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Lisa Bart Margee

Grammar role-play dialog with the simple present tense.


Subject: Lets go to the Schoool
Marge: Good morning Lisa.
Lisa: Hi Mom.
Marge: Good morning Bart, too. Its time to get u.
Bart: Its too early Mom. !hat time is it"
Marge: #ome on $ids!, its %i&e ocloc$. School bus came here about %ourteen
minutes ast to si'.
Bart: (hm. Im tired. I )ent to bed ele&en thirty last night.
Marge: Sure, I told you yesterday but you are not listening to me.
Lisa: I am in bathroom no), sea$ )ith Bart.
Bart: *ot roblem Mom, I am loo$ing to my clothes right no).
Marge: +ery good. Brea$%ast is on the table.
Bart: ,inally a good ne). I am hungry.
Lisa: Bart, you-re al)ays hungry.
Bart: Its not true. Im not hungry at midnigth.
Lisa: .% course. /oure sleeing at that time, silly!
Bart: My oor little sister. 0re you sic$"
Marge: Its enough. !ash the dishes, Lisa. 0nd Bart 1
Bart: Mommy I am good boy. I am not %ighting )ith Lisa.

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