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Rafael Villar

Algebra 1
Brian Webb
End of Course Reflection
I gave just enough effort to pass the class. I give myself a 5/10 because I did
most of my homework but I didnt study when we had major assignments. I feel like if I
were to try harder I would have passed my first quarter with a 90 and above. I was only
one point off and its probably because of a home work assignment. The thing I was
really bad at was the homework. If I did it I did well on the class work and test but if I
didnt do it I did poorly on the test like in the first quarter for example I didnt do one of
my home works and it was right before a test and I got a 85/100 instead of the 90 or
The amount of progress I made is superior to the amount I made last year. I
learned so much over this year its almost hard to imagine myself a year prior to today.
With the help of Master Math and this class I was able to learn what I should have
learned last year and more. Most of the things I learned were really useful in the next
semester unlike my last years math class. If I didnt take Master Math I think I would
have been behind in class.
What I learned about myself was that I was reluctant to ask for help even if I did
need it. I felt like I would look dumb if I did ask for it. I think for me to improve I should
be asking more questions during class. I also noticed that I like to slack off when things
get tough. I need to work on acquiring more grit or I will end up not finishing my class
I feel like next year should go around the same as this year because I was able
to keep up with the work in the class if not I was able to be ahead of the class. Most of
the things I learned this year will probably stay fresh in my mind because of geometry
over the summer. I thought of doing that over the summer instead of Spirit because I
want to be ahead instead of being in geometry class next year. I feel like Im ready for
what next year has in store for me.

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