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Board Game Game of Life: Outline

1) El Tablero:

Your group must design a game board that is visually appealing and

is logically organized. Use butcher paper (provided), bring poster board, or use an
old game from home to re-create your own game.
2) Los Requisitos: Your game must include at least 25 descriptions of what happened
to the person. The goal is for them to arrive successfully at the end of life! You
must include:
- 10 regular preterite verbs
Ex: Stanford te acept. Pasa adelante 5 espacios.
- 5 root changers (dirty dozen)
Ex: Tuviste un accidente de carro. Pasa atrs 2 espacios.
- 5 preterites of ir, ser, dar, ver
Ex: Fuiste a American Idol y viste a Jennier Lopez. Pasa adelante 10 espacios.
- 5 sentences using the spelling changers (y-guys, o-no!)
Ex: Tu perro muri. Pasa atras un espacio.

The actions may be written either directly on the board or on note cards for players
to pick up. Each description should tell what happened, and how the player should
move his/her piece.

2) Benchmark 1: Decide en los trabajos de los miembros del grupo:

Creador(a) del tablero: __________________, Escritores:
Editores: ____________

Organizador(a) (Who is bringing the pieces?):

Benchmark 2: Decide on the theme & title of your game
Benchmark 3: Write rough draft
Benchmark 4: Make game cards
Benchmark 3: Design game board
Benchmark 4: Label & color game board

Nombre de nuestro juego: _______________________________________________

Pasa #____ espacios adelante.

= More forward __ spaces.

Pasa #____ espacios atrs. = Move backwards __ spaces.

Pasa al final. T ganaste! = Go to the end. You won!
Pasa al principio. = Go back to the beginning.
Pierde un turno. = Lose a turn.
1. _____________________________________________________________________________.
2. _____________________________________________________________________________.
3. _____________________________________________________________________________.
4. _____________________________________________________________________________.
5. _____________________________________________________________________________.
6. _____________________________________________________________________________.
7. _____________________________________________________________________________.
8. _____________________________________________________________________________.
9. _____________________________________________________________________________.
10. _____________________________________________________________________________.
11. _____________________________________________________________________________.
12. _____________________________________________________________________________.
13. _____________________________________________________________________________.
14. _____________________________________________________________________________.
15. _____________________________________________________________________________.
16. _____________________________________________________________________________.
17. _____________________________________________________________________________.
18. _____________________________________________________________________________.
19. _____________________________________________________________________________.
20. _____________________________________________________________________________.
21. _____________________________________________________________________________.
22. _____________________________________________________________________________.
23. _____________________________________________________________________________.
24. _____________________________________________________________________________.
25. _____________________________________________________________________________.

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