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Jaclyn C.

2026 Windsong Dr. #3A ~ Hagerstown, MD 21740
(301) 331-1 ~ !"ane#a!$w!%s.&12.'d.(s
Objective )o se!(re t"e %osition o* +ead )ea!"er and dire!t,- i'%a!t st(dent a!"ie.e'ent
/- *a!i,itating ,earning *or tea!"ers and ot"er %ro*essiona,s.
Education FROSTBURG STATE UNIERSIT!" Unive#$ity o% &a#yland Ca'(u$" )a*e#$to+n" &,
Masters o* 0d(!ation in 1!"oo, Ad'inistration and 1(%er.ision, 2002
3a!"e,or o* 1!ien!e in 0,e'entar- 0d(!ation, 4on!entration in +ang(age Arts, 2001
Ce#ti%ication$ 1!"oo, Ad'inistration 5 and 55
Mar-,and!ed 6ro*essiona, 4erti*i!ation in 0,e'entar- 0d(!ation 1-6
-#o%e$$ional .AS)INGTON COUNT! -UB/IC SC)OO/S" )a*e#$to+n" &,
2712 - 6resent +ead )ea!"er89o(ntainda,e 0,e'entar-
2711 : 2712 1t(dent A!"ie.e'ent 1%e!ia,ist89o(ntainda,e 0,e'entar-
2703 : 2711
;rade Magnet )ea!"er : 9o(ntainda,e 0,e'entar- 1!"oo,
2701 : 2703
;rade )ea!"er--Han!o!& 0,e'entar- 1!"oo,

Role$ )"e *o,,owing is a s(''ar- o* leade#$hi( e0(e#ience$ *ro' 2701 : 6resent in Was"ington
4o(nt- 6(/,i! 1!"oo,s<
4oordinated and 9a!i,itated 1!"oo, and 4o(nt- 6ro*essiona, De.e,o%'ent (2011-2014),
Hagerstown, MD (so'e s%e!i*i!s ,isted /e,ow)
o )ea!"er 5n!enti.e 9(nd ()59) 9edera, ;rant
o 4"ar,otte Danie,son=s 9ra'ewor& *or )ea!"ing
o >nderstanding /- Design (>/D) and 4(rri!(,(' Ma%%ing
o 4o''on 4ore 6ra!ti!es and +ang(age
o )ransition *ro' 1tate 4(rri!(,(' to 4o''on 4ore
o 1)0M 0d(!ation and 5ntegration
o 9or'ati.e and 1(''ati.e Assess'ents
?ew )ea!"er A!ade'- 5nstit(te8@-12, 1)0M, (2013-2014)
?00+ 4"a,,enge Winner (2014)
M1D0 We/inar 6resenter on 4(rri!(,(' 1!ro,,ing, (2014)
6rin!i%a, Designee, 9o(ntainda,e 0,e'entar- (2011-2014)
Mini MA; (Mar-,and Assess'ent ;ro(%) 6resenter, (2014)
?ationa, 4o(n!i, *or 1o!ia, 1t(dies 6resenter, (2014)
1)0M Mar-,and Master )ea!"er, 00A, (2011-2013)
1)0M 4onne!tor !o-!"air, W461, Hagerstown, MD (2011-2013)
M1D0 4o(rse 4o-5nstr(!tor, A ?ew Aision *or 1!ien!e (?;11), (2013-2014)
EdCamp Hagerstown BrganiCer, Hagerstown, MD (2012-2013)
1)0M Aerti!a, )ea' +eader, 9o(ntainda,e 0,e'entar-, Hagerstown, MD (2010-2013)
)ea!"er +eaders"i% A!ade'- ()+A), W461, Hagerstown, MD (2011-2012)
4o-*a!i,itator o* distri!t-,e.e, 1o!ia, 1t(dies 4(rri!(,(' Writing 4o''ittee *or ;rade
A+a#d$ Teache# o% the !ea# Finali$t, W461, Hagerstown, MD (2011)
EGATE De!i%ient, 9o(ntainda,e 0,e'entar- (2011)
CES A%%i#'ed School, 9o(ntainda,e 0,e'entar- (2012)
O#*ani1ation$ &SET 2 Mar-,and 1o!iet- *or 0d(!ationa, )e!"no,og-
NEA 2 ?ationa, 0d(!ation Asso!iation
ASC, 2 Asso!iation o* 1(%er.ision and 4(rri!(,(' De.e,o%'ent
NCT& 2 ?ationa, 4o(n!i, *or )ea!"ers o* Mat"e'ati!s
NSTA 2 ?ationa, 1!ien!e )ea!"ers Asso!iation
&EGS 2 Mar-,and 0d(!ators o* ;i*ted 1t(dents
Re%e#ence$ +etters o* re!o''endation are,a/,e (%on reE(est

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