The Problem and Its Setting

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Chapter I


Wastes are around us, lying around which makes the environment dirty
and polluted. Waste is directly linked to human development, both technologically
and socially. The compositions of different wastes have varied over time and
location, with industrial development and innovation being directly linked to waste
materials. It can attract rodents and insects which cause gastrointestinal
parasites, yellow fever, worms, the plague and other conditions for humans.
Exposure to hazardous wastes, particularly when they are burned, can cause
various other diseases including cancers. Waste can contaminate surface water,
groundwater, soil, and air which cause more problems from humans, other
species and ecosystems.
The latter sets man at its forefront of taking time, energy, labor, and
money to make new products out of wastes or from recycled ones to reduce the
amount of waste disposal so as to reduce risks. ight now it!s often easier or
cheaper for manufacturers to use fresh rather than recycled materials to make
things. "or recycling to be worthwhile, manufacturers need the technology to
make new products from recycled materials, high #uality recovered materials that
meet manufacturers! specifications, a steady supply of recovered materials,
affordable materials, and customers to buy products that contain recycled
materials. $eparating glass %ars, aluminum cans, and newspapers and setting
them by the curb or taking them to a recycling center is only part of the recycling
process. To complete the recycling loop, those cans, papers, and bottles must be
remade into new products. The best method of reducing waste disposals
negative effect on society is simply to prevent its generation. If the consumers
were to make a firm stand against the production of useless waste and the
furtherance of recycled products, the lesser the wastes produced.
. crab is any of various predominantly marine crustaceans of the division
/rachyura within the order 0ecapoda, characterized by a broad flattened
cephalothorax covered by a hard carapace with a small abdomen concealed
beneath it, short antennae, and five pairs of legs, of which the anterior pair are
large and pincer like.
1hitosan is used primarily as a natural seed treatment and plant growth
enhancer, and as an ecologically friendly biopesticide substance that boosts the
innate ability of plants to defend themselves against fungal infections. It
increases photosynthesis, promotes and enhances plant growth, stimulates
nutrient uptake, increases germination and sprouting, and boost plant vigor.
When used as seed treatment or seed coating on cotton, corn, seed potatoes,
soybean, sugar beet, tomato, wheat and many other seeds it elicits an innate
immunity response in developing roots which destroy parasitic cyst nematodes
without harming beneficial nematodes and organisms. 1hitosan is a uni#ue and
useful compound that has been shown to have a broad range of applications in
areas ranging from waste water treatment to biomedical applications. $ome food
technology applications include use of chitosan for cryoprotectants, viscosifiers,
thickening and gelling agents, fruit coatings and preservatives as well as protein
binders in recovery processes.
Environmental waste management and pollution control are taking place
to make more use of those wastes as another product. The easily ripening of the
fruits which leads to waste because some people don6t like eating ripe fruits or
crops and the waste from eating crabs call for waste management.
This study was aimed to help the environment to get rid of wastes such as
crab exoskeleton. It also helped the merchants or farmers to prolong the life
cycle of their crops to avoid spoilage. .nother purpose of the study was to
improve the agricultural and economical status. The crab6s exoskeleton provided
means to preserve 7atundan. It provided data and information for making in
#uantity assurance key result areas which are in relation with the community and
management of resources and developing new knowledge about modernizing
agriculture and fisheries.
Statement of the Pro!em
The study used powdered crab exoskeleton in the preservation of
7atundan. $pecifically it sought to answer the following #uestions'
3. What is the effect of powdered crab exoskeleton as coating for preserving
7atundan in terms of'
a. number of days9
b. number of bananas in a bundle9
*. Is there a significant difference in the preservation of 7atundan with or without
powdered crab9
8. Is there a significant difference between powdered crab exoskeleton and
locally used method in which 7atundan is preserved in terms of'
a. number of days9
b. number of bananas in a bundle9
The study made use of the following research hypotheses'
3. It is not effective to use powdered crab exoskeleton as coating for preserving
*. There is no significant difference in the preservation of 7atundan with or
without powdered crab exoskeleton.
8. There is no significant difference between powdered crab exoskeleton and
locally used method in which 7atundan is preserved in terms of number of days
and number of banana in a bundle.
Scope and Limitation
The proposed study used three treatments for the comparison with each
other. The proposed study had the comparison group designs in which there
were three treatments to be applied on a certain amount of per bundle of
7atundan. Each treatment consisted of ,, 32 and 3, 7atundan in a bundle for
each treatment. To put it simple each treatment had 82 7atundan overall and
from the whole experiment it made use of a total number of 52 7atundan. The
researchers used 32 g of powdered crab exoskeleton to apply to treatment to for
three bundles of 7atundan to determine that if the chitosan will be more effective
with few or more 7atundan in a bundle. The number of days that the study was
conducted is only for one week preservation for 7atundan.
Si$nificance of the Stud"
The use of powdered crab exoskeleton provides management of
resources and improvement of agriculture. The proposed study could be of
significance to'
%ruit &endor#' This study could benefit the fruit vendors in terms of
preserving their crop longer and also their income will increase. There wastes in
the rotting 7atundan could also be reduced.
A$ricu!turi#t#' This study could give the agriculturists information and a
way for their crops to delay ripening. It will also help them in their livelihood and
make them use the proposed study to further improve ways in agriculture. The
proposed study will be a basis for the agriculturists to further expand the study.
Communit"' This study could be significant to the community by it will
help them to reduce the waste of crab and use it more as a source of 1hitosan to
apply to their fruits to delay ripening. It will also motivate them to try other
resources to make something useful out of them.
Student#' This study could give students knowledge about the current
situation of the environment and inspire them to do about it. This study exposes
the students to a new type of interest different from the usual interest that
students have. It will also motivate students to think critically and scientifically.
%uture Re#earcher#' This study may be used as a basis for research in
similar undertakings to improve and achieve a much more successful result.

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