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The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience our heritage.

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For Immediate Release CONTACT:
National Park Service
Jodi rench!"urr
Find a Tweet at New River
Join us for a ranger-guided program in the National Park!
Glen Jean !est "ir#inia J$ne %% &'%( * +o you like t,eets- .any en/oy bird ,atching0 an
opportunity to see local birds t,eeting it up !!! singing their songs. See ,hich of these feathered beauties
you can catch a glimpse of on a bird ,alk in the park. 1anger!guided ,alks in Ne, 1iver 2orge National
1iver and "luestone National Scenic 1iver provide a fun ,ay to get outdoors and learn more about the
natural ,orld that surround us and the people ,ho shaped our past. All programs are 133. 4ear
comfortable ,alking shoes for either of these guided ,alks. 4ater0 snacks0 camera and binoculars are
other useful tools to bring along. "elo, is a list of this ,eekend5s featured ranger programs6
)at$rda* J$ne %( &'%(:
2rand "irding
76$$ am 8 )$6#$ am. .eet at the 2randvie, 9isitor :enter. ).$ mile ,alk. Stroll through the park looking
and listening for birds of the Ne, 1iver 2orge. "ring binoculars and a favorite field guide or some ,ill be
"luestone 4alk
)$6$$ am ! ))6#$ am. .eet at the base of Pipestem 1esort State Park tram,ay. ( mile ,alk. 4alk ,ithin
"luestone National Scenic 1iver for a mile and return. Along the ,ay0 en/oy the flora and fauna of the
area and discover regional history. "ring ;(.$$ for the return tram ride.
or more information about area National Park Service sites visit http6<<,,,<neri0 check out the
park acebook page at http6<<,,,<ne,rivergorgenps0 or stop by any Ne, 1iver 2orge
National 1iver visitor center.

A+o$t t,e National Par- )ervi.e
The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may
experience our heritage. or more information about the National Park Service0 visit http6<<,,,
P=>T> caption6 Tree s,allo, at the river. Photo by Jodi rench!"urr

New River Gorge
National River
P. O. Box 246
104 Main Street
Glen Jean, WV 2!46
"04#46#00! $%one
"04#46#0&1 'ax
National Par- )ervi.e
U/)/ 0e1artment o2 t,e Interior

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