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Composition 1 Prewriting and Drafts:

1. Thesis: Clearly the continuous radioactive waste leakage and inability to clean up post
war mess in the Hanford site has been due to poor government planning and deregulation,
a problem that must be fixed.
Topic Sentences: The Hanford site has had a long history of poor government planning
and deregulation.
Because of poor government planning the tanks have begun leaking but because of
deregulation, the tanks continue to leak today and the mess has not been able to be
cleaned up.
Now that the construction of the pretreatment facility plant has been halted, not only is
time being wasted but millions are being spent.
2. Thesis strength and comment:
The thesis is decent since it does talk about issue and failure but does discuss the
effects. For advice I would advise them to include/ elaborate on the effects of the
problem and ask them to fix their wording (ex: change a problem that must be
3. The topic sentences do relate back to the thesis, they just need to add more on the
effects of the thesis.
4. My Thesis:
This issue results in economic issues like the increased public cost monthly, public
hygiene like the tuberculosis outbreak that hit the homeless in Los Angeles, and a social
issue where the gap between the rich and the poor continues widen as more and more
people become homeless due to rich ignore the poor.
Topic Sentences:
As these homeless people are concentrated in area of Skid row, they become a risk to
public health and hygiene
As the homeless population grows and risk of contracting diseases like tuberculosis
becomes bigger, the public health issue becomes a major economic issue as well.
5. Yes all the topic sentences connect to the thesis above.
6. The topic sentences are not in the same order as the thesis statement, but I will be
fixing it.
7. Each topic sentence contributes to my overall thesis creating an argument.
8. I believe that my contention of the gap between the rich and the poor would have to
be revised. I most likely
9. Using this process it can help since the more you edit and develop my writing. This
process helps you think about the ideas you developed and see if it connects to the
main idea of the rest of the essay. By using this, one is able to filter out the irrelevant
ideas and find ideas that could be developed more. With revision, we can narrow
down the topic sentence to really focus on the thesis and therefore hone the essay

1. Los Angeles Times, The Beach Reporter, Glendale News-Press, OC Weekly, Orange
County Register, Los Angeles Herald- Examiner, Pasadena Star-News, LA Weekly,
Santa Monica Daily Press, OC Post, and Entertainment Today are all newspapers and
news sources in Los Angeles. Some agencies and departments that focus on
homelessness and managing them in the LA area are the Los Angeles Homeless
Services Authority (LAHSA), 211 LA County, The Peoples Guide, Los Angeles
Coalition to End Hunger and Homelessness, and LACountyHelps.
2. Statistics from the US Census Bureaus Quick Facts on LA:
Population: 3,857,799
Poverty: 21.2%
Home Ownership Rate: 54.4%
Demographic: 49.8% White, 9.6% Black, 0.7% American Indian/Alaskan, 11.3%
Asian, 0.1% Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, 4.6% Two or more races, 48.5% Hispanic
High School Degree or Higher: 74.2%
Bachelors or Higher: 30.8%
3. Mapping Poverty in America:
Skid Row Housing Trust:,-118.2385153,12z
Skid Row:,-
4,5,6. Article: Expert: AZ in Climate-Change Bulls Eye by Tony Davis in Arizona Daily Star
T.G.I.F: Is the Party Over? By Benjamin Leatherman in Phoenix New Times
Modern Times in Phoenix: A City at the Mercy of Its Myths by Andrew
Kopkind in New Republic
Residents Seeking Closure of S. Phoenix Asphalt Plant by Jahna Berry
in Arizona Republic

7. Books by Experts: Metro Phoenix DNA: A Strategy Book by Arthesia
Job Sprawl Revisited: The Changing Geography of Metropolitan
Employment by Elizabeth Kneebone
Housing Affordability: Arizonas Quiet Crisis by Terry Goddard
Power Lines by Needham
8. 2 Books, Articles, Academic experts on issue (name titles and URLs)
Books: Skid Row, U.S.A by Sara Harris
The Impact of Multiple Childhood Trauma on Homeless Runaway Adolescents by
Michael DiPaolo
Articles: Cleaning skid row, carefully opinion
Montebello hospital accused of dumping homeless patient will pay fine

1. homelessness, poverty, poor, Skid row, homeless
The increase of homeless people is rising in LA and NYC due to high living costs.
List of services and organizations that are assist the homeless.
This website gives a general idea of what homelessness is and how to approach it.

2. ~homelessness in LA, ~poverty in LA, "homeless in skid row"
Opportunity and solution to homeless in LA, but was missed due to politicians.
Increase of children living in poverty over the past few years.
Skid row was used to concentrate the homeless population in LA into an area and now it is

3. In my first search there was very general information on homeless in the Los Angeles
area, but by using the operators, it helped me get more focused and more specific
information that would benefit me more.

4. ~homelessness
Politicians aim their efforts toward ending homelessness.
Ten possible solutions that can help fight against homelessness and poverty.

5. panhandling, vagabond, displaced, afforadable hosuing, slums, minorities, shelter, bums,
hobos, injustice, salvation army , begging, hungry

Ann OLeary

8. David Harvey ~articles, Mike Davis ~articles
David Harvey
List of other articles written by David Harvey.
Mike Davis
Article written about Mike Davis and his view towards urbanism

Into Our Line of Sight: The Homeless Problem
Problems arise from the increase of homeless people in Los Angeles. As these homeless
people are concentrated in the area of Skid row, they become a risk. As more people continue to
be infected, the disease will only continue to spread and eventually create a bigger problem. The
tuberculosis disease can easily be treated with antibiotics, but the homeless lack available
resources to attain the help they need like getting the tuberculosis vaccine to prevent getting the
disease in the first place or receiving health care. Due to the concentrated amount of homeless in
crowded living conditions, the strain is more likely to spread. Although according to Los
Angeles County Department of Public Health who says, The ongoing outbreak of tuberculosis
is not a threat to the general, as more and more people become homeless and concentrated in
areas like Skid row, this strain can easily become an epidemic. Health officials are concerned for
the outbreak in Skid row, even asking for federal assistance. Even with active measures are being
taken from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and homeless shelters, the disease
can still be spread to the increasing population of homeless people.

Into Our Line of Sight: Bringing the Homeless Home
As a result of the homeless situation, issues like a disease outbreak, economic issues, and
land depreciation. Although it has not become a major epidemic outbreak, the tuberculosis
outbreak can become out of hand if left uncontrolled and only to continue spreading. As the
homeless get sick they may get sent to hospitals, but how are they to pay for the hospitalization?
By the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTLA), hospitals are required to give
anyone who enters the emergency room care despite race, gender, or ability to pay. So how do
the homeless pay for the treatment they get? The money comes from taxpayers who end up
paying for the homeless. As homeless people enter the emergency rooms for illnesses that could
be easily be prevented if they had the resources or access to the resources the taxpayer money
allocated to this could be used for something else. Slowly as the homeless population continues
to grow and increase, adversely the value of the area they inhabit continues to decrease.
Consumers and people tend to stray away from the homeless population and thus also straying
from the surrounding businesses. In a way, [the homeless] cost [them] business ("Downtown
Businesses Want Homeless Camp to Move"). Without a source of consumers for these there is
no way to keep the businesses up and running.

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