le safe is a concein foi aII lusinesses.
___ 4. Sone infoinalion shouId le nol nade avaiIalIe lo consuneis (consuneis iighl lo le
___ 5. Consuneis iighl lo choose anong conpeling liands is nol of inleiesl lo nosl
___ 6. In lhe fuluie, lusinesses viII le iequiied lo have aII lheii pioducls appioved ly
consunei gioups lefoie lhey go on lhe naikel.
___ 7. QuaIily of Iife issues aie nol a concein foi lusiness.
___ 8. Conpanies shouId nake suie lhey hiie a diveise voikfoice.
___ 9. Safely is lhe nunlei one concein foi lusinesses in lhe 21
___ 1O. My liggesl concein aloul sociaIIy iesponsilIe lusiness in lhe 21
cenluiy is

(ack lo CooI Dovn Aclivily) Menu

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