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June 13, 2014

Hickie Will Continue to Serve as MLA Until Next Election

Darryl Hickie has completed the most intensive part of requalification and training for
his eventual return to the Prince Albert Police Service once the next provincial election
takes place.
As such, he ill no be committing his time to serving as the !"A for Prince Albert
$%ust to be clear, & ill continue to serve as !"A until the time of the next election and
until then, & ill not be doing any further ork for the Prince Albert Police Service,$
Hickie said. $At that time, & ill move from serving the people of Prince Albert as their
!"A to serving and protecting the people of Prince Albert as a police officer.$
'arlier this eek, Hickie as selected as the (est "ocal 'lected )fficial in Prince Albert
in pa*) online survey of over ,,-.. residents.
$& ant to thank everyone ho supported me in the pa*)+ online vote and everyone
ho supported me as & updated my police training,$ Hickie said.
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