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Mini test.

a) Join. (______ /2)

1) Delegate With business problems
2) Invest About his new position in the
!) "espon# In training courses
$) %ommunicate With our sta&& clearl.
') Agree (o our customers) complaints
*) (al+ ,n meeting ne-t We#nes#a
.) /elieve (o our secretar meeting
0) Deal In our manager)s #ecisions.
b) Write senteces using the in&ormation given in 1 in the apropiate tense.
(_______ / $)
1) 1suall 2 3r. "ichar#son
2) 3rs. 4ollow 2 5ever.
!) 3r. 6 3rs. 7mith 2 alwas.
$) 3rs. Austen 2 now.
') 7he 2 not agree 2 alwas
*) 3r. 7chult8 2 ester#a.
.) 3r. 6 3rs. Donnell 2 5ever
0) 3r. /rown 2 not o&ten.
c) "eport the &ollowing #ialogue ta+en &rom 9ulp :iction (b ;uentin (arantino<
1==$) (_______/$)
a) 3ia> ?Don@t ou hate thatA?
Bincent> ?WhatA? (dont report)
b 2 c) 3ia> ?I hate uncom&ortable silences. Wh #o we &eel it@s necessar to tal+ about
nothing in or#er to be com&ortableA?
# 2 e) Bincent> ?I #on@t +now. (hat@s a goo# Cuestion.?
& 2 g D h) 3ia> ?(hat@s when ou +now ou@ve &oun# somebo# special. When ou can
Eust shut up &or a minute an# com&ortabl enEo the silence. Five me a cigarette.

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