MR Nobody

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Exercise 1 Mr.

Look at the pictures below. Tick ( those actio!s that are co!sidered as "ischie# at ho"e i!
the circle pro$ided.
Exercise % Mr. Nobody
&ead the #ollowi!' passa'e. (ill i! the bla!ks with )NE suitable word.
Mr. Nobody re#ers to the ******** (1 respo!sible #or the !au'hty thi!'s that are
do!e i! the house. +he! plates are broke!, i!k is spilt o! the #loor a!d papers are scattered,
Mother would *********** (%, -t was Mr. Nobody who did it.. This is because !o o!e i!
the #a"ily wa!ts to *********** (/ doi!' it. Mr. Nobody0s !a"e is always "e!tio!ed as
bei!' *********** (1 #or these "isdeeds. Mr. Nobody is bla"ed so that **************
(2 i! the #a"ily 'ets bla"ed. Mr. Nobody also 'ets bla"ed #or those household
************ (3 that are !ot do!e. -! the poe", Mr. Nobody has !ot ************* (4
the door to stop it #ro" screechi!' or picked up pi!s that are ************** (5
e$erywhere o! the #loor.

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