Compound Sentences and Reported Speech

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Compound Sentences and Reported Speech

1. Simple Present Tense

(+) My sister come while i listen to the music. She said that her sister came while
she listen to the music.
(-) My sister dont come while I listen to the music.She said that her sister didnt
come while she listen to the music.
(?) Is your sister come while you listen to the music? He asked me if my sister
come while I listen to the music
Why your sister come while you listen to the music? He asked me, why my sister
come while I listen to the music?

2. Simple Past Tense
(+) I was slept when the movie started Wulan said that she was slept when the
movie started.
(-) I wasnt slept when the movie started Wulan said that she wasnt slept when
the movie didnt started
(?) Was she slept when the movie started? Laras asked me if I was slept when the
movie started
Where was she slept when the movie started? Laras asked me, where I was slept
when the movie started?

3. Simple Future Tense
(+) I will get A if I study hard. He said that he would get A if he study hard
(-) I will not get A if I study hard He said that he wouldnt get A if he study hard
(?) Will I get A if I study hard? He asked me if He would get A if he study hard?
Why will I get A if I study hard? He asked me why would He get A if he study hard?

4. Simple Past Future Tense

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