Mutual Funds: NJ India Invest Pvt. LTD

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A trust that pools the savings of a number of investors who share a common financial
goal. The money thus collected is invested by the fund manager in different types of
securities depending upon the objective of the scheme

This is to certify that this dissertation Mutual Funds is the work done by
PRASHANT GUPTA, stdent of PGPB! "#-$", %SB&!, N'%(A)
This dissertation has the re*isite standard for the +artia, f,fi,,-ent of the Post
Gradate Pro.ra- in Bsiness Ad-inistration and has been done by nder -y
.idance and s+er/ision drin. the +eriod A+ri, 0""1 to Se+te-ber 0""1) This
dissertation re+ort has not been sb-itted to any other instittion or
or.ani2ation for any kind of assess-ent or consideration, to the best of -y
%SB&!, N'%(A
!ta, 4nds

This re+ort is a syner.etic +rodct of -any -inds) % a- .ratef, for the
ins+iration and wisdo- of a,, those who were with -e in this 5orney) % a-
sincere,y thankf, to %SB&!, Noida for +ro/idin. -e with the o++ortnity to
write a research +a+er in the for- of a dissertation on the to+ic Mutual
To with -y fac,ty -entor P!". #a$ S$%asta%a& %SB&!, Noida who
encora.ed -e to do -y best) 6ithot his s++ort it wo,d ha/e been /ery
diffic,t for -e to +re+are the +a+er so -eanin.f,) % a- a,so thankf, to hi-
for his .idance that he,+ed -e i-+ro/e a ,ot)
Besides this % wo,d ,ike to dec,are that this stdy wo,d not ha/e been +ossib,e
withot the .idance of M. Lalu Gad'%$& Asst. Mana() and -y s+eriors at
NJ Ind$a In%)st& N!$da) % thank a,, the +eo+,e whose s++ort -ade it +ossib,e
for -e to f,fi,, this stdy)
Thro.h this research +a+er % ha/e ,earnt a ,ot abot the !ta, 4nds as a
who,e and ho+e that this research +a+er wi,, he,+ a,, those %n/estors which are
a,ready or +,annin. to start the +rocess of 4inancia, +,annin.)
!ta, 4nds

Today7s csto-ers are ,i/in. in an en/iron-ent of ncertainties ,ike
interest rates, -akin. the in/est-ent decision -ore co-+,e8) The de-o.ra+hic
+rofi,e of csto-ers is a,so ra+id,y with -ore a.ein. +o+,ation bein.
added, .i/in. rise to different financia, needs) These ha/e ,ed to hei.htened
e8+ectations fro- ser/ice +ro/iders and ad/isors) %n this scenario, it is essentia,
for financia, ad/isors and brokers to ha/e a thoro.h nderstandin. of the
different in/est-ent a/enes and their benefits & risks)
!ta, fnds are the ne8t bi. in/est-ent o++ortnity) Any way yo ,ook at
the- they are winners - be it +erfor-ance, ta8ation or financia, +,annin. for
,ife7s -i,estones) %n de/e,o+ed -arkets in/estors ha/e a,ready seen the benefits
of in/estin. in -ta, fnds) %n %ndia, it is on,y now that benefits are beco-in.
After the fai,re of UT% in/estors ,ost their faith in the -ta, fnds bt in the
crrent scenario de to boo- in the %ndian ca+ita, -arkets there has been an
+ward trend in the +o+,arity of the -ta, fnds) So to know as to how -ch
ad/isors +refer -ta, fnds as an in/est-ent o+tion in co-+arison to other
in/est-ent a/enes, how -ch know,ed.e do they ha/e abot -ta, fnds and
ad/isor9s know,ed.e re.ardin. /arios other as+ects of -ta, fnds, a +ri-ary
research was condcted to know the +erce+tion of ad/isors towards the -ta,
The research was ndertaken to i-+art infor-ation, know,ed.e and the
fnctionin. of -ta, fnds a-on. financia, ad/isors which ,ti-ate,y he,+ the
in/estors in takin. in/est-ents decision) A,so it he,+ed to know the awareness
abot benefits of !ta, fnds ad/isory bsiness)
The stdy inc,des ana,ysis of the in/estors on the basis of their
in/est-ent ob5ecti/es, a.e, inco-e etc) %t a,so e8a-ined the +osition of !ta,
4nds :!4; a-on. in/est-ent a/enes a/ai,ab,e for the in/estors and the +ast
+erfor-ances of /arios sche-es fro- the acti/e Asset !ana.e-ent <o-+any
:A!<; in %ndian -arket on the basis of Net Asset 3a,e :NA3; & ti-e) So that
it can he,+ the ad/isors as we,, as in/estors to choose the correct +ortfo,io) The
stdy a,so co/ers the scenario of !4 indstry drin. the =ntry >oad and No
=ntry >oad a++,ications)
!ta, 4nds

$) <o-+any o/er/iew? N@ %ndia %n/est P/t) >td)
0) %ntrodction? !ta, 4nds :!4;
A) Brief History
B) !4 Strctre
C) Ad/ and (isad/ of !4
D) <,assification of !4
E) Risks associated with !4
#) Research !ethodo,o.y
1) 'b5ecti/e of stdy
$")(ata co,,ection
$$)Ana,ysis on The Basis of 'b5ecti/e of %n/estor
$0)Ana,ysis on The Basis of A.e of %n/estor
$A)Position of !4 a-on. 3arios %n/est-ent A/enes
$B)=ntry >oad? 6i+e 'ff
$C)3a,e Pack Procre-ent Process
$D)Syste-atic %n/est-ent P,an :S%P;? A co-+anion for a,, ti-es
$E)<ase Stdy? S%P
$#)4indin.s & S..estions? How to in/est in !4
!ta, 4nds

W)l+!,) t! NJ Ind$a In%)st

(oin. the 7ri.ht7 thin. is a /irte -ost desirab,e) The difference between sccess
and fai,re is often not dictated by know,ed.e or e8+ertise bt by its acta,
a++,ication and +erse/erance) 6hen it co-es to sccessf, wea,th creation for
csto-ers, it is so-ethin. that we be,ie/e & +ractice) 4or s it is -ore than a
-issionF it is what defines or ,i/es and or actions at N@ %ndia%n/est) 6ith this
+assion, we contine to e/o,/e and -ake the +rodct accessions and
ser/ice inno/ations in or offerin.s) To the ad/isors, we offer a AD"
co-+rehensi/e bsiness +,atfor- with n-atched %T so,tions, e-+owerin.
the- to set the best +ractice standards and de,i/er rea, /a,e to their csto-ers)
'/er the years, or +assion has seen s .row fro- to and
e8+and ra+id,y, settin. new bench-arks in the +rocess) Bt to s, what rea,,y
-atters -ost is the n-ber of ,i/es we ha/e -ana.ed to transfor- and we sti,,
ha/e a ,on. way to .o))
N@ %ndia%n/est P/t) >td) is one of the ,eadin. ad/isors and distribtors of
financia, +rodcts and ser/ices in %ndia) =stab,ished in year $11B, N@ has o/er a
decade of rich e8+osre in financia, in/est-ents s+ace and +ortfo,io ad/isory
ser/ices) 4ro- a h-b,e be.innin., N@ o/er the years has e/o,/ed ot to be a
+rofessiona,,y -ana.ed, *a,ity conscios and csto-er focsed financia, G
in/est-ent ad/isory & distribtion fir-)
N@ +rides in bein. a +rofessiona,,y -ana.ed, *a,ity focsed and csto-er
centric or.ani2ation) The of N@ ,ies in the stron. do-ain know,ed.e in
in/est-ent cons,tancy and the de,i/ery of sstainab,e /a,e to c,ients with
s++ort fro- cttin.-ed.e techno,o.y +,atfor-, de/e,o+ed in-hose by N@)
!ta, 4nds

At N@ we be,ie/e in ))

ha/in. sin.,e window, -,ti+,e so,tions that are inte.rated for si-+,icity
and sa+ience
-akin. inno/ations, accessions, /a,e-additions, a constant +rocess

+ro/idin. csto-ers with so,tions for to-orrow which wi,, kee+ the- abo/e
the cr/e, today
N@ had o/er %NR C,C""H <rores of -ta, fnd assets nder ad/ice with a wide
+resence in o/er $AC ,ocationsH in 00 statesH in %ndia) The n-bers are
ref,ections of the trst, co--it-ent and /a,e that N@ shares with its c,ients) At
N@, we contine to inno/ate, enrich or inte,,ect, and ask critica, *estions) 6e
cha,,en.e or own +rocesses and syste-s on constant basis to e-er.e -ore
con/inced) At N@, we contine to e8+and the sco+e and de+th of or offerin.s,
-akin. a+t se of techno,o.ica, s++ort)
V$s$!n - M$ss$!n
To be the ,eader in or fie,d of bsiness thro.h,
Tota, <sto-er Satisfaction
<o--it-ent to =8ce,,ence
(eter-ination to Scceed with strict adherence to co-+,iance
Sccessf, 6ea,th <reation of or <sto-ers
=nsre creation of the desired /a,e for or csto-ers, e-+,oyees and
associates, thro.h constant i-+ro/e-ent, inno/ation and co--it-ent to
ser/ice & *a,ity) To +ro/ide so,tions which -eet e8+ectations and -aintain
hi.h +rofessiona, & ethica, standards a,on. with the adherence to the ser/ice
!ta, 4nds

NJ Fund. N)t/!0 is a ni*e, first ti-e in %ndia conce+t that offers sch
co-+rehensi/e bsiness +,atfor- to inde+endent financia, ad/isors)
N@ 4nd2 Network was estab,ished in year 0""A as a dedicated +,atfor-
offerin. co-+rehensi/e ser/ices and s++ort to the inde+endent financia,
ad/isors) The ser/ices offered by N@ 4nd2 Network are increasin.,y
reco.ni2ed as the best and -ost co-+rehensi/e in natre) The sco+e, de+th, and
*a,ity of the ser/ices and s++ort is n-atched in the indstry) N@ 4nd2
Network is +rod to be the +ioneers in %ndia in +ro/idin. the AD"I Ad/isory
+,atfor- to inde+endent ad/isors) 6ith this N@ has -ana.ed to sccessf,,y
transfor- the bsiness of -any inde+endent financia, ad/isors, the-
on e*a, footin. or e/en better than the stron.est co-+etitors in the indstry)
N@ has o/er 123334 N@ 4nd2 Network Partners and o/er 5&6334 nor-a,
ad/isors associated with s) N@ +resent,y has o/er Rs) 6&6334 <rores of assets
nder ad/ice) N@ has o/er 1264 PS<s :Partner Ser/ice <enters; in 774 states
s+read across %ndia) The n-bers are ref,ections of the trst, co--it-ent and
/a,e that N@ shares with its c,ients)
At NJ, or e8+erience, know,ed.e and nderstandin. enab,es s to +ro/ide yo
with the e8+ected /a,e, in an enhanced way) As a ,eadin. +,ayer in the
indstry, we contine to sccessf,,y -eet the e8+ectations of or c,ients,
thro.h -eanin.f, and co-+rehensi/e so,tions offered by N@ 4nd2
Products presently on offer
At the basic +rodct ,e/e, N@ has a basket of the fo,,owin.-
!ta, fnds J co/erin. a,, A!<s & sche-es,
>ife %nsrance :Prdentia, %<%<%;
4i8ed de+osits of co-+anies,
Go/ern-entGRB% bonds,
%nfrastrctre Bonds,
A++ro/ed secrities for charitab,e trsts, etc
!ta, 4nds

=stab,ished as a distinct entity, N@ 6ea,th Ad/isors P/t) >td) seeks to offer
co-+rehensi/e financia, +,annin. and +ortfo,io ad/isory ser/ices to +re-i-
c,ients) 6ith N@ 6ea,th Ad/isors, N@ seeks to ,e/era.e the stron. financia,
ad/isory and +ortfo,io -ana.e-ent ski,,s .ained in o/er a decade of e8+erience
in the indstry) N@ 6ea,th Ad/isors offers its c,ients with *a,ity, nbiased,
need-based ad/isory ser/ices & in/est-ent so,tions)
This s+oradic .rowth in ter-s of need of +erfor-ers in financia, ad/isory
ser/ices has ,ead to the crnch of a/ai,ab,e +erfor-ers) Tho.h ,ots of
yon.sters are .ettin. into financia, ad/isory ser/ices, bt the .reatest
cha,,en.e is of R%GHT S=>>%NG, for which ade*ate Trainin. is a
+rere*isite) Ad/isory fnction de-ands +dated know,ed.e, backed + by
honed ski,,s to fetch effecti/e bsiness) Bi,din. ,on. ter- re,ationshi+ with
c,ients de+ends +on +ossessin. c,ear ed.e o/er others in the fie,d) Hence
continos +eo+,e de/e,o+-ent has an i-+ortant ro,e in bi,din. this fraternity)
At N@ %ndiaRea,ty we nderstand the cha,, in sha+in. rea,ity fro- yor
rea,ty as+irations) 6ith or f,,y inte.rated end-to-end ser/ice -ode, we offer
so,tions that wo,d enab,e yo to -eet the cha,, of de/e,o+-ent,
fortify yor own transfor-ation and e8+,oit the o++ortnities a/ai,ab,e in the
%ndian rea,ty sector)
At N@ %ndiaRea,ty we ha/e -ade backward & forward inte.ration of /a,e-
added ser/ices to the core-rea,ty ser/ices which ,ie at the heart of the
bsiness) The ser/ices at N@ %ndiaRea,ty enab,e contina, +artnershi+
fro- idea to its rea,ity, enco-+assin. a,, fnctiona, & o+erationa,
ndertakin.s) At N@ %ndiaRea,ty we ai- to +ro/ide yo with sbstanti/e /a,e
- (e,i/erin. core rea,ty ser/ices
- =8ection of the other /a,e-added ser/ices
N@ %ndiaRea,ty has a rich e8+erience and a /ast re+ertoire in +ro5ect +,annin.
& e8ection in the rea,ty do-ain) The stron. +rocesses and syste-s in +,ace
ensre the effecti/e & ti-e,y e8ection of the +ro5ects) Hi.h-*a,ity
assrance for-s the nder-crrent in the entire /a,e-chain of ser/ice
!ta, 4nds

N@ %ndiaRea,ty brin.s with it +rofessiona, -ana.e-ent, tota, *a,ity
consciosness, confidence and keenness to offer csto-ers with hi.h-*a,ity
de/e,o+-ent at attracti/e /a,e +ro+ositions) At N@ %ndiaRea,ty we co--it
orse,/es to the continos i-+ro/e-ents, accessions in the /a,e-chain and
the best +ractices ado+ted by the indstry)
Techno,o.y has traditiona,,y been N@7s key 'r offerin. on the
techno,o.ica, front is n-atched, /ibrant, and co-+rehensi/e in natre) 'r
focs & co--it-ent on techno,o.y can be .a.ed fro- the fact that we ha/e
set-+ distinct entity with a /ery stron., ta,ented work-force for the so,e +r+ose
of +ro/idin. the best to N@ in ter-s of techno,o.y and s++ort) 4in,o.ic
Techno,o.ies :%ndia; P/t) >td) does a,, the de/e,o+-ent & s++ort work in-
hose on a continos basis) %t has sccessf,,y de/e,o+ed & i-+,e-ented a
+owerf, s++ort syste- for the -ta, fnd distribtion bsiness at N@ with a
+ro/ision for inte.ratin. the sa-e with other in/est-ent +rodcts as we,, as the
financia, accontin. syste-)
N@ offers ad/isory and distribtion ser/ices on the fo,,owin. +rodcts)
$) Mutual "unds J co/erin. a,, A!<s & a,, sche-es,
0) L$") $nsuan+) J Prdentia, %<%<%
A) F$8)d d)9!s$ts of co-+anies,
B) G!%)n,)nt:R;I *!nds,
C) In"astu+tu) ;!nds,
D) A99!%)d s)+u$t$)s for charitab,e trsts, etc
N@9s -ain focs is tho.h on -ta, fnds ad/isory and distribtion) At N@, we
be,ie/e that -ta, fnds, as an asset c,ass, can be ,ooked at for a,-ost a,, of the
financia, needs)
!ta, 4nds

P)!9l) - Cultu)
=nthsias-, =nter+rise, =dcation and =thics for- the for +i,,ars at N@) At N@
one can witness the /ibrant ener.y, enthsias- and the enter+risin. dri/e to
e8ce, f,owin. free,y the or.anisation) At N@ can a,so e8+erience the
creati/ity, one-to-one res+onsi/eness, co,,aborati/e a++roach and +assion for
de,i/erin. /a,e)
At N@ +eo+,e e/o,/e to be -ore effecti/e, efficient, and res,t oriented)
Know,ed.e is inherent de to the edcation-centric a++roach and the e8+erience
in hand,in. different c,ients .ro+s across di/erse +rodct +rofi,es)
N@ nderstands that the +eo+,e are the -ost i-+ortant assets of the co-+any
and it is not the co-+any that .rows bt the +eo+,e) N@ hence ndertakes
ri.oros trainin. and edcationa, acti/ities for enhancin. the entire tea- at N@)
N@ a,so be,ie/es in the L>earnin. thro.h Res+onsibi,ity9 conce+t for its
e-+,oyees) 4or +eo+,e at N@ sccess is not a new word, bt is a re.,ar
ste++in.-stone to rea,isin. the one /ision that e/eryone shares)
At N@ we be,ie/e in transfor-in. the ,i/es of or csto-ers) 6e e8ist to create
a difference J a chan.e towards a better ,ife) The c,tre at N@ ref,ects this
res+onsibi,ity, this drea- of transfor-in. ,i/es) And we at N@ are a,ways
e8cited and enthsed in doin. so)
6e be,ie/e in kee+in. <Y!u F$st=, +ro/idin. yo with +rodcts and ser/ices
that -eet yor stated and nstated needs) <,ient satisfaction and c,ient ser/ice is
the !antra we constant,y recite) This ser/ice oriented +hi,oso+hy rns the or.ani2ation, fro- to+ to botto-)
=-+,oyees are .i/en a-+,e freedo- in their work) The ob5ecti/e is to kee+ an
o+en, hea,thy en/iron-ent with a-+,e sco+e for enter+rise, i-+ro/e-ent,
inno/ations and ot-of-the bo8 so,tions
'r efforts are constant,y en.a.ed in i-+ro/in. or e8istin. ser/ices, offerin.
new and inno/ati/e so,tions that .o beyond yor e8+ectations) This focs has
-ade s one of the -ost res+ected and +referred ser/ice +ro/iders, es+ecia,,y in
the -ta, fnd indstry)
!ta, 4nds

S)%$+) Standads
Ser/ice is the key to n,ockin. csto-er satisfaction, which a.ain is key for
sstainabi,ity of any bsiness) At N@ we nderstand this /ery we,,) N@ has set
strict +rocesses in +,ace to de,i/er *a,ity ser/ices to csto-ers) At N@ strict
*a,ity ser/ice standards are set and a we,,-defined +rocess is estab,ished and
fo,,owed re,i.ios,y by or *a,ity csto-er ser/ice tea-s) Perfor-ance is
e/a,ated on a fre*ent basis and .,itches are ironed ot)
Bt *a,ity ser/ice a,so in/o,/es *a,ity +eo+,e in addition to +rocesses) N@
.i/es si.nificant focs to the +ro+er trainin. and de/e,o+-ent of the +eo+,e
in/o,/ed in the ser/ice de,i/ery chain)
Fut') we,

Ha/e we,,-defined MPri/acy Po,icyM to kee+ c,ients9 infor-ation confidentia,
& interna, adits done on the sa-e at re.,ar inter/a,s

Recei/e /arios statistics which are ana,ysed on an on.oin. basis to i-+ro/e
the ser/ice standards
6e are co--itted to i-+ro/e and enhance or ser/ices and ndertake new
ser/ice initiati/es) Sch and other ser/ices differentiate s with other ser/ice
+ro/iders in the indstry)
Ou S)%$+) C!,,$t,)nts >
The ser/ice co--it-ents are to .ide the actions of the +eo+,e at N@) <,ear,y
stated, csto-ers can free,y co--nicate any sch actionsGe/ents wherein they
fee, that any of the fo,,owin. co--it-ents ha/e been breached G co-+ro-ised)
At N@ we desire to honor or co--it-ents at a,, +oints of ti-e and to a,, or
csto-ers withot any bias)
To +ro/ide csto-er-focssed need-based /a,ed ser/ices
To +ro/ide re,iab,e, accrate and ti-e,y infor-ation
To -aintain a,, records in +ri/acy
To o+ti-ise ser/icesGbenefits at ,east 5stifiab,e cost
To de/e,o+ and .row the csto-ers 9 bsiness
To +ro/ide constrcti/e after sa,es ser/ice
To honor or ser/ice co--it-ents
!ta, 4nds

So-e of the awards & reco.nitions that we ha/e recei/ed in +ast))
Year 2000:
4or 'tstandin. Perfor-ance +resented by <hair-an, Prdentia, P,c) at >ondon
Year 2002:
4or 'tstandin. Perfor-ance +resented by Gro+ <hief =8ecti/e, Prdentia,
P,c) at >ondon
Year 2003:
4or 'tstandin. Perfor-ance +resented by Gro+ <hief =8ecti/e, Prdentia,
P,c) at >ondon
Year 200:
A-on. !ost 3a,ed Bsiness Associates +resented by H(4< Standard >ife at
=dinbr.h, Scot,and
Year 200:
4or 'tstandin. Perfor-ance by (e+ty <=', Prdentia, Sin.a+ore at
Year 200!:
Award for -obi,isin. the Hi.hest N-ber of S%Ps at Nationa, >e/e, by 4ide,ity
!ta, 4nd P,c at !-bai
Year 200!:
Award J 3ietna-
<o--ents fro- %ndstry Sta,warts?
The essence of in/est-ent cons,tancy ,ies in o+ti-a, asset a,,ocation as a.ainst
secrity se,ection or ti-in. the -arkets for c,ients) N@ nderstands this /ery
we,, and has added si.nificant /a,e to the c,ients thro.h this a++roach) % a-
sre with this new initiati/eF a -ch , n-ber of c,ients wi,, be ab,e to
benefit fro- this a++roach) % wish the- a,, the best in this initiati/e - Prashat
@ain, <%', H(4< A!<)
The sccess of any bsiness ,ies in inno/ation ahead of ti-es and N@ has +ro/ed
it ti-e a.ain - Ra5an Krishnan, Princi+a, Pnb A!<)
!ta, 4nds

Mutual Funds
!ta, fnds +ro/ide in/est-ent o++ortnities de+endin. on in/estor9s risk and
Retrn e8+ectations) !ta, fnds are s+ecia,i2ed in/est-ent /ehic,es that
a,,ow one to +oo, sa/in.s and conso,idate the- into fair,y ,ar.e and di/ersified
+ortfo,io of in/est-ent) The +oo,ed fnds are in/ested in secrities or assets as
+er the ob5ecti/e of the sche-e in which it is co,,ected and the retrnsG.rowth is
distribted to the in/estors) !ta, fnds are -ana.ed by +rofessiona,s and are
we,, re.,ated by S=B% now who kee+ track of indstries Gco-+anies and
-onitor their +erfor-ance which an indi/ida, in/estor finds diffic,t)
%n %ndia, the assred retrn sche-es ha/e been *ite sccessf, de to their
fi8ed inco-e natre and the obsessed -indset of the s-a,, in/estor with fi8ed
or assred retrns) The o++ortnity to in/est at fi8ed rates o/er a ,on. +eriod of
ti-e is ,ike,y to redce) !arket re,ated rate of interest is bein. e8+erienced in
the bankin. sector) The retrns beco-e -ore -arket re,ated and /ary o/er ti-e
and we can see a ,ot of /ariab,e rate +rodcts in the days to co-e)
W'at Is A Mutual Fund?
A -ta, fnd :!4; is a /ehic,e to +oo, -oney fro- in/estors, with a +ro-ise
that the -oney wo,d be in/ested in a +artic,ar -anner, by +rofessiona,
-ana.ers who are e8+ected to honor the +ro-ise)
The idea behind a !4 is that in/estors ,ack ti-e, inc,ination or ski,,s to
-ana.e their own in/est-ents) Professiona, -ana.ers, actin. on beha,f of the
!4, -ana.e the in/est-ents for the benefit of in/estors in retrn for a
-ana.e-ent fee) The or.ani2ation that the in/est-ent is the Asset
!ana.e-ent <o-+any :A!<;) %n %ndia, the o+erations of the A!< are
s+er/ised by a Board of TrsteesGTrstee co-+any)
!ta, 4nd in/est-ents are <o,,ecti/e %n/est-ent Sche-es, which
co,,ect contribtion fro- the sbscribers and in/est the- in a /ariety of
transferab,e assets sch as ordinary shares and bonds)
Operational flowchart of Mutual Fund
!ta, 4nds

These Trsts are rn by e8+erienced %n/est-ent !ana.ers who se their
know,ed.e and e8+ertise to se,ect indi/ida, secrities, which are c,assified to
for- +ortfo,ios that -eet +redeter-ined ob5ecti/es and criteria) These +ortfo,ios
are then so,d to the +b,ic)
Ths a !ta, 4nd is a trst that +oo,s the sa/in.s of a n-ber of
in/estors who share a co--on financia, .oa,) The -oney ths co,,ected is
in/ested by the fnd in different ty+es of secrities de+endin. +on the
ob5ecti/e of the sche-e) These co,d ran.e fro- shares to debentres to -oney
-arket instr-ents) The inco-e earned thro.h these in/est-ents and the
ca+ita, a++reciation rea,i2ed by the sche-e are shared by its nit ho,ders in
+ro+ortion to the n-ber of nits owned by the-) Ths a !ta, 4nd is the
-ost sitab,e in/est-ent for the co--on -an as it offers an o++ortnity to
in/est in a di/ersified, +rofessiona,,y -ana.ed +ortfo,io at a re,ati/e,y ,ow cost)
The s-a,, sa/in.s of a,, the in/estors are +t to.ether to increase the byin.
+ower and hire a +rofessiona, to in/est and -onitor the -oney)
Anybody with an in/estib,e sr+,s of as ,itt,e as a few thosand r+ees can
in/est in !ta, 4nds) =ach !ta, 4nd sche-e has a defined in/est-ent
ob5ecti/e and strate.y)
Mutual Fund Framewor
!ta, 4nds

Brief History
The -ta, fnd indstry in %ndia started in $1DA with the for-ation of
Unit Trst of %ndia, at the initiati/e of the Go/ern-ent of %ndia and Reser/e
Bank the) The history of -ta, fnds in %ndia can be broad,y di/ided into for
distinct +hases)
P'as) 1 J : $1DB J $1#E;- Growth of UT%
UT% so,e +,ayer in the indstry, created by an Act of Par,ia-ent ,$1DA
The first +rodct ,anched by UT% was Unit Sche-e $1DB
UT% creates +rodcts sch as U>%P :$1E$;, !%P7s, <hi,dren P,ans:$1#D;
,'ffshore 4nds etc
!AST=RSHAR= :$1#E; J $st (i/ersified =*ity %n/est-ent Sche-e in %ndia
%N(%A 4nd J $st %ndian offshore fnd ,anched in $1#D
P'as) 7 J : $1#E J $11A;- =ntry of Pb,ic Sector 4nds
%n $1#E Pb,ic Sector Banks and 4%7s .ot +er-ission to set + !4)
SB% -ta, fnd was the first non -UT% -ta, fnd, set + in No/e-ber $1#E
This was fo,,owed by <anbank !4, >%< !4, %ndian Bank !4, B'% !4, G%<
and PNB !4
%n $11A, !ta, 4nd %ndstry was o+en to +ri/ate +,ayers
S=B% .ot its re.,atory +owers in $110
P'as) 2 J : $11A-$11D; J =-er.ence of Pri/ate 4nds
%n $11A, !ta, 4nd %ndstry was o+en to +ri/ate +,ayers)
S=B%7s first set of re.,ations for the indstry for-,ated in $11A
Si.nificant inno/ations, -ost,y initiated by +ri/ate +,ayers
P'as) 5 J : $11D-$111; J Growth and S=B% Re.,ation
%-+,e-entation of new S=B% re.,ations ,ed to ra+id .rowth
Bank -ta, fnds were recast as +er S=B% .ide,ines
UT% ca-e nder /o,ntary S=B% s+er/ision
(i/idends -ade ta8 free in $111
!ta, fnds assets in -id-0""0 were a++) $,"",""" crore
(rin. this +hase, both S=B% and A!4% ,anched in/estor awareness
P'as) 6 J :$111-0""B; J =-er.ence of a ,ar.e and nifor- indstry
UT% Act Re+ea,ed in 4ebrary 0""A
AU! by end of 0""C a++) %NR $,C",""" crore
!ta, 4nds

Ra+id .rowth, si.nificant increase in cor+s of +ri/ate +,ayers
Ta8 break offered created arbitra.e o++ortnities
Bond fnds and ,i*id fnds re.istered hi.hest .rowth
P'as) @ J 4ro- 0""B onwards? <onso,idation and Growth
!er.ers and Ac*isitions witnessed
A,,iance !4 ac*ired by Bir,a Sn,ife
Sn 4&< by Princi+a, PNB !ta, fnd
The .ra+h be,ow i,,strates the .rowth of assets o/er the years)

!iagram " #rowth #raph of Mutual Funds
:A!4% !ta, 4nd Test 6orkbook & 6ebsite;
!ta, 4nds

Mutual "und #ndustry
Global Mutual Fund Industry
The Emergence
%t a,, started when three Boston secrities e8ecti/es +oo,ed their -oney
to.ether in $10B to create the first -ta, fnd, they had no idea how +o+,ar
-ta, fnds wo,d beco-e)
The idea of +oo,in. -oney to.ether for in/estin. +r+oses started in =ro+e in
the -id-$#""s) The first +oo,ed fnd in the U)S) was created in $#1A for the
fac,ty and staff of Har/ard Uni/ersity) 'n !arch 0$st, $10B the first officia,
-ta, fnd was born) %t was ca,,ed the !assachsetts %n/estors Trst)
After one year, the !assachsetts %n/estors Trst .rew fro- NC",""" in assets
in $10B to NA10,""" in assets :with arond 0"" shareho,ders;) %n contrast, there
are o/er $",""" -ta, fnds in the U)S) today tota,in. arond NE tri,,ion :with
a++ro8i-ate,y #A -i,,ion indi/ida, in/estors;)
The Setback
The stock -arket crash of $101 s,owed the .rowth of -ta, fnds) %n res+onse
to the stock -arket crash, A-erican <on.ress +assed the Secrities Act of $1AA
and the Secrities =8chan.e Act of $1AB) These ,aws re*ire that a fnd be
re.istered with the S=< and +ro/ide +ros+ecti/e in/estors with a +ros+ects)
The S=< :U)S) Secrities and =8chan.e <o--ission; he,+ed create the
%n/est-ent <o-+any Act of $1B" which +ro/ides the .ide,ines that a,, fnds
-st co-+,y with today in United States of A-erica)
The Development
6ith renewed confidence in the stock -arket, -ta, fnds to b,osso-)
By the end of the $1D"s there were arond 0E" fnds with NB# bi,,ion in assets)
%n $1ED, @ohn <) Bo.,e o+ened the first retai, inde8 fnd ca,,ed the 4irst %nde8
%n/est-ent Trst) %t is now ca,,ed the 3an.ard C"" %nde8 fnd and in
No/e-ber of 0""" it beca-e the ,ar.est -ta, fnd e/er with N$"" bi,,ion in
Present Scenario
'/er the years, strctra, in the .,oba, econo-ic en/iron-ent ha/e ,ed
to the e-er.ence of a stron. -arket econo-y and faci,itated the .rowth of the
!ta, 4nds

-ta, fnds indstry) A -arket econo-y de+ends -ore on .rowth ,ed by
financia, -arket than by bank-finance) Since the -ta, fnds indstry is a
stron. +i,,ar of the financia, -arket, it .ot a boost with the e-er.ence of a
stron. -arket econo-y) !ta, fnds fond increasin. acce+tance a,so becase
they ha/e the ca+acity to absorb the instabi,ity and ncertainties that
characteri2e the financia, -arket syste-)
The rise in inf,ation, redction in rea, interest rates and .rowin. co-+,e8ities in
the -arket +ro/ided tre-endos o++ortnities to -ta, fnds) 4or these
reasons, the -ta, fnds indstry to thri/e we,, in not on,y the
de/e,o+ed contries bt a,so the new,y indstria,i2ed and de/e,o+in. contry,
+artic,ar,y drin. the $11"s)

!ta, fnd asset .rowth was boosted by +ositi/e stock -arket retrns in
a,-ost a,, re+ortin. contries and the on.oin. net f,ow of new in/est-ents)
Mutual Fund Industry In India
The ' and de/e,o+-ent of !ta, fnds in %ndia ha++ened in a +hased
The Emergence
The of the %ndian -ta, fnd indstry can be traced back to $1DB when
the %ndian Go/ern-ent, with a /iew to a.-ent s-a,, sa/in.s within the
contry and to channe,i2e these sa/in.s to the ca+ita, -arkets, set + the Unit
Trst of %ndia :UT%;) The UT% was set+ nder a s+ecific statte, the Unit
Trst of %ndia Act, $1DA) The Unit Trst of %ndia ,anched its first o+en-ended
e*ity sche-e ca,,ed Unit DB in the year $1DB, which trned ot to be one of the
-ost +o+,ar -ta, fnd sche-es in the contry) This is the 4irst +hase in the
history of -ta, fnds in %ndia)
UT% Act re+ea,ed in 0""A
UT% now does not ha/e a s+ecia, stats) :now nder S=B%;

Si2e of indstry was $,C",""" crore in 0""C
! and Ac*isitions ha++enin.
4ide,ity, >ar.est !4 has entered %ndia
At the end of !arch 0""D, there were 01 4nds
!ta, 4nds

The Development
The Second +hase started in $1#E, when the .o/ern-ent +er-itted other +b,ic
sector banks and insrance co-+anies to +ro-ote -ta, fnd sche-es)
Prsant to this re,a8ation, si8 +b,ic sector banks and two insrance
co-+anies9 /i2) >ife %nsrance <or+oration of %ndia and Genera, %nsrance
<or+oration of %ndia ,anched -ta, fnd sche-es in the contry)
A New EraThe Entrance of Private Players
Sbse*ent,y, in $11A, the Secrities and =8chan.e Board of %ndia :MS=B%M;
introdced The Secrities and =8chan.e Board of %ndia :!ta, 4nds;
Re.,ations, $11A, which +a/ed way for the entry of +ri/ate sector +,ayers in
the -ta, fnd indstry) This third +hase of the -ta, fnd indstry, which
co--enced in ,ate $11A, witnessed e8+onentia, .rowth of the indstry, with the
ad/ent of +ri/ate +,ayers therein) Pri/ate sector fnds ha/in. distinct
o+erationa, ad/, +osed serios co-+etition to the e8istin. +b,ic sector
Kothari Pioneer !ta, fnd :now -er.ed with 4rank,in Te-+,eton; was the
first fnd to be estab,ished by the +ri/ate sector in association with a forei.n
fnd) %t ,anched the o+en-ended Pri-a 4nd in No/e-ber $11A) (rin. the
year $11A-1B another for +ri/ate +,ayers ,anched their sche-es? %<%<% !ta,
4nd, 0"th <entry !ta, 4nd, ! Stan,ey !ta, 4nd and Tars
!ta, 4nd) %n the first year of o+eration these fi/e fnds ,anched se/en
sche-es, and -obi,i2ed an a-ont of Rs$, CC1)D crores drin. $11A-1B)
The %ndstry tho.h has re-ained f,at for the ,ast co+,e of years :0""$- 0""A;
de to recession, bt has bonced back stron.,y in 0""A- "B to +ost a record of
assets nder -ana.e-ent)
Milestones in $ndian Mutual Fund $ndustry
!ta, 4nds
%&e '%# (ra
)B# and #*B#
+ere t&e
re,ulators in
.(B# is t&e
(ntry of Pri/ate
1$$8 0 Present
Pri/ate players

.tructure of Mutual "unds #n #ndia
>ike other contries, %ndia has a ,e.a, fra-ework within which -ta, fnds
-st be constitted) %n %ndia, o+en and c,osed-end fnds o+erate nder the sa-e
re.,atory strctre, i)e) in %ndia, a,, -ta, fnds are constitted a,on. one
ni*e strctre-as nit trst) A -ta, fnd in %ndia is a,,owed to isse o+en-
end and c,ose end sche-es nder a co--on ,e.a, strctre) Therefore, a -ta,
fnd -ay ha/e different sche-es :o+en and c,osed-end; nder it i)e) nder one
nit trst, at any +oint of ti-e) The strctre, which is re*ired to be fo,,owed
by -ta, fnds in %ndia, ,ay down nder S=B% :!ta, 4nd; Re.,ations,
!ta, 4nds

%&e "und .ponsor
7S+onsorM is defined nder S=B% re.,ations as any +erson who, actin. A,one or
in co-bination with another body cor+orate, estab,ishes a, -ta, fnd) The
s+onsor of a fnd is akin to the +ro-oter of co-+anies he .ets the fnd
re.istered with S=B%) The s+onsor wi,, for- a Trst and a++oint a board of
Trstees) The s+onsor wi,, a,so .enera,,y a++oint $$ Asset -ana.e-ent
<o-+any :A!<; as fnd -ana.ers) The s+onsor i,, a,so a++oint a <stodian to
ho,d the fnd assets) A,, these a++oint-ent are -ade in accordance with the
S=B% re.,ations) Per the e8istin. S=B% re.,ations, for a +erson to *a,ify as a
s+onsor, -st contribte at ,east B"O of the net worth of the A!< and isses a
sond financia, track o/er fi/e years +rior to re.istration)
Mutual "unds as %rusts
!ta, fnd in %ndia is constitted in the for- of a Pb,ic Trst nder the
%ndian Trsts Act $##0)The fnd in/ites in/estors) <ontribte their -oney in
the co--on +oo, by sbscribin. to nits %ssed by /arios sche-es estab,ished
by the trst as e/idence of their beneficia, interest in the fnd)
The trst or fnd has no ,e.a, ca+acity itse,f rather it is the Trstee:s; who ha/e
,e.a, ca+acity and therefore the trstees take a,, acts in re,ation to the trst on its
A board of trstees - a body of indi/ida,s, or a Trst co-+any - a cor+orate
body, -ay -ana.e the Trst) Board of Trstees -ost of the fnds in
%ndia)B, The Board or the Trstee <o-+any :body of indi/ida,s, cor+orate
body, for the +ortfo,io, a++oints an Asset !ana.e-ent <o-+any)
The Trst is created thro.h a doc-ent ca,,ed the Trst (eed that is e8ected
by the 4nd S+onsor in fa/ors of the trstees) They are the +ri-ary .ardian of
the nit ho,der7s fnds and assets) They ensre that A!<7s o+erations are a,on.
+rofessiona, ,ines)
)i,&ts of %rustees
A++oint the A!< with the +rior a++ro/a, of S=B%)
A++ro/e each of the sche-es f,oated by the A!<)
Ha/e the to re*est any necessary infor-ation fro- the A!<
concernin. the o+erations of /arios sche-es -ana.ed by the A!< as
!ta, 4nds

often as re*ired, to ensre that the A!< is in co-+,iance with the Trst
(eed and re.,ation)
%t -ay take re-edia, action if they be,ie/e that the condct of the fnds
bsiness is not in accordance with S=B% re.,ations)
(irection of the trstees) The A!< is re*ired to be a++ro/ed and
re.istered with S=B% as an A!<F The Trstees are e-+owered to
ter-inate the a++oint-ent of the A!< and -ay a++oint new A!< with
the +rior a++ro/a, of the Board and ho,ders)
The A!< f,oats and then the different in/est-ent sche-es)
The A!< of a -ta, 4nd -st ha/e a net worth of at ,east $' <rores
at a,, the ti-es) The A!< cannot act as a trstee any other -ta, fnd)
The A!< -st re+ort to the trstees with res+ect to its acti/ities)
31li,ations of %rustees
!st enter into an in/est-ent -ana.e-ent a.ree-ent with the A!< in
accordance with the 4orth Sched,e of S=B% :!4; Re.,ations,
!st ensre that the fnds transactions are in accordance with the Trst
Are res+onsib,e for ensrin. that the A!< has +ro+er syste-s and
+rocedres in +,ace and has a++ointed key +ersonne, inc,din. 4nd
!ana.ers and a <o-+,iance 'fficer besides other constitents sch as
the aditors and re.istrar)
!st ensre de di,i.ence on the +art of the A!< for e-+ane,-ent of
!st ensre that the A!< is sche-es inde+endent of
other acti/ities and that the interest of nit ho,ders of one sche-e
are not co-+ro-ised with those of other sche-es
!st frnish to S=B% on a ha,f-year,y basis, a re+ort on the fnds
acti/ities and a certificate statin. that the A!< has been the
sche-es inde+endent,y of other acti/ities
4sset Mana,e2ent Co2pany
Acts as an in/est of the Trst nder the Board S+er/ision and
direction of the Trstees)
Has to be a++ro/ed and re.istered with S=B%)
6i,, f,oat and -ana.e the different in/est-ent sche-es in the na-e of
Trst and in accordance with S=B% re.,ations)
Acts in interest of the nit-ho,ders and re+orts to the trstees)
!ta, 4nds

At ,east C"O of directors on the board are inde+endent of the s+onsor or
the trstees)
31li,ations of t&e 4MC and its *irectors
They -st ensre that?
%n/est-ent of fnds is in accordance with S=B% Re.,ations and the
Trst (eed)
Take res+onsibi,ity for the act of its e-+,oyees and others whose ser/ices
it has +rocred
They are answerab,e to the trstees and -st sb-it *arter,y re+orts to
the- on A!< acti/ities and co-+,iance with S=B% Re.,ations
%f the A!< ses the ser/ices of a s+onsor, associate or e-+,oyee, it -st
take a++ro+riate disc,osre to nit ho,ders, inc,din. the a-ont of
brokera.e or co--ission +aid)
(o not ndertake any other acti/ity conf,ictin. with the fnd)
6i,, f,oat sche-es on,y after obtainin. disc,osre to the in/estors in areas
sch as ca,c,ation of NA3 and re+rchase +rice) <ertain s+ecific e/ents,
the trstees ha/e the to dis-iss the A!< with the a++ro/a, of S=B%
in accordance with the re.,ations) to ensre that, based on their *arter,y re/iew of the A!<7s net
worth, any shortfa,, is -ade +)
Transfer a.ents are res+onsib,e for issin. and redee-in. nits of the -ta,
fnd and +ro/ide other re,ated ser/ices sch as +re+aration of transfer
doc-ents +datin. in/estors7 records) A fnd -ay choose to ot this acti/ity
in-hose or by an otside transfer a.ent)
A!<9s sa,,y a++oint (istribtors or Brokers, who se,, nits on beha,f bf the
fnd) So-e fnds re*ire that a,, transactions to be roted thro.h sch brokers)
%n %ndia, besides brokers, inde+endent indi/ida,s are a++ointed as a.ents for
the +r+ose of se,,in. the fnd sche-e to the in/estors) 6hi,e indi/ida,
constitte the ,ar.est se.-ent in the cate.ory of -ta, fnd distribtors, other
distribtors inc,de banks, NB4<s and cor+orate)
!ta, 4nds

A fnd7s acti/ities in/o,/e dea,in. with the -oney on a continos basis
+ri-ari,y with res+ect to byin. and se,,in. nits, +ayin. for in/est-ent -ade,
recei/in. the +roceeds on sa,e of in/est-ent and its ob,i.ations
towards o+eratin. e8+enses) A fnds banker therefore +,ay a crcia, ro,e with
res+ect to its financia, dea,in.s by ho,din. its bank accont and +ro/idin. it
with re-ittance ser/ices)
Custodian and *epository
The cstodian is a++ointed by the Board of Trstees for safekee+in. of
secrities in ter-s of +hysica, de,i/ery and e/enta, safe kee+in. or
+artici+atin. in the c,earin. syste- thro.h a++ro/ed de+ository
co-+anies on beha,f of the -ta, fnd and -st f,fi,, its
res+onsibi,ities in accordance with its a.ree-ent with the -ta, fnd)
The %ndian -arkets are -o/in. away fro- ha/in. +hysica, certificates for
secrities, to ownershi+ of these secrities in de-ateria,i2ed for- with a
de+ository) Ths, a (e+ository Partici+ant wi,, ho,d a -ta, fnd9s
de-ateria,i2ed secrities ho,din.s) A fnd7s +hysica, secrities wi,, contine to
be he,d by a cstodian)
!ta, 4nds

Advantages Of Mutual Funds
To nderstand and a++reciate the different techni*es e-+,oyed by !ta,
4nds to -arket and se,, their nits, it is i-+erati/e that we first nderstand the
ob5ecti/es and ai-s that these fnds ha/e towards their csto-ers) %t is on,y in
this , that we wo,d be ab,e to co-+,ete,y co-+rehend their -arketin.
strate.ies) The fo,,owin. ob5ecti/es can be said to be the -a5or dri/in. force for
in/estors to take the !ta, 4nds rote)
D$%)s$"$+at$!n !" R$s0? !ta, 4nds are an e8tre-e,y sond
in/est-ent for the +r+oses of di/ersification) By in/estin. in -any
co-+anies the -ta, fnds can +rotect the-se,/es fro- ne8+ected
dro+ in /a,es of so-e shares) S-a,, in/estors can achie/e wide
di/ersification of their risks by in/estin. in !ta, 4nds, and hence do
not ha/e the fear of +ttin. a,, their e..s in one basket)
E89)t$s) Su9)%$s$!n and C!nt!l !" In%)st,)nts? 6hen in/estors
by -ta, fnd sche-es, an essentia, benefit that they ac*ire is e8+ert
Portfo,io !ana.e-ent of their in/est-ents) The +rofessiona, fnd
-ana.ers who s+er/ise fnd9s +ortfo,io take desirab,e decisions /i2),
what scri+s are to be, what in/est-ents are to be so,d and -ore
a++ro+riate decision as to ti-in.s of sch by and se,,)
L!/) C!sts? !ta, fnds ha/e /ery ,ar.e fnds at their dis+osa,, and
hence are in a +osition to rea+ the benefits of econo-ies of sca,e) The
brokera.e and transaction fees or tradin. co--ission is in -ost cases
redced sbstantia,,y)
Sa")tA !" In%)st,)nt? The ,,ation +ro/ides for the safety of
in/est-ents by re.,atin. the !ta, 4nds %ndstry)
S,all $n%)st,)nts? !ta, fnds he,+ yo to rea+ the benefit of retrns
by a +ortfo,io s+read across a wide s+ectr- of co-+anies with s-a,,
in/est-ents) Sch a s+read wo,d not ha/e been +ossib,e withot their
P!")ss$!nal Fund Mana(),)nt? Professiona,s ha/in. considerab,e
e8+ertise, e8+erience and resorces -ana.e the +oo, of -oney co,,ected
by a -ta, fnd) They thoro.h,y ana,y2e the -arkets and econo-y to
+ick .ood in/est-ent o++ortnities)
!ta, 4nds

S9)ad$n( R$s0? An in/estor with a ,i-ited a-ont of fnd be
ab,e to in/est in on,y one or two stocks G bonds, ths increasin. his or her
risk) Howe/er, a -ta, fnd wi,, s+read its risk by in/estin. a n-ber of
sond stocks or bonds) A fnd nor-a,,y in/ests in co-+anies across a
wide ran.e of indstries, so the risk is di/ersified at the sa-e ti-e takin.
ad/anta.e of the +osition it ho,ds) A,so in cases of ,i*idity crisis where
stocks are so,d at a distress, -ta, fnds ha/e the ad/anta.e of the
rede-+tion o+tion at the NA3s)
Tans9a)n+A and $nt)a+t$%$tA? !ta, 4nds re.,ar,y +ro/ide
in/estors with infor-ation on the /a,e of their in/est-ents) !ta,
4nds a,so +ro/ide co-+,ete +ortfo,io disc,osre of the in/est-ents -ade
by /arios sche-es and a,so the +ro+ortion in/ested in each asset ty+e)
!ta, 4nds c,ear,y ,ayot their in/est-ent strate.y to the in/estor)
L$Bu$d$tA? <,osed ended fnds ha/e their nits ,isted at the stock
e8chan.e, ths they can be and so,d at their -arket /a,e) '/er
and abo/e this the nits can be direct,y redee-ed to the !ta, 4nd as
and when they annonce the re+rchase)
C'!$+)? The ,ar.e a-ont of !ta, 4nds offer the in/estor a wide
/ariety to choose fro-) An in/estor can +ick + a sche-e de+endin.
+on his risk G retrn +rofi,e)
R)(ulat$!ns? A,, the -ta, fnds are re.istered with S=B% and they
fnction within the +ro/isions of strict re.,ation desi.ned to +rotect the
interests of the in/estor)
TAC ;ENEFITS? (i/idend inco-e fro- -ta, fnd nits wi,, be
e8e-+t fro- inco-e ta8 with effect fro- @,y $, $111) 4rther, in/estors
can .et rebate fro- ta8 nder section ## of %nco-e Ta8 Act, $1D$ by
in/estin. in =*ity >inked Sa/in. Sche-es of -ta, fnds)
4rther benefits are a,so a/ai,ab,e nder section CB=A and CB=B with
re.ard to re,ief fro- ,on. ter- ca+ita, .ains ta8 in certain s+ecified
M$s+)llan)!us ad%anta()s? %n/estin. in secrities thro.h -ta, fnds
has -any other ad/ ,ike the o+tion to rein/est in di/idends, stron.
+ossibi,ity of ca+ita, a++reciation, re.,ar retrns, etc): @i- Gard, 0""0;
!ta, 4nds

Disadvantages Of Mutual Funds
N! +!nt!l !%) t') +!sts) Re.,ators ,i-it the e8+enses of !ta,
4nds) 4ees are +aid as +ercenta.e of the /a,e of in/est-ent
N! ta$l! ,ad) 9!t"!l$!s.
Mana($n( a 9!t"!l$! !" "unds) : %n/estor has to ho,d a +ortfo,io for
fnds for different ob5ecti/es ;
'ne fnd can ha/e sche-es of si-i,ar ob5ecti/es so, se,ection beco-es
!ta, 4nds

Classifications of Mutual Funds
:The <ate.ori2ation of !ta, 4nds based on different criteria;
Ass)t Class)sDE
The two -ain asset c,asses are debt and e*ity) Po+,ar +erce+tion is that e*ity
is risky, whi,e debt is safe) Howe/er, it needs to be re-e-bered that debt
secrities are ssce+tib,e to dai,y chan.e in /a,es as e*ity secrities) 4rther,
the rea, retrns on debt -ay or -ay not be +ositi/e) =*ity on the other hand,
can be an effecti/e hed.e a.ainst inf,ation, +artic,ar,y in sitations of nor-a,
Broad,y -ta, fnds can be di/ided into two cate.ories - e*ity-oriented and
debt-oriented) As the na-es s..est, e*ity-oriented -ta, fnds in/est
+redo-inant,y in e*itiesF di/ersified e*ity fnds and ba,anced fnds are the
+o+,ar /ariants)
=*ity /a,ations, on the other hand, /ary with cor+orate +erfor-ance and
+ros+ects, and the o/era,, -arket senti-ent)
<on/erse,y, debt-oriented fnds ho,d a si.nificant +ortion of their +ortfo,ios in
fi8ed inco-e instr-ents ,ike .o/ern-ent secrities, cor+orate bonds, and
treasry bi,,s a-on. others) Howe/er this bifrcation fai,s to re/ea, the /ersati,e
natre of -ta, fnds) >et7s take this discssion a ste+ frther by discssin. the
/arios choices a/ai,ab,e to in/estors in each of the afore-entioned cate.ories
(ifferent !ta, 4nds are +ositioned different,y de+endin. on the strate.y
they ado+t for -akin. in/est-ents) Any -ta, fnd has the -ain ob5ecti/e of
earnin. inco-e and hi.h retrns for its in/estors, i)e), .ettin. increased /a,e of
their in/est-ents) !ost !ta, 4nd co-+anies offer different sche-es of
in/est-ents de+endin. on the re*ire-ents of the .ro+s) The -ost
efficient -ethod of startin. a c,assification or cate.ori2ation of a,, sche-es that
are offered in the !ta, 4nd %n/est-ents !arket wo,d be to .ro+ these into
two broad c,assifications? Portfo,io <,assification and '+erationa,
!ta, 4nds

6oad and 7o 6oad "unds
>oad is the oneti-e fee +ayab,e by the in/estor to a,,ow the fnd to -eet initia,
isse e8+enses inc,din. brokersGa.ents9Gdistribtors9 co--issions, ad/ertisin.
and -arketin. e8+enses
%4 the in/estors9 ob5ecti/e is to .et the benefit of co-+ondin. his initia,
in/est-ent by rein/estin. and ho,din. his in/est-ent for a /ery ,on. ter-,
then , a no front ,oad fnd is +referab,e
3perational Classification
'+erationa, c,assification hi.h,i.hts the two -ain ty+es of sche-es, i)e), o+en-
ended and c,ose-ended which are offered by the -ta, fnds)
FaG O9)n End)d S+'),)sD As the na-e i-+,ies the si2e of the sche-e :4nd;
is o+en, and not s+ecified or +re-deter-ined) =ntry to the fnd is a,ways o+en to
the in/estor who can sbscribe at any ti-e) Sch fnd stands ready to by or
se,, its secrities at any ti-e) The nits are nor-a,,y not traded on the stock
e8chan.e bt are re+rchased by the fnd at annonced rates) '+en-ended
sche-es ha/e co-+arati/e,y better ,i*idity des+ite the fact that these are not
,isted) No -inte-to--inte f,ctations in rates hant the in/estors)
F*G Cl!s) End)d S+'),)sD Sch sche-es ha/e a definite +eriod after which
their sharesG nits are redee-ed) Un,ike o+en-ended fnds, these fnds ha/e
fi8ed ca+ita,i2ation, i)e), their cor+s nor-a,,y does not chan.e its
,ife +eriod) Their +rice is deter-ined on the basis of de-and and s++,y in the
-arket) A +re-i- -ay e8ist on,y on accont of s+ec,ati/e acti/ities)
!ta, 4nds

Portfolio Classification of "unds:
The +ortfo,io c,assification of fnds can be di/ided into B kinds)
!ta, 4nds

8a9 )eturn 1ased classification? The in/estors of the
-ta, fnd sche-es are -ade to en5oy a .ood retrn in for- of re.,ar
di/idends or ca+ita, a++reciation or a co-bination of these both)
1. In+!,) Funds? %nco-e fnds are f,oated for the interest of in/estors who
want to -a8i-i2e crrent inco-e) These fnds distribte +eriodica,,y the
inco-e earned by the-, in the for- of either a constant inco-e at re,ati/e,y ,ow
risk or in the for- of -a8i-- inco-e +ossib,e with hi.her risk by the se of
. G!/t' Funds? These Sche-es ha/e the ob5ecti/e to achie/e an increase in
the /a,e of the nder,yin. in/est-ents thro.h ca+ita, a++reciation, and they
in/est in .rowth oriented secrities)
!. C!ns)%at$%) Funds? These fnds offer a b,end of .ood a/era.e retrns and
reasonab,e ca+ita, a++reciation) These fnds are /ery +o+,ar and are idea, for
the in/estors who want both .rowth and inco-e fro- their in/est-ent)
819 #n/est2ent Based Classification? !ta, fnds
-ay a,so be c,assified on the basis of the kind of secrities that they in/est in)
1. E"#ity $#n%s? =*ities are a hi.h risk-hi.h retrn asset c,assF the sa-e
risk +rofi,e s+i,,s o/er to e*ity fnds as we,,) Howe/er in/estors -st take note
of the fact that a ,ar.e n-ber of /ariations e8ist within the 7hi.h risk7 e*ity
fnds se.-ent) 4or e8a-+,e a sector fnd wo,d be on the re,ati/e,y hi.her
sca,e in the risk-retrn +aradi.- when co-+ared to an inde8 fnd, which
si-+,y tracks the -o/e-ents in a chosen bench-ark inde8) The .ra+h dis+,ays
how so-e of the /ariants fro- the e*ity fnds se.-ent rank in ter-s of the
risk-retrn trade-off) %nstead of ado+tin. a Mte8t-bookM -ethod and +,acin. a,,
e*ity fnds on a co--on +,atfor-, in/estors sho,d a++reciate the nances of
each cate.ory) These are intricacies in/estors -st be aware of in order to -ake
an infor-ed in/est-ent decision) These fnds in/est -ost of their in/estib,e
shares in e*ity shares of co-+anies and ndertake the risk associated with the
in/est-ent in e*ity shares) %n a de/e,o+ed -arket, =*ity fnds can be of
different cate.ories) 4or e8a-+,e, Lb,e chi+9, 4!<G, PSUs, etc)
!ta, 4nds

The e*ity fnds cate.ory can be frther differentiated as fo,,ows?
Ma0)t +a9$tal$.at$!nE*as)d "unds
!arket ca+ita,i2ation is defined as the n-ber of shares issed by a co-+any
-,ti+,ied by the +rice of each share) <o-+anies are .enera,,y di/ided into the
,ar.e ca+, -id ca+ and s-a,, ca+ se.-ents res+ecti/e,y on the basis of their
-arket ca+ita,i2ation) So-e di/ersified e*ity fnds are ,anched with the
-andate to in/est in stocks fro- one or -ore of the stated se.-ents i)e) the
co-+any7s -arket ca+ita,i2ation beco-es the .o/ernin. force) 4or instance,
4rank,in %ndia B,e chi+ 4nd re+resents a ,ar.e ca+ di/ersified e*ity fnd)
The shar+ rn + in stocks fro- the -id ca+ se.-ent in the recent +ast can be
credited for the ,anch in fnds of the -id ca+ and f,e8i ca+ :fnds that in/est in
stocks across -arket se.-ents; /arieties) Sndara- S)!)%)>)=) and H(4<
Pre-ier !,ti-<a+ 4nd are e8a-+,es of f,e8i ca+ fnds)
O99!tun$t$)s "unds
4nd -ana.ers hand,in. o++ortnities fnds ha/e +erha+s the -ost f,e8ib,e
in/est-ent -andates) '++ortnities fnds can in/est in stocks across -arket
se.-ents, sectors and so-e are e/en +er-itted to in/est a si.nificant +ortion of
their cor+s in debt) As the na-e s..ests, the idea is to seek o++ortnities for
c,ockin. .ains fro- any sectorG-arket se.-ent) Howe/er the a.i,e -ana.e-ent
sty,e a,so tends to enhance the risk +rofi,e of these fnds /is-P-/is a
con/entiona, di/ersified e*ity fnd) (SP !> '++ortnities 4nd and HSB<
%ndia '++ortnities 4nd fa,, nder this cate.ory)
T'),)E*as)d "unds
T h e - e - b a s e d fnds are fair,y si-i,ar to sector fnds, howe/er the
differentiatin. factor is the ,e/e, of di/ersification they offer) %nstead of
concentratin. on stocks fro- a sin.,e sectorGindstry, their focs ,ies on a
s+ecific the-e ,ike .,oba,,y co-+etiti/e %ndian co-+anies or -,tinationa,
cor+orations o+eratin. in %ndiaF for e8a-+,e Kotak G,oba, %ndia 4nd and Bir,a
%ndia '++ortnities 4nd) %n ter-s of di/ersification and risk +rofi,es, these
co-+anies tread the +ath between a sector fnd and a con/entiona, di/ersified
e*ity fnd) So-e the-e-based fnds are +ositioned based on their stock-
+ickin. strate.y) (i/idend yie,d fnds are ,anched with the intention of
in/estin. in stocks offerin. a di/idend yie,d abo/e a certain +re-deter-ined
,e/e,) 4or e8a-+,e, Princi+a, (i/idend Qie,d 4nd tar.ets co-+anies with a
di/idend yie,d hi.her than $)C ti-es that of the NS= Nifty on the ear,ier tradin.
day) Si-i,ar,y /a,e fnds +ro+a.ate the /a,e sty,e of in/estin. i)e) +ickin.
!ta, 4nds

stocks that are fnda-enta,,y stron. and inherent,y .ood bys bt crrent,y ot
of fa/or :for e8a-+,e Te-+,eton %ndia Growth 4nd;)
Ind)8 "unds
%nde8 fnds are ,anched with the -andate of trackin. bench-ark indices ,ike
the BS= Sense8 or S&P <NR Nifty) These fnds in/est in stocks fro- the
inde8 in the sa-e +ro+ortion as the bench-ark, thereby offerin. in/estors the
o++ortnity to ca+tre the .rowth in the chosen inde8) %nde8 fnds are .enera,,y
-ore +o+,ar in de/e,o+ed -arkets where acti/e,y -ana.ed fnds find it
diffic,t to ot+erfor- the bench-ark indices as -arkets are re,ati/e,y better
researchedF a,so their e8+enses :fees,; tend to be ,ower /is-P-/is
acti/e,y -ana.ed fnds) An offshoot of inde8 fnds is the inde8- +,s fnds
cate.ory) %nde8-+,s fnds in/est a +redeter-ined +ro+ortion of their tota,
assets in inde8 stocks and the ba,ance in stocks otside the inde8) H(4< To+
0"" 4nd fa,,s in this cate.ory of fnds)
Fund !" Funds
A re.,ar -ta, fnd in/ests in e*ities, bonds and fi8ed inco-e secrities
de+endin. on its ob5ecti/e) 4nd of 4nds :4o4; e8tend this conce+t by
in/estin. in nits of other -ta, fnd sche-es) By in/estin. in -ore than one
-ta, fnd they take di/ersification to a new ,e/e, 4or e8a-+,e an 4o4 co,d
in/est in fi/e to+ +erfor-in. e*ity fnds and offer a hi.h,y di/ersified
+ortfo,io to the in/estor) Si-i,ar,y others co,d in/est in e*ity and debt fnds
si-,taneos,y, thereby offerin. a +ortfo,io that is di/ersified across asset
c,asses) 'n the f,i+side, 4o4 in/estors -st be wary of hi.her e8+enses on
accont of o/er,a++in. of costs) 4T %ndia >ife Sta.e 4nd is the e8a-+,e of an
C!n%)nt$!nal d$%)s$"$)d )Bu$tA "unds
6e ha/e sed the ter- Mcon/entiona,M di/ersified e*ity fnds at /arios +,aces
drin. the corse of this discssion) This is not a /ariantF instead these are
e*ity fnds in their +rest for- and see- rather ,ack,ster in the +resent
scenario) Ty+ica,,y, a di/ersified e*ity fnd in/ests in a n-ber of e*ityG
e*ity re,ated instr-ents fro- /arios sectors thereby enab,in. in/estors to
benefit fro- di/ersification) H(4< =*ity 4nd and Sndara- Growth 4nd
can be c,assified as con/entiona, di/ersified e*ity fnds)
!ta, 4nds

. Debt $#n%s? These 4nds ha/e their +ortfo,io co-+risin. of bonds and
debentres :(ebt %nstr-ents;) These fnds are considered to be /ery secre
with a steady inco-e)
L!n(Et), d)*t "unds
>on.-ter- debt fnds are con/entiona, debtGbond fnds that ha/e been in
e8istence for as ,on. as e*ity fnds) %n/estors +refer to in/est in debt fnds for
the sa-e reasons they choose to in/est in e*ity fnds /i2) they .et benefits of
di/ersification across debt instr-ents and the ser/ices of a +rofessiona, fnd %n fact, for retai, in/estors, debt fnds are one of the -ost i-+ortant
a/enes for in/estin. in debt secrities ,ike cor+orate bonds and .o/ern-ent
secrities, chief,y becase indi/ida, transactions in debt are of a /ery hi.h
/a,e :rnnin. in -i,,ions of r+ees; and beyond -ost retai, in/estors) This is
n,ike e*ities for instance, where retai, in/estors can in/est on their own in
s-a,,er ,ots)
(ebt fnds in/est across a ran.e of debtGfi8ed inco-e secrities) The cor+s of
,on.-ter- debt fnds co-+rises -ain,y of cor+orate bonds and .o/ern-ent
secrities :.i,tsG.secs;)
6hen these secrities ha/e a resida, -atrity of at ,east $0 -onths, they are
c,assified as ,on.-ter- debt or , +a+er) (ebt fnds a,so in/est in
shorter-dated +a+er ,ike treasry bi,,s, certificate of de+osit :<(s; and
co--ercia, +a+er to na-e a few) %n addition to this, they a,so a,,ocate a s-a,,
+art of assets to cash) Sndara- Bond Sa/er is an e8a-+,e of a ,on.-ter- debt
fnd) Gi/en that a ,ar.e chnk of the fnd7s assets are in , +a+er,
these fnds are e8+osed to what is ca,,ed as 7interest rate risk7) This -eans that
in the e/ent of /o,ati,ity in debt -arkets, ,on.-ter- debt fnds wi,, witness
abo/e-a/era.e trb,ence, as there is .reater ncertainty associated with the
, tenre) 'n the other hand, shorter-dated +a+er is re,ati/e,y we,, ins,ated
fro- instabi,ity in debt -arkets) An ana,o.y that in/estors can re,ate to is the
difference in rates on a fi8ed de+osit for $-Qr and A-Qr) The A- Qr fi8ed de+osit
offers a hi.her retrn as there is -ore ncertainty associated with it as a.ainst a
fi8ed de+osit for $- Qr) So -ore ncertainty is rewarded with a hi.her rate to
7incenti/ise7 in/est-ent) >ikewise, , +a+er offer hi.her co+on rates
as co-+ared to shorter-dated +a+er becase in/estors take on -ore risk)
%n/est-ents in ,on.-ter- debt fnds sho,d be -ade with a ti-e fra-e of at
,east $0 -onths)
!ta, 4nds

S'!tEt), d)*t "unds
%f yo ha/e nderstood how , dated +a+er is different fro- shorter dated
+a+er, then yo ha/e a fair,y .ood idea abot what short-ter- debt fnds ha/e
on offer for in/estors) There is a cate.ory of in/estors who ha/e two critica,
needs that short-ter- debt fnds he,+ achie/e) 'ne J they want to be in/ested
for the short-ter- - ,ess than D -onths) Two - o/er this ti-e fra-e, they are
,ookin. at +reser/in. ca+ita, with a retrn that is s+erior to that of a fi8ed
de+osit of a co-+arab,e tenre) The reason why short-ter- debt fnds can
+reser/e ca+ita, better than ,on. ter- debt fnds is becase they are in/ested in
debt instr-ents of a shorter tenre) This cate.ory of debt instr-ents is not as
ad/erse,y affected by /o,ati,ity in debt -arkets as , dated +a+er) As a
res,t, +rices of shorter-dated debt instr-ents are re,ati/e,y stab,e and ser/e the
needs of risk-a/erse in/estors we,,) Te-+,eton %nco-e Short Ter- is an
e8a-+,e of a short-ter- debt fnd) %n/est-ents in short-ter- debt fnds sho,d
be -ade with a ti-e fra-e of $-D -onths)
L$Bu$d "unds
>i*id fnds in/est in /ery short-ter- debt instr-ents -atrin. in A"-BC days)
Ty+ica,,y this inc,des treasry bi,,s and ca,, -oney) >i*id fnds ser/e needs
*ite si-i,ar to that of short-ter- debt fnds, on,y difference is that ,i*id fnd
in/estors ha/e an e/en shorter in/est-ent ti-e fra-e, at ti-es as short as one
day) %f in/estors are ,ookin. at bein. in/ested for -ore than a -onth, they can
consider short-ter- debt fnds for a -ar.ina,,y hi.her retrn) Grind,ays <ash
4nd is an e8a-+,e of a ,i*id fnd)
L!n(Et), ($lt "unds
A ,on.-ter- .o/ern-ent secrities nd in/ests +ri-ari,y in .o/ern-ent +a+er
:.i,tG.sec; with a resida, -atrity of o/er $0 -onths) This is n,ike
con/entiona, debt fnds that in/est +ri-ari,y in cor+orate bonds with .i,ts
accontin. for a s-a,,er share of net assets) Gi/en their 7in/est-ent bias7 for a
+artic,ar se.-ent of the debt -arket, .i,t fnds can be c,assified as 7sector
fnds7) Gi,t fnds ha/e a hi.her risk +rofi,e than con/entiona, debt fnds
becase their in/est-ents are ,i-ited to a +artic,ar se.-ent of the debt -arket
and they cannot di/ersify across other se.-ents ,ike cor+orate bonds for
instance, %n ti-es of trb,ence) The risk associated with .i,t fnds is frther
co-+onded by the fact that .i,ts de to the hi.her ,i*idity are -ore /o,ati,e
than cor+orate bonds) (e to the ,i*idity, .i,t +rices are -ore c,ose,y ,inked to
de/e,o+-ents in the econo-y) So any +essi-is- in debt -arkets ,inked to
7news7 ,ike inf,ation, risin. crde +rices, .,oba, econo-ic trb,ence, is ,ike,y to
ha/e a .reater i-+act on .i,t +rices than cor+orate bond +rices) This is -ain,y
!ta, 4nds

why .i,t fnds are -ore /o,ati,e than con/entiona, debt fnds) Te-+,eton Gsec
and Kotak Gi,t are e8a-+,es of ,on.-ter- .i,t fnds) %n/est-ents in ,on.-ter-
.i,t fnds sho,d be -ade with a ti-e fra-e of at ,east $0 -onths)
S'!tEt), ($lt "unds
A short-ter- .i,t fnd in/ests +ri-ari,y n .i,ts of a shorter tenre :,ess than $0
-onths;) The rationa,e for in/estin. in short-ter- .i,t fnds is si-i,ar o that of
short-ter- debt fnds) %n/estors ha/e a shorter in/est-ent ti-e fra-e :,ess than
D -onths; and want to c,ock a s-a,, .ain with ca+ita, +reser/ation bein. the
-ore i-+ortant ob5ecti/e) The reason in/estors choose short-ter- .i,t fnds
o/er short-ter- debt fnds is becase .i,ts can +ro/ide a hi.her ca+ita,
a++reciation /is-P-/is bonds) As e8+,ained ear,ier, this is becase .i,ts, by /irte
of ,i*idity, are -ore c,ose,y ,inked to 7econo-y-re,ated news7 and the +side
and downside of in/estin. in .i,ts is -arked,y hi.her /is-P-/is cor+orate bonds)
Te-+,eton Gsec :Short Ter-; is an e8a-+,e of a short-ter- .i,t fnd)
DAna,$+ d)*t "unds
(yna-ic debt fnds atte-+t to co-bine the benefits of debt fnds and .i,t
fnds) They can in/est across cor+orate bonds and .i,ts withot any restrictions)
They are distinct fro- con/entiona, debt fnds that in/est in .i,ts and cor+orate
bonds becase these fnds sa,,y -aintain a ca+ on their .i,t in/est-ents)
(yna-ic debt fnds tend to increase their .i,t in/est-ents in ti-es of econo-ic
stabi,ity as .i,t +rices tend to ha/e a -ore ,crati/e s+read :i)e) difference
between the by and se,, +rices;) A.ain s+reads on .i,t ha/e an ed.e o/er
s+reads on cor+orate bonds becase of hi.her ,i*idity in the for-er) The fnd wi,, in/est in cor+orate bonds andGor .i,ts de+endin. on the s+read
between the yie,ds of the two instr-ents) He wi,, consider the co-+arati/e
yie,ds and the credit risks associated with the instr-ent and in/est accordin.,y)
%n this way dyna-ic debt fnds try to -a8i-ise retrns for the in/estor at a,,
ti-es) Grind,ays (yna-ic Bond 4nd is an e8a-+,e of a dyna-ic debt fnd)
%n/est-ents in dyna-ic debt fnds sho,d be -ade with a ti-e fra-e of at ,east
$0 -onths)
L!n(Et), "l!at$n( at) "unds
4,oatin. rate fnds in/est in debt instr-ents that ha/e their co+on rates
ad5sted at +eriodic inter/a,s) These instr-ents are ca,,ed 7f,oatin. rate
instr-ents7) The f,oatin. rate +a+er is bench-arked a.ainst a reference +oint
,ike the !%B'R :!-bai %nter-bank 'ffered Rate; for instance) < in the
!%B'R are a ce for the co+on rate on the f,oatin. rate +a+er to be reset
accordin.,y) As o++osed to f,oatin. rate instr-ents, yo ha/e con/entiona,
!ta, 4nds

fi8ed rate instr-ents wherein the co+on rate is fi8ed ti,, -atrity) As the
co+on rate on f,oatin. rate +a+er is reset +eriodica,,y, there is ,ower +ressre
on its +rice drin. interest rate /o,ati,ity) That is why f,oatin. rate +a+er is ,ess
affected by trb,ence in debt -arkets /is-P-/is fi8ed rate +a+er) <onse*ent,y
o/er the +ast two years, f,oatin. rate fnds ha/e he,d their own in in/estors7
+ortfo,ios, whi,e con/entiona, debt fnds ha/e been ad/erse,y i-+acted by the
instabi,ity in interest rates) Te-+,eton 4,oatin. Rate 4nd :>on. Ter-; is an
e8a-+,e of a f,oatin. rate fnd)
S'!tEt), "l!at$n( at) "unds

Short-ter- f,oatin. rate fnds work on the sa-e ,ines as ,on.-ter- f,oatin. rate
fnds e8ce+t that they in/est in f,oatin. rate +a+er of shorter tenre :,ess than $0
-onths;) %f in/estors are ,ookin. to be in/ested across a shorter ti-e fra-e of $-
D -onths, short-ter- f,oatin. rate fnds sho,d be +referred o/er their
,on.erter- conter+arts) Te-+,eton 4,oatin. Rate 4nd :Short Ter-; is an
e8a-+,e of a short-ter- f,oatin. rate fnd)
F$8)d ,atu$tA 9lans
4i8ed -atrity +,ans :4!Ps; are another 7in/ention7 that beca-e a 7necessity7 to
conter interest rate instabi,ity, a +rob,e- that has beco-e acte o/er the ,ast
two years) Ty+ica,,y, 4!Ps are c,ose-ended fnds) They in/est across debt
instr-ents to arri/e at a +re-deter-ined yie,d) Pre-deter-ined becase the
yie,d is annonced beforehand to in/estors) So 4!Ps ha/e defined in/est-ent
tenre) %f the in/estor7s in/est-ent ti-e-fra-e -atches that of the 4!P, he can
consider in/estin. in it) The benefit of in/estin. in 4!P is that the in/estor
knows in ad/ance the retrn that he wi,, .enerate on his in/est-ent) Knowin.
the retrn on yor debt fnd has ass-ed si.nificance now when con/entiona,
debt fnds are o+eratin. in an ncertain interest rate en/iron-ent, when e/en
ne.ati/e retrns ha/e beco-e a way of ,ife) To nderstand how this works J
take an 4!P, which at the %P' sta.e :initia, +b,ic offerin.; annonces that it
wi,, in/est in +a+er -atrin. in !ay 0""D yie,din. C)0CO interest) The fnd
wi,, in/est in fresh,y-,anched debt +a+er) This is becase in/estin. in an
e8istin. +a+er wi,, distrb the yie,d c a , c , a t i o n s :C)0CO in this case; if
the bond is not +riced fa/orab,y) %n/estors with a definite $-Qear hori2on can
consider in/estin. in the 4!P to yie,d an interest of C)0CO) 4ro- the in/estor7s
+ers+ecti/e, he knows what his in/est-ent wi,, yie,d o/er the ne8t $0 -onths,
so inter-ittent /o,ati,ity in bond +rices does not distrb hi-) So-e fnd hoses
,ike Bir,a !ta, 4nd and @! !ta, 4nd ,anch 4!Ps at re.,ar inter/a,s)
=/en 4rank,in Te-+,eton !ta, 4nd which has a/oided 4!Ps in the +ast has
,anched its -aiden 4!P offerin. to ta+ in/estor interest in this +rodct) 4!Ps
ha/e in/est-ent tenres fro- ,ess than a year to -ore than $" years)
!ta, 4nds

M!nt'lA In+!,) Plans FMIPsG
As a -ta, fnd cate.ory, -onth,y inco-e +,ans :!%Ps; are a re,ati/e,y recent
+heno-enon) !%Ps are hybrid fnds that in/est +redo-inant,y in debt
instr-ents with a s-a,, +ortion of assets in/ested in e*ities) The e*ity
co-+onent is e8+ected to act as a 7kicker7 that wi,, -ake the !%P ot+erfor- a
con/entiona, debt fnd) The rationa,e for a hybrid +rodct ,ike an !%P ca-e to
the fore becase debt fnds weren7t addin. a ,ot of /a,e to the risk-a/erse
in/estor7s +ortfo,io) As a -atter of fact, they were erodin. /a,e) This is
so-ethin. that in/estor7s had ne/er seen before) 4nd hoses introdced !%Ps
to encora.e in/estors to take on a ,itt,e bit of risk so as to earn a s,,y hi.her
retrn than con/entiona, debt fnds) So we had !%Ps bein. ,anched that .a/e
the fnd a -andate to in/est C-A"O of assets in e*ities) <on/entiona,
!%Ps in/est abot C- $CO of assets in e*ities with their a..ressi/e
conter+arts in/estin. as hi.h as 0"-A"O in e*ities) Se/era, fnd hoses ha/e
two distinct !%Ps caterin. to different in/estor .ro+s) 4or instance H(4<
!ta, 4nd has one !%P with a -a8i-- +er-issib,e $CO e*ity co-+onent
and another one with a -a8i-- +er-issib,e 0CO e*ity co-+onent) >ikewise
(SP !> has three fnds in its Sa/in.s P,s series with the e*ity co-+onent
ca++ed at $"O, 0"O and A"O) %n or /iew in/estors sho,d consider in/estin.
in !%Ps with a ti-e fra-e of at ,east $#-0B -onths) %n/estors o+tin. for the
di/idend o+tion sho,d consider ,, di/idend o+tions ,ike the
*arter,y or ha,f-year,y di/idend o+tion) This is becase when e*ity -arkets
are /o,ati,e, the fnd -ay not be ab,e to dec,are -onth,y di/idends) A
A-D -onth breathin. s+ace .i/es hi- that -ch -ore chance to dec,are a
!iagram " %&pected 'eturn of !ebt Funds
!ta, 4nds

!. &alance% $#n%" These fnds ha/e their +ortfo,io consistin. of a ba,anced
-i8 of e*ity and bonds) The co-+osition of these fnds -ay /ary de+endin.
+on the ot,ook of the -arket) Ba,anced fnds in/est their cor+s in both
e*ity and debt instr-ents in a +re-deter-ined ratio, say D"?B") The
nder,yin. +hi,oso+hy is to +ro/ide hi.h de.ree of di/ersification by in/estin.
across asset c,asses) Ba,anced fnds ha/e been toted as in/est-ent a/enes
that can offer the best of both wor,ds i)e) .rowth fro- e*ity ho,din.s and
stabi,ity fro- debt ho,din.sF +itches, that .ood fnd are ca+ab,e of
f,fi,,in.) An a..ressi/e ba,anced fnd wo,d ty+ica,,y ho,d a hi.her +ortion of
its assets in e*ities -aybe as hi.h as E"O of the tota, assets) 'n the other hand,
a 7disci+,ined7 ba,anced fnd wo,d -aintain a conser/ati/e e*ity a,,ocation
drin. -ost ti-es) H(4< Prdence, (SP !> Ba,anced and !a.n- Ba,anced
are e8a-+,es of ba,anced fnds)
8c9 .ector Based "unds: There are fnds that in/est in a
s+ecified sector of econo-y and they s+ecia,i2e in the said sector) Howe/er,
they rn the risk of not bein. ab,e to di/ersify) Sector based fnds are
a..ressi/e .rowth fnds which -ake in/est-ents on the basis of assessed ftre for a +artic,ar sector) The s+ecia,ty of sector fnds rather odd,y
,ies in the fact that they .o a.ainst the /ery .rain of -ta, fnd in/estin. i)e)
ho,din. a di/ersified +ortfo,io) That is why yo wi,, find so-e Asset
!ana.e-ent <o-+anies that swear a.ainst sector fndsS Sector fnds are
,anched with the intention of ca+ita,i2in. on o++ortnities in a sin.,e sector,
for e8a-+,e the +har-acetica, indstry, the software indstry a-on. others)
The fnd in/ests in /arios stocks fro- the sa-e indstry thereby -akin. it a
hi.h risk-hi.h retrn in/est-ent +ro+osition) Un,ike a con/entiona, di/ersified
e*ity fnd, a sector fnd doesn7t ha/e the safety net of di/ersification :it is
di/ersified, bt on,y within a sector; to fa,, back on if there is a chan.e in
fortnes of its chosen area of o+erations) Howe/er, sectors fnds can ho,d a ,ot
!ta, 4nds

of a++ea, for infor-ed in/estors who nderstand the intricacies of the sector and
can ti-e the entry and e8it of their in/est-ents) 4rank,in %nfotech 4nd and
!a.n- Phar-a 4nd are e8a-+,es of sector fnds)
C!,,!d$tA Funds
%t wi,, in/est direct,y in co--odities or thro.h shares of the co--odity
co-+anies or thro.h co--odity ftres contract )!ost co--on e8a-+,e of
sch fnd is +recios--eta, fnd, Go,d fnds in/est in Go,d, Go,d ftres or
shares of .o,d -ines
E8+'an() Tad)d Funds
%t co-bines the best featres of o+en end and c,osed strctre) %t tracks a -arket
inde8 and trades ,ike a stock on the stock -arket) =T4s are not the inde8 fnds
)eal (state "unds
%t can ?%n/est in rea, estate, 4nd rea, estate de/e,o+ers, By shares of hosin.
finance co-+anies, By secriti2ed assets)
!ta, 4nds

=>SS : =*ity ,inked sa/in. sche-e ;
A year ,ock in +eriod
!ini-- in/est-ent of 1"O in e*ity -arkets at a,, ti-es
So =>SS in/est-ent ato-atica,,y ,eads to in/est-ent in e*ity shares
'+en or c,osed ended
=,i.ib,e nder Section #" < + to Rs)$ ,akh a,,owed
(i/idends are ta8 free
Benefit of >on. ter- <a+ita, .ain ta8ation
!ta, 4nds

The -ost i-+ortant re,ationshi+ to nderstand is the risk-retrn trade-off)
Hi.her the risk .reater the retrnsG,oss and ,ower the risk ,esser the retrnsG,oss)
Hence it is + to yo, the in/estor to decide how -ch risk yo are wi,,in. to
take) %n order to do this yo -st first be aware of the different ty+es of risks
in/o,/ed with yor in/est-ent decision)
So-eti-es +rices and yie,ds of a,, secrities rise and fa,,) Broad otside
inf,ences affectin. the -arket in .enera, ,ead to this) This is tre, -ay it be bi.
cor+orations or s-a,,er -id-si2ed co-+anies) This is known as !arket Risk) A
Syste-atic %n/est-ent P,an :S%P; that works on the conce+t of R+ee <ost
A/ :R<A; he,+ -iti.ate this risk)
!ta, 4nds

The debt ser/icin. abi,ity :-ay it be interest +ay-ents or re+ay-ent of
+rinci+a,; of a co-+any thro.h its cash f,ows deter-ines the <redit Risk faced
by yo) This credit risk is -easred by inde+endent ratin. a.encies ,ike <R%S%>
who rate co-+anies and their +a+er) A LAAA9 ratin. is considered the safest
whereas a L(9 ratin. is considered +oor credit *a,ity) A we,,-di/ersified
+ortfo,io he,+ -iti.ate this risk)
Thin.s yo hear +eo+,e ta,k abot?
Rs) $"" today is worth -ore than Rs) $"" to-orrow)
Re-e-ber the ti-e when a bs ride costed C" +aiseT
! Ka @a-ana Hai)
The root case, %nf,ation) %nf,ation is the ,oss of +rchasin. +ower o/er ti-e) A
,ot of ti-es +eo+,e -ake conser/ati/e in/est-ent decisions to +rotect their
ca+ita, bt end + with a s- of -oney that can by ,ess than what the +rinci+a,
co,d at the ti-e of the in/est-ent) This ha++ens when inf,ation .rows faster
than the retrn on yor in/est-ent) A we,,-di/ersified +ortfo,io with so-e
in/est-ent in e*ities he,+ -iti.ate this risk)
%n a free -arket econo-y interest rates are diffic,t if not i-+ossib,e to +redict)
< in interest rates affect the +rices of bonds as we,, as e*ities) %f interest
rates rise the +rices of bonds fa,, and /ice /ersa) =*ity be ne.ati/e,y
affected as we,, in a risin. interest rate en/iron-ent) A we,,-di/ersified
+ortfo,io he,+ -iti.ate this risk)
< in .o/ern-ent +o,icy and +o,itica, decision can chan.e the in/est-ent
en/iron-ent) They can create a fa/orab,e en/iron-ent for in/est-ent or /ice
>i*idity risk arises when it beco-es diffic,t to se,, the secrities that one has
+rchased) >i*idity Risk can be +art,y -iti.ated by di/ersification, sta..erin.
of -atrities as we,, as interna, risk contro,s that ,ean towards +rchase of
,i*id secrities) Qo ha/e been readin. abot di/ersification abo/e, bt what is
!ta, 4nds

itT (i/ersification the nc,ear wea+on in yor arsena, for yor a.ainst
Risk) %t si-+,y -eans that yo -st s+read yor in/est-ent across different
secrities :stocks, bonds, -oney -arket instr-ents, rea, estate, fi8ed de+osits
etc); and different sectors :ato, te8ti,e, infor-ation techno,o.y etc);) This kind
of a di/ersification -ay add to the stabi,ity of yor retrns, for e8a-+,e drin.
one +eriod of ti-e e*ities nder+erfor- bt bonds and -oney -arket
instr-ents do we,, eno.h to offset the effect of a s,-+ in the e*ity
-arkets) Si-i,ar,y the infor-ation techno,o.y sector be farin. +oor,y bt
the ato and te8ti,e sectors do we,, and -ay +rotect yo +rinci+a,
in/est-ent as we,, as he,+ yo -eet yor retrn ob5ecti/es)
!ta, 4nds

R)s)a+' M)t'!d!l!(A
%n the ,ast decade we ha/e seen enor-os .rowth in the si2e of -ta, fnd
indstry in %ndia) =s+ecia,,y the +ri/ate sector has shown tre-endos .rowth)
6ith n-atched ad/ances on the infor-ation techno,o.y, increased ro,e of the
instittiona, in/estors in the stock -arket and the S=B% sti,, in its infancy, the
-ta, fnd indstry +,ayers .ained n+ara,,e,ed and nchecked +ower) To
ensre the safety of in/est-ent of s-a,, in/estors a.ainst whi-s and fancies of
+rofessiona, fnd -ana.ers ha/e beco-e the need of the hor)
The stdy inc,des ana,ysis of the in/estors on the basis of their in/est-ent
ob5ecti/es, a.e etc) %t a,so e8a-ined the +osition of !4 a-on. in/est-ent
a/enes a/ai,ab,e for the in/estors and the +ast +erfor-ances of /arios
sche-es fro- the acti/e A!<s in %ndian -arket on the basis of NA3 & ti-e)
So that it can he,+ the ad/isors as we,, as in/estors to choose the correct
+ortfo,io) The stdy a,so co/ers the scenario of !4 indstry drin. the =ntry
>oad and No =ntry >oad a++,ications)
31:ecti/es of t&e study
The -a5or ob5ecti/e of the stdy was to deter-ine the awareness abot benefits
of !ta, fnds ad/isory bsiness and to i-+art infor-ation, know,ed.e and
the fnctionin. of -ta, fnds a-on. financia, ad/isors)
4o,,owin. are the s+ecific ob5ecti/es?
$) To ana,y2e the in/estors on the basis of their in/est-ent ob5ecti/es, a.e etc)
0) To e8a-ine the +osition of !4 a-on. in/est-ent a/enes a/ai,ab,e for the
in/estors in %ndian -arket)
A) To e8a-ine the +ast +erfor-ances of /arios sche-es fro- the acti/e
A!<s in %ndian -arket on the basis of NA3 & ti-e)
B) The stdy a,so co/ers the scenario of !4 indstry drin. the =ntry >oad
and No =ntry >oad a++,ications)

)esearc& *esi,n
4or stdyin. +erce+tions of financia, ad/isors, a +ri-ary sr/ey was ndertaken
so as to know as to how -ch they +refer -ta, fnds as a +rodct o+tion in
!ta, 4nds

co-+arison to other in/est-ent instr-ents, how -ch know,ed.e do they
ha/e abot -ta, fnds) 4or this +r+ose, a *estionnaire was desi.ned and
ana,y2ed on the basis of the res+onses .i/en by the ad/isors of Noida) 4rther,
to co-+,ete the other ob5ecti/es data was +ro/ided by N@ in for- of +ersona,
+ortfo,ios of /arios in/estors of Noida and their ad/isors) And the NA3s are
taken fro- the website of Association of !ta, 4nds in %ndia :A!4%;)
Sa,9l) D)s$(n
(rin. the research the res+onses of abot BC" ad/isors were taken and
ana,y2ed to know the awareness of !4)
4or ana,ysis of in/estors on basis of their a.e, they were .ro+ed with inter/a,
of $" years)
R)s)a+' T)+'n$Bu)
Perfor-ance of !4 sche-es
Percenta.e increase U :new NA3 J o,d NA3; H $""
',d NA3
S+!9) !" t') studA
The +resent stdy was been ndertaken to i-+art awareness of the fnctionin.
of -ta, fnds and a,so to +ro/ide infor-ation , know,ed.e and for
takin. in/est-ents decision +ra.-atica,,y and a,so si-,taneos,y ward off the
i-+endin. risk in takin. in/est-ents decision) The stdy a,so he,+ed the
ad/isors in se.-entin. and focsin. on a certain in/estor .ro+)
L$,$tat$!ns O" T') StudA
>ack of ti-e on the +art of ad/isors for fi,,in. + the *estionnaire
The stdy focses on,y on the in/estors associated with N@)
4or the +r+ose of e/a,atin. the +erfor-ance of /arios sche-es on the basis
of NA3 has been done, and the bi..est disad/anta.e of sch -ethod is it can9t
be taken as fina, co2 NA3s are sb5ect to chan.e on dai,y basis)
!ta, 4nds

Data +!ll)+t$!n
4or the +r+ose of the research, data has been co,,ected fro- fo,,owin. 0
Pri2ary *ata? 4or stdyin. +erce+tions of financia, ad/isors, a +ri-ary
sr/ey was ndertaken so as to know as to how -ch they +refer -ta, fnds
as a +rodct o+tion in co-+arison to other in/est-ent instr-ents, how -ch
know,ed.e do they ha/e abot -ta, fnds) 4or this +r+ose ,a *estionnaire
was desi.ned and ana,y2ed on the basis of the res+onses .i/en by abot BC"
ad/isors of Noida) A detai,ed discssion abot the +ri-ary research done and
data co,,ected has been done nder the headin. 3a,e Pack Procre-ent)
.econdary *ata? The secondary data was co,,ected fro- the /arios
books, -a.a2ines, Qe,,ow and /arios financia, websites) The secondary
data was co,,ected to know the theoretica, as+ect of the -ta, fnds and a,so
for the +erfor-ance e/a,ation of /arios -ta, fnd sche-es)
!ta, 4nds

4nalysis 3n %&e Basis 3f 31:ecti/e 3f
%n/est-ent +rotection ,eads to safer interest .eneratin. asset a,,ocations where
as %n/est-ent Growth ,eads to hi.her /o,ati,ity assets that -ay tend to .row
o/er a +eriod of ti-e)
In%)st,)nt P!t)+t$!n Vs. In%)st,)nt G!/t'
In%)st! C'aa+t)$st$+ In%)st,)nt
Ti-e Hori2on Short-ter- >on.-ter-
4tre %nco-e Re*ire-ents Steady G Hi.h 3ariab,e G >ow
Risk A/erseness >ow Hi.h
%nf,ation Protection >ow Protection
Hi.h Protection
%f yo are a +erson who broad,y fa,,s into the %n/est-ent Growth cate.ory yo be interested in ,ookin. at an A..ressi/e +ortfo,io) 'n the other hand if
yo are ,eanin. towards an interest inco-e with -ini-a, risk in/est-ents yo ,ook at a <onser/ati/e asset a,,ocation) So-eone who wants a bit of
steady inco-e as we,, as asset .rowth .o in for a -oderate or a ba,anced
asset a,,ocation)
!ta, 4nds

AGGR=SS%3= P'R4'>%'
!'(=RAT= P'T4'>%'
<'NS=R3AT%3= P'RT4'>%'
!ta, 4nds

The chart be,ow can be sed to identify the ty+es of fnds best sited to or
+artic,ar in/est-ent ob5ecti/es)
Fund TA9) T')s) Funds
In%)st P$,a$lA
<o--on stocks
with +otentia,
for /ery ra+id
.rowth) !ay
e-+,oy certain
3ery Hi.h 3ery
Hi.h to
<o--on stocks
with ,on.-ter-
.rowth +otentia,
Hi.h to
3ery Hi.h
%nco-e &
-Growth &
<o--on stocks
with +otentia,
for hi.h
di/idends and
!oderate !oderat
to Hi.h
Both hi.h-
+ayin. stocks
and bonds
3ery >ow
Hi.h to
>ow to
%nco-e &
!oney -arket
instr-ents None
e to Hi.h 3ery
%nco-e &
-nici+a, notes
and bonds
e to Hi.h >ow
-(ob,e &
Tri+,e Ta8-
A broad ran.e
of -nici+a,
>ow to
e to Hi.h
>ow to
$nvestment Objective ( Mutual Fund Mapping
!ta, 4nds

4nalysis 3n %&e Basis 3f 4,e 3f
Another way to ascertain the asset a,,ocation is by ,ookin. at yor ,ife
cyc,e) The basis of this theory ,ies in the si-+,e -a8i- that +eo+,e
with secre 5obs wi,, nor-a,,y o+t for hi.her retrns and take hi.her risks
co-+ared to o,der retired +eo+,e) 'ne -st re-e-ber that these are on,y
indicati/e strate.ies and wi,, +robab,y ha/e to be fine-tned to -eet yor
indi/ida, needs)
A.e !ain 'b5ecti/es Portfo,io Strate.y
0"-01 A..ressi/e Growth J Sow the
seeds, +,an for hosin. and create
a safety cshion
C"-CCO - Growth 4nds
A"-ACO - Ba,anced 4nds
$C-0"O - !oney !arkets G <ash
A"-A1 Growth J Sa/e for hosin.,
chi,dren9s e8+enses :+resent and
ftre J edcation etc); and
safety cshion
BC-C"O - Growth 4nds
0C-A"O - Ba,anced 4nds
"C-$"O - B,e <hi+ Stocks
$C-0"O - !oney !arkets G <ash
B"-B1 Growth J <hi,dren9s e8+enses
:+resent and ftre J edcation
etc); and safety cshion
B"-BCO - Growth 4nds
0C-A"O - Ba,anced 4nds
$"-$CO - B,e <hi+ Stocks
$C-0"O - !oney !arkets G <ash
C"-C1 Retire-ent J Sa/e for retire-ent
and bi,d on safety cshion
0C-A"O - Growth 4nds
B"-BCO - Ba,anced 4nds
"C-$"O - B,e <hi+ Stocks
0"-0CO - !oney !arkets G <ash
D"-D1 Safety J Preser/e in/est-entsG
sa/in.s and o+t for -ini-a,
$"-$CO - Ba,anced 4nds
$C-0"O - %nco-e 4nds
"C-$"O - B,e <hi+ Stocks
0"-0CO - (i/idend Stocks
0C-A"O - <ertificates of (e+osits
$"-$CO - !oney !arkets G <ash
E" V Safety J Preser/e in/est-entsG
A"-ACO - %nco-e 4nds
0"-0CO - (i/idend Stocks
AC-B"O - <ertificates of (e+osits
"C-$"O - !oney !arkets G <ash
!ta, 4nds

Position 3f M" 42on, Various
#n/est2ent 4/enues
A+art fro- i,,i*id a/enes ,ike rea, estate, 5ewe,,ery) There are for -a5or
in/est-ent a/enes a/ai,ab,e to yo, na-e,y?
D)*t Instu,)nts
M!n)A Ma0)t Instu,)nts
Mutual Funds
1- *e1t #nstru2ents
Traditiona,,y debt instr-ents are known for .eneratin. a +redeter-ined
inco-e for a .i/en +eriod of ti-e, other than in cases of defa,t) Hence they are
a,so known as fi8ed inco-e instr-ents) So-e e8a-+,es inc,de?
NB4< (e+osits
<o-+any (e+osits
Bank (e+osits :4(s and sa/in.s acconts;
Go/ern-ent S-a,, Sa/in.s Sche-es :=).) PP4;
!ta, 4nds

The introdction of 4,oatin. Rate secrities -o/es away fro- the conce+t of
recei/in. a fi8ed rate of interest bt s..ests a /ariab,e rate of interest based on
an nder,yin. factor sch as >ondon %nterbank 'ffer Rate :>%B'R; or
!-bai %nterbank 'ffer Rate :!%B'R;) An e8a-+,e of sch a secrity is a
4,oatin. Rate Bond whose interest rate is !%B'R +,s C" basis +oints, where
!%B'R is /ariab,e)
A +reference share is a hybrid instr-ent, which can be cate.ori2ed as a fi8ed
inco-e instr-ent since the in/estors recei/e a fi8ed di/idend before the
re.,ar e*ity ho,ders recei/e their di/idend)
2- (;uity
%s a share in the ownershi+ of a co-+any9s assets and earnin.s) <o-+anies
sa,,y isse e*ity when they re*ire addition ca+ita, to fnd their e8istin.
bsiness or e8+and) At this +oint of ti-e the co-+any se,,s +art of the
ownershi+ of the co-+any to the +b,ic) >isted e*ities are .enera,,y hi.h,y
,i*id since they are traded in the stock e8chan.e)
An in/estor -akes -oney fro- e*ity thro.h di/idends +aid ot by the
co-+any :fro- its +rofits; on a +eriodic basis as we,, as ca+ita, a++reciation as
ref,ected in the stock +rice, which f,ctates in the -arket) Hence an in/estors
retrns are direct,y re,ated to the +erfor-ance of the co-+any9s bsiness)
=*ities do not offer any assred retrns, bt historica,,y +ro-ise the hi.hest
retrn in the ,on. rn)
!ta, 4nds

3- Money Mar5et #nstru2ents
These are the short-ter- /ersion of debt instr-ents, which ty+ica,,y ha/e a
-atrity of ,ess than one year) Qie,ds are s,,y abo/e that of the sa/in.s
accont rate in the Banks) These sa,,y tend to +reser/e the in/estor9s initia,
in/est-ent and are sa,,y the ,east risky asset c,ass fro- the for described
- Mutual "unds
!ta, 4nds

Entry $oad "i%e off
4 Pre2ature step<
%n/estors at ,ar.e, +artic,ar,y the retai, ones ha/e to be .ratef, to the S=B% for
insta,,in. se/era, strin.ent re.,ations desi.ned to +rotect the- a.ainst
frad,ent characters and sca-sters)
Qes, there was a ti-e when sch -easres were an abso,te necessity) The
indstry had beco-e sick, and stron. -edication was re*ired to ensre that it
does not die) The cost of the -edicine is not i-+ortant when it is a *estion of
,ife and death) Bt after the +atient reco/ers and beco-es hea,thy, a .ood doctor
has necessari,y to withdraw the -edicines, which are no -ore re*ired)
'therwise the +atient wo,d sffer side effects, which, -any a ti-es are worse
than the disease)
Granted, -a5ority of the decisions of S=B% are ,adab,e and S=B% has been the years doin. an e8ce,,ent 5ob of re.,atin. the %ndian -ta, fnd
indstry and -akin. it ado+t internationa, best +ractices as far as is +ossib,e)
N! l!ad !n d$)+t )ntants
!ta, 4nds

4or instance, so-e ti-e a.o S=B% had decided that A!<s sha,, not char.e
entry as we,, as e8it ,oad on bons nits and of nits a,,otted on rein/est-ent of
Si-i,ar,y, there wo,d be no entry ,oad on direct in/est-ents) 3ery .ood
decisions indeed in /iew of the fact that the entry ,oads -ain,y take care of the
co--ission to distribtors) 6here there is no distribtor, it does not -ake sense
to char.e an entry ,oad)
N!/& n! l!ad !n )%)A )ntant
Perha+s, as a -isconstred e8tension of the sa-e idea, S=B% has issed a
circ,ar sti+,atin. that for the +r+oses of e-+owerin. in/estors thro.h
trans+arency in +ay-ent of co--ission and ,oad strctre, there sho,d be no
entry ,oad for -ta, fnd sche-es, e8istin. or new)
The +front co--ission to distribtors sha,, be +aid by the in/estor to the
distribtor direct,y) !oreo/er, the distribtors sha,, disc,ose the co--ission,
trai, or otherwise, recei/ed by the- for different sche-esG-ta, fnds which
they are distribtin. or ad/isin. the in/estors)
>et s /iew this +ro+osa, +ra.-atica,,y)
!4s ha/e twin ob5ecti/es in -obi,isin. sa/in.s of the -asses - i; channe,ise
the- into +rodcti/e cor+orate in/est-ents and ii; +ro/ide faci,ities to +ersons
of e/en -odest -eans of ownin. indirect,y, e*ity shares, bonds, debentres
and .o/ern-ent secrities) An !4 is a financia, inter-ediary between the
in/estors and -arkets :stock and debt;)
%t +rotects the in/estor a.ainst ca+ita, risk by .i/in. hi- the benefit of not on,y
di/ersification bt a,so its +rofessiona, e8+ertise in in/est-ent -ana.e-ent)
The !47s constant s+er/ision of the +ortfo,io, which it ho,ds on beha,f of the
in/estor and the di/ersification of ,ar.e fnds o/er a ,ar.e +ortfo,io
a s+ectr- of indstries, is of .reat /a,e to the in/estor)
Therefore, the A!< has a to char.e a fee based on the tota, si2e of the
+ortfo,io it hand,es) This char.e is co,,ected by the A!< direct,y fro- the
cor+s and not fro- the in/estors) Sre,y, the in/estors sho,d not -ind this
The ro,e of a distribtor is to kee+ continos track of the /arios needs,
ob5ecti/es and risk a++etite of his c,ients and s..est to each one of the- a
sche-e best sited to his +rofi,e) This is indeed an oneros task re*irin.
*a,ity ti-e and resorces)
!ta, 4nds

This is the reason why !4s, S=B% and the Go/ern-ent +ro/ide for si2ab,e
fnds on in/estor edcation +ro.ra--es) The ro,e of a distribtor as a 7+reacher7
is i-+ortant to the c,ient becase in/est-ent is a s+ecia,ised fie,d) The
distribtor a,so +,ays the +art of a 7secretary7 in +ro/idin. after-+rchase ser/ice)
%n short, the distribtor has beco-e an indis+ensab,e factor withot who- the
!4 indstry wi,, ,an.ish) Qes, an infor-ed in/estor has the ca+acity to .o
direct bt wo,d not -ind +ayin. co--ission to the distribtor if he desires to
sa/e the ti-e to take infor-ed decisions)
Unfortnate,y, the ninfor-ed in/estors are ,ar.e in co-+arison and their
-indset wo,d certain,y +ro-+t the- to .o direct in order to sa/e the
co--ission) This wi,, hrt sch in/estors in the ,on. rn) 6hen the e/ent does
occr, he wo,d b,a-e the fnd for his ,osses and not hi-se,f :or
S=B%; and -o/e away fro- the !4 indstry)
%t is on,y in a +erfect wor,d that the ninfor-ed in/estor wi,, +ay se+arate,y for
the ad/ice and ser/ice he is .ettin.) !ore often than not, the nifor-ed in/estor
is ninfor-ed abot the fact that he is ninfor-ed
%ncidenta,,y, the a++roach of an honest distribtor sho,d be tota,istic in natre,
o+ti-isin. the inco-e and needs of the entire fa-i,y) He sho,d not be dea,in.
on,y in !4s, bt hand,e a,, other financia, +rodcts sch as RB% Sa/in.s Bonds,
Post office S-a,, Sa/in.s Sche-es, PP4, <o-4(s, etc, and -ost i-+ortant,y
hi.h +ayin. ,ife insrance +rodcts)
'ne can7t he,+ bt wonder whether this S=B% diktat -ay +ro-+t an otherwise
honest distribtor into -o/in. towards +rodcts sch as U>%Ps, which are for
a,, +ractica, +r+oses -ta, fnds with hi.h co--ission strctres)
U>%Ps are nothin. bt -ta, fnds that char.e far hi.her ,oads :fro- $CO; 'f
corse, the co-e down o/er the tenre of the in/est-ent) The +oint is
that those c,ear,y e8ist)
!oreo/er, of ,ate, the way U>%Ps are ad/ertised and +ro-oted, it is diffic,t for
e/en an infor-ed in/estor to differentiate and te,, a+art a -ta, fnd sche-e
fro- an U>%P) Then there are strctred +rodcts issed by +ortfo,io -ana.ers
and ,ar.e brokin. hoses, which too are nothin. bt -ta, fnds that offer
sbstantia,,y hi.her fees to distribtors)
Now, in sch an en/iron-ent where +rodcts with si-i,ar fnctions co-e8ist,
howe/er, with a /ast,y dissi-i,ar incenti/e strctre, c,ear,y, there wo,d be a
who,esa,e she+herdin. and forced -i.ration of not on,y ninfor-ed in/estors
bt a,so infor-ed ones to sch +rodcts) =/en honest +ortfo,io -ana.ers wi,, be
indced to beco-e nderstandab,y a ,itt,e wa/ered)
!ta, 4nds

That bein. said, we cannot e-+hasise eno.h that it doesn7t -ean that a
know,ed.eab,e in/estor is forced to +ay so-eone for ser/ices that he doesn7t
need) 4or sch a +erson, the syste- of by+assin. the distribtor and in/estin.
direct,y is, thanks to S=B% itse,f, a,ready in +,ace)
The on,y sb-ission is that i-+tin. the in/estor with the res+onsibi,ity of
co-+ensatin. the distribtor wi,, confse and corr+t the -arket +,ace) A
sche-e sho,d be either with a ,oad with a distribtor or withot a ,oad withot
a distribtor)
Since h.e -onetary and h-an resorces are e-+,oyed in the -ta, fnd
sector, the ,e/e, of efficiency obtained therein is increasin.,y conditionin. the
+erfor-ance of the nation7s econo-y) The crrent,y s..ested -easres, if
acce+ted, wo,d not on,y stran.,e a nascent -ta, fnd indstry bt wo,d a,so
be e8tre-e,y detri-enta, for the .rowth of or ca+ita, -arkets) U,ti-ate,y not
on,y -ta, fnds and distribtors bt in/estors too wo,d be ,osers)
Points of t&e circular fro2 .(B#
$) S=B% has been takin. /arios ste+s to e-+ower the in/estors in -ta, fnds
by way of -ore trans+arency in the ,oads borne by the in/estor so that the
in/estor can take infor-ed in/est-ent decisions) Towards this end, S=B% had
ear,ier abo,ished initia, isse e8+enses and -ta, fnd sche-es were a,,owed
to reco/er e8+enses connected with sa,es and distribtion thro.h entry ,oad
4rther, in/estors -akin. direct a++,ications to the -ta, fnds were
e8e-+ted fro- entry ,oad)
0) %n ter-s of e8istin. arran.e-ent, tho.h the in/estor +ays for the ser/ices
rendered by the -ta, fnd distribtors, distribtors are re-nerated by Asset
!ana.e-ent <o-+anies :A!<s; fro- ,oads dedcted fro- the in/ested
a-onts or the rede-+tion +roceeds) S=B% :!ta, 4nds; Re.,ations, $11D
a,so +er-it A!<s to char.e the sche-e :nder the anna, recrrin. e8+ense;
for -arketin. and se,,in. e8+enses inc,din. distribtor9s co--ission.
A) 4rther, a,, ,oads inc,din. <ontin.ent (eferred Sa,es <har.e :<(S<; for
the sche-e are -aintained in a se+arate accont and this a-ont is sed by the
A!<s to +ay co--issions to the distribtors and to take care of other
-arketin. and se,,in. e8+enses) %t has been ,eft to the A!<s to credit any
sr+,s in this accont to the sche-e, whene/er fe,t a++ro+riate) %n order to
!ta, 4nds

incenti/ise ,on. ter- in/estors it is considered necessary that e8it ,oadsG<(S<s
which are beyond reasonab,e ,e/e,s are credited to the sche-e i--ediate,y)
B) %n order to e-+ower the in/estors in decidin. the co--ission +aid to
distribtors in accordance with the ,e/e, of ser/ice recei/ed, to brin. abot
-ore trans+arency in +ay-ent of co--issions and to incenti/ise ,on. ter-
in/est-ent, it has been decided that?
a; There sha,, be no entry ,oad for a,, -ta, fnd sche-es)
b; The sche-e a++,ication for-s sha,, carry a sitab,e disc,osre to the effect
that the +front co--ission to distribtors wi,, be +aid by the in/estor direct,y
to the distribtor, based on his assess-ent of /arios factors inc,din. the
ser/ice rendered by the distribtor)
c; 'f the e8it ,oad or <(S< char.ed to the in/estor, a -a8i-- of $O of the
rede-+tion +roceeds sha,, be -aintained in a se+arate accont which can be
sed by the A!< to +ay co--issions to the distribtor and to take care of other
-arketin. and se,,in. e8+enses) Any ba,ance sha,, be credited to the sche-e
d; The distribtors sho,d disc,ose a,, the co--issions :in the for- of trai,
co--ission or any other -ode; +ayab,e to the- for the different co-+etin.
sche-es of /arios -ta, fnds fro- which the sche-e is bein.
reco--ended to the in/estor)
C) This circ,ar sha,, be a++,icab,e for
a) %n/est-ents in -ta, fnd sche-es :inc,din. additiona, +rchases and
switch-in to a sche-e fro- other sche-es; with effect fro- $,
0""1 F
b) Rede-+tions fro- -ta, fnd sche-es :inc,din. switch-ot fro- other
sche-es; with effect fro- $, 0""1 F
c) New -ta, fnd sche-es ,anched on and after $, 0""1F and
d) Syste-atic %n/est-ent P,ans :S%P; re.istered on or after $, 0""1)
D) A!<s sha,, fo,,ow the +ro/isions +ertainin. in c,ase C:0;:b; of S=B%
<irc,ar S=B%G%!(G<%R No) CG$0D"1DG"# dated !ay 0A, 0""# re.ardin.
!ta, 4nds

+dation of Sche-e %nfor-ation (oc-ent :S%(; and Key %nfor-ation
!e-orand- :K%!; in this res+ect)
E) The A!<s sha,, brin. the contents of this circ,ar to the notice of their
distribtors i--ediate,y and -onitor co-+,iance)
#) This circ,ar is issed in e8ercise of +owers conferred nder Section $$ :$; of
the Secrities and =8chan.e Board of %ndia Act, $110, read with the +ro/isions
of Re.,ation EE of S=B% :!ta, 4nds; Re.,ations, $11D, to +rotect the
interests of in/estors in secrities and to +ro-ote the de/e,o+-ent of, and to
re.,ate the secrities -arket)
Effect on N&
N@ %ndia %n/est P/t) >td) 'ne of the -a5or distribtion hose for !ta, 4nds
is a,so affected by this decision of S=B%)
Their bsiness decreased by abot B"O of their +re/ios bsiness /o,-e
in ,ast two -onths) To o/erco-e it N@ +,anned to introdce new +rodcts and
ser/ices) They are?
$) Portfo,io !ana.e-ent Ser/ices :P!S;
0) Rea,ity
A) %nsrance
B) 6ea,th accont
C) =-accont

These are a few new ob5ects added to N@9s +rodct ,ist which he,+ it to
o/erco-e the +ressre of no entry ,oad and wi,, he,+ to create trno/er and
,ti-ate,y to -eet the needs to rn the or.ani2ation)
!ta, 4nds

'alue (ac) (rocure*ent
!ta, 4nds

!ta, 4nds

M'%'46 "'7* 4*V#.3)
There e8ists a .reat +otentia, & o++ortnity to estab,ish yor own
-ta, fnd ad/isory +ractice in %ndia) %f yo are an e8istin.
+ro/ider of other in/est-ent or insrance so,tions then yo can
add -ta, fnds to yor basket and -o/e towards bein. a
7co-+,ete financia, ad/isor7)

N@ 4nd2 Network is a dedicated +,atfor- offerin.
co-+rehensi/e and ni*e +rodcts and ser/ices for the
.rowth & de/e,o+-ent of inde+endent financia, ad/isors) N@7s
AD"I Ad/isory P,atfor-, offers ad/isors with cttin. ed.e
so,tions and effecti/e s++ort to create bsiness brand and
offer *a,ity /a,e-added ser/ices to c,ients)
N@ offers yo with a ni*e, co-+rehensi/e bsiness +,atfor- to he,+ yo .row
& de/e,o+ yor ad/isory +ractice in a +owerf,, effecti/e way) The +,atfor-
de,i/ers -ch -ore to yo, kee+in. yo abo/e cr/e - both on yor bsiness
front and on c,ient ser/ices)

3pportunities for you
I" A!u a) a KF)s')K - Bein. an A!4% <ertified !ta, 4nd Ad/isor
6e wo,d +ro/ide yo with co-+,ete Trainin. and edcationa, -ateria, to
a++ear and sccessf,,y c,ear the A!4% !ta, 4nds Ad/isors !od,e, which
is a +rere*isite for ad/isin. and distribtion of !ta, 4nd2) 'n sccessf,
co-+,etion on the sa-e yo beco-e a <ertified !ta, 4nd Ad/isor) The
A!4% trainin. +ro.ra--es are condcted the year to the /arios N@
centers across %ndia)
I" A!u a) al)adA a Mutual Fund Ad%$s! - Bein. an N@ 4nd2 Network
!ta, 4nds

N@ offers yo with a,, the +rodcts, ser/ices and s++ort that yo -ay need to
beco-e a tr,y after +rofessiona, ad/isors) At the /ery basic ,e/e,, we
wo,d he,+ yo with the fo,,owin.W
$; =nrich yor ser/ice offerin.s
0; 'ffer Techno,o.ica, So,tions
A; Pro/ide Bsiness P,annin., (e/e,o+-ent and Sa,es S++ort
3!0= 0 4d/isory Platfor2

N@ be,ie/es in AD"I J Ad/isory P,atfor- +hi,oso+hy W
6ith this +hi,oso+hy, we try to offer a,, +ossib,e +rodcts, ser/ices and s++ort
which an Ad/isor wo,d need in his bsiness)
The s++ort fnctions are .enera,,y in the fo,,owin. areas W
Bsiness P,annin. and Strate.y
Trainin. and (e/e,o+-ent J Se,f and of e-+,oyees
Prodcts and Ser/ice 'fferin.s
Bsiness Brandin.
Sa,es and (e/e,o+-ent
Ad/isors Resorces - Too,s, <a,c,ators, etc))
6ith this co-+rehensi/e s++ortin. +,atfor-, the N@ 4nd2 Partners stays
ahead of the cr/e in each res+ect co-+ared to other Ad/isorsGco-+etitors in
the -arket)
Need,ess to say, the co-+,ete N@ 4nd2 offerin. is hard to resist
!ta, 4nds

Syste*atic nvest*ent (lan +S(,
P)$!d$+ $n%)st,)nts $s )"))d t! as a SIP)
That -eans that, e/ery -onth, yo co--it to in/estin., say, Rs $,""" in yor
fnd) At the end of a year, yo wo,d ha/e in/ested Rs $0,""" in yor fnd)
>et7s say the NA3 on the day yo in/est in the first -onth is Rs 0"F yo wi,, .et
C" nits)
The ne8t -onth, the NA3 is Rs 0C) Qo wi,, .et B" nits)
The fo,,owin. -onth, the NA3 is Rs $#) Qo wi,, .et CC)CD nits)
So, after three -onths, yo wo,d ha/e $BC)CD nits) 'n an a/era.e, yo wo,d
ha/e +aid arond Rs 0$ +er nit) This is becase, when the NA3 is hi.h, yo
.et fewer nits +er Rs $,""") 6hen the NA3 fa,,s, yo .et -ore nits +er Rs
!ta, 4nds

SIP H T') *)st /aA "! $n%)st,)nt
Cas) StudA
X !arket hit a hi.h of CBC" in !ar 0""")
X !arket crashed to ,ows of 0D"")
X %t took a,-ost B)C years for the -arket to sca,e back the ,e/e, of CB"" in
Se+ 0""B)
X >et9s see how the S%P in/estors fared in that scenario)
In%)st! 1 H Pan$+ In%)st!s
These in/estors had started their S%P of Rs) 0""" in !ar 0""" +eak) 6ith the
dec,ine in the -arket they +anicked & sto++ed their S%P in a s+an of $A -onths
S%P Start (ate !ar-""
!ta, 4nds

S%P =nd (ate !ar-"$
No) of insta,,-ents $A
S+'),) Na,) In%)st,)nt Valu) $n Ma 31 R)tuns
Re,iance Growth 0D,""" $#,#BD -BD)$O
H(4< =*ity 4nd 0D,""" 0",#E" -AA)1O
%<%<% Techno,o.y 4nd 0D,""" $B,1BB -DE)AO
Bir,a New !i,,enni- 0D,""" $B,C1D -D1)"O
T')s) $n%)st!s a+tuallA ,ad) a l!ss !n t')$ SIPs *A st!99$n( $t $n t')
In%)st! 7 H S,at In%)st!s
These in/estors had started their S%P of Rs) 0""" in !ar 0""" +eak) They
contined their S%P and ke+t on in/estin. in the S%Ps)
S%P Start (ate !ar-""
No) of insta,,-ents CC
S+'),) Na,) In%)st,)nt Valu) $n S)9 35 R)tuns
Re,iance Growth $,$",""" A,0C,EAD C")CO
H(4< =*ity 4nd $,$",""" 0,CA,AAE A#)$O
%<%<% Techno,o.y 4nd $,$",""" $,EB,A"" 0")CO
Bir,a New !i,,enni- $,$",""" $,DB,00B $E)#O
T')s) $n%)st!s 'a%) ,ad) 9')n!,)nal )tuns )%)n t'!u(' ,a0)t 'as
d)l$%))d n! )tun FF!, 6533 l)%)l $n Ma 33 t! 6533 l)%)l $n S)9 35G
In%)st! 2 H N)/ In%)st!
These in/estors started their S%P of Rs) 0""" in !ar 0""$, $ year after the fa,, in
the -arket
!ta, 4nds

S%P Start (ate !ar-"$
No) of insta,,-ents BA
S+'),) Na,) In%)st,)nt Valu) $n S)9 35 R)tuns
Re,iance Growth #D,""" 0,B#,C0# DD)#O
H(4< =*ity 4nd #D,""" $,1",AB$ B#)AO
%<%<% Techno,o.y 4nd #D,""" $,C",#BB AA)0O
Bir,a New !i,,enni- #D,""" $,BA,1CB A")AO
In%)st!s /'! 'a%) stat)d SIP $n l)an 9)$!d 'a%) ,ad) "antast$+ )tuns
X %n/est-ents of Rs)$""""G- beco-es Rs)0ED1BEG- e/en after se/era, fa,,s
in the NA3 drin. the +eriod of $A Qears)
X And fina,,y, with the crrent correction, its NA3 has fa,,en by C"O A
ti-es o/er the +eriod of +ast $B years)
X =/en after the crrent fa,,, the fnd is sti,, de,i/erin. a <AGR of 01O
wide,y beatin. the inde8 which has .i/en #)AO retrns)
!ta, 4nds

X The Abso,te retrns fro- the fnd e/en after the crrent fa,, are
sta..erin. AC01)E0O)
X =*ity in/est-ents thro.h !ta, 4nds de,i/er $C-0"O of retrns
o/er >on. ter-)
X B,, and bear -arket cyc,es are natre of =*ity -arkets and are .oin.
to contine in ftre a,so)
4inancia, ad/isors know /ery ,ess abot benefits of !4 and its bsiness)
They ha/e a +erce+tion that there is no +otentia, earnin. in !4 bsiness)
%n/estors of a.e in/est .enera,,y in e*ity fnds whereas o,der
a.e in/estors in/est in debt fnds)
%n/estin. thro.h !4 is best way for ca+ita, a++reciation within
+rotection in co-+arison to in/estin. direct,y in e*ity -arket and other
in/est-ent a/enes)
So-e sche-es of each A!< +erfor- we,, which ha/e a .ood 4nd
! and we,, desi.ned Portfo,io)
6i+in. off the entry ,oad affected the indstry bad,y in initia, sta.e) %t
affected N@, other distribtion hoses as we,, as A!<s)
!ta, 4nds

>o+ %o #n/est #n Mutual "und
!ta, fnds nor-a,,y co-e ot with an ad/ertise-ent in news+a+ers
+b,ishin. the date of ,anch of the new sche-es) %n/estors can a,so contact the
a.ents and distribtors of -ta, fnds who are s+read a,, o/er the contry for
necessary infor-ation and a++,ication for-s) 4or-s can be de+osited with
-ta, fnds thro.h the a.ents and distribtors who +ro/ide sch ser/ices)
Now a days, the +ost offices and banks a,so distribte the nits of -ta, fnds)
Howe/er, the in/estors -ay +,ease note that the -ta, fnds sche-es bein.
-arketed by banks and +ost offices sho,d not be taken as their own sche-es
and no assrance of retrns is .i/en by the-) The on,y ro,e of banks and +ost
offices is to he,+ in distribtion of -ta, fnds sche-es to the in/estors)
%n/estors sho,d not be carried away by co--issionG.ifts .i/en by
a.entsGdistribtors for in/estin. in a +artic,ar sche-e) 'n the other hand they
-st consider the track record of the -ta, fnd and sho,d take ob5ecti/e
There are three -a5or asset c,asses that yo can +t yor -oney into, na-e,y
e*ities, fi8ed inco-e and -oney -arket instr-ents) %n order to decide how
-ch of yor -oney .oes into which in/est-ent c,ass yo -st first consider a
few i-+ortant factors :-ost of these wi,, be tack,ed by yo drin. yor .oa,
definition +hase;?
Retrn e8+ected on yor in/est-ent
A-ont yo wi,, be ab,e to sa/e :+resent as we,, as ftre;
!ta, 4nds

<ash otf,ows yo ha/e at certain +oints of ti-e in the ftre
Risk a++etite
A-ont yo wi,, re*ire for yor retire-ent
Hence de to the /ariab,e natre of the in/estor9s finances and re*ire-ents
there are no set strate.ies sed by financia, cons,tants) Bt we can +ro/ide yo
with broad strate.ies that yo can ada+t to -eet yo own needs)
.o2e su,,estions for in/estors
Try to sa/e as -ch as yor a,,ows, as -ore sa/in. ,eads to -ore
in/est-ent that wi,, .row into ca+ita, base)
P,an yor in/est-ent o/er a , +eriod of ti-e, kee+in. in -ind yor
a.e, yor financia, tar.ets, yor ,e/e, of risk a/ersion yor sa/in. +attern
and yor in/est-ent ob5ecti/es)
%n/est -ore in stock fnds bt do kee+ a reasonab,e +art of yor
in/est-ent in ,i*id secrities as -oney -arket fnds, short ter- bonds
etc so as to -eet any contin.ent sitation)
(o not in/est in hi.h,y /o,ati,e fnds)
Think before yo in/est) (o co,,ect and ana,y2e eno.h infor-ation
abot the fnds yo +,an to in/est in)
(o not confse yorse,f by s+readin. yor in/est-ent too wide bt
reasonab,e di/ersification of in/est-ent is a -st a,so)
Periodica,,y kee+ re/iewin. ob5ecti/es of yor in/est-ent and try to kee+
yor assets in ba,ance)
>ast,y, -aintain +ro+er record of yor transactions)
!ta, 4nds

.o2e su,,estions for 7?
As re+orted in the stdy, N@ try to i-+ro/e +on their weak areas re.ardin. the
factors that inf,ence ad/isors decision -akin. as re.ards choice of workin. for
-ta, fnd indstry, the faci,ities or o+tions they e8+ect fro- an A!< or
distribtion hose, the criteria they .enera,,y be,ie/e to be the best is a-ont of
brokera.e +assed to the-) N@ sho,d e8tend f,, s++ort to the ad/isors in ter-s
%n/est-ent ad/isory ser/ice
Gi/in. the- the best a-ont of brokera.e and .ifts for -oti/ation)
=nsrin. f,, disc,osre of re,e/ant and correct infor-ation)
To introdce new +rodcts for their csto-ers n +artners)
!ta, 4nds

Book by A!4%
't,ook !oney
Bsiness Today
<a+ita, !arket
!ta, 4nd
=cono-ic Ti-es
Bsiness >ine
!ta, 4nds

!ta, 4nds

!ta, 4nds

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