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Welcome to SCF On Line Help

Designation Details
Designation Resources Details
User Resources Details
Change Password
Organisation Details
Branch Details
Employee Details
Team Details
Base Model Details
Model Details
Model Color Details
Target Details
Budget Details
Profession Details
Industry Details
Prospect Details
ead !ssignment Details
Case Details
Daily !ppointment
Pending Prospects
"cheme Detail
"chemes Model map
#inance "ource Details
Order Boo$ing #orm
"toc$ %In&entory details'
(hole sale and Retail Target Details
Model "ales
Product and Color "ales
Team Product Model "ales
"ource (ise "ales
Prospect "tatus Details
"ales Report
#leet Details
)itty "tatus
Profita*ility report
Insurance and Regn Details
#inance "ource Report
Target &s !chie&ed
Base Model wise Prospect Count
In&entory ist
!geing Report
(holesale Details
(holesale Target !chie&ed
!isc Repo"ts
Pending Retail
Cost of sales
Mar$et "egment Report
"cheme !&ailed Report
Closed without sale
Model ist
Team ist
Target ist
Branch ist
Employee ist
Prospect ist
User ist
Designation TOP
This option can only *e accessed *y an !dmin or an authori+ed user, -ere !uthori+ed
user can create or modify a designation and he can also define the access rights for a
particular designation,
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ This option would gi&e the authori+ed user a choice to create a new designation0
to modify description 1 access rights of an e2isting designation and deleting it,
"tep 3/ If new is selected0 then the authori+ed user creates a new designation *y entering
name0 description0 and assign access rights *y chec$ing the rights, !fter entering the data
and clic$ing on the 4add designation4 ta* a new designation will *e created, !uthori+ed
user can also assign additional access rights to an employee o&er 1 a*o&e the designation
access rights *y clic$ing on 4Employee4 lin$ under "ETUP option after creating the
"tep 5/ If an e2isting designation is selected then the !uthorised user can modify6delete
it, To modify a designation0 the authori+ed user first select an e2isting designation from
the com*o *o2 and then enters the new information in the corresponding fields, !fter
clic$ing on the 4modify designation4 the selected designation will *e modified, "imilarly
clic$ing on 4delete designation4 ta* will delete the selected designation, %7ote/
Designation will only *e deleted only when it is not assigned to any of the employees'

7ote/ Only !dmin and 48M4 designation can delete the designation
Designation Resources TOP
This option can only *e accessed *y an !dmin or an authori+ed user, -ere the !uthori+ed
user can grant or re&o$e rights to &arious resources to a designation,
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ "elect a designation from the com*o *o2
"tep 3/ "elect the rights *y chec$ing6 unchec$ing the rights present under the
48roup4 heading,
"tep 5/ "a&e the rights *y clic$ing on 4!ssign Rights4 *utton,
User Resources TOP
This option can only *e accessed *y an !dmin or an authori+ed user, -ere the !uthori+ed
user can grant or re&o$e rights to &arious resources to a User, This option can *e used to
grant additional rights to a user,
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ "elect a user from the com*o *o2,
"tep 3/ "elect the rights *y chec$ing6 Unchec$ing the rights present under the
48roup4 heading,
"tep 5/ "a&ing the rights *y clic$ing on 4!ssign Rights4 *utton,
Change Password TOP
This will allow the User to change his Password, This facility is pro&ided to e&ery user of
the application,
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ User will ha&e to enter the old password,
"tep 3/ Then the user will *e re9uired to enter the new Password and reconfirm it *y
entering in Confirm Password,

Organisation TOP
This will allow the !dmin or !uthori+ed user to add new organisation and modify6delete
an e2isting organisation,
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ To add a new organisation0 !dmin or !uthori+ed user selects new from the
com*o *o2,
"tep 3/ !fter entering organisation name and other details and clic$ing on the 4!dd
Organisation4 ta*0 a new organisation will *e created,
"tep 5/ To modify6delete an e2isting organisation0 !dmin or !uthori+ed User first select
an e2isting organisation name from the com*o *o2 and then clic$s on the appropriate
%Modify6Delete'ta* to ma$e the desired changes,
7ote/ This application is made 1 tested for one organisation, Currently0 it doesn4t
support multiple organisations,
This section allows the !dmin or !uthori+ed User to add6modify6delete *ranch from an
e2isting organisation,
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ To add a 7ew *ranch0 !dmin or !uthori+ed User first selects an 4Organisation
name4 and 47ew4 from the com*o *o2es 0 enters the details for the new *ranch and then
clic$ the 4!dd Branch4 ta*,By default the status of the *ranch is acti&e,
"tep 3/ To modify6delete an e2isting *ranch0 !dmin or !uthori+ed User first select an
e2isting organisation name from the com*o *o20 then selects the *ranch and then clic$s
on the appropriate %Modify6Delete' ta* to ma$e the desired changes, %7ote/ Branch will
*e deleted only when the selected *ranch doesn4t ha&e any team'
Employee TOP
This section allows the !dmin or !uthori+ed User to add6delete6modify Employees,
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ To add a new employee 0 !uthori+ed User would first select an e2isting *ranch to
which the employee *elongs and then would choose 7ew from the com*o *o2 named
4Employee code4,
"tep 3/ Enter the employee details0 select the designation and assign rights to this
employee0 if there is a need to assign additional rights to this employee The status of an
e2isting employee should remain as 4acti&e4 , !fter entering all the correct and mandatory
details of an employee 0 clic$ on 4!dd Employee4 *utton to sa&e the employee details in
the data*ase,
"tep 5/ To modify6delete an e2isting employee0 !uthori+ed User would first select a
*ranch name and employee code from the com*o *o2es and then clic$ on the appropriate
%Modify6Delete' *utton to ma$e the desired changes, %7ote/ Employee will *e deleted
only when there is no prospect allocated to it',
Team TOP
This section allows the !uthori+ed User to create a new team0 modify and delete the
e2isting teams,
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ To create a new team0 !uthori+ed User would first select the *ranch name0 then
47ew4 from the com*o *o2 named 4Team 7ame4 and enters the team name,
"tep 3/ !uthori+ed User would then select a Team Manager and Team eader from the
com*o *o2 named 4Team Manager4 and 4Team eader4, !ll those mem*ers who hasn4t
*een assigned to any team as yet will automatically appear in 4Team Mem*er4 te2t field,
"tep 5 User would then select a team mem*er from left te2t field and then clic$s on 4:4
*utton which will add the selected mem*er to the team, %7ote/ Clic$ing on 4::4 *utton
will add all the mem*ers present in the left te2t field to the new team,'
"tep ; User would then select team type from the com*o *o2 named 4Team Type4, The
status of the team would *e !cti&e0 *y default, #inally clic$ing on 4!dd Team4 *utton will
create a new team,
"tep < To Modify a Team0 !uthori+ed User would select a *ranch name and Team name
from the respecti&e com*o *o2es, The details of that team would *e displayed which the
user ha&e selected, The user can then change the Team Manager0 Team eader or Team
"tep = To add new mem*er to this team0 User would select a team mem*er from left te2t
field and then clic$s on 4:4 *utton which will add the selected mem*er to the team, %7ote/
Clic$ing on 4::4 *utton will add all the mem*ers present in the left te2t field to the team,',
To delete mem*ers from the selected team0 User would first select team mem*er from the
right te2t field named 4Team Mem*er4 and then clic$ on 4>4 *utton to modify the selected
team, %7ote/ Clic$ing on 4>>4 *utton will remo&e all the team mem*ers present in the
selected team and ma$e them a&aila*le in left te2t field meaning they are yet to *e
assigned to a team', Clic$ing on 4Modify Team4 *utton will then modify the selected team
"tep ? To delete a team0 !uthori+ed User would select a Branch 7ame0 Team Manager 0
Team eader from the gi&en com*o *o2es, %7ote/ !uthori+ed User can only delete the
selected team if this team doesn4t ha&e any team mem*er', Clic$ing on 4Delete team4
*utton would then delete the selected team,
Base Model TOP
This section allows the !uthori+ed User to create6modify6delete a Base Model,,
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ To create a new Base Model0 !uthori+ed User would select 7ew from the com*o
*o2 named 4Base Model 7ame4 0 enters the Base Model 7ame and predefined 4!cc,
Target Multiplier4, Clic$ing on 4!dd Base Model4 *utton will add a new *ase Model in
the 4Base model 7ame4 com*o *o2,
"tep 3/ To modify a Base Model0 !uthori+ed User would select an e2isting Base Model
from 4Base Model 7ame4 com*o *o20 enters the new name and !cc, Target Multiplier for
the selected Base Model, Clic$ing on 4Modify Base Model4 would then modify the
selected Base Model,
"tep5 To delete a Base Model0 !uthori+ed User would first select an e2isting Base
Model from the com*o *o2, User would then clic$ on 4Delete Base Model4 *utton to
delete selected Base Model, %7ote/ Base Model will *e deleted only when none of the
models are associated with it',
Model TOP
This section allows the !uthori+ed User to add new model to an e2isting *ase model and
modify6delete a model,
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ To create a new Model0 !uthori+ed User would select 7ew from the com*o *o2
named 4 Model 7ame4 0 enters the model name in the te2t field 0 select an e2isting Base
Model 7ame from the com*o *o2 named 4Based Model 7ame4 and enters the information
in Engine0 Capacity and Dealer Margin te2t field, Clic$ing on 4!dd Model4 *utton will
add a new Model to the selected 4Base model 7ame4,
"tep 3/ To modify a Model for a Base Model0 !uthori+ed User would first select an
e2isting Base Model from 4Base Model 7ame4 com*o *o20 then select a model name and
enters the new changed model name0 Engine0 Capacity0 Dealer Margin into the shown
field, Clic$ing on the 4Modify Model4 *utton would then modify the selected Model,

"tep 5/ To delete a Model for a Base Model0 !uthori+ed User first selects Base Model
and the corresponding Model from the com*o *o2es, User would then clic$ on 4Delete
Model4 *utton to delete selected Base Model,
Model Color TOP
This section allows the !uthori+ed User to add color 1 define the models that come in
that particular color0 delete6modify the e2isting colors of a model
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ To add a new color for a Model0 !uthori+ed User would select 7ew from the
com*o *o2 named 4Color 7ame4 0 enters the color name in the te2t field and select the list
of Models %can *e more than one' from the te2t field named 4ist of Models4, One or
more model can *e selected using the 4ctrl4 $ey, Clic$ing on 4!dd Color4 *utton will add a
new color to the selected models,
"tep 3/ To modify color for a Model0 !uthori+ed User would select a color from the
com*o *o2 named 4Color 7ame4, !ll models *elonging to the selected color will *e
displayed in the 4ist Of Models4 te2t field, User would then select6deselects a model to
which he wants to modify, Clic$ing on 4Modify Color4 *utton will modify colors for the
selected Models,
"tep 5/ To delete a color of a Model0 !uthori+ed User would select a Color 7ame from
the com*o *o2 named 4Color 7ame4, User would then clic$ on 4Delete Color4 *utton to
delete the selected color 1 its associations with the models,
Target TOP
This section allows the !uthori+ed User to set0 modify and delete targets, E&ery team
mem*er of a *ranch is assigned some monthly targets for models
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ To create6modify a target0 !uthori+ed User would select a Branch name0 Team
7ame Team Mem*er and @ear from the dropdown lists0 enters the target in nos in the
edita*le te2t field named 4Car4 of e&ery month, !fter setting all the desired fields for
target for the car the user can clic$ on the 4"et !cc, Target4 *utton which will
automatically set 4!cc,4 target for e&ery month, By setting the accessory target with the
help of the 4"et !cc, Target4 *utton0 the accessory target will *e set *ased on the 4acc
target multiplier4 defined in the 4Base Model Details4 page, If the user wants to fill in the
accessory target manually0 he can do so *y manually entering the acc targets without
clic$ing on the 4"et !cc Target4 *utton, User would then clic$ 4Modify Target4 *utton to
sa&e the target details in the data*ase, -ere the 4Modify Target4 *utton is used to create or
modify the targets,
"tep 3/ The *utton that says 4Team Manager4s Target Details4 would show the target
details of the teams that come under the Team Manager of the team that is selected, It
also show the consolidated target for car 1 accessory for the Team Manager,
"tep 5/ The target details can also *e deleted for a particular team mem*er *y clic$ing the
delete target *utton,
Prospect TOP
This section allows the !uthori+ed User to create new prospect0 add and delete e2isting
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ To create a new prospect0 "elect the Branch 7ame from dropdown list named
"tep 3/ "elect 7ew from the dropdown list named 4Prospect4 %A means mandatory',
"tep 5/ Chec$ the Indi&idual6Company Radio Buttons,
"tep ;/ If the customer already e2ists0 then select customer name from the dropdown list,
"electing the customer from the dropdown list will fill all the field of the current form so
there is no need to enter the customer details again,
"tep </ If a new prospect comes0 lea&e the dropdown *o2 and start entering the prospect
details in the form,
"tep =/ Enters all company name0 address etc, and all the mandatory fields, Enter 4Plan to
*uy Date4, It must *e greater than 4#ollow up Date4 and 4Date of En9uiry4, %#ollow up Date
means the date on which the sales consultant contacts the prospect',
"tep ?/ Clic$ the 4!dd Prospect4 *utton to create a new prospect,
%7ote/ !fter creating a new prospect0 clic$ on 4ead !ssignment4 su*heading under the
PRE "!E" heading to open a 4lead !ssignments details form4'

ead !ssignment TOP
This section allows the !uthori+ed User to assign a prospect to an employee,
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ !fter creating a new prospect0 clic$ on 4ead !ssignment4 su*heading
under the PRE "!E" heading to open a 4lead !ssignments details form4
"tep 3/ "elect a Branch 7ame from the drop list named 4Branch 7ame4,
"tep 5/ "elect a Team 7ame from the drop list named 4Team 7ame4,
"tep ;/ "elect the Manager 7ame from the 4!ssigned from4 drop down

"tep </ "elect an employee name from 4!ssigned To4 dropdown list,

"tep =/ in$ed Prospects displays the list of prospects already assigned
to the current employee, if chec$ed enteries will *e unchec$ed then these enteries will
*e deleted from the prospects of current employee selected,

"tep ?/ Unlin$ed Prospects displays the list of Prospects which are not
assigned to any employee,
"tep B/ Chec$ the chec$*o2 for the unlin$ed prospect to add,
"tep C/ Press the 4Modify ead !ssignment Details4 assign the prospect,
"tep .D/ To display all ead !ssignments details0 press the 4ead
!ssignments isting4 *utton,
"tep ../ To modify ead !ssignment Details0 first chec$ the rows and then press
the 4Modify ead !ssignment Details4 *utton and goto "tep =,
Case TOP
This section is only a&aila*le for employee who has *een assigned a prospect *y his
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ "elect new from case ID drop down list, If other than new is selected0 then an
already created case will *e open for modification,
"tep 3 "elect a prospect 7ame from the drop down *o2
"tep 5 "elect a model and color from the drop down *o2es,
"tep ;/ "elect the #ollow up actions
"tep <, "elect the #ollow up date0 time from the drop down *o2es
"tep = "elect 7e2t #ollow up date and time, %This must *e greater than #ollow up date
and Time,
"tep ?/ "elect Case state from the drop down list, If the state is 4warm4 then in the 4#ollow
up action4 drop down list0 user must select 8i&e Test Dri&e option, If the state is 4hot4 then
in the 4#ollow up action4 drop down list0 user must select a model0 color and Test Dri&e
option, from the #ollow up action, If the state is closed without sale0 then the user must
write a mandatory reason in the 4notes4 te2tfield and status will *e made acti&e
automatically, If the state is 4closed without sale4 sales will *e made automatically acti&e,
"tep B/ 4Created *y4 te2t field is non edita*le and it contains the employee code,
"tep C/ Press the add Case *utton to add the case
Order Boo$ing #orm TOP
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./
"tep 3/
"toc$ TOP
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./
"tep 3/
Model "ales TOP
This section allows the !uthori+ed User to display Month wise model (ise "ales Report
1 percent contri*ution
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ "elect a Base Model 7ame from the dropdown *o2 named 4Base Model 7ame4,
"tep 3/ "elect a year from the dropdown *o2 named 4@ear4, ! report will *e generated
displaying the list of models of the selected Base Model purchased for the year selected,
%E Contri, tells how much percent is the sale of a model to the total sale',
"tep 5/ "electing 4!ll4 from the dropdown *o2 named 4Base Model 7ame4 will display the
sales of all the models a&aila*le for all Base Models for the year selected,
Product !nd color "ales TOP
This section allows the !uthori+ed User to display Month wise product wise color wise
"ales 1 percent contri*ution
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ "elect a Base Model 7ame from the dropdown *o2 named 4Base Model 7ame4,
"tep 3/ "elect a year from the dropdown *o2 named 4@ear4,! report will *e generated
displaying the Month wise product wise color wise "ales 1 percent contri*ution for the
selected Base Model name,
"tep 5/ "electing 4!ll4 from the dropdown *o2 named 4Base Model 7ame4 will display the
Month wise product wise color wise "ales 1 percent contri*ution report for all the Base
Team Product Model "ales TOP
This section allows the !uthori+ed User to display Team Product Model "ales Report
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ "elect a Branch 7ame from the dropdown *o2 named 4Branch 7ame4,
"tep 3/ "elect a Team 7ame from the dropdown *o2 named 4Team 7ame4,
"tep 5/ "elect a Base Model 7ame from the dropdown *o2 named 4Base Model 7ame4,
"tep ;/ "elect a year from the dropdown *o2 named 4@ear4, ! report will *e generated
according to the selected criteria,
"ource (ise "ales TOP
This section allows the !uthori+ed !dmin to generate a source wise sales report,
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ "elect a Branch 7ame from the dropdown list named 4Branch 7ame4,
"tep 3/ "elect a Team Manager from the dropdown list named 4Team Manager4,
"tep 5/ "elect a Team eader from the dropdown list named 4Team eader4,
"tep ;/ "elect a Team Mem*er from the dropdown list named 4Team Mem*er4, ! report
will *e generated according to the selected criteria,
"tep </ ! few points a*out report/ There is a column named 4"ale4 in the report,
8eneration means the case state selected while creating the prospect was closed with sale,
Dead means the case state selected while creating the prospect was closed without sale
Prospect "tate Details TOP
This section allows the !uthori+ed User to display Prospect "tate Details report
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ "elect a Team eader from the dropdown list named 4Team eader4,
"tep 3/ "elect a Team Mem*er from the dropdown list named 4Team Mem*er4, ! report
will *e generated according to the selected criteria,
"ales Report TOP
This section will allows the !uthori+ed User to generate the master sales Report
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ "elect a *ranch from the dropdown *o2 named 4Branch
"tep 3/ "elect a start date from the menu
"tep 5/ "elect an end date from the menu% End date must *e greater than the start date',

"tep ;/ Clic$ on 4Display Report4 *utton, ! report will *e generated according to the
selected criteria
In&entory ist TOP
This will assign the resources%s' to the Roles,This will consist of the list of all the
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ "elect the role to which Resources has to *e assigned,
"tep 3/ Chec$ the chec$*o2 corresponding to the resource%s' and Clic$ !ssign Rights
Button ,It will assign the chec$ed Resources to the specific role,
Model ist TOP
This section allows the !uthori+ed User to display list of models a&aila*le for a Base
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ "elect a Base Model 7ame from the dropdown *o2 named 4Base Model 7ame4, !
report will *e generated displaying the list of models a&aila*le along with their
characteristics for the selected Base Model,
"tep 3/ "electing 4!ll4 from the dropdown *o2 named 4Base Model4 will display all the
models presently a&aila*le,
Team ist TOP
This section allows the !uthori+ed User to display list of teams of a selected *ranch,
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ "elect a Branch name from the dropdown *o2 named 4Branch 7ame4,
"tep 3/ "elect a Team Type from the dropdown *o2 named 4Team Type4, ! report will *e
generated displaying the list of teams in the selected *ranch according to the team type,
"tep 5/ "electing 4!ll4 from the dropdown *o2 named 4Team Type4 will display all the
teams in the selected *ranch,
Target ist TOP
This section allows the !uthori+ed User to display Target Details of an employee,
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ "elect a Branch name from the dropdown *o2 named 4Branch 7ame4,
"tep 3/ "elect a @ear from the dropdown *o2 named 4@ear4,
"tep 5/ "elect an employee name from the dropdown *o2 named 4Employee 7ame4, !
report will *e generated displaying the target list of the selected employee for the year
selected a*o&e,
Branch ist TOP
This section allows the !uthori+ed User to display list of *ranches of an organi+ation,
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ "elect an organi+ation from dropdown *o2 named 4Organi+ation 7ame4 This will
generate the list of *ranches for the selected organisation,
Employee ist TOP
This section allows the !uthori+ed User to display employee list of a *ranch,
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ "elect a *ranch from the dropdown *o2 named 4Branch 7ame4, This will generate
the list of employees for the selected *ranch ,!cti&e status means the employee is
currently wor$ing,
Prospect ist TOP
This form is used to add a new contact person with a supplier,
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./ #ill the details for contact person and clic$ F!dd Contact PersonF to add a new
contact person with a supplier,
Competitor TOP
"teps to #ollow
"tep ./
"tep 3/
"tep 5/
"tep ;/
"tep </

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