A Ruled Over B: I Was With C

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Mnemonics thula 1 from Widsith

Attila ruled the Huns, Eormanric the Goths,

Becca the Baningas, Gifica the Burgundians.
Caesar ruled the Greeks and Caelic the Finns,
Hagena the Holmrcgas and Henden the Glomman.
Witta ruled the !"aefe, Wada the Haelsingas,
Meaca the Mrgingas, Mearc the Hundingas.
#heodric ruled the Franks, #hle the $ondingas,
Breoca the Brondingas, Billa the Waerne.
%s"ine ruled the Eo"an and Gef"ulf the &utes,
Finn, son of Folc"alda, the Frisian race.
!igehere for man ears ruled the !ea'(anes,
Hnaef the Hocingas, Helm the Wulfingas,
Wald the Woingas, Wod the #huringians,
!aeferth the !cgan, Ongentheow the Swedes,
!ceafthere the )m*ran, !ceaf the +ango*ards,
Hun the Haet"are, and Holen the Wrosnan.

1st thula
A ruled o-er B
.name of ruler/ .name of 0eo0le/

Attila ruled the Huns, Eormanric
the Goths2

3nd thula
4 "as "ith C
.name of tri*e50eo0le/
64 "as "ith the Huns and the glorious

8rd thula
4 -isited 5 sought D .name of hero/
4 -isited Hehca and Beadeca and the

(eor .dear, a00reciated/
aka 6+ament of (eor7
9 Form,
o di-ided into grou0s of -erses, resem*ling
modern stro0hes
o $efrain, that 0assed, so "ill this
9 Content,
o !co0 lamenting his e1ile
(eor, last 6stro0he7
4 "ish to sa this a*out mself,
#hat for a time 4 "as the Heodenings: 0oet,
dear to m lord ' m name "as ;(eor;.
For man ears 4 had a 0rofita*le 0osition,
a loal lord until no" that Heorrenda,
the man skilled in song, has recei-ed the
"hich the "arriors: guardian had gi-en to
That "ent *, so can this.
(eor, Meaning of last refrain,
1. #hat < (eor=s 0ast trou*les, #H4! < 0resent miser
3. #HA# < (eor=s miser, #H4! < miser of the reader
Importance, 0hiloso0hical, and a *it enigmatic
content, nuanced * elegiac tone, 0acked into
reassuring stro0he'like grou0s of -erses

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