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DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis)

DKA is an complication of diabetes which occurs when the

body produces high levels of keytones.
Excessive thirst
Uses the restroom frequently
Abdominal Pain

How This Contributes to Annas
Went for a walk with her dog on a hot day
Didnt take care of her diet and exercise well
Didnt take care of her diabetes
Didnt use insulin all the times when needed
High stress
High alcohol intake
High cholesterol
Risk Factors
Type 1 Diabetes
Sickle Cell Anemia
Heart Disease
Bacterial Infection Urinary Tract Infection
How To Prevent
Check for keytones
Check blood sugar
Eat a clean diet
Visit the doctor when symptoms are unusual
Eat well & drink more sugar-free drinks
Use insulin properly & take medications when supposed to
Daily exercise
Annas Timeline
Age: 14 months
Given Tylenol to relieve
Extremely lethargic
Breathing problems
Lots of pain
Tender to touch
Heart rate is above normal range/rapid
High urine output
Diagnosed with Sickle Cell
Age 10:
Went to the hospital due to abdominal pain
Hard to breathe
Was in the emergency room for four hours
Put on pain medications made her sleepy
Age 14:
Inability to complete normal activities without needing
Feels thirsty
Frequent bathroom runs
Lost 10 pounds since last visit
No change in diet or physical activity
Family history of high cholesterol and heart disease
Everything seems normal
Age 17:
Has had hydroxyurea for two months
Helps her live longer
Helps control pain crisis
Makes her sick & tired
Hair falls out
Has birth control
Has bone problems in her hips

Age 22:
Avascular necrosis in her hip got worse
Round ball part is jagged and rough
Put on daily arthritis medications
Used a crutch to take pain off hip
Chronic pain
Went to college, but walked with a limp from classes
Decides to get a hip replacement
Has type 1 diabetes, tries to maintain diet and exercise,
stressed, diet isnt controlled, gets a urinary tract infection
Age 31:
Been off hydroxyurea for a few years

Age 37:
Self-resolved chest pain
Eats a diet high in calories and fat
Consumes three glasses of wine every day after work
Hasnt kept up with formalized exercise
Takes daily aspirin and does yoga at home
Cholesterol is too high
LDL = way too high
HDL = too low
Age 38:
Pain in legs was severe when she was in the hospital
Required a urinary catheter to empty bladder
Persistent urge to urinate
Very small amount of urine every time
Cloudy and slight shade of pink
August 11, 2012
Has eaten a proper diet
Limited her fat intake
Breakfast: Egg whites, turkey bacon
Lunch: Turkey sandwich, 12 oz. Sprite, fat free tortilla chips with
Dinner: Salmon filet, brown rice, steamed broccoli
Desert: Sugar free lemon gelatin
August 12, 2012
Had a proper diet in the morning, then consumed a lot of
Breakfast: Cheerios, blueberries, skim milk
Lunch: Yogurt, crackers, soup, 1 can cola
Dinner: Pepperoni pizza, tossed salad with lots of dressing
Snack: Potato chips
Dessert: Ice cream with marshmallows and oreos
August 13, 2012
Diary was incomplete, only recorded breakfast
Whole milk and a biscuit
Anna died approximately around 7 AM on August 13
2012 = hot summer day due to DKA.
Conclusion Questions:
1. First half of the slideshow
2. Endocrine System: Pancreas failed to make and release insulin in her body.
Circulatory System: Sickle cell disease led to problems occurring with blood flow and circulation
3. Having extreme thirst, eating an unbalanced and unhealthy diet, abdominal pain, nausea, shortness of breath,
and confusion
4. Insulin therapy make sure pancreas is making and releasing insulin properly until insulin levels are back to
Electrolyte replacement low insulin levels can lower electrolyte levels so this treatment could help increase
electrolyte levels to make sure the heart, muscles, and nerves working properly.
Tests to be done: Blood tests, electrolyte tests, glucose and insulin tests, chest x-rays
5. Dietician: I enjoyed the aspects of a how a dietician helps with planning meals and making sure peoples diets
are healthy and balanced.
Crime Scene Investigator: I enjoyed being able to take pictures of the scene, noticing small details from the
scene, and being able to come up with some possible scenarios that couldve led to someones death.

My lab book
My autopsy reports, medical history reports, and notes

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