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Looking for a unique idea for a family vacation in October? Consider Albuquerquethe
hot-air balloon capital of the world !"eat #ravity$ is the motto for the annual
Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta% a nine-day event of competition and fun
Over a thousand hot-air balloons from all over the world compete in this spectacular
event% which begins before dawn on the launching grounds of "alloon &iesta 'ark on
Albuquerque(s north side )tarting with the *awn 'atrol )how% the activities continue
each day until dusk% with several mass ascensions% airplane stunt flying% parachute
demonstrations% and marching bands &or children and adults of all ages% this is a +must
see+ in Albuquerque,
-ake Albuquerque your family vacation destination during this spectacular hot-air
balloon event .otels will fill up quickly% so plan your vacation as far in advance as
possible Call *uke City #ateway /ravel at 01213 111-4567 or visit our 8eb site at
wwwgwaytravelcom &or a preview of the e9citement% visit the official 8eb site for the
event at wwwballoonfiestacom

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