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How to Show Respect at School (Pn Mushitah )

School is a place for learning. You not only learn from lessons and textbooks,
you also learn from the relations that you have each day with your teachers,
classmates, friends and school staff. Showing respect in school is very
important .Practise showing respect to others so that you will be a better person
when you grow up. These are some examples for you to follow in school as a sign
of respect to the teachers, school staffs and also your friends.
1. Address people and greet them by their proper names. All teachers, school staff
and adults should be called, "Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms." This formal tone shows respect.
Respect your friends too. all them by their names or preferred nic!names."hen
you meet any teachers or school staff greet them with # Assalamualai!um #,
#$elamat se%ahtera& etc.
'. (e on time. (eing punctual is a sign of respect for e)eryone*s time, including
your teacher, your classmates and your own. "hen you show up on time, your
friends and teacher will also respect you.
+. Raise your hand. Raise your hand before you gi)e out the answer or a ,uestion.
-t shows respect to your teacher and classmates. .)eryone has a fair turn to spea!
and learn.
/. (e punctual with homewor!..)ery teacher has many boo!s to mar!. Respect
his time by ma!ing sure that you pass up your homewor! on time.. This will help
you earn respect from your teacher too.
0. (e alert. -f you ha)e eye contact with your teacher, it sends her the signal that
you are paying attention and listening to what she is saying to you.
1. 2ollow instructions. 2ollowing instructions is the action you can ta!e to show
that you are acti)ely listening to your teacher. .)ery teacher appreciates a student
who listens attenti)ely.
3. (e !ind to others. 4eople respect those who are !ind and considerate. Treat
others how you would li!e to be treated.

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