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Mrs. Nichols Rm. 131

Welcome to health. I am looking forward to working with you during this 9-
weeks. We will e co!ering lots of interesting to"ics and com"lete acti!ities
during class to make learning more fascinating and en#oyale. $ome of the
units that we will e co!ering include%
Nutrition, Fitness & Making Healthy Choices
Human Growth & Development
Alcohol, Toacco, & !ther Drugs "DA#$%
Disease &revention & Control
First Ai' an' (a)ety
Entering the Classroom:
1& 'e in class on time and ready to learn.
(& No food and drinks allowed in class.
3& )ositi!e attitude
*& +ocate inder
,& 'e seated at the start of class
End of Class:
1& -ime will e allotted to "ut materials away
(& -eacher will dismiss students. not the ell
Participation in Class Discussions:
1& /ne "erson s"eaks at a time.
(& Res"ect gi!en to those who share
3& 0onfidentiality
When you are absent:
1& 1a!e a homework uddy fill you in on the material that was
2) $ee teacher with any 2uestions
Working Cooperatively:
1& 3rou" assignments% $"eaker. Writer. -ask Master. +eader. and
(& /n-task eha!ior re2uired
Hall Passes:
1& Issued only in case of an emergency 45se "lanner&
(& 1andle usiness etween classes
Required aterials:
1& 1-(inch white inder for all health "a"ers
(& 6 noteook di!iders
3& loose leaf "a"er
*& "encil or "en
,& $tudent )lanner
1& Will e graded after each unit
(& 1a!e in class with you each day.
3& 7ee" material in order as you recei!e it.
"nnouncements :
1& $to" what you are doing and listen
#ire$%ornado Drill:
1& $hut windows
(& -urn off lights
3& +ast "erson to lea!e shuts door
*& 8ollow uilding guidelines
,& $tay together
6& Return ack to classroom together
&isitor in the Classroom:
1& 'e hel"ful and "olite
Progress Reports:
1& )lease discuss with the teacher any "rolems or concerns that you
(& -he teacher will hel" you e successful
Consequences for !reaking any of the follo'ing rules:
1 9emerit : 1
roken rule or 1 time tardy
9etention : 3 times tardy;demerits 4at the teacher<s discretion&
0all 1ome;I$$ : , demerits 4at the teacher<s discretion&
)rinci"al ;I$$ : = 9emerits 4at the teacher<s discretion&
>>No 9emerits after 3 weeks : , "oints e?tra credit>>
(rading Policy
1@@-9@ : AB C9-C@ : 'B =9-=@ : 0B 69-6@ : 9B 'elow 6@ : 8
)oints will !ary from homework. 2uiDDes. tests.
"resentations. "ro#ects. and in class assignments.
)mportant Points to *ucceed
1& +imited numer of o""ortunities for e?tra credit will e offered.
take ad!antage of each one.
(& Assignments are due on the assigned due dates. Work 'ill not e
acce"ted after the due date.
3& 7ee" your inders neat and tidy for inder checks and to use to find
hel"ful information.
*& Work cannot e made u" for une?cused asences.
,& 'ring your student "lanner with you to class daily.
6& Ask 2uestions if you are not sure aout something.
=& Res"ect others learning around you
C& 1a!e fun

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