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HP Coaching 12 June 2014

How to Recruit....?

I was at a networking event this week and the topic of how
best to recruit sta! came up. It certainly produced some
polarised views. They varied from; recruitment agencies are
rubbish, to they are the best way to nd sta!. Some felt that is
was important to have three interviews and also include a
degree of psychometrics in the assessment process, again
there were some strong rebuttals, "well that's a waste of
f@@@ing time....".
So it was plain to see that there is no simple or correct
answer. Plus it is quite an emotive topic. For me a few
interesting thoughts came out.
Get the candidate interviewed by those
that wil l be their peers, superiors and
subordinates. And accepting all their views
If you o!er problem solving questions in
the interview, make sure your own sta! can
also solve them.
1 HP Coaching
Anxiety vs Stress
Stress is good, 'oh no it's not' "
oh yes it is".....
Every biological system works
on the principle of response
and adaptation to stress. For
improvement and success we
need to look for stress and find
ways to adapt. In fact a state of
stress improves your brain
function, and adapting to it
increases confidence and
Anxiety on the other hand is
corrosive. The physiological
state destroys brain cells and
accelerates you destiny with
Alzheimer's and Dementia.
Not to mention Diabetes and
When your mind set is wrong;
or the stress is long lived and
relentless, then the transition
into anxiety is imminent.
Sometimes nothing can be
done about the situation we
are in (eg. the recession). So
individuals need to take
control of their personal
situation and temper the
physiological effects of stress.
So attending to rest, exercise,
nutrition, as well as asking for
help when under the pump,
make it easier to cope.
What is it? | Do you measure it?
HP Coaching 12 June 2014
Once you employ them, if you get a feeling
that they were the wrong choice, make the
decision to replace them quickly.
Do not 'exaggerate' how good a company
you are, they will only be disappointed
when they start working for you.

For me it seems a relatively easy task to nd out if the person
you are looking to employ has the technical skills to full the
job you are advertising. More di#cult is their 't' within your
For me most of the problems that arise within the workplace
are due to peoples weaknesses and others intolerance of them.
Sol vi ng t hos e pr obl ems t ake up a l ar ge amount of
management time. Nobody is perfect! Surel y the most
important thing to do, is to nd out what your candidates
weaknesses are and to see if you are prepared to tolerate those
weaknesses. Then also to make sure that your team has the
skill set to cover these areas.
Circles of trust
If you have the right people, give them a real sense of what
your organisations true values are, the 'why' you do business.
Then let them enthuse the others to get the tasks done; that
way everybody will pitch in when their skills set as it is
A horizontal structure of management made up of circles of
trust and enthusiasm around particular key tasks, that will
drive performance in your work place.
Getting the right people is tough, but surely better to invest
the tedious e!ort into getting the right person and settling
them into the job, rather than spending that e!ort getting rid
of them in the time honoured process of warnings.

'You only get the behaviour
you tolerate'
2 HP Coaching
Performance Health
Exercise will improve your
performance at work, and you do
not need to train like a MAMIL in
order to achieve that.
You can change the physical
structure of your brain by
learning new skills
Brain protein BDNF, produced
by exercise, acts like an anti-
10 minutes of exercise can
blunt alcoholic cravings
Exercise combats the corrosive
effects of cortisol
Interval training increases your
ability to learn a vocabulary list
by 20%
Event short bursts of moderate
exercise (15-20 minutes) can
have very positive effects on your
brain function. Improving
memory, problem solving and
decision making. Whilst
stimulating your immune system,
reducing stress, and increasing
your energy levels.
You do not need to do hours of
work. In fact
some weight
lifting might
me more

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