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Diamandi Stefan 10D Spreadsheet

Justin Timberlake Interview with Ellen

1. How was working with adonna!
a. He was e"#ited to work with adonna.
b. He liked working with adonna.
#. He had planned to work with adonna for a long time and it was a dream that
had #ome true.
d. It was a tripp$ e"perien#e.
%. &hat is Ellen's opinion of Justin Timberlake!
a. She likes him.
b. She is #onstantl$ impressed b$ him.
#. She liked his album.
d. She wanted to marr$ him.
(. How does Justin des#ribe working with somebod$ from a different generation!
a. )It wasn't all pea#hes and #ream in the studio*.
b. He was +ust )messing around* all the time.
#. )&e've had our little tiffs*.
d. )It's not that deep*
,. &hat song are the two people talking about!
a. -ou .an't Save the &orld in /our inutes.
b. 0enna.
#. &e're 1onna Save the &orld in /our inutes.
d. /our inutes to Save the &orld.
2. &hi#h are Justin's feelings towards adonna in the interview!
a. He's s#ared of her.
b. He likes her artisti# talent.
#. He is angr$ with her.
d. He is glad for the opportunit$ to have worked with her.

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