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Juaddy Melo

Newton was a prematurely born child who showed no sign of Intelligence as
he grew up. Being taken out of school to work on his mothers barn of the age of
14 he failed at that as he preferred to read books. An uncle of his saw his
scholarly potential Isaac and prompted him to study at the University of
Cambridge in which he did for 5 years. Isaac lived from 1642 same year
Galileo died until 1729 after writing proclaimed greatest scientific books ever
written, the Principia Mathematica Philosophiae Naturalis. Sir Isaac Newton
was said to have laid out the foundations for the science of physics. He
formulated the law of universal gravitation. He invented the calculus, a very
important mathematical tool in science. He extended Galileos work and
developed the three fundamental laws of motion. Newton lived with his mother
in Woolsthorpe, England for a while as a plague had ravaged through
Cambridge, England. When the plague subsided he returned to his home in
Cambridge. Something I found interesting about him was that when he was
asked how he was able to make so many discoveries, Newton replied that he
solved his problems by continually thinking very long and hard about them-
Not by sudden insight.
Newtons first law states that every object
continues in a state of rest, or of uniform speed
in a straight line, unless acted on by a nonzero
net force.
Objects at rest tend to remain at rest
Newtons second law states that the
acceleration produced by a net force on an
object is directly proportional to the magnitude
of the net force, is in the same direction as the
net force, and is inversely proportional to the
mass of the object.

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