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To prepare for the activity we need to spend some time designing the experiment properly

according to the scientific method and our Lab /Experiment Write -Up -- Scientific ethod
#n your groups$
%" a!e a copy and rename the file according to$ Rocket Lab Activity
&" 'ile this document in your Motion, Forces and Energy folder within you Science 'older
(" )omplete the document
Partner names:
Valeri & Andrey

Purose or !uestion to "nvestigate #What do you want to learn*+$
# want to learn how we can modify our roc!et to be better and faster"
- What will be difference if we ma!e one big circle and ta!e the other two off*
- Will there be a difference with or without a triangle in front*
$ackground "nformation ,'ind out as much as you can using boo!s- the
#nternet- interviews- etc"+ $
- We had force in the bottle which was air" The meaning of force is . strength or energy as
an attribute of physical action or movement"
- The air pushes the straw and ma!es it fly" #f the clay wasn/t on top of the second straw it
won0t fly because the air would go through the straws"
- The newton law helps us understand and succeed in our roc!et lab experiment
- The plastic bottle is filled with air and whenever you s1uee2e the bottle you force the air
%yot&esis ,Educated guess$ 3 #f we""",do something+ then""",this will
%" #f we put a triangle in front this would ma!e the roc!et fly more accurate and
successful meaning faster"
&" #f we replace the two small circles with a big one it will be more accurate"

4 The base is made of a plastic bottle 566 ml
4 We have clay at the narrow end of the bottle
4 We have two straws representing tubes that air goes through
4 7n the second straw we have a big circle made of paper
4 8t the end we have clay on the top of the second straw so the air doesn/t go out"
'tes or rocedure:
() We first ta!e an empty plastic bottle
*) 8fter we put the first straw halfway in the bottle- we put the clay so the straw is stic!ed
to the bottle"
+) Then we put the second straw to the first one
,) The next step we ma!e a big paper circle and attach in the middle of the second straw
-) 8t the end we put a small amount of clay at the end of the second straw so the air doesn/t
go out
.) 8fter the steps you are ready to shoot the roc!et
/) 9ou shoot the roc!et by s1uee2ing the bottle and force the air out
0) Last when you have shoot the roc!et you measure it and write it down"
What is your independent variable* #f we add one big circle and remove the two it will go
What is your dependent variable* The average distance the roc!et flies is %;;"5
What is your control* order of straws and how we shot the roc!et by forcing the air out"
Examples of each type of variable
1bservations and data collection #2se a table using a sreads&eet3$
:aleri <
8ndrey % &&& turn =6> 566 (?@ %;;"5
We created a
very big
circle which
the two small
circles before
and we
added wings"
:aleri <
8ndrey & %56 turn 56> 566 (?@ %;;"5
We created a
very big
circle which
the two small
circles before
and we
added wings"
:aleri <
( %A6 turn (6> 566 (?@ %;;"5 We created a
very big
circle which
the two small
circles before
and we
added wings"
valeri <
8ndrey = &%& t 566 %;;"5
We created a
very big
circle which
the two small
circles before
and we
added wings"
There was a big difference according to our unmodified roc!et and modified one" # saw that
because we always measured how far the roc!ets flew and then we add up our estimation
and divided it in the trials we did" The unmodified roc!et average was %(A"&5cm and the
modified one was %;;"5cm" The difference between the two average scores is 5%"&5cm"
The triangle helped the roc!et fly faster and more accurate as # mentioned in the
7ur big circle fell down so we needed to stic! it again and ma!e sure it won/t fall second

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