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Take Assessment - SWITCH Chapter 4 - CCNP SWITCH (Version 6.0)
Time emainin!"
$ottom of Form
# Top of Form
A client sends a re%&est for an '( address to a )*C( ser+er. W,ic, )*C( message to t,e client will pro+ide t,e config&ration
parameters t,at incl&de an '( address- a domain name- and a lease for t,e '( address.
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$ Top of Form
A )*C(21341ST message ,as 6een sent from t,e client to t,e )*C( ser+er. W,at information is incl&ded in t,e message.
initial message to locate a )*C( ser+er
formal re%&est for t,e offered '( address
confirmation t,at t,e '( address ,as 6een allocated to t,e client
denial message to re7ect t,e first offer from t,e )*C( ser+er
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% Top of Form
2efer to t,e e8,i6it. T,e ro&ter ,as 6een properl9 config&red for t,e tr&nking interface. W,ic, statement is tr&e a6o&t t,e
ro&ting ta6le on t,e ro&ter.
't will s,ow a ne8t ,op address of t,e switc, for 6ot, 0:A;s.
't will s,ow one tr&nking ro&te to 1!.!.!.!<8.
't s,o&ld contain ro&tes to t,e 1!.1!.1!.!<2# and t,e 1!.1!.11.!<2# networks.
$eca&se t,e switc, is not config&red properl9 to tr&nk 0:A; 1 and 0:A; 2- t,e ro&ting ta6le of t,e ro&ter will not
s,ow ro&tes to eit,er 0:A; .
$eca&se t,e switc, port fa!<1 is in access mode- t,e ro&ting ta6le of t,e ro&ter will not s,ow an9 ro&tes.
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4 Top of Form
W,at is an ad+antage to &sing a tr&nk link to connect a switc, to an e8ternal ro&ter t,at is pro+iding inter=0:A; ro&ting.
works wit, an9 switc, t,at s&pports 0:A;s and tr&nking
lowers latenc9
pro+ides red&ndanc9 to t,e 0:A;s
red&ces C(4 o+er,ead
$ottom of Form
& Top of Form
2efer to t,e e8,i6it and t,e partial config&ration taken on ro&ter 2TA. 4sers on 0:A; cannot comm&nicate wit, t,e
&sers on 0:A; 1!. W,at s,o&ld 6e done to fi8 t,e pro6lem.
A d9namic ro&ting protocol s,o&ld 6e config&red on t,e ro&ter.
Two static ro&tes s,o&ld 6e config&red on t,e ro&ter- eac, pointing to eac, s&6net.
T,e Fa!<! interface s,o&ld 6e config&red wit, a primar9 '( address of 1!.1!..1<2# and a secondar9 '( address
of 1!.1!.1!.1<2#.
T,e s&6interfaces of t,e ro&ter s,o&ld 6e config&red wit, 8!2.13 encaps&lation.
$ottom of Form
6 Top of Form
2efer to t,e e8,i6it. $ased on t,e 'e()! ip 'h*p ser+er pa*ket o&tp&t- w,ic, statement is tr&e.
T,e client sends a )*C()'SC/012 t,at contains '( address 1!.1.1!.21 to t,e )*C( ser+er.
T,e client sends a )*C(21341ST t,at contains '( address 1!.1.1!.21 to t,e )*C( ser+er.
T,e client sends t,e $//T21(:> 6roadcast message to in%&ire for a new '( address.
T,e client accepts t,e offer from t,e )*C( ser+er for t,e 1!.1.1!.21 '( address.
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, Top of Form
2efer to t,e e8,i6it. W,ic, statement is tr&e regarding t,e diagram and sho- ip ro)te command o&tp&t.
$eca&se no ro&ting protocol ,as 6een config&red- t,e ro&ter will not forward packets 6etween workstations.
T,e defa&lt gatewa9 for ,osts on 0:A; 1! s,o&ld 6e t,e Fa!<! '( address of t,e ro&ter.
T,e defa&lt gatewa9 for ,osts on 0:A; 1! s,o&ld 6e t,e Fa!<!.1 '( address of t,e ro&ter.
T,e defa&lt gatewa9 for ,osts on 0:A; 1! s,o&ld 6e t,e Fa!<!.2 '( address of t,e ro&ter.
$eca&se t,eir packets are 6eing tr&nked- ,osts on 0:A; 1! do not need a defa&lt gatewa9.
$ottom of Form
. Top of Form
W,ic, two statements are tr&e a6o&t ro&ted ports on a m&ltila9er switc,. ?C,oose two.@
A ro&ted port 6e,a+es like a reg&lar ro&ter interface and s&pports 0:A; s&6interfaces.
A ro&ted port is a p,9sical switc, port wit, :a9er 2 capa6ilit9.
A ro&ted port is not associated wit, a partic&lar 0:A;.
To create a ro&ted port re%&ires remo+al of :a9er 2 port f&nctionalit9 wit, t,e no s-it*hport interface config&ration
T,e inter/a*e +0an glo6al config&ration command is &sed to create a ro&ted port.
$ottom of Form
1 Top of Form
W,ic, two statements are tr&e a6o&t switc,ed +irt&al interfaces ?S0'@ on a m&ltila9er switc,. ?C,oose two.@
An S0' 6e,a+es like a reg&lar ro&ter interface 6&t does not s&pport 0:A; s&6interfaces.
An S0' is a p,9sical switc, port wit, :a9er 3 capa6ilit9.
$9 defa&lt- an S0' is created for t,e defa&lt 0:A; ?0:A;1@.
/nl9 one S0' can 6e associated wit, a 0:A;.
To create an S0' re%&ires remo+al of :a9er 2 port f&nctionalit9 wit, t,e no s-it*hport interface config&ration command.
$ottom of Form
#0 Top of Form
W,ic, t,ree statements a6o&t a ro&ted switc, interface are tr&e. ?C,oose t,ree.@
A ro&ted switc, port is a p,9sical de+ice t,at is associated wit, se+eral 0:A;s.
A ro&ted switc, port is created 69 config&ring a :a9er 2 port wit, t,e no s-it*hport interface config&ration command
and assigning an '( address.
A ro&ted switc, port is created 69 entering 0:A; interface config&ration mode and assigning an '( address.
A ro&ted switc, port is a +irt&al :a9er 3 interface t,at can 6e config&red for an9 0:A; t,at e8ists on a :a9er 3 switc,.
A ro&ted switc, port pro+ides an interface t,at ma9 pro+ide a :a9er 3 connection to a ne8t=,op ro&ter.
A ro&ted switc, port can ser+e as a defa&lt gatewa9 for de+ices.
$ottom of Form
## Top of Form
2efer to t,e e8,i6it and t,e partial config&ration taken on ro&ters 2TA and 2T$. All &sers can ping t,eir gatewa9s- 6&t
&sers on 0:A; and 0:A; 1! cannot comm&nicate wit, t,e &sers on 0:A; 2!. W,at s,o&ld 6e done to sol+e t,e pro6lem.
A d9namic ro&ting protocol or static ro&tes s,o&ld 6e config&red on t,e ro&ters.
A tr&nk s,o&ld 6e config&red 6etween ro&ters 2TA and 2T$.
2TA interface Fa!<1 and 2T$ Fa!<1 s,o&ld 6e config&red wit, t,ree s&6interfaces- eac, wit, 'S: encaps&lation.
2TA interface Fa!<1 and 2T$ Fa!<1 s,o&ld 6e config&red wit, t,ree s&6interfaces- eac, wit, 8!2.13 encaps&lation.
$ottom of Form
#$ Top of Form
W,ic, statement descri6es w,at occ&rs w,en a )*C( re%&est is forwarded t,ro&g, a ro&ter t,at ,as 6een config&red wit,
t,e ip he0per-a''ress command.
T,e ro&ter replaces t,e so&rce AAC address incl&ded in t,e )*C( re%&est wit, its own AAC address.
T,e ro&ter replaces t,e so&rce '( address of t,e )*C( re%&est wit, t,e '( address t,at is specified wit, t,e
ip he0per-a''ress command.
T,e ro&ter replaces t,e 6roadcast destination '( address of t,e )*C( re%&est wit, t,e &nicast '( address t,at is
specified wit, t,e ip he0per-a''ress command.
T,e ro&ter replaces t,e &nicast destination '( address of t,e )*C( re%&est wit, t,e &nicast '( address t,at is
specified wit, t,e ip he0per-a''ress command.
$ottom of Form
#% Top of Form
A client comp&ter is set &p for )*C( and needs an '( config&ration. )&ring t,e )*C( client config&ration process- w,ic,
response will ena6le t,e client to 6egin &sing t,e assigned address immediatel9.
$ottom of Form
#4 Top of Form
2efer to t,e e8,i6it. An administrator wants to ens&re t,at C1F is f&nctioning properl9 on t,e switc,es 6etween ,osts A and $.
'f t,e administrator wants to +erif9 t,e C1F F'$ ta6le entr9 for t,e ro&te 1!.1!..!<2# on SwBA:SA- w,at s,o&ld t,e ad7acenc9
'( address 6e.
$ottom of Form
#& Top of Form
W,ic, t,ree e+ents will ca&se t,e Forwarding 'nformation $ase ?F'$@ ta6le to 6e &pdated. ?C,oose t,ree.@
An A2( entr9 for t,e destination ne8t ,op c,anges- ages o&t- or is remo+ed.
T,e F'$ ta6le is cleared wit, t,e *0ear /i( a'9a*en*y : command.
T,e ro&ting ta6le entr9 for t,e ne8t ,op c,anges.
T,e '( packets ,a+e an e8piring TT: co&nter.
T,e TCAA ta6le is fl&s,ed and reacti+ated.
T,e ro&ting ta6le entr9 for a prefi8 c,anges.
$ottom of Form
#6 Top of Form
W,ic, condition will ca&se a packet to 6e process=switc,ed instead of C1F switc,ed.
packets t,at are switc,ed to an o&tgoing interface wit, an o&t6o&nd AC: applied
packets wit, a destination interface t,at is c,osen 69 a ro&ting protocol
packets t,at need to 6e fragmented on t,e o&tgoing interface
packets wit, a destination interface t,at is c,osen 69 a static ro&te
packets t,at &se TC( ,eader options
$ottom of Form
#, Top of Form
W,ic, statement is tr&e a6o&t t,e C1F forwarding process.
T,e F'$ ta6le contains t,e :a9er 2 rewrite information.
Ad7acenc9 ta6le look&ps &se t,e closest :a9er 3 prefi8 matc,.
T,e ad7acenc9 ta6le eliminates t,e need for t,e A2( protocol.
After an '( prefi8 matc, is made- t,e process determines t,e associated :a9er 2 ,eader rewrite information from t,e
ad7acenc9 ta6le.
$ottom of Form
#. Top of Form
W,at is tr&e a6o&t TCAA look&ps t,at are associated wit, C1F switc,ing.
TCAA incl&des onl9 :a9er 3 look&p information.
A single TCAA look&p pro+ides :a9er 2- :a9er 3- and AC: information
TCAA look&p ta6les are &sed onl9 for t,e :a9er 3 forwarding operation.
TCAA look&p ta6les are &sed onl9 for t,e rapid processing of AC:s wit,in C1F.
$ottom of Form
#1 Top of Form
2efer to t,e e8,i6it. W,at additional config&ration is re%&ired for ,ost A to recei+e '( config&ration from t,e )*C( ser+er.
T,e ip a''ress 'h*p command is re%&ired on interface Fa!<!.
T,e ip 'h*p in/ormation option command is re%&ired on interface Fa!<1.
T,e ip he0per-a''ress #0.#.$.#0 command is re%&ired on interface Fa!<!.
T,e ip /or-ar'-proto*o0 %, glo6al config&ration command is re%&ired to forward );S re%&ests to '( address 1!.1.2.1!.
T,e ip /or-ar'-proto*o0 6, glo6al config&ration command is re%&ired to forward )*C( re%&ests to '( address 1!.1.2.1!.
T,e ip /or-ar'-proto*o0 61 glo6al config&ration command is re%&ired to forward TFT( re%&ests to '( address 1!.1.2.1!.
$ottom of Form
$0 Top of Form
2efer to t,e e8,i6it and t,e sho- ip *e/ o&tp&t. W,at can 6e concl&ded from t,e o&tp&t.
T,e o&tp&t +alidates t,at t,e C1F F'$ entr9 for 1!.1!..!<2# is correct.
T,e cac,ed ad7acenc9 address is 1!.1!.1!.1.
T,e ne8t ,op address is 1!.1!.1!.1.
T,e o&tp&t s,ows t,at packets destined to 1!.1!..!<2# ,a+e not 6een processed 69 C1F.
$ottom of Form
$ottom of Form

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