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I. Make three resumes (300-350 words/resume) of the texts on Globaliation!"

#International $rimes! and %emands of &uman 'olidarit(! (ea)h resume
should )o*er all the texts in a lesson)+
II. ,nswer the followin- .uestion/ &ow do (ou see a 0oliti)all( united 1uro0e2
III. 3ranslate into 1n-lish/
Itinerariul prevedea un mare si incantator inconjur. La inceput de aprilie, porneam din
gara Brasov spre Predeal. Dupa o ora depaseam frontiera maghiaro-romana fara
de a fi fost sacaiti de catre vamesi.
i am ajuns la Bucuresti.
In capitala !omaniei, unde aveam sa stam numai cateva ore, am fost purtati prin
mu"ee de arta si de stiinta naturala, pe stra"i si #ulevarde. $ai tar"iu nu-mi mai
aminteam decat de-o vi"ita la %cademia !omana, unde profesorul Ion Bianu a deschis
un sanctuar, din care scotea manuscrisele lui &minescu. 'u m-am dat #atut pana nu
am luat si eu in mana un caiet. Imi croisem drum cu coatele, printre ceilalti. (rupul
pleca, dar eu am mai ramas aplecat deasupra manuscrisului, prin care rasfoiam cu
)Lucian Blaga *ronicul si cantecul varstelor+,
I4. 3ranslate into 5omanian/
tephen-s mother and his #rother and one of his cousins .aited at the corner of /uiet
0oster Place .hile he and his father .ent up the steps and along the colonnade .here
the *ighland sentr1 .as parading. 2hen the1 had passed into the great hall and stood
at the counter tephen dre. forth his orders on the governor of the #an3 of Ireland for
thirt1 and three pounds4 and these sums, the mone1s of his e5hi#ition and essa1 pri"e,
.ere paid over to him rapidl1 #1 the teller in notes and coin respectivel1.
)6ames 6o1ce Portrait of the
%ag! 1
Globaliation had been -i*en a series of definitions in time. ,ll of the definitions -i*en
dri*e to the same meanin- and ex0ress the same 0ur0ose/ , nation between nations"
united b( all means" at all le*els s0eakin-! the same e)onomi)" )ommer)ial" 0oliti)al"
)ultural" histori)al and -eo-ra0hi)al lan-ua-e.
5e-ardin- the e)onomi) as0e)ts" -lobaliation rea)hed its 0ur0ose in terms of )a0ital
restri)tions" finan)ial and )urren)( markets" international trade and also the -lobal
Globaliation im0a)t at the so)ial le*el has brou-ht a series of )han-es in -lobal
e)onom(+ a real )hallen-e at the -lobal )om0etition le*el and also marked 0o0ulation in
terms of so)ial transformation and dislo)ation.
3he old idea of national so*erei-nt(! and also the new -lobal e)onomi) order are
sub6e)t of Globaliation in 0oliti)al terms.
3alkin- about -lobaliation and )ulture" we ma( think that )han-es brou-ht forward b(
-lobaliation ma( not be so bad. 7e ma( 6ud-e it in a 0ositi*e manner ha*in- in *iew
the in)reasin- similarit( in lifest(le around the world" but we mustn8t )lose our e(es
when it )omes about the lo-i)al )onse.uen)es of ethno)entri) nationalism" that is
ri*alr(" interne)ine warfare" and" ultimatel(" -eno)ide.
,n(wa(" Globaliation8s tenden)( is to 0romote an alto-ether more desirable state of
affairs and to brin- u0 all the o00ortunities it offers for in)reasin- the -eneral le*el of
)i*ilit( throu-hout the world.
%ag! 2
9owada(s" there are man( new t(0es of international )rime : terrorism" human
traffi)kin-" dru- traffi)kin-" and )ontraband smu--lin-" in*ol*in- serious *iolen)e and
0h(si)al harm.
3here also exist t(0es of )rime that don8t re.uire -uns to )ause ma6or dama-e/ fraud"
extortion" )orru0tion" mone( launderin-" intelle)tual 0ro0ert( theft and )ounterfeitin-.
3he s0read of information te)hnolo-( )reated new )ate-ories of )(ber)rime.
3he most re0resentati*e forms of international )rimes remain 3errorism! and Mone(
3errorism! a)ts )onsist of elements of warfare" 0oliti)s and 0ro0a-anda and it is *er(
im0ortant to know that terrorist or-aniations are small due to la)k of 0o0ular su00ort
whi)h makes their dete)tion and infiltration diffi)ult.
3hou-h" the issues behind terrorism are usuall( national or re-ional" its im0a)t is
%omesti) terrorism! )an8t be left behind as this has s0ill-o*er effe)ts into other
)ountries and linka-es with forei-n terrorist -rou0s are not un)ommon.
3he im0a)t of terrorism has been felt all o*er as terrorist hide amon- emi-rant
%ias0oras and refu-ee )ommunities" bein- sometimes en-a-ed in illi)it smu--lin- of
dru-s and wea0ons.
,s re-ards Mone( ;aunderin-8" we )an link it to the finan)ial as0e)ts of )rimes.
<b*iousl(" the onl( moti*ation of the )riminals is thou-ht to be the 0rofit and their -reed
dri*es them to ille-al -ain of mone(.
1*en if it doesn8t sound too )riminal! its im0a)t has de*astatin- so)ial )onse.uen)es.
It 0ro*ides the fuel for dru- dealers" terrorists" arms dealers and so on.
$riminals be)ome -reat mani0ulators of the finan)ial market throu-h their ille-al
a)ti*ities. 3hese illi)it a)ti*ities destabilie 0oliti)al and e)onomi) reform" unbalan)in-
the trade s(stems.
%ag! 3
Mone( ;aunderin-! is now *iewed as the )entral dilemma in dealin- with all forms of
international or-anied )rime as finan)ial -ain means 0ower=
7hen it )omes about human solidarit( we immediatel( think about the e.uitable
distribution of resour)es su)h as/ land" 0h(si)al resour)es" )a0ital" skills" knowled-e
and te)hnolo-(" without takin- into a))ount that humanit( has a lot of work to do in
order to ensure a -enuine and effe)ti*e )on)ern for the needs of all.
Goin- ba)k to the idea of -lobaliation we ha*e to )onsider human solidarit( in terms of
nowada(s -lobaliation 0eriod and to dis)i0line oursel*es as human solidarit(
ne)essitates a radi)al transformation of the world order and relationshi0s amon- 0eo0le
in the dire)tion of sharin- of resour)es and )arin- for all.
5eli-ions are )onsidered to 0la( the most im0ortant role in 0romotin- s0iritualit( at a
-lobal le*el. >( its definition" s0iritualit(! en-a-es not onl( 0ersons but also
)ommunities in the effort to o*er)ome selfishness" )arin- for others" sharin- with others
what ea)h of us has in order for the human ha00iness and fulfillment to in)rease in a
0ositi*e manner.
It is not news for us to a))e0t that world8s reli-ions and best humanisti) thinkin- indi)ate
that human ha00iness de0ends on the stri*in- for lo*e" sharin- and understandin-
amon- 0ersons and in so)iet(.
3herefore" tea)hin-s of the reli-ions suit the dominant so)ial order as of male
domination" sla*er(" the )lass and )aste s(stem and not )ontested their e*ils o*er lon-
0eriods of time.
3hou-h it ma( be biarre" reli-ious messa-e doesn8t stand onl( for its a00li)ation at
-lobal le*el" es0e)iall( in relation to the worldwide or-aniation of so)io-e)onomi) life"
but also reli-ious fundamentalists lead to unfortunate so)ial )onfli)ts" reli-ious *alues
that )an be the under0innin- base for )oalitions for world 6usti)e and 0ea)e.
5eli-ions" dri*en b( their -ood-will and 6usti)e" ha*e to deal with the obli-ation of fa)in-
the )risis of humanit(" as -ood-will 0ersons )an onl( be the ones to 0ut basis for their
-lobal networkin- and thus to -i*e the sense of nowada(s human solidarit( and
safe-uardin- of nature of all t(0e for future -enerations.
%ag! 4
II. As!er "#e $%&&%!'( )ues"'%*
H%! +% ,%u see - .%&'"'/-&&, u'"e+ Eur%.e0
It is not onl( m( o0inion as I belie*e" but it is well known the fa)t that" in time" at
1uro0ean le*el the 0oliti)al 0ower has been in)reased b( the )reation of the 1uro0ean
?nion. 3he 0oliti)al 0ower has been -i*en ri-ht from the be-innin- to the 1uro0ean
@arliament. &ere" I )ome and state that+ a 0oliti)all( united 1uro0e has to be thou-ht in
terms of a more decisional power given to the European Parliament!
3he 0oliti)al 0ower has been shared at different le*els but a more 0owerful @arliament
at 1uro0ean le*el will brin- a more united 1uro0e alto-ether.
3he 1uro0ean markets are in diffi)ult( nowada(s be)ause le-islati*e measures of
)reatin- free markets" free trade free so)ial networks at 1uro0ean le*el were not
thou-ht in terms of barriers but in terms of 0rofit. 3he business ser*i)es" a 0oliti)al
)ommon framework at 1uro0ean le*el" are not de*elo0ed at their im0ortan)e.
7hen business ser*i)es" that work inde0endentl( better" will be brou-ht forward at
international le*el and @arliament will be -i*en more 0ower of de)ision then we )an
s0eak of a 0oliti)all( united 1uro0e=
%ag! 5
III. Tr-s&-"e '"% E(&'s#*
Itinerariul prevedea un mare si incantator inconjur. La inceput de aprilie, porneam din
gara Brasov spre Predeal. Dupa o ora depaseam frontiera maghiaro-romana fara
de a fi fost sacaiti de catre vamesi.
i am ajuns la Bucuresti.
In capitala !omaniei, unde aveam sa stam numai cateva ore, am fost purtati prin
mu"ee de arta si de stiinta naturala, pe stra"i si #ulevarde. $ai tar"iu nu-mi mai
aminteam decat de-o vi"ita la %cademia !omana, unde profesorul Ion Bianu a deschis
un sanctuar, din care scotea manuscrisele lui &minescu. 'u m-am dat #atut pana nu
am luat si eu in mana un caiet. Imi croisem drum cu coatele, printre ceilalti. (rupul
pleca, dar eu am mai ramas aplecat deasupra manuscrisului, prin care rasfoiam cu
)Lucian Blaga *ronicul si cantecul varstelor+,
7he journe1 had foreseen a delightful and great itinerar1. 8n the #eginning of %pril, .e
.ere to start from Brasov rail.a1 station toPredeal. %fter an hour .e .ere passing
over the !omanian *ungarian #order .ithout #eing #othered #1 the custom house
%nd .e-ve reached Bucharest.
!omania-s to.n capital, .here .e .ere to sta1 onl1 for a fe. hours, .e had #een
driven through art and natural science museums, on streets and #oulevards.
Later on, I .asn-t a#le to remem#er #ut a visit at the !omanian %cadem1, .here
professor Ion Bianu had opened a sanctuar1, out of .hich he too3 out &minescu-s
manuscripts. I didn-t give up until I also too3 a cop1 #oo3 in m1 o.n hands.
I had el#o.ed m1 .a1 out through the others.
7he group .as leaving, #ut I remained #ent over the manuscript I .as attentivel1
s3imming through.
%ag! 6
I1. Tr-s&-"e '"% R%m-'-*
tephen-s mother and his #rother and one of his cousins .aited at the corner of /uiet
0oster Place .hile he and his father .ent up the steps and along the colonnade .here
the *ighland sentr1 .as parading. 2hen the1 had passed into the great hall and stood
at the counter tephen dre. forth his orders on the governor of the #an3 of Ireland for
thirt1 and three pounds4 and these sums, the mone1s of his e5hi#ition and essa1 pri"e,
.ere paid over to him rapidl1 #1 the teller in notes and coin respectivel1.
)6ames 6o1ce Portrait of the
$ama lui tephen impreuna cu fratele acestuia si unul dintre verii lui, ramasera sa
astepte in coltul linistitului 0oster Place, 9n timp ce el :i cu tat;l s;u urcar;
treptele :i o luar; de-a lungul colonadei unde santinela sco<ian; se plim#a
9n pas de parad;.
Dupa ce patrunsera in marele hol si statura in fata casieriei, tephen scoase ordinul de
plata pentru == de lire catre guvernatorul Bancii Irlandei, iar aceste sume, #ursa lui
scolara precum si premiul castigat pentru eseul sau, i-au fost platite imediat, in
#ancnote si respectiv monede, de catre casier.
%ag! 7

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