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Warhammer Historical Gladiator

House rules and tweaks by Alexander Kawczynski
Close combat
Models fighting use their Disciplina value and add it to any attack
roll they make. For instance D3 +1D6 if model has Disciplina 3
and 1 attack.
Multiple attacks from the same model are treated individually, so
they hit or miss individually. Same goes for fights with multiple
Gladiators against a single enemy.
Only the highest total to hit is deemed a success. So if an attacker has two attacks and rolls 2 and 4
vs the defender who has one attack and rolls a 3, only the die roll beating the defender is taken into
account and may be used to wound.
In Gladiator vs Gladiator fights the victor of the close combat always chooses between Low Slash or
High Stab on hit location chart and. Roll to wound with weapon strength vs body part and potential
armor. Shields only apply their protective bonus to the shield arm per default.
In Gladiator vs Animal fights, the victor rolls Weapon Strength or Fortituda vs the opponents Patientia
value. No hit location chart is used.
If an animal hits a Gladiator carrying a shield roll to wound as normal, and then roll another D6.
A small shield is torn away on a roll of 4+
A large shield is torn away or otherwise destroyed on a roll of 6+
Gladiators who lost their shields this way cannot be plundered for shields by other models if they
Ranged weapons
Ranged weapons use the projectile Strength vs the target Patientia + any bonus they might enjoy from
carrying a shield.
Projectiles hitting a Gladiator armed with a shield from the front are played just as explained in the
rulebook. However, a stray projectile hitting a Gladiator with his back turned will hit the Gladiator
body and the shield and any protective bonus will be ignored.
Attacking a Gladiator from behind with a ranged weapon on purpose does not win favor with the
crowd and counts just as if you had thrown sand in the eyes of opponent. No appeal to the crowd can
be made by this fighter.
Tweaked Appeal to the crowd
In 1vs1 fights, add +1 for every wound the appealing Gladiator has inflicted.
In team/mass fights, add +1 for every opponent the appealing Gladiator has defeated.

In team/mass battles, a Champion may challenge another champion within charge range to single
combat. Challenge can be refused but the Gladiator chickening out will not be able to appeal to the
crowd this battle! If accepted, both Champions fight without outside involvement until one has been

Since the game does not feature skills I figured I would write a few down. The following skills should
only be used by Gladiators in a campaign. Keep track of these by writing them down on a character
sheet next to the appropriate Gladiator. The following skills are earned for accomplishing particular
feats in the arena.
Favored enemy
A Gladiator who has defeated a particular type of animal or Gladiator at least 4 times may add +1 to
their Disciplina whenever he is fighting that particular opponent. This increase of Disciplina does also
count in fights with multiple Gladiators of other kind as long as the favored enemy is involved.
Swirling fighting style
A Gladiator who has been involved in at least 4 fights with 2 or more opponents and won them single
handedly becomes proficient in dealing with multiple foes and adds +1 Attack to his profile.
Can only ever be gained by models fighting with at least 1 single handed weapon
Fortune favors the bold
A Gladiator who has twice defeated a champion does no longer need to take Constantia tests when
wishing to fight Champions anymore.
This does not affect Gladiators that are already Champions
Impressive recovery rate
A Gladiator who has ended up at the Medicus and survived 3 or more times may add +1 to his
Recovery chart roll.
After having killed 4 or more enemies with a ranged weapon a Gladiator armed with a ranged weapon
can start to target enemy body parts freely if the target is within 12.
Apply the following modifiers to the to hit roll: Torso +1, Head -2, Arms and Legs -1.
If the target carries a shield it is always brought up in reflex and its protective bonus is added. Armor
featured on the targeted body part is taken into account as usual.

The following perks are randomly determined and depend on the upcoming Gladiator level. Just as
with the skills these perks should only be used when playing a campaign.
When your Gladiator levels up adjust his statistics according to page 31 in the main rulebook. Then
roll on the charts below and apply any further adjustments and write down all additional attributes.
All effects are cumulative.
Roll 1D6 when becoming a Spectatii
1: Quick learner, earn Skills at +1 increased rate.
2: Shield proficiency, all shields receive a +1 defense bonus
3: Human shield, Gladiator may grab opponent within 1 to shield himself from incoming projectiles
4: Muscular, add +1 Patientia
5: Fit, add 1 pace to movement
6: Safe bet, always earns twice the amount of money
Roll 1D6 when becoming a Veterarii
1: Shield bash, shields now add a +1 attack with a Strength 3
2: Bold, add +1 to Constantia
3: Jump away, does not need to remain locked in CC if combat is won and after dealing a hit
4: Armor proficiency, always count as being 1 step Lighter. VH<H<L<VL
5: Crowd favorite, always enjoys +1 when appealing to the crowd
6: Taste of victory, Gladiator receives +1 CV
Roll 1D6 when becoming a Primus Palus
1: Tough as nails, +1 Wound
2: Incredible constitution, add +1 to Recovery chart roll
3: Finding weak spots, enemy armor protection is always reduced by 1
4: Heavy swing, allows temporary increase of Weapon strength by 2 at the penalty of 2D
5: Rage, increase Disciplina by 1 whenever Gladiator has 1 wound left
6: Refuse to die, once per fight spend 1 point of CV to prevent loss of a wound.

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