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Interview Responses

1. Describe how your education, skills and experience make you the best
candidate for this position. This is the job opening that you have made
your cover letter and resume for, therefore be sure to relate your
qualifications specifically to this job.

I have found, from my multiple intelligence results, that I have strong interpersonal and
logical skills. Through this job, I will be able to utilize these skills by communicating with
customers to help them with any concerns they have for the customer service team.

2. What did you learn about yourself throughout the Careers course? Did
you find this experience useful/helpful? Why? Provide specific examples.

I have learned many things about myself throughout the careers course, such as my
true color, my multiple intelligences, and my employability skills. I now realize that
knowing these things, are very useful to help me determine my long term goals. For
example, my dream job was to become a pharmacist, and with my true colours
assignment, I was reassured, that I am suitable for the job.

3. What is your greatest strength (employability skill or character
attribute)? Prove that you currently possess this skill/attribute with
specific examples from your life. How will this strength contribute to your
success in life (academic, career, family life, general happiness)? Fully
explain your answer with specific examples (relate it to some of your
specific life goals).

One of my greatest strengths is organization. Also, I keep my school related notes neat,
and in place. My true color gold says, that one of my skills is organization. This attribute
will help me in the future by making sure I can complete work on time.

4. What personal weakness (employability skill or character attribute) has
caused you the greatest difficulty in school, on the job and/or in your
personal life? How do you know that this is your greatest weakness?
What is your action plan to improve it? How will improving this weakness
help you to be successful now and in the future (school, job, family life,
general happiness, etc.)?

One of my weaknesses is that, I am a perfectionist. This has caused minor problems
because, sometimes in school, I seem to need a little more time for the assignment or
project, to complete it to the best of my ability. I will try to improve my weakness by
managing my time, so that in the future I can be more punctual.

5. What has been your most rewarding accomplishment? Why? What did
you learn from this experience? How does this accomplishment
demonstrate that you would be an excellent candidate for a post-
secondary program and/or job?

One of my greatest accomplishments was taking part in the Waterloo math contest this
year. It was an accomplishment because I overcame my fear, and studied with great
determination. This accomplishment demonstrates that, my fears will not stop me from
achieving my goals, and completing difficult tasks.

6. Can you describe some of your short-term goals and objectives? A
long-term goal? (Hint: these must be SMART goals). Why is setting
goals important to your success in life (school, job, family life, general
happiness, etc.)?

One short term goal that I intend on achieving is to learn the French language in the
next two years, so I will be able to travel to Europe. A long term goal that I have set is
to, be involved at a workplace where I can contribute my ideas, and take on some
responsibility. For me, setting goals is important because, you will have the motivation
to accomplish them, and create new goals.

7. How would you describe yourself in terms of your ability to work as a
member of a team? Provide specific examples to prove your answer.

I believe I would be a great team member because I am cooperative, and I am
respectful of others ideas, and opinions. For example, in group projects, I would have
an idea, but so would another member, so I would try to incorporate both of our ideas,
to make sure we are both contributing.

8. Tell me about a major problem you recently handled. Were you
successful at resolving it? What did you learn from the situation?

I recently had a group project, and one of the team members did not fulfil their
responsibilities, but I resolved the issue by dividing that part with another group
member, and we completed the project just on time. From this experience, I learned that
having a back-up plan is very beneficial.

9. Would you say that you can easily deal with high-pressure situations?
Provide specific examples to prove your answer.

Yes, I believe I can deal with high pressure situations; this is because I stay calm, and I
am able to demonstrate my leadership skills. For example, when in pressure I am able
to tell group members of what needs to be done, so that we can do our best.
10. What is your dream job (i.e., what do you want to do when youre
older?). Briefly describe the main roles/responsibilities of your dream
job. What influenced you to choose this occupation (i.e., why do you
want this job?)? How will you get there (be specific)? Do you have the
characteristics/skills necessary to be successful in this occupation
(connect your skills/characteristics to specific aspects of the
training/education needed to get the job and the job itself)?

My dream job would be a pharmacist. Pharmacists fulfil the health care needs of their
patients. I was influenced, from a personal incident, when I went to receive my own
medicine. I will get to my dream job by showing I have the skills needed to be a part of
the medical field. Yes, I believe I have the characteristics needed to become a
pharmacist, because I am organized, and patient

11. What are your post-secondary plans? What influenced you to choose
this pathway (i.e., why do you want to pursue this pathway?)? How will
you get there (be specific)? Do you have the characteristics/skills
necessary to be successful in this pathway (connect your
skills/characteristics to specific aspects of the training/education
needed and the occupation you are preparing for)?

My post-secondary plans are to improve my test writing, and study skills. Also, I would
like to continue with extra-curricular activities, and be involved with the school. I will get
to this plan by working hard, and setting smart goals along the way.

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