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An Unexpected Goodbye

It was a normal Saturday morning, but when I woke up

something didn't feel right. Nobody in my house was awake except for me.
I didn't hear my Dad snoring so I guessed he just went out. I was bored and
it was early so I decided to go feed my dog. hen I went to feed him he
wasn't there. !t first I just thought that my Dad had taken him on a walk,
but they didn't come back for a long time.
"ater my #om and brother woke up so we had breakfast. !fter
awhile my Dad came home without my dog. $hen I started getting worried.
I asked him where he was and my parents looked at each other worriedly.
$hen they told me where my dog was. #y dog was at the shelter. $he most
terrifiying place I could e%er imagine lea%ing my dog alone at. $hen I
couldn't help it, I burst out crying. I usually don't cry, but I just couldn't
stop. #y dog, &eijing, was e%erything to me, he was my best friend. I was
!fter breakfast my parents took me to the shelter to see &eijing.
hen we went in, the people who worked there wouldn't let me see &eijing,
because they said he had anger problems at the moment. So, I ne%er got to
see him again. ! couple days later I went to try to see him again but he was
gone. I had no idea what happened to him whether he was put to sleep or if
he found a new family. #y best wish would be that he found a new family.
!fter the incident, I swore to myself that I would ne%er cry
again, because when I was little whene%er I cried it would make &eijing sad,
too. #y parents said that we had to gi%e him away, because we couldnt take
care of him and that he would be happier with another family. I used to
always think that it would be impossible for him to be happier without me,
because I knew that I would ne%er be happy without him. So, just to be sure
if he stayed happy or not, I swore to ne%er cry again so &eijing wouldn't cry

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